Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended
Chapter 2
"That condescending prick!" = Normal Talking
'Damn that bastard!' = Thought
"Expelliarmus" = Spell
Harry's eyes cracked open.
Taking in the darkness his room was shrouded in he realised it was still quite early. Looking at the alarm clock at the side of his bed he saw that it was still 5:30 in the morning. Stuffing his face back into his pillow he tried to go back to sleep there was still an hour before he needed to wake up.
Unfortunately for him sleep decided to evade him. The anxiety he was feeling was too overbearing. Why was he anxious, you're asking? Well it was the first of September, which also meant that it was the day wherein Harry was finally heading to Hogwarts.
After a few pointless minutes with his head stuffed in the pillow trying to sleep, Harry decided to get up.
"I guess today is the day." Harry spoke to no one. Getting out of bed he looked his room over one more time to see if he forgot to pack anything. He had gone through everything in his room trying to see what he should bring with him. Most of Dudley's old toys had long since been cleaned out. Most of the items had been beyond repair and subsequently had been thrown out. There were actually a few items that had actually still been in working conditions.
Dudley had either grown bored of them or cracked them. Harry had kept very few of items, one of which was the cine-camera that Dudley had received for his last birthday. Harry had also kept the games that Dudley had long since gotten bored of. Not that he could play them but Harry had long since resolved himself that in the future when he was free of the Dursleys he would play all the games and watch all the tv shows and movies that the Dursleys had not allowed him to watch.
Having made sure that everything of importance was in his trunk Harry sat down at his desk. Having nothing to do he had resolved to pass time by having a staring competition with his owl, Hedwig. He had named her fairly recently, in the beginning of august he had been mostly focused on reading the book left by his grandfather and he hadn't put much though into a name for his owl.
Eventually he realised that he should name the owl however that had not been an easy decision. He felt that the magic owl should have a name tied with the magical world and unfortunately for him he had no clue about names like that. After having finished reading his grandfather instruction book, and gaining some small amounts of free time he had started looking though his Hogwarts History book in order to pick a name and to acquaint himself with the wizarding world. Eventually he had found a couple names that he liked and eventually decided on the name Hedwig. He had been uncertain how the owl would react to the name but luckily it had looked quite pleased.
HOOT! A cry from Hedwig shook Harry out of his thoughts. Aprehensively Harry focusing trying to hear if the hoot had waked up his relatives. Realising the silence permeating throughout the house, Harry released the breath he was unconsciously holding. He didn't feel like pissing off his relatives, especially on that day as they had agreed to take him to the station, and in the process breaking the month long silence that they had maintained around him.
The previous month had been the most peaceful month Harry had every experienced in the Dursley household. They had somehow gotten it into their heads to just ignore Harry's very existence and actively make sure not to speak around him, quieting down the instant he came in the room. The first time that had happened it was quite disconcerting however the apprehension quickly passed.
Harry's eyes cracked open as the glint of the sun's rays shined through the window into his face. Lying silent in bed he heard some noise downstairs in the kitchen.
'Ah! The Dursleys are awake.' Harry realised still half asleep. 'When did I go to sleep?' Harry wondered. Feeling something on his chest he reached out and grabbed the glasses that had been lying by his pillow, probably having fallen off when he fell asleep.
As the object came into focus Harry remembered the previous days event. 'Oh, right, I'm a wizard.' Harry realised, before the implications of the previous thought was fully comprehended.
"I'm a Wizard!" Harry exclaimed as the realisation finally fully hit him. Looking at the book lying half open on his chest he realised it was the book he had started reading the previous night. Harry had read into less than half of the first chapter before exhaustion caught up with him and he crashed asleep. He could only vaguely remember the first few pages everything else was a blur. What he had read however was actually quite interesting.
"Magic Circuits." Harry though out loud as he remembered the things that were required for the Potter magic. He couldn't remember the exact definition of them however they were something which resided in the soul. 'So, there is such a thing as a soul. Interesting.' Harry couldn't help but realise.
Getting up from bed Harry placed the book, with the rest of his magical objects, in his magical trunk. Hearing the creaking of the stairs Harry realised that Dudley had gone downstairs. Realising it was time for breakfast Harry decided to continue reading his books later.
Stepping through the door, he realised that the Dursley's were being quite silent. The only thing he could hear was the sizzling and clanking of the pots and pans in the kitchen. Stepping downstairs silently. He could see Aunt Petunia cooking at the counter, frying some eggs and bacon. Stepping into the kitchen, he saw Uncle Vernon sitting the table reading his newspaper in silence. Dudley was just sitting there eating in silence actively avoiding looking at Harry.
Seeing that his aunt was not asking him to cook he sat down at the table. As he sat down he saw the anger in his Uncles eyes as he looked at him however there was a lack of confrontation, his uncle just staying silent.
A plate was slammed in front of him by his aunt who didn't say a word and just went back to cooking. Looking at the plate he saw two egg and a couple streaks of bacon. Nothing compared to what his uncle and cousin would eat on a regular basis but it was still more than what he would have to eat usually.
Realising something strange was going on; he eyed the food on his plate with a discerning eye. He had cooked eggs and bacon many time and if there was something strange added to them he believed that he would be able to see it. He looked over the food multiple times, and had a single analysis: Nothing was done to them. They looked and smelled completely like what he expected eggs and bacon to smell and look like. His fears slightly dissuaded but still wary, Harry cut a small piece of the egg and tasted it. Normal. A small piece of the bacon. Normal.
'Strange.' Harry couldn't help but wonder. 'Why are they acting like this if they didn't put anything in the food?' Not wanting to take any chances Harry finished his breakfast quickly and filled a glass of water from a previously unopened bottle of water from the fridge. Drinking it quickly he excused himself and left the kitchen heading back to him room.
Over the next week the silence stopped being disconcerting for Harry. His relatives hadn't become mute. He could hear them speaking perfectly well when he wasn't around. When he was there though, they would be as silent as a wall. Harry quickly realised what they were doing. They were doing it to piss with him.
Trying to make him feel even more uncomfortable and make him get annoyed from the lack of communication. Unluckily for them it didn't work. The complete silence around him meant that they couldn't tell him to do the usual chores. Which meant he was free to do whatever he wanted during the day. Usually confined in his room reading the book his grandfather had left him. He was also starting to wonder if his grandfather was the one had made the book. Most likely with magic. The amount of information written in the book was extensive and it was written completely in English lacking the same security that was given to the grimoire with its different language.
Harry had made an assumption that all material written about the Potter Magic was written about in the secret language in order to better improve the secrecy of the information. This book however was written about completely in English which meant that his grandfather had made it, since he knew that the only one that would obtain it would be the future heir. The only other possible reason is that while the information in the book was important it was so basic that it was pointless to try and protect that useless knowledge.
Harry had been completely enraptured by the information written about in the book. He read it all the time. Due to this single-minded focus, he read the book in three days. Just because he read it however did not mean he understood everything written. The theories and ideas within the book were in fact quite complex for the 11 year old. Luckily for Harry his grandfather had taken this into account and had simplified the information and when necessary had even included definitions and explanation to clarify the meaning behind certain theories. He had also noted the disciplines that the reader should look into in regards to more in depth understanding of the material even nothing which was magic or muggle.
On the fourth day Harry had decided to head to the nearby library to find further information in regards to topics recommended by his grandfather. Leaving the house had never been easier. He had told his aunt that he was going to the library. He saw a flicker of surprise on her face before she went back to ignoring him. Taking this as permission, he left and headed to the library. While it was not too far away it still took Harry 20 minutes to walk to the library. Though most of this time could be attributed to the fact that Harry took a leisurely pace.
Harry had stayed in that library from morning to late afternoon by the time he left it had already started to become dark. He had managed to gain a basic understanding of the queries that he had entered the library with. Unfortunately for him the solving of those questions presented even more queries for him.
Especially since most of the books he had read all required him to have even more background knowledge. It turned out that most of the books that he had needed to find would be in the rows just out of his reach as it they didn't want Harry to read them.
Not one to be discouraged when properly motivated, Harry had to come up with many different ways of acquiring the books as for some of them him simply standing upon a chair was not enough. At times, he was lucky as there had been a tall man close by that had been willing to get the book for him. Though Harry had been given a weird look when the man had read the title of the book. At other times, he had to be quite creative.
Harry walked back home at a brisk pace and it showed in the amount of time it took him, arriving 5 minutes faster than the previous journey to the library.
Having missed lunch Harry was quite hungry however there was nothing he could do. Luckily dinner was served shortly after he arrived. He had been given three weird looks when he devoured the meal in a few short minutes and drinking at least five glasses of water.
After that first time, he started taking a small bag with him to the library, usually carrying a fruit or a sandwich and a bottle of water. It had become a regular occurrence for him to go to the library looking up further knowledge. He had eventually managed to regulate his time better arriving back home an hour before dinner. After which he would read the Potter Cipher in order to learn the encrypted language.
/End Flashback/
For essentially an entire month that had been Harry's routine. Reading the books left to him by his grandfather and going to the library to make understanding the books easier. He had actually progressed rather quickly, surprising himself. Never before had he ever been so motivated towards learning something.
Taking a Deep Breath Harry cleared his mind and with the sound of his breath out he willed his Ciircuits to life. In an instant he felt his Od come to his will. No matter how many times he had done it he still felt in awe at the feeling. Power coursed through his veins, power with so much potential and yet he still knew so little. He had over the previous few days become used to the feeling brought forth with the activation of the circuits. The heat coursing through his body was nothing in comparison to the sheer pain that accompanied the activation of the circuits.
"Guess it's time." Harry said finally ready to finally activate his magic circuits. He had reread the book after he had gained all the background knowledge that he needed and he had finally been able to gain the basic understanding that he needed to fully understand the concepts mentioned in the book. The book had explained in detail the process that he was about to go through. Usually the activation of magic circuits began when one was still quite young as after many years without use they would start to weaken and atrophy becoming useless. The usual activation time as mentioned in the book was before the age of 6 though they wouldn't start to atrophy until the age of 10, after which they would begin to weaken yearly. In 6 years, they would lose at least half of their potency. By 11 however the level of degradation in the circuits was at a negligible amount.
From the information given in the book Harry was able to deduce that the potion given to him by his grandfather was one which facilitated the opening of the magic circuits. He had prepared for this event for 2 weeks. There was only a week or so until the 1st of September, when he had to leave for Hogwarts. He had already decided to activate his circuits before going to Hogwarts.
Sitting on his bed Harry calmed his breathing and his heart rate. Putting the potion flask to his mouth he swallowed the mixture in one go. As he was doing so he started going through the steps mentioned in the book. The instant the mixture reached his stomach, and energy was released into his body. This was the first time since his encounter with the grimoire that he had regained that level of introspective sight. Usually at most he would simply sense some energy from his core. Now he felt it as clearly as if he was seeing a picture directly in front of him. The energy released from the mixture passed through his stomach and started as chaotic movement towards his core.
Calming himself Harry started going through the steps. He steadied his breath and started to will the energy towards his core in a more orderly fashion. Willing the many strands of energy to reconnect into a single strand had been hard but he had managed it by the time the energy arrived at his core. He pushed the energy through the outer layer of the core doing so slowly in order to avoid any accident. As the last of the energy slipped through he let the energy slip from his control.
"Ugh!" Harry couldn't help but exclaim as the energy raged through his core for a split second. The energy had battered the inner layer of the core for a split second before vanishing. For a split-second Harry couldn't help but wonder 'Did I fail?'. That was however not the case as pain from the energy's surge re appeared, now through his whole body not just his core. As the energy, now harder for his senses to perceive, surged, he couldn't help but realise that he energy was no longer present in his body yet he could still feel it. A realisation followed that the bridge between the body and the soul was actually through the magic core. Realising what had to be done Harry started to put more focus on his magic core. As his focus sharpened he was finding it harder to feel his body as if there was barrier between his body and his senses. Feeling the surging energy more clearly than ever Harry started to try to will the energy to move as he willed. It was hard, much harder than it had been before. Earlier it had been easy. The purpose of the energy and Harry's will were aiming for the same thing and as such they worked in synergy now however the energy's had no desire other than to surge and Harry's will was finding it much more difficult to make it move at his command.
Just as the Barrier between Harry and his senses grew more powerful. Harry was finally able to find some weak holes in the barrier. Taking hold of his weak control of the energy he willed it towards all the weak points intending to see if any were weaker than the others. Just as the energy came into contact with the weak points there was a reaction. It was at that moment that Harry realised that the weak point's were representing his magic circuits. The connection between his ethereal soul and his mortal body. As the energy started to break through the weak points Harry gained more and more control over the energy willing even more of it to surge at the closed circuits. Soon he had control over all the energy and all of it was surging at the circuits. As the circuits started to open Harry felt a staggering amount of pain erupt.
"Ahh!" His control now staggering some energy lost it purpose mindlessly raging once again. The previously opening circuits started to close once more.
"I…see… Magic Circuits… can only be opened… in one go" Harry realised as he started the process of gaining control over the energy once more. Luckily it was much easier the second time around.
Now ready for the pain Harry surged the energy at the closed circuits intent on opening all at the same moment. As the circuits once more started to open he once more felt the burning pain attacking his senses.
As he was prepared he didn't lose his grip over the energy once more though only just barely. As he willed more and more energy to opening the circuits.
"Agh! Almost there!" As the pain he felt increased exponentially eventually culminating, just as they fully opened, into a pain equivalent to a red hot steel rod being pressed down his spine.
As his senses fully connected back with his body he instantly fell back, unable to continue holding himself up. Too fatigued from the experience, Harry crawled into bed and instantly fell asleep.
When he came to in the morning, his body had been sore all over. It was a challenge even getting out of the covers.
Dragging himself and downstairs he took in the silence he had come to both love and hate. The isolation enacted by the Dursley had continued all month. He had thought that they would eventually get bored of not talking around him. However they were being quite resolute instantly quieting down the instant they heard anything that could be him.
If Harry was being honest their tactic was starting to work. The silence was starting to get to him. So much so that he had started at times talking aloud.
While he did go out everyday to go to the library, he didn't hear many voices as many of the people visiting the library in that period were quite reserved and as expected very unlikely to look for a conversation with an 11 year old. And Harry was much too shy to actively go talk to them.
After a slow and arduous breakfast Harry returned to his room. Deciding he didn't have it in him to go to the library on that day. So he locked hmself in his room and started getting familiar with his Magic circuits. Activating them became almost instinctual. The pain he felt while they were active was nothing compared to what it had been like during the previous night. It was still painful but more of a stubbed toe than a red hot steel rod pushed down the spine.
Taking out the Grimoire Harry turned the cover and started try to practice translating the text. He had spent a month studying the code every day without fail and even still he could only understand every third word. So he started translating word for word using the cipher. He had decided that he would have at least started with the very basics by the time he started Hogwarts.
/End Flashback/
And he had done so. He had managed to translate the first three Pages. It was difficult, it had taken two days with him having to constantly check the cipher. The spells listed in the first few pages had been quite simply. It described a single spell, reinforcement, but had first gone into depth on Structural Grasping Magecraft which would make reinforcement much more efficient.
Structural grasp had been described as being quite simple and easy for a child to learn with practically no danger. So Harry had been quite eager to practice it expecting himself to master it fairly quickly. He had been wrong, it took him 5 tries before he could even get an idea of the internal structure of the pencil he had been practicing on.
As he remembered how eager he had been Harry couldn't help but realise how reckless he had been. Too many things could have gone wrong. Esspecially when he had started practicing reinforcement, luckly he had started practicing on the pencil which he had analized otherwise it would have gone much worse. As is to be expected when harry injected his prana it had been too much, not excessively so that the pencil exploded but enough that it shattered into a couple of pieces.
It had really made it clear why the instructions had make it clear to not practice Reinforcement on the human body.
After that incident Harry had been more careful deciding to go over the instructions multiple times to make sure he understood everything before continuing to practice.
Shacking himself out of his thoughts Harry looked at the clock. It seemed he had been stuck in his thoughts for a long time as it was already 6:30.
"Wow, I didn't even notice the time passing." Harry said completely and utterly surprised, wondering if he had fallen asleep unintentionally. "Any way I should wait for the Dursley's to wake up before I go down stairs."
Sitting at his desk he waited patiently as the Dursleys woke up and made their way downstairs. After hearing Dudley making his way down the stairs Harry emerged from his room, wide awake and ready to finally head to Hogwarts.
Beakfast had been a dull affair with the Durselys completely ignoring Harry not even looking at him. It seemed that they finally realised that their silent treatment of him had not worked, so they just settled for ignoring him.
At 8:30 Harry packed his Trunk into the Car and by 8:45 they drove off to Kings cross station. As they arrived the Durselys had been quick to kick harry out of the car eager to head to the hospital and rid Dudley of the pigs tail that he had had to suffer with for an entire month. Harry wondered how that had been explained to the doctors.
"Oh well, not my problem." Harry said as he started walking into the station. Finally finding Platform 10 he looked between it and Platform 9 and lo and behold no Platform 9 and 3/4.
"Think Harry this has to be some sort of test. that's probably why Hagrid don't say how to get to the platform" Harry said as he started looking between the two platforms. As he looked closer he noticed that every person loitering around had been avoid the side of the pillar in between the two platforms facing toward platform 10. Realizing that it was probably his answer, Harry moved towards it.
"Well it looks normal," Harry said as he looked at the wall "but maybe-" Willing his Circuits to life Harry stretched his prana forward to analyse the colume. As his prana came into contact with the brick it passed through as if there was nothing there.
With as start Harry had an idea, looking around him and noticed how no one was looking in his direction Harry pushed his trunk into the wall and it passed through in hindered.
With a grin Harry continued onward passing through the wall himself.
As he passed through the wall he was greeted with a scarlet stream train looking straight out of the 19th century. Looking down the platform it looked quite empty. He could see a couple of early comers like him however they were few and far between.
Embarking on the train with his luggage in hand as light as a feather.
Choosing a train compartment close to the back he quickly settled in and started revising his textbooks. He had read all of them in the last month however not attentively he had been much more focused on his families inheritance.
Engrossed in his potions book he didn't notice the time passing.
By the time he looked outside it had become full of people. Everyone seemed in a hurry. Looking at the clock Harry realised why, the train was leaving in less than 10 minutes and he could see people still arriving. Some through the kings cross entrance, others Harry could see appearing out of nothing, it must have been teleportation which Harry couldn't wait to learn.
Turning back to his book he ignoring all the noise around him Harry went back to reading engrossed in its covers as if nothing could take his attention away from its covers, until the door to his compartment opened.
"Hey? May I sit here?" The person at the door said as they looked at Harry.
"Yeah, sure take a seat." Harry said turning his head to the newcomer, a slightly chubby boy, round faced and with sandy hair.
Looking happy that he wasn't being chased away the boy dragged his trunk behind him and a caged toad under his arm, as he entered the room with some difficulty.
Seeing he was having difficult placing the trunk on the overhead compartment Harry stood up.
"Here let me help with that." Harry said as they both grabbed the trunk and lifted it up with some difficulty.
"Thanks," the boy said thankful. "I-i'm Neville, Neville Longbottom." He said nervously extending his arm for a handshake.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Harry Potter." Harry said as he reciprocated the handshake.
Please review. No flames.