Greetings and salutations. Well, here I am again. First thing, wow. I honestly didn't expect to get that many reviews asking for more Slayer's Knight. Thanks to everyone who reviewed, if I haven't answered yet I will soon. I own nothing.
This is one of the craziest crossovers I have ever created to date. Buffy/Digimon/Pokemon. Basically, at the end of The Gift, Dawn jumps through the portal instead of Buffy and is transported to the Pokemon world, taking her Digimon partner with her. Digimon partner? Keep reading, you'll see.
One more thing. I'd like to thank Patrick O'Shea for his help with this. If it wasn't for his patience in being bombarded with questions, this would never have been written. Thanks, mate.
One month ago.
"Hyper jet activate!" The boy said, putting a card down on the table. His friend grinned.
"Is that it? Well I'll just warp digivolve to MetalGarurumon. How do you like that?"
"Not bad, except for this." The first boy lapped another card on the table. "Downgrade. Back to rookie you go." His friend slapped himself on the forehead.
"Ah, man. I didn't even know you had that card."
"Please tell me you don't actually play that game?" The girl asked walking over to them. "That is so immature."
"Says you." The first boy said.
"Yeah, what do you know about it, Summers?" Dawn Summers grinned.
"It's just a way for guys who can't fight to score points with their equally pathetic friends." She said with a grin as she walked off. In truth, her life would be a lot easier if she was one of the Digidestined of the TV show. At least she wouldn't have to worry about an insane Hell Bitch trying to use her to open a gateway home.
She continued on, not noticing the creature following her.
She kept to the shadows, out of sight. It wouldn't do to let those boys recognize her from their cards. Not until she knew why she was so attracted to that girl. The Digimon followed quickly. Until she understood, she wasn't letting the girl out of her sight.
That night.
Dawn ran through the streets. Buffy was going to kill her for being this late, especially with Glory getting closer to finding out the truth. She was so focused on getting home she didn't see the guy walk out in front of her. She ran into him, falling to the ground.
"Well, well, what do we have here?" He said. "What's a young girl like you doing out this late?"
"Actually, I'm heading home." She said hurriedly. She had a bad felling about this. "If I can just get past…" The stranger grabbed her by the arm.
"You can't leave yet." He said, his face morphing to show his true form. "I was hoping you would stay for dinner." The vampire grinned, pulling her close. "I might even turn you. Pretty thing like you, just draining you would be a waste." He was about to dig his fangs in when a furry white foot knocked him away from her. Dawn fell to the ground once more.
"Stay away from her, creature." A female voice said. Dawn looked up to see a fox-like creature, standing around five feet tall. Its hands were covered in what seemed to be some kind of purple padding. "I won't let you hurt her." The thing snarled.
"And you're going to stop me?" The vampire sneered. The fox thing answered by launching into the air, curling itself into a ball.
"DIAMOND STORM!" It yelled, flinging its arms wide. Small ice chunks formed in the air before it. It then threw its arms forward, sending the chunks streaking at the vampire. Dawn watched as the ice sliced through the demon, turning it to dust. The fox thing landed before her. "I thought those things were hard to beat." It muttered in disgust, before walking over to Dawn. "Are you alright?" It asked her, holding out a hand. Dawn took it cautiously.
"Uh, yeah. Thanks." She said as the thing helped her up. "What are you?"
"My name is Renamon." It said. "I am a Digimon."
West Shijuku, Japan.
Renamon's head jerked up suddenly. "What's up Renamon, you got something?" Her Tamer, Rika turned from what she was doing.
"Perhaps." The fox Digimon said. "A feeling. Something…familiar."
"No." Renamon said, shaking her head. "Something I have not felt since arriving here. Not close, but…"
"Well, what is it?" Rika said impatiently. Renamon looked over at her.
"My sister."
Sunnydale, USA. The Magic Box.
"And so I brought her here." Dawn finished recounting the tale. Renamon stood behind her. "I kinda owed her, and she was just going to follow me around anyway." Xander walked over to Renamon and leaned closer.
"Cool, an actual Digimon." Xander said. Buffy sat in her chair.
"Are you nuts?" She demanded. "How do we know this thing isn't spying for Glory?" Willow sat off to one side, Tara next to her.
"It's not magic, Buffy." She said. Tara nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, I don't feel anything." Tara said. "Besides, it…she…did save Dawn from that vampire." Giles walked over next to Xander.
"Back off, four eyes." Renamon said. "And you; I'm not a side show freak." Xander and Giles both jumped back.
"Sorry, sorry." Xander said, waving his arms in front of him. Anya watched from behind the counter as usual.
"Its not entirely impossible." She said. They all looked at her. "Alternate dimension, other worlds, they exist. There were plenty of wishes when I was a vengeance demon that entailed me having to use one of them, so an actual Digital World could exist." She shrugged. "Can we just figure this out so I can go home and…"
"In a minute, An." Xander said quickly. Buffy looked over at Giles. The ex-Watcher shrugged.
"It's possible I suppose, but why would they break through?" Renamon shrugged.
"I just felt I was needed." She said.
"And Dawns the one that needs you?" Buffy said suspiciously. Renamon nodded. "Well this is all well and good, but…" Renamon's head shot up suddenly. "What?" Renamon moved to the door quickly.
"Renamon, wait up." Dawn moved after her new friend.
"Dawn!" Buffy followed them outside. Xander ands the others watched as the door closed.
"What was that about?" He asked.
"Renamon. Would you wait a sec?" Dawn chased after the Digimon. "Slow down, we don't all move like a F1 race car, you know?" Renamon continued moving, unheeding of the near breathless Dawn. Where is she going, Dawn thought. She continued to follow as Renamon entered a fog bank. "What's that? Since when do we get fog in Sunnydale?" She ran in, then noticed the fog had a strange pink tinge to it. "Ok, this is new and Hellmouthy." She looked ahead and saw Renamon battling against a rather ugly looking creature. "Is that…a Digimon?" The creature was, well, a giant cockroach. And the way Renamon was staring at it, an unwelcome guest.
"FLYING ATTACK!" The thing yelled, streaking towards her. Renamon crouched down, then launched into the air. She came down on top of the thing, hard, then leaped away, landing on a tree branch. The cockroach thing turned. "DREAM DUST!" The thing flapped its wings, a strange dust floating of it, straight towards Dawn.
"Dawn!" Renamon launched towards her, ramming her out of the way, landing out range. She got back to her feet. "Play times over. DIAMOND STORM!" She launched into the air, once again releasing her spray of ice. The ice impacted with the cockroach, and the thing disintegrated into a cloud of color that Renamon stepped into. She floated up a few inches and her back arched. The look on her face was a mixture of transcendent pain and more ecstasy as the floating swirl was absorbed into her body. She fell to her knees.
"Are you all right?" Dawn said, running over to her. As she got there, she noticed the pink fog had faded. "What was that?"
"Roachmon." Renamon stated. "A rather disgusting breed of bug Digimon." She snorted. "Not that there's any other kind." Dawn chuckled.
"So you do have a sense of humor." She said, then noticed something on the ground. "What's this thing?" She picked the thing up. It was silver, with gold buttons and edging around the screen. "Weird. Cool, but weird." She turned it in her hand. There was a hoop for a belt or something. One side had a slot, like for a card or something. "What is this thing?"
"I'm not sure." Renamon said. "But I think it's important."
"Dawn." Buffy ran up to them. "Are you alright? What's going on?"
"Buffy you missed it, it was so cool." Dawn said excitedly. "There was this pink fog and this Digimon, and Renamon creamed it, and then we found this." She the strange item up to her sister. Buffy looked at it.
"Neat. What is it?" Buffy asked. Dawn shrugged. "Whatever, we better get back. We left the others without an explanation."
"Oops." Dawn said as they stood. She walked after her sister, Renamon following close behind.
"Hey guys." Xander said as they came in. "Where was the…" He looked down at the strange device now hanging from Dawn's belt. "What's that?"
"What, this?" She said. "Not sure."
"Can I have look?" Xander asked. Dawn shrugged and handed it to him. "Let me see. Not like anything I've seen before but…I think…"
"Xander, drop the cryptic." Buffy said.
"Yes, if you know what it is, then tell us." Giles said. Prophecies, the ex-Watcher could handle. But Digital Monsters popping out of nowhere, strange devices that did the same, he was lost.
"I think it's a digivice." Xander said. "I think Dawny's some kind of digidestined. Like in the TV show." They all looked at Dawn and Renamon. Dawn looked at the thing in Xander's hand.
"Guess I should start paying more attention to it then, huh?" She said lamely.
Well, that's that. Review if you like it. If it gets enough, I'll continue it.