Project: Far Harbor Chapter 1
AN1: So as some followers of mine may notice I've deleted my Ravenloft self-insert fanfic. The idea was nice, but I felt it was too silly. Perhaps as with other ideas I have had in the past then shelved it may come about again but in some other way.
AN2: In either case here is my sequel to Finding Peace & Glory! Project: Far Harbor is my very altered take on Far Harbor's story. While there will be some familiar themes, others will be dropped, or changed in some way. I will also be adding a forth 'faction' beyond the Acadia Synths, Far Harbor Islanders, and Children of Atom. There will also be some familiar faces from Nora's companions here and there, but mostly this will have newer faces, or re-imagined faces be the main focus. R&R please!
==Sanctuary Hills – The Commonwealth – March 2288==
It was the morning of March 1st of 2288. General of the Minutemen, Savior of the Commonwealth, Herald of Synths, Mother figure to all remaining Gen 3 Synths, and companion and lover to the only Gen 4 Synth Glory, was currently staring out over The Commonwealth to the west where the distant hills showed a rising dust cloud slowly over the past two days moving closer to their borders.
Lowering the long range scouting binoculars, she turned to the now Captain ranked Preston. "..What did the scout reports say?" she asked.
Lowering his own binoculars, he turned Nora's way. "..Seemed pretty innocent enough. Large merchant caravan made up of Brahaim pulled wagons or pulled pre-war cars and trucks. A few weapons but nothing serious beyond a light machine gun on the sole operating pre-war van. Understandable if they're traders going a long way for trading goods. Ever since you dealt with those raiders out west by Nuka World a lot of the trade routes have opened up.." he said.
"..Hmm, good to know all that blood shed wasn't for nothing. Still I had hoped I could have talked sense into the Raiders to be more….civil." Nora said.
"..You can't win them all over with words General.." Preston replied.
Faintly chuckling Nora raised the binoculars again to view the cloud as it rounded a far bend many miles out. "..Well alert outpost West-9 they probably will have some visitors by either late today or early tomorrow. Just in case have outposts West-8 and West-10 also go on alert and patrols along all other near borders go to a cautionary status. It's probably nothing but better safe then sorry as we've all found out.." she said.
"..Aye General. I'll get on the horn to make the orders happen. Anything else?" Preston asked.
"..How's Shaun's training been coming?" she inquired.
"..Pretty good! The boy sure knows his way around mechanical stuff, and he's got a keen eye, few more years and I wouldn't mind him signing up with the Minutemen…..errr if you're ok with that I mean!" He amended.
Smiling a bit as the two walked back for the small pre-war service truck where another two privates were waiting for them. "..We'll see." Nora simply said, then followed with, "..what about those other reports of problems with people having more issues with Gen 3's being around?"
Easing himself into the truck with Preston strapped in as the privates just got into the front to return them to Sanctuary Hills. "..Not too good I'm afraid. Most of the settlements up this way are open minded enough and welcoming of the help. But down south more near Diamond City and what not it's pretty rough. Just last week the Gen 3 named Mary Ullins was assaulted by several in Diamond City's market, and even though Mayor Piper got it looked into it only went so far before it was swept under the rug. Which of course just pissed off Piper as you can imagine and giving her more issues to deal with.." Preston explained.
Sighing a bit Nora nodded, drifting off into thought for the next half hour ride back to Sanctuary Hills. Once they arrived Preston and the two privates took their leave, while Nora headed into the main Minutemen HQ in the now quite large settlement. With concrete walls almost 12 feet high, 3ft thick. A ring of automated turrets, spotlights, gates, and defense robot drones, the settlement was arguably the best defended in all the Commonwealth. Nora entered the HQ finding the secretary look up, "..Oh ma'am! Good to see you back safe.." She said.
"..At ease there PFC, no need to get excited. Patrol went well. Captain Preston should have some orders for you to file within the hour or so. Anything new to report while I was gone?" She asked.
"..Gen 3 representative Billy Lane is waiting outside your office. Operative Desdemona is also waiting for you to give her bi-weekly report on intelligence gleaned from efforts to decode Institute data caches.." the PFC said.
"..Alright, I'll see the Operative first, let Mr Lane know I will be with him soon as possible." She said striding down the short hallway, where she was soon joined with his tail wagging happily of Mighty. "..Hey there boy, how you doing?" she said hunching down as the dog joined her from the little office he had claimed as 'his own'.
Getting a bark and happy lick in reply, Nora smiled and finished her walk into her office, gesturing for Dedemona to enter. "..Take a seat operative, do you want a drink while you give your report?" she asked.
"..No, I'm fine like usual.." She said crisply. While Desdemona had accepted her new role over the past two months without much issue, there was not much that had improved in how the Operative had spoken more then necessary to Nora. As Nora had reflected, sometimes you can't win over everyone.
Gesturing then for her to continue, Desdemona walked over to a holotape projector and fed in the tape. On the cool tinted wall a project slide came up. "..As you know the past two months we've been making slow but steady progress through The Institute data caches we've recovered. With the rise of issues against Synths down south, we felt our focus should be on projects or places or information that might help us in their future, again as you directed." She said.
Nora nodded, listening. "..I presume you found something?" She asked.
"..Perhaps, or at least clues to something." Desdemona said turning the slide. "..Project: Far Harbor." She said. "..from what little information we got it is somewhere up north, what little information we could glean tells of a pre-war project somewhere that was to house one of the largest Vaults ever constructed. Capable of being used as a central base for rebuilding efforts, research, and resupply for whatever remained of the pre-war United States. As you can imagine the Institute was interested in what secrets, supplies, or the like this fabled Vault could hold. They sent several expeditions it seems up north along the coast but none ever returned.." She said.
"..Hmm.." Nora said leaning back in her chair, " could be their ships or such sent were lost or overturned on the Altantic. It was a rough ocean even in pre-war times, and its certainly gotten worse since from what I've seen along the coast here. Up north it'd be even worse I figure.." Nora said.
Desdemona nodded, "..Indeed, we used to have some Synths we would smuggle out going north, though more inland then along the coast. While super mutant and ghouls were rare up those ways from what reports we got in the Railroad, mutated animals and Raiders were far worse. I once read a report of a Yao Guai that when it was on its hind quarters was almost 15ft tall!" She said pausing. " either case there is evidence that this Vault is either on an island up north, or more likely given the name beneath the ocean near one.." She said.
"..Name?" Nora questioned.
"..You've love this I'm sure.." Desdemona said with a roll of her eyes, "..Vault Atlantis. Is what the pre-war egg heads called it.."
Nora snorted while crossing her arms. "..Charming, alright anything else?" She asked.
"..Not much else sadly, but if this Vault does exist and it's intact it could house hundreds of thousands it sounds like. Not to mention the infrastructure and supplies to back it up and more. The problem is getting up north, Nahant Bay and even pre-war fishing boats are like twigs in a storm usually. Overland would be doable but that'd take a lot more supplies, time, man power and the like we probably could use here.." She said.
Nora nodded in thought. Then an idea came to her. "..Is the Yangtze still in the harbor?" She asked.
Desdemona's eyes lit up some in surprise at the question. Then shook her head no, "..Afraid not, last report of its presence was 2 weeks ago, I guess Captain Zao finally got the last kinks worked out from the engine and left for…..home." She said after a pause.
"..Hmm...only other real option would be the Constitution. Did our efforts to get it errr….down into the harbor go ok the other week? I haven't' gotten the debrief from Lieutenant Charles.." She said.
"..Oddly enough yeah, after fixing the gaping hole in its side, and with some careful maneuvering it is sea worthy. The rocket jets got removed and scavenged parts from the USS Cassin Young would see her as able to maneuver as she'll get. The robots are still in good shape, and able to man whats needed. I'm unsure if it would make it up north though. But given she's far larger then any other ships afloat, and using fusion power and props for motive power over the sails as their secondary means, I guess it's your best shot if you figure we'll send a team out looking for this pre-war project." Desdemona said returning to her seat and brushing back a lock of her hair.
Nora rubbed her chin thoughtfully a moment, then leaned forward to press a call button on the desk. After a pair of beeps the PFC secrtary from earlier answered. "..Yes ma'am?" she asked.
"..PFC, can you call for Glory to please come to my office?" She asked.
"..Of course ma'am.."
Ten minutes later, Glory strode into Nora's office, "..You wanted to see me Nora?" She asked, still dressed in her usual combat armor and bomber jacket. While her laser mini-gun Song was elsewhere, Honor was on her back ready for use if needed.
Gesturing, Nora had Desdemona fill Glory in on recent findings, and the suggestion Nor had made about using the Constitution to find the fabled project. "..Hmm, risky. But the worth of finding even half of what it promises would be useful for everyone. With the rise in danger for Synths still down south I think it's important we would make an effort to look for it. I take it from your tone you'll be going yourself?" She asked, getting a nod in reply Glory followed up with, "..then I'll be going too." she said in a tone not giving much in the way of challenging her choice.
"..Alright," She said turning to Desdemona, "..round up Tinker Tom, and two others for this trip." She said then to Glory, "..have Shaun pack up too for the trip, I know its dangerous but I can't fathom leaving him here without one of us. Then have Preston inquire with the other companions to see who's free and wanting to come with." She said.
"..Aye ma'am.." Desdemona said giving a lazy salute then left.
Glory in turn nodded, "..It'll be good to get out of the area for a while again, even if all we find is an empty island or something. Anywhere, would be better for the Gen 3's to make a fresh start then the Commonwealth. Sadly it seems the legacy the Institute left behind is not easy to forget and forgive.." she said.
Rising Nora strode over and hugged, then kissed Glory gently on the lips. "..We'll find a place for them, love.." She said softly, "..we knew the Vault was only a temporary solution, but eventually we'll figure this out. For now where they're all at now is as safe as they can be.." She said.
"..I know, Nora. But I still can not help but worry for my people.." Glory replied.
"..That's why I know we'll succeed in some manner here on this trip. Because you'll lead them to the best future we can find for them.." She said.
Returning another kiss Glory broke it to gaze into Nora's eyes. "..While they're future and safety is important to me, love. You're safety, and Shaun's is most important to me too.." she said.
Smiling, stroking Glory's left cheek she replied, "..I know. But I still love hearing you say it. Now get moving, we'll have more mushy time later tonight once Shaun goes to sleep." She said with a coy wink, which got a smile in return from Glory as she walked out the door to carry out the preparation orders.
AN3: R&R please!