Ciel spent his days curled up in Sebastian's arms; warm and loved, he was happier than he could ever remember being. The nights were spent with Sebastian too, barely apart for more than a few moments and those moments were rare over the next few months. Their bodies remained almost glued together, unable to keep from touching and tasting; the newly-turned had very little control over his own wants, his lust dominating all thought until it was sated and his satisfaction lasted only mere hours.

"Will it ever stop?" Ciel moaned, his hips rolling eagerly into his lover's as he straddled his maker. "This need for you? I need you in me again."

Sebastian groaned as he felt his kitten's warmth engulf his cock. "It never stops," he thrust up hard into his pet as Ciel bounced in his lap, "You just get better at controlling it."

The boy arched, his eyes glowing red with their lust as his prostate was struck over and over. In moments, he found himself on his back, Sebastian slamming inside him hard and fast as he gripped the teen's thighs, pressing them into Ciel's chest. The pet could feel his master driving deeper, the echo of skin smacking against skin leaping around the room as the vocal duet of pleasure joined the symphony of bliss. They were already close and Ciel came first, whimpering his lover's name. His own name was followed as Sebastian orgasmed moments later then pulled out to lie beside his kitten.

"We need more control," Ciel sighed, content for the time being.

Sebastian chuckled.

The gaze of a hundred eyes followed the newly-turned throughout the manor as servants and vampires and pets all kept close watch on the fledgeling. With his status upgraded to Sebastian's life partner, Ciel quickly found that he was greeted with respect, albeit reluctantly by some. It was immediately clear that Alois was furious at this development but Ciel was not so blind that he couldn't understand why. The young immortal had everything the blond wanted; the love and eternal companionship of the one he loves.

"He hates me," Ciel murmured one dawn, cuddling close into Sebastian's arms and allowing arms to wrap around him. "I know he hates me."

Sebastian shook his head. "No one could possibly hate you."

"Alois does," the boy replied glumly, "He's in love with Claude."

The elder was quiet for a long time, his fingers now running through his lover's hair, "I don't know how to help with that one, love," the creature murmured finally, "If we could open Alois's eyes to what Claude is really like then perhaps... perhaps we can spare him from Claude."

"He loves him," Ciel sighed, "It's likely he knows Claude's nature and loves him still."

"Then we can do nothing."

"Sebastian... " Ciel groaned, his face and chest pressed against the mattress while his hips remained in the air while Sebastian mounted him from behind, eagerly fucking his little monster into the bed, "Yes! Fuck me harder!" the teen whined only to let out a delighted cry as his lover complied. The newly-turned could feel the abuse of his prostate starting to take its toll, his orgasm approaching rapidly. "D-don't stop," he moaned, his neglected dick leaking precum. "Don't... ahh..."

Sebastian slammed in all the harder, drilling into the boy's ass forcefully while Ciel pressed back with his hips. The elder gripped the younger's hips tighter, hammering in deeper until the teen's walls tightened around the beast's cock and they both orgasmed with loud groans. Thrusting forward slow but deep, Sebastian rode out his climax and enjoyed the soft whimpers from his lover before he pulled out.

Ciel lay there, mellow with the afterglow of sex, quite content to spend the rest of his life in this drunken state of bliss beside his maker. He curled into Sebastian who pressed tentative kisses to the boy's forehead, running his fingers through his pet's hair. They didn't speak for a little while, relaxing while they basked in their high and each other's company.

"I love you," Sebastian suddenly blurted.

Ciel glanced up at his master with those big blue eyes, sapphire meeting ruby. "I love you too."

Elizabeth was delighted by Ciel's transformation, as she told the blunette herself and beamed at him with a deceivingly innocent smile which didn't match the blood in the corner of her mouth nor the bare breasts of her pet. Paula, the mature brunette female pet that Elizabeth owned and had been feeding from, did not shy away from Ciel's embarrassed glance and simple sat back and unlaced the rest of her plain corset to allow her perky breasts more freedom.

There was no doubt of his sexuality now, even if Sebastian had not been part of the equation; seeing Paula expose herself did less than nothing for Ciel and, as the blonde vampire crawled between her pet's slender parting thighs and pressed her cool fingers into the female human's womb, the newly-turned left feeling like he would never again be in the mood for sex.


Later, he found, Sebastian could fix this with ease.

"We should get married."

Ciel looked at Sebastian with astonishment, his brows knitting together as he registered his own confusion; he wasn't entirely sure he had heard his lover correctly or if he had finally lost his mind. He blinked a couple of times, his mouth opening and closing as he gaped at his lover. "You... what?"

Sebastian arched an eyebrow. "Don't you want to?"

"Of course I want to, I just..." he didn't know how to explain the emotions that coursed through him but, as Sebastian leaned in and pressed their lips together, he knew he would never have to.

Ciel couldn't breathe.

This wasn't an asthma attack like he'd had as a child but more anxiety than anything else. He knew he wouldn't have to do anything more than stand there and look cute until it was time to say the bonding words but he was filled with self doubt and nerves. Sebastian was just beyond the door and, in a few short minutes, Ciel would have to join him, dressed in this ridiculous white robe which Elizabeth had forced him in only half hour ago.

Calming himself down wasn't easy, reassuring himself that Sebastian wouldn't bail on him and that nothing would go wrong if he just relaxed a little. The doors to the gathering hall opened and Ciel saw Sebastian at the altar and all his worries melted away as he calmly glided down the aisle. The elder held out his hand and the pet slipped his hand into his maker's, barely able to focus on much more than those warm, ruby red eyes.

He vaguely heard himself say, "I do," and Sebastian's response followed with a tender smile.

"I do."

Somewhere in Paris, two monsters found themselves tangled in silk sheets.

Ciel's hands rested on Sebastian's thighs as he bounced on top of his husband, lewd groans of ecstasy leaving his throat with each jab to his prostate. His head lolled back, lolling his head back as he enjoyed the bliss of his lover inside him and was soon moving faster than any human could manage as his orgasm built up. "Sebastian," he gasped, his eyes glowing red with lust as his maker thrust up hard inside him. "Cumming..." Ciel whimpered and he did just a moment later, tightening around his lover who soon followed with his own climax.

Rolling off his husband, Ciel lay beside Sebastian as they basked in their afterglow and their fingers twined together. Sebastian lifted their joined hands, pressing a kiss to the back of Ciel's as he murmured, "Are you happy, Kitten?"

Ciel's answering smile was dazzling. "Very," he replied, "And you?"

Sebastian returned that smile. "I am."

Soon they were making love all over again.

The tale of our vampires does not end here, friend, for they live in secret among us even now. A hundred years roll by and, if you see a tall handsome man with an innocent blunette teen at his side, perhaps you have seen them too. They come out at night, sometimes hunting like the lesser creatures and sometimes simply enjoying what the night life has to offer. They travel through the world, enjoying its splendour and many fine treasures, finding none so precious as each other.

And, if you hear someone scream, turn and run the other way.

This is it for Blood Bound, I'm afraid.

Thanks for reading and please review.

Your dark little secret
