A/N Hey everyone. I know- I know- long time no write. Does anyone remember Quizilla? I don't even know how long the site has been offline. Either way- I had this story on quizilla. Couldn't tell you my old username, don't remember it whatsoever. haha. I am totally going through and revamping it. Lately, I've had a Harry Potter obsession. I'm currently re-reading all of the books and watching all of the movies. So, I have to give this a shot again (since Quizilla deleted my old work, I'm writing up new stuff!). I'm super excited to share it with you all. Hopefully you'll like to read it as much as I like to write it. =)

October 31th, 1981

Lily Evans brushed a tear away from the corner of her eye. She has never seen a baby girl so perfect and beautiful. She wanted to hold the child forever. But instead, she had to let the rest of the Order take her. If she didn't, there was a chance that You-Know-Who could find her. He already knew about Harry. He was living with them under the protection of the Fidelius Charm. The charm was strong. And she was so thankful to have such great friends who kept them safe. Sirius and Remus stopped by everyday. Just the other day, Sirius brought Harry a toy broomstick and laughed with James as the toddler hovered an inch off the ground and zoomed down the hall giggling like mad.

Remus saw his goddaughter for the first time, and cried right along with Lily as he held her. James had scoffed at that. But, he did brush away a tear when Lianna's smile lit up the entire living room. Lily just turned her head and pretended that she didn't see even though her smile gave it away.

But now, that smile faded. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named didn't know about Lianna. And in order to keep Lianna safe, Lily had to send her away. It wouldn't be forever. The Order just needed to regain it's footing in the war, and the Potter family would be safe. They would be together.

Remus adjusted the baby bag over his shoulder. Lianna had already fallen asleep in his arms. "We'll be back soon Lil," he assured the crying mother. "Dumbledore has a house set up for us. It isn't far," he smiled.

Lily nodded through her tears. "Of course, this is for the best," she agreed. James was watching Harry play with some of his toys. But, it was obvious that he wasn't too thrilled about separating. "Where's Wormtail at?" He questioned. "He said he would come by and meet Lianna before you all left-" he trailed off.

Remus shrugged. "I'm not sure," he waved it off. The clock stuck 6:00pm. He sighed. "But, we really must be going. I don't want to keep Dumbledore waiting."

Lily and James nodded. They opened the front door for Remus and watched as he walked through the doorway. He smiled over his shoulder. "See you both soon," he called and apparated right off the doorstep and to his new living quarters.

What Remus didn't know was that six hours later, Lily and James Potter would be dead. Their fifteen month old soon would be a hero. And He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named would be gone.

~Four Years Later~

Remus laughed as Lianna tore through the Christmas paper and gaped at the book that she opened. "Is it really for me?" She squeaked.

Remus smiled and nodded. "Of course it is, silly! Who would it be for?"

Lianna shrugged and opened to the first page. "What's it called?"

Remus pulled the child into his lap. "Come, let's read it now. This is called 'The Sad Dementor'."

"Wha's a de-men?..."

"Dementor," Remus filled in. "A dementor is a creature that eats people's happy feelings."

Lianna looked horrified. "It eats happy?"

Though the topic was dark- Remus couldn't help but smile at Lianna's horrified face. "Yes, it does. But, don't worry. You shouldn't ever come across a dementor. As long as you're a good girl. They guard the prison."

"They guard the prison? A place where the bad people go?"

Remus nodded. He adjusted his weight on the baggy old couch when Lianna reached for her blanket and curled up into his side. "You don't need to worry about the dementors, Li."

Lianna frowned. "But, what if I break another lightbulb? Miss Jones doesn't like it when that happens."

Remus's smile grew. "You won't go to jail for breaking a lightbulb," he assured. He opened the book. "Are you ready?"

Lianna nodded and watched as the artwork moved depicting a very sad dementor surrounded by happy people. The dementor wished it could have it's own happy memories. But, people kept driving it away with shining, silvery guard animals.

"Wait! What's that?" Lianna questioned, pointing to the silver cat that had erupted from a witch's wand.

"That's a patronus charm."

Lianna stared at her guardian with wide eyes. "Can you do that?"

Remus nodded. "Yes, I learned a long time ago. Before you were born. You have to think of your happiest memory and say' Expecto Patronum!'"

"What's your happiest memory?" Lianna asked.

Remus looked uncomfortable again. He rubbed the back of his head and a bubble of guilt erupted in the pit of his stomach. "You," he answered in a soft voice.

Lianna blinked a couple times. "Then Remmy is my happy memory too!" She exclaimed forgetting about the book, and darting to the kitchen for the cookies.

"Don't you even think about it!" Remus called after her, shutting the book and placing it on the tiny end table. "Miss Jones will not be happy if I send you back to the school hyped up on sugar!"

Present Time

Lianna followed Remus onto the Hogwarts Express. Remus made the trunks over inches off the ground so loading up was fairy easy. "Come on Remus, let's get an empty compartment!" She swung her shoulder bag over the other shoulder and scurried to the back of the train.

Remus smiled. "Don't you want to sit with some of the students your age Li?" He questioned, his eyes wondering around.

Lianna shrugged. "I'll meet everyone eventually, besides I really want to read the book of policies that you sent me my last term at Beaubaxtons," she reminded. But she had a feeling that Remus wasn't paying attention anymore. He was scanning the Hogwarts students that were starting to emerge from the station. "Are you looking for someone?"

Remus shook his head and smiled. "Yes- the book on policies," he repeated. "I was very surprised that you took up Wizard Politics at that school," he trailed off. "But, thank you for coming to Hogwarts with me. This is truly an amazing school," Remus mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck embarrassed.

Lianna smiled gently. "Well, we haven't spent a lot of time with each other since I went off to France," she explained. "And, I don't mind. I'm sure Hogwarts is everything that you say it is. Though, I'll admit- thank you for convincing the Headmaster to advance me a year. I would have been extremely bored repeating last year."

Remus smiled. Sending Lianna to Beauxbatons as soon as possible was a smart move. The school in France started their schooling at age 10 instead of 11. So, Lianna, at age 12, was to be placed in the third year with the 13 year olds.

Remus opened up an empty compartment door and Lianna followed him, they each took a window seat. Remus looked completely exhausted and promptly fell asleep, which didn't surprise the girl. She sighed before turning her attention back to her book. The train started moving, but she was surprised when another red headed boy threw open the compartment door, making her jump.

"Oh, sorry- didn't see you there," The boy said. "Do you mind if we join you? Everywhere else is full."

Lianna nodded and watched as the red haired boy, a brunette, and another dark haired boy enter. But after a moment, she returned her attention to her book.

"Who do you reckon he is?" the red haired boy asked.

"Professor R.J. Lupin," the girl responded easily.

"How d'you know that?" the red haired boy asked again.

"It's on his briefcase, Ronald."

Lianna looked up again. "He's the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher," she offered.

The girl studied her and the book she was reading. "I don't think we met. I'm Hermione Granger. Are you a first year?" She eyed the book again.

Lianna shook her head. "No, my name is Lianna Evans. I'm a third year transfer student from Beaubaxtons."

Hermione's eyes grew large. "Are you really? What's it like there?"

"What's Beaubaxtons?" the dark haired boy asked.

Hermione sighed. "It's a school for witches in France."

"Ah, well, I'm Ron. Ron Weasley," the red haired boy introduced.

"And, I'm Harry Potter," the dark haired boy offered.

Lianna's eyes held Harry's for a moment. They were green like hers. "Nice to meet you all."

But it appeared that the conversation involving Lianna was over. They had started whispering something about Sirius Black. Lianna just returned to her book.

The trio was done whispering around lunchtime when the Trolley came around. Lianna was very hungry. She bought a pumpkin pastry for herself and one for Remus, in case he woke up and got hungry. Otherwise, she reached into her shoulder bag and pulled out a turkey sandwich she prepared earlier in the day.

"So Lianna, what house do you think you'll be in?" Hermione asked.

Lianna chewed for a moment, thinking. "Well Remus seems to think I'll be in Ravenclaw," she offered.

"Remus?" Harry asked.

Lianna turned her gaze to Remus, still sound asleep. "That's Remus Lupin," she reminded. "He's my guardian and godfather."

Ron frowned. "What happened to your parents?"

"Ron!" Hermione exclaimed softly, horrified.

Lianna shrugged. "Voldemort killed them," she answered briskly.

Harry blinked while the other two cringed at the sound of his name. "I've never met another person other than Professor Dumbledore who says his name."

Lianna turned her gaze to Harry. "I think it's stupid to be afraid of a name," she said pointedly. "It's not even his real name."

"Ho-how do you know that?" Hermione questioned in a pinched voice.

"Well- do you honestly think a mom declared her son's name to be Voldemort? How awful would that be?"

"His name is Tom Riddle," Harry finished in a flat voice.

Lianna smirked. "Tom Riddle, eh?"

Just as that conversation was wrapping up, three more boys appeared in the compartment. The blond had a sneer plastered on his face. "Well well, look who it is. Potty and Weasel," the blond sneered.

The two boys with him chuckled, but it seemed as though they weren't entirely sure why.

"I heard your father finally got his hands on some gold this summer, Weasley. Did your mother die of shock?"

Ron stood up quickly, and Lianna quirked a brow, but she didn't say anything yet.

"Who's that?" the boy asked.

"New teacher," Harry answered casually.

The boy narrowed his eyes. "C'mon," he muttered to his two friends, and he disappeared down the corridor.

Lianna raised her eyebrow at this interaction. She grabbed her school robes and silently headed towards the other end of the train, where the changing compartments were. She looked out the window of a nearby compartment when she felt the train slow. They weren't there yet, were they? A couple of students started poking their heads out of their compartments.

"What's going on?" A red haired twin asked as his brother poked his head around him.

Lianna stumbled against the compartment dividers as the train jolted to a stop. Instinct took over, and her wand was in her hand ready to go. The lights flickered off, and Lianna felt herself being pulled into the compartment with the red haired twins.

A boy had his face plastered to the window. "Something is getting on," he stated in a whisper.

The compartment door opened again. "Let us in," a familiar voice drawled in an urgent tone.

"What, are you scared Malfoy?" the other red haired twin questioned.

A violent movement shook the carriage, and the boy named Malfoy screeched.

"Everyone, shut it!" Lianna snapped. "Lumos maxima!" She chanted and the wand light illuminated the compartment. As soon as the light touched the windows of the compartment, she wished she took back the spell. A dead, withered hand was placed against the window, the other had pulled open the door. She didn't hear it in the arguing.

Lianna's heart fell to her stomach.

A girl screamed. Someone grabbed her arm.

Lianna held her wand and shook the voices out of her head. "Expecto-" she trailed off as memories of Remus transforming into a werewolf and nearly attacking her, then as a result, leaving her at the school in France filled her mind. She was alone. And, she was afraid. "Expecto-"

"Really, how you survived in that element for so long Lianna-" Madame Maxine stated in a soft tone. "Remus and I just want what's best for you."

She shook her head, but the dementor already entered the compartment. It seemed to be searching for something- no doubt for Sirius Black. She read about the theory about casting the Patronus Charm. Why wasn't it working? "What kind of twelve year old girl reads books about that charm?" She heard the girls in her class making fun of her. "Don't you ever do anything other than read?"

Lianna reached deep into her memory and pulled out her happy thought. Her guardian Remus- and screeched, "Expecto Patronum!" She wasn't sure what would happen when she cast the spell, but she expected more of a show instead of a silver shield that just drained her energy.

The heaviness receded. And when Lianna blinked, Remus was in front of her holding fire in a jar. "Are you alright?" He questioned.

Lianna nodded. But her head was still heavy. Remus broke off some chocolate and passed it to their very full compartment. She realized that it had the three boys from earlier, the red haired twins, two girls, and a boy with curly hair. Lianna took a bite of hers as the lights flickered back on and the train slowly began to move again.

"Was that Patronus Shield yours?" Remus asked.

Lianna nodded.

Remus smiled. "Good job, Lianna. You'll have a full-fledged patronus soon enough!" He looked at his watch. "I have to get back to the compartment. Take it easy there. You drained a lot of energy." With that, Remus stood and exited the compartment.

Malfoy and his friends huffed. But it seemed as though the dementor terrified them. They stuffed the chocolate in their mouths, and hurried away after a pitiful glare at the others.

One of the twins looked up at her. "That was awesome. What did you cast?"

"A patronus charm," Lianna answered. "Dementors feed off of all things happy. That was supposed to turn into an animal and drive it away." She frowned.

"What's your name?" The other asked.

"Lianna Evans," she responded. "I'm a third year transfer from Beauxbatons."

"I'm Fred Weasley-"

"And I'm George Weasley."

Lianna smiled at the two red headed twins. "Nice to meet you both," she said in a quiet voice. "I met your younger brother earlier. We were sitting in the same compartment."

Fred smiled. "But, you got bored with the Golden Trio and decided to head for the Dynmamic Duo?" He raised his eyebrows in a playful way.

"Hey!" the curled haired boy choked out. "I'm Lee Jordan. I'm supossed to be the 'Dynamic Duos' best friend."

Lianna smirked. "Ouch. But nice to meet you."

Lee beamed. "This is Katie Bell and Angelina Johnson," he pointed to the two girls. They had all just finished their bits of chocolate.

Lianna smiled at the others before turning her attention to the window. "I think we're actually starting to arrive. I have to head back to my own compartment to get my things. Sorry to barge in on you all earlier-" she trailed off and shrugged. "See you around."

The small group watched after her. She made her way back to her own compartment and gathered her things into the bag. Remus was still missing- probably talking to the conductor. Harry Potter had much more people near him now. And, he looked rather pale. Lianna took a look at him and frowned. "Eat the chocolate. It will help." But then she grabbed her should bag and made her way off the train.

She knew from Remus's instructions that she was supposed to find Hagrid, the half giant gamekeeper. But, a part of her wanted to head towards the horseless carriages that the older students were heading towards. The first years looked so excited and young. Even though she was barely a year older than them- it felt like a huge difference.

She found Hagrid without any trouble and smiled. "Hello," she said politely. "My name is Lianna Evans."

Hagrid looked down at her. She was surprised to see how kind he looked. And, she liked him immediately. "Hullo there, Lianna Evans," he replied. "Yer must be the transfer 'twas informed abou'."

Lianna nodded.

"Alrigh' then. "Firs' years! This way!" Hagrid called as he yelled a group of about forty-five. "Keep close! Wer goin' out on Black Lake, and we pass the Dementors," Hagrid shuddered. As did most of the first years. Lianna just sighed again, already sick of their constant presence. But, she climbed into the boat with three other first years and enjoyed the flowing sensation of rowing on the Black Lake.

"Mind yer heads!" Hagrid called over his shoulder as they passed under the brush of a low hanging tree. And, that was when Hogwarts came into view. Compared to Beauxbatons, Hogwarts had more of a historic feel. The castle was absolutely stunning. Though smaller than Beauxbatons, it was still large. Lianna felt herself smile- glad to be back at school. She loved Remus, but now that she was older- they didn't get to spend a lot of time together. That was sure to change this year.

Lianna clamored out of the boat, tripping slightly as her feet met the edge of the lake. But, she followed the other students up to the castle. Hagrid raised his fist to knock on the door, which opened immediately revealing a strict looking witch around Miss Jones's age.

Hagrid lowered his head. "Evenin' Professor McGonagall. These students are all yers." He wandered towards the last of the carriages, where he whistled and led them away.

"This way please," Professor McGonagall started. She led the students into the castle and up the stairs where she paused. "Welcome to Hogwarts," she started. "In just a couple of moments, you will all be sorted into your Hogwarts House. There are four based on the four founders of Hogwarts: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, & Slytherin. Each house has produced it's fair share of great witches and wizards. The House you are sorted into will be like your family while you are here. Any triumphs will earn you house points, while rule breaking will cost points. At the end of the year, the House with the most points will win the house cup." Professor McGonagall stared at each of the students for a moment. Her gaze fell onto Lianna. A look of contemplation passed over her face. "You must be Lianna Evans, correct?"

Lianna nodded. "Yes ma'am."

Professor McGonagall nodded. "You will be sorted tonight as well, before the First Years. Wait here, as another Professor will be with you in just a moment." And with that, she disappeared.

It didn't take long for another Professor to appear. This one appeared to have Goblin blood in him, as he was about a foot shorter than the smallest first years. "Ah, First years, this way, this way!" He exclaimed excitedly. "Line up, single file now!"

Lianna stood in the line and silently followed the others into the Great Hall. Despite having read about it beforehand, she was thoroughly impressed upon entering the Great Hall. The ceiling was enchanted to look like the night sky-, which was perfectly clear. Between the floating candles, she could see the stars twinkling. She did not like, that most of the Hogwarts students were watching them. But, she looked up at the long Head Table and found Remus watching her with a soft smile on his face. In the center, sat the wizard everyone knew to be Albus Dumbledore, the greatest wizard of his time. There was an empty seat on his right- presumably for Professor McGonagall, who was missing. There was a man with shoulder length greasy black hair and pale skin sitting between her and Remus. And, he definitely did not look fond of her Godfather. Lianna made a mental note in her mind to ask him about that later.

Professor Flitwick bounded up to the High Table, where an old sorting hat was waiting. The hat twitched for a moment and then broke into a song about each of the four houses. Without wasting anymore time, Professor Flitwick held up a long parchment- practically the same height as him, and said. "When I call your name, please come forward to be sorted. Take a seat on the stool and I will place the hat on your head."

Lianna tensed. She really didn't want to be sorted in front of the entire school.

"First, I'd like to welcome our transfer student from Beauxbatons Academy. Evans, Lianna."

Whispers broke out amongst the students. Apparently, Hogwarts didn't get transfer students. What really surprised her was that when she glanced at the Head Table, the greasy haired professor next to Remus was looking at her with a strange look on his face. He was gripping the table fiercely, and glared over at Remus- who looked guilty.

Lianna approached the stool and wasted no time in sitting down. The professor had to levitate the hat on top of her head.

"This is certainly interesting. I couldn't have imagined I would meet you one day, Miss Evans." A small voice whispered in her ear. "Interesting indeed. I see loyalty, though loyalty to those that deserve it in your eyes. I see knowledge. Oh, how you love learning. Perhaps Ravenclaw? No. Your thirst for knowledge isn't for learning's sake."

Lianna closed her eyes. She knew where this was going. She just hoped Remus would forgive her.

"You worry a lot of what others think of you- but not of yourself. That is a selfless trait to have. Though, Gryffindor would not be a good house for you. There is a lot of logic in this mind of yours. I think-" the voice stopped whispered. "SLYTHERIN" it shouted after a moment.

The table on the far right started clapping politely. The hat was lifted off of Lianna's brow and she went to find an empty seat. She sat next to a girl with black hair, who gave her a hesitant half smile.

"Evans- I've never heard of that last name before," the girl across from Lianna demanded.

Lianna shrugged.

The girl next to her smirked, "I'm Tracy Davis. That's Pansy Parkinson."

Lianna eyed each of them for a moment. "Pleasure," she replied. She turned most of her attention to the Head Table, where Remus was still whispering with the greasy haired Professor. Remus must have felt her stare on him, because he stopped whispering, gave Lianna a gentle smile and focused on the Sorting. The Professor next to him, however, watched Lianna carefully. Lianna, confused by this, raised an eyebrow. The Professor let an amused smirk pass on his lips, before too, returning his attention to the sorting.

"So, a transfer from France huh?" Another Slytherin across from her whispered.

"Oh keep your sick thoughts to yourself, Zambini," a girl scolded. "I'm Daphne Greengrass," she added to Lianna. "That's Blaise Zambini. Don't take anything he says seriously," she said with a wrinkle of her nose. "Useless really."

"Ouch Greengrass! That was brutal!" Zambini hissed.

Pansy rolled her eyes at this interaction. "Evans- are you a pureblood?" She questioned.

Lianna raised her eyebrows. "Am I a pureblood?" She repeated. "That's the first question you want to ask me?" She scoffed. "I have no idea. I'm adopted."

Pansy's nose wrinkled in disgust.

Tracy Davis seemed shocked. "Adopted, really? That's odd. This is a very…traditional house."

Across from her Pansy scoffed loudly, earning a glare from the greasy haired Professor. "As if you're one to talk, Davis. Filthy half-blood."

Lianna glanced at the Professor, and then to Pansy, clearly unamused. "Honestly, purebloods only make up a small amount of the wizarding population. We would have died out if we didn't mix with the Muggles. And then where would you be?" Lianna asked sweetly.

Next to her, Tracy gigged into her palm.

Lianna lowered her head closer to the girl. "Hey, who's the Professor next to the new Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor?"

Tracy glanced up to the Head Table. "That's Professor Snape. He's the Head of the Slytherin House. He favors us," she whispered proudly.

Lianna nodded. The Sorting seemed to finally be over. She was very excited for the food to arrive. She was absolutely famished. Professor Dumbledore stood and the Great Hall went quiet.

"Welcome!" Dumbledore said. "Welcome to another great year at Hogwarts! I have a few things to say to you all, and as one of them is very serious, I think it is best to get it out of the way before you become befuddled by our excellent feast…"

Most of the Slytherins sighed in annoyance. Lianna eyed them but, turned her attention back to Dumbledore.

"As you will all be aware after their search of the Hogwarts Express, our school is presently playing host to some of the dementors of Azkaban, who are here on Ministry of Magic business."

Malfoy and his two thug friends snickered together. "Do you all hear? Potter fainted." A couple of the guys laughed loudly and Lianna notice Harry Potter shoot their table a dirty look.

"They are stationed at every entrance to the grounds," Dumbledore continued. "And, while they are with us, I must make it plain that nobody is to leave the school without permission. Dementors are not to be folled by tricks or disguises- or even Invisibility Cloaks. It is not in the nature of a dementor to understand pleading or excuses. I therefore warn each and every one of you to give them no reason to harm you. I look to the prefects, and our new Head Boy and Girl, to make sure that no student runs afoul of the dementors."

It seemed as though every student in the Great Hall collectively shuddered. Dumbledore's words hung in the air for a moment. But, then he continued.

"On a happier note," he continued. "I am pleased to welcome two new teachers to our ranks this year. First, Professor Lupin, who has kindly consented to fill the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher." There was some applause, louder over at the Gryffindor table. But, Lianna definitely clapped the hardest at the Slytherin Table. She was incredibly proud of her Godfather.

"As to our second appointment,: Dumbledore continued as the applause died away. "Well, I am sorry to tell you that Professor Kettleburn, our Care of Magical Creatures teacher, retired at the end of last year in order to enjoy more time with his remaining limbs. However, I am delighted to say that his place will be filled by non other than Rubeus Hagrid, who has agreed to take on this teaching job in addition to his gamekeeping duties."

The Great Hall exploded in applause again. This time, definitely led by the Gryffindors. Most of the Slytherins did not clap. Most of them looked disappointed in fact.

"That explains the book," Tracy hissed.

"How could Dumbledore appoint that half-breed filth?" Malfoy scowled. "Just wait until my father hears about this."

With that, Dumbledore finished his speech and waved his hand. The goblets and plattered filled to the brim with food and drink. Lianna couldn't help but smile. And, she immediately took a sip of pumpkin juice.

The Slytherins at her table talked about what they did this summer. Pansy was bragging that she spent it in Paris, dressed in the finest silks. But, Pansy wasn't the only one who had an exotic summer vacation. Daphne Greengrass apparently spent the summer in the tropical islands. Zambini spent his time in America with some of his family.

Then they turned to Lianna, who was silently listening to their conversation. "What did you do this summer, Evans?" Tracy questioned.

Lianna blinked. "Um- well, I spent half of it in France at Beauxbatons. Then I was with my Godfather in London. I read a lot of books," she trailed off thinking of them.

The table was silent.

"Sounds entertaining?" Daphne responded, but it sounded like more of a question.

Dessert was served and eaten. And, Lianna was extremely full when all of the plates were clear.

"Come on, Evans," Greengrass sighed once the red haired girl didn't move. "We should show you where the common room is."