Author Note: So I've been working on this story since the New Year began. And this time I decided to finish writing the entire story line before starting to post chapter at a time. That way I wouldn't lose motivation and stop writing for months at a time like I did with 'True Alphas' and 'Wings for a Change'. This story also mixes over with multiple fandoms. That's why I didn't bother to make this a crossover story. Because it wouldn't be fair to the other fandoms that wouldn't be named.
Enjoy my new story!
Chapter 1
Time Period: 492 B.C. in Athens, Greece
I've always wanted a son that lived longer than ten years, before being hunted down by the gods. After consulting my father, Chaos, we decided that the reason why all of my other children died young, was because of Erebus and me conceiving. Thus making the new one a newborn primordial. And the power can be sensed by the gods, easily leading to an early death for the newborn. So both Erebus and I decided that we would try with a mortal and myself, making the baby on the same level as a demigod. Then when he turned 18, his power increases to the same level of power as my children, Thanatos and Nemesis.
We found a young politician and warrior by the name of Themistocles. He had no family because of an invasion by some Mongols had killed them while he was away at training. I had to remind myself a couple times that it was for my son. He would survive after his eighteenth birthday I was sure of. Even if I had to keep him home until his became a primordial.
Erebus and I ended up having a healthy baby boy with black hair and milky white eyes with no pupils. Both of us were confused as to how this had happened. The Lady Fates explained it to us in a shocking message. "Your son will bring peace and equality to all gods, so he had to have a weakness that evens out his strengths."
When I confronted my daughter Nemesis about this, she could not help us. As the Goddess of Balance, she confirmed that his good luck and bad luck are even with the disability in place. This further cemented my fears for my son being hunted down by the gods at an early age. We decided that we would train our boy until he was ready for any situation. We would keep him home until he knew how to take care of himself independently.
We finally decided on a name. Our boy will be named Perseus Evan Miles.
13 years later (479 B.C.)
Our boy was a warrior. Even better than Leonidas, the original Perseus or Achilles could match him at swords or knives. Perseus had proved that he would be fine in the world at just twelve years old. We had sent him into Greece during the Second Persian Invasion. He was unknown to the Greek mortals, but it didn't sway him from his job.
As my son, he naturally had instant control of shadows and became an assassin for me. His favorite weapon was a set of thin but strong and sturdy blades that shot out from his wrists if he had a motion outwards. He wore an all-black outfit. Shirts, shorts, and a hood was all he wore during his missions. They were blessed by both myself and my husband, completely cloaking him in darkness. To the point where only a Primordial that had control over shadows or darkness could sense a presence around them. No one else could tell that there was anyone near them. Not even Zeus or his siblings, children or fellow gods.
Finally my boy was safe.
Perseus POV
My jobs were simple, get in with no one knowing, take out the hit and leave without alerting anyone. Yes, I was completely hidden with my clothes from mom and dad. But I wanted to get in and out without any help from them this time. It was no fun walking in front of targets when they couldn't detect you and killing them in front of anyone before taking out the witnesses.
Tonight, it was time to take out Xerxes. I was warned that he might be a Persian God, so I made sure to wear my armor in addition to my stealth outfit. But I would only suit up, if detected. I wanted to take him out without any help from my parents if possible.
Xerxes didn't have anyone guarding around his tent, which was strange. But I guess after his naval commander failed at taking out the Greek fleet, it makes sense. He doesn't want to have to rely on anyone else letting him down.
I entered the tent silently, strapped in my armor but wearing my shadow outfit. I made my way through the entrance and saw no one around patrolling. Only Xerxes was inside. He was sitting in a chair, thinking with his legs crossed and arms folded over each other, deep in thought.
I had sneaked up on him without raising any type of alarm before I got to his backside. His head cocked to the side, making me freeze instantly.
Suddenly, the tent flapped open revealing three Greek soldiers with weapons unsheathed and pointed at the supposed God. "We have your entire army surrounded and they have surrendered. Come with us and make no moves to escape and we will not kill you."
Xerxes laughed thunderously. "You think you can take me away. You are hopelessly outmatched. Nothing can stop me, not even your gods will be able t-" His rant was cut short as my hidden blade slid through the back of his throat, making my presence known to the soldiers. They raised their weapons towards me instantly. I'm sure that I looked strange to them. All dressed in black, with knives coming out of my wrists.
"Who are you?" One of them asked.
I sheathed the blade and slowly lowered my arms to show that I wanted to talk. "Take me to your general. I have much to discuss with him."
The leader of the three soldiers nodded and ushered me out of the tent and back to their base camp. I soon found myself face to face with the aura of Athena and Artemis. I knew instantly, that those two were leading the Greeks. It made sense as to how the Greeks dispatched the Persian army easily with little loses.
A voice brought me out of my thoughts. "I have never seen you before, yet you wear the armor of my men. Care to explain that?" Athena asked me raising an eye brow. I didn't answer her, drawing the attention of my black mask.
Artemis stopped closer to me. "Remove your mask so we can see your face."
"Do you really wish to see?" I asked in a low but guarded tone. "I was not graced by Aphrodite."
"Do you not know who we are?! We are virgin goddesses, you disgraceful boy!" Artemis raged at me leveling a knife at my throat.
I smiled beneath my mask before placing my hands on either side. Lifting it up over my face and down to my right hip, I looked at the both of them. And based by their intake of breaths, they were surprised at my facial features. "I was born without sight in both of my eyes." I interjected knowing what question they were both going to ask.
"And how old are you? Who is your godly parent?" Athena asked.
"What makes you think I have a godly parent, Lady Athena?" I asked even though they more than likely knew the answer.
"My sister asked you a question boy! You will answer it before I kill you out of irritation." Artemis yelled at me.
I smiled widely at her before looking back to the wisdom goddess. "I am 13 years old. And my godly parent is Thanatos." I replied.
Athena frowned at me as if she didn't believe me. "Thanatos, I need your assistance." She called to the space next to her.
A couple of seconds later, a man with the same facial features appeared next to me. He bowed before the Olympian Goddesses before turning to me. Now Thanatos and I had already met, and he had already agreed to vouch for me if needed. "I see you have found my son. But I'm not sure why you've called for me, Lady Artemis and Athena." Thanatos greeted them placing a hand on my shoulder in comfort.
"How were we not able to detect your son's presence when we entered the area? We could not tell he was here, until he revealed himself willing. The only people that have the ability to do that have faded, centuries ago. So how is your son capable of hiding from our sight?" Athena asked, curiously.
"You two are not as aware as you think. I walked right past you as you were on your way to the fountain at the entrance to the camp. I have been trained by the best in stealth in the Underworld until the age of 12. My father is the god of shadows and darkness. Naturally, I have control over the same domain as his son. It makes sense as to how I could traverse easily in the shadows through the Persian's camp. Xerxes didn't even know that I was in the tent when I killed him." I answered the question calmly and evenly.
"We must take him to Olympus for him to swear loyalty to us." Artemis instantly said to her sister after I was done explaining myself.
"No." I replied, making the both of them face me in confusion and anger.
"What do you mean by no, boy?" Artemis asked me glaringly.
"I'm not swearing loyalty to you. Simple as that. I follow the path my father has laid out for me and will do as he says. I will not become a puppet for you Olympians to use whenever you want. I will not act against Olympus but I will not swear loyalty to a bunch of power-hungry gods that give no respect to other gods or goddesses. When you all treat each other respectfully, then I will swear loyalty, but not before, only after." I answered her question before vanishing from their sight as if I was never there.
Athena POV
"As much as I hate to admit it, your boy is wise." I admitted.
Artemis turned to the god of death in a sneer. "Your son will be forever hunted by my Hunt for his disrespect to me and Olympus. He will not live to his eighteenth birthday...that, I will make sure of." She promised.
"And how about a little bet, Lady Artemis?" Thanatos suggested, catching us off guard.
"What kind of bet?" Artemis and I asked together.
"If you kill my son before his eighteenth, I will place myself in your servitude for 5 years as a slave before returning back to Hades' side as his lieutenant. But if my son evades his death for the next 5 years, you have to acknowledge all minor gods/goddesses as equals and treat them with respect. Especially the male ones." Thanatos offered the deal smirking to himself.
"Deal." Artemis agreed, shaking his hand. They both swore upon the River Styx to follow through with the bet conditions should either side lose. Artemis was blind with overconfidence as she thought that she could easily catch the boy. But I was weary of the wager made by Thanatos, should something happen to his son. Almost as if he knew she couldn't catch him. That set off alarms in my head at his confidence.
When Artemis flashed away I turned to Thanatos. "Why so large of a wager if I may ask Thanatos?"
He smiled. "Because I know my boy will live. I have no doubt about it Lady Athena." He said before shadow traveling away, leaving me by myself.
"And let the hunt begin." I murmured as thunder above me rang out.
I'll be updating this story with a new chapter every Monday.
Updated: 05/23/2018