A/N: So I wrote this back in freaking late December, and I'm finally getting around to posting it, haha. I love my whump fics, and I really wanted to get this one well polished before posting it. Since I've written quite a few h/c fics in my time (I swear these things are my lifeblood) I decided to mix things up a bit and try a writing style called "Cinematic POV." It's basically like you're seeing the action through a camera lens, not in anyone's specific POV.

I also know very little about Japanese culture besides what I've learned from the game, so I apologize in advance if anything's off. XD

Small flakes of snow drift out of the black sky, silent. Then comes the muffled thud of boots against flesh.

Light from the old gas station sign flickers before going out, then on again, the colored rays spasming over the white snow. The rest of it spills into the alleyway, stopping just before the figure of a teenage boy. He is sprawled across the wet, dirty ground, his light, red-brown hair sticking to his forehead as he takes in one rattling breath. The dark shapes of three other boys move in like wolves circling their kill, each taking turns to kick at his stomach, his face.

"C'mon, Yosuke," the tallest of the boys says, slamming his foot down on his victim's ribcage. Sweat trickles down the tall boy's face, his dark hair quivering with each kick. "Why are you being so quiet? I'm missing all that prattling of yours."

Yosuke remains silent, eyes squeezed shut. A wheezing gasp escapes his lungs, and then his hands slap against the pavement, dragging his body up and forward. He's gotten about two inches off the pavement when a dirty boot cracks into his back, slamming Yosuke's body back into the ground. A small groan escapes his lips.

"Aren't you going to say something? Aren't you going to tell me to stop?"

The teenager reaches down and grabs Yosuke's hair, yanking his head up. A sick grin pulls at his mouth, a snake's mouth dripping with venom.

Yosuke's eye jerks open. The other is too swollen. The last of the color drains out of his face, leaving it almost translucent. Blood slides down his bruised cheek as he stares, nothing but a deer in the flickering headlights of the gas station.

"You think he almost enjoys it," the tall boy says, a snicker escaping his mouth. "Guess it's good I enjoy it too. Nothing less for the kid who wrecked Mom's business."

He lets go of Yosuke's hair, using his foot to shove Yosuke onto his back before landing on top of him.

He's straddling Yosuke now. The perfect position to attack.

Everything blurs, and for a moment the snow turns to grass. A warm, sunny day, with Yosuke standing in front of Yu, hands spread apart.

"I want you to hit me. Knock out all this crap inside me."

Then the crack of flesh against flesh, and the scene snaps back to reality.

Yosuke lets out a small gasp, his breath clouding the air, just for an instant. A thin streak of blood trickles out of his nose, and over his lips. A precious moment of air.

"You'd think someone'd keep a better eye on him. Someone from that little tag team of his."

"You know they're just in it for the discounts."

A loud snicker.

"Maybe they thought this'd be the best way to get him to shut up."


"Hey, I've got an idea. Yosuke, call out for help! See if one of your new friends comes to save you!"

Yosuke's face digs into a snarl, his feet kicking against the ground, face a snarl. Wheezing breaths heave in and out of his mouth.

"Shut up."

The words are little more than a whisper, another breath of air whipping out of cracked lips.

"Do it. Scream like the little girl you are. We know they're not going to come."

One last strained inhale.


"Shut up!"

And Yosuke grabs the tall boy by the collar, throwing himself and the boy to the side. He's the one on top now. He lets his fist swing forward, lets his knuckles connect with the boy's face, before hands grab his shoulders, yanking him back. He thrashes in their grip, his eyes glistening as blood continues to drip down his ashen face, bright red against white.

The tall boy stands up, rubbing a thumb over his cheekbone. A smile tugs at the corner of his mouth.

"You're going to regret that."

"No, I mean, I didn't mean it like that! I know you're really capable of walking home by yourself, I mean, I just—"

Snow continues to drift down, the flakes nearly blending in with Kanji's bleached hair. He lets out a short huff of breath that knocks a snowflake off his nose, his cheeks becoming even redder. His gaze jerks over towards the rusted gas pumps leaning against the darkened windows of the convenience store, staring at it as if it's the most interesting thing in the world.

Naoto offers him a small smile, her own cheeks and nose brushed pink with cold. "I think it was a very kind offer, Kanji. Now, tell me more about your mother's textile shop. I believe—"

A scream cuts her off. It's almost animalistic, a raw burning sound that slices through the air.

Naoto flinches, one hand flying towards the bulge in her coat.

"What… was that?" Kanji says. He strides forward towards the sound and Naoto hurries after him, one hand pulling her coat closer around her small body, the other brushing away a few strands of hair out of her eyes.

Then she freezes as if her body has slammed into a brick wall.

Her eyes are wide. Staring at the tall, beefy teenager who has Yosuke pinned up against a wall, his arm squeezing against Yosuke's throat.

Kanji's fists clench, his eyebrows dig into a glare. He stomps forward towards the boys, his voice rising into a yell, "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

They all jump. The tall boy is the quickest to react, twisting his position so he's the one with his back up against the wall, his arm wrapped around Yosuke's throat.

One of the boys throws a glance at Kanji, then turns and sprints down the alley. For a second, there is only the sound of his slapping footsteps as the two groups stare at each other, snow whipping at their bodies.

Small, wheezing breaths of air force their way out of Yosuke's windpipe. His hand claws at the arm around his throat, his nails scraping against the fabric. The other is swinging limply from his side. His index finger is twisted at an awkward angle, mottled purple.

He lets out one tiny cry as something wet slips down his face, the word almost swallowed up by the wind.


Kanji is shaking now, his face a snarl. He takes another step forward towards the two, but Naoto places a hand on his arm. A small tremble runs through her body before she takes it off, moving it towards her coat.

"Let him go," she says, her voice firm and steady.

"Yeah, right," he says, his own voice raspy. "I let him go, and your friend here beats me up."

"That's ex—" Kanji starts say, then stops as Yosuke lets out a choking noise. "Wouldn't you love to know how that feels," he says, but this time it's only a whisper.

"No," Naoto says. Her hand slips out of her coat, revealing her small handgun. She keeps the barrel tipped towards the ground, index finger straight, but her eyes are staring straight at the pair, her voice low. "Either you let him go, or I will be forced to subdue you."

The teen blinks, his grip tightening. "Th-that's… Y-You can't—"

"I am fully certified, and well within my boundaries to do so right now."

"C'mon, Akio!" the other boy says, his gaze flicking between them and the alleyway beyond. "Just let him go, I don't wanna get in trouble with the police. Let's get out of here."

"Right," the teen says. "I let him go, you don't… shoot me. Deal?"

Kanji snarls.

"Let him go," Naoto says.

The teenager lifts his hands. The second they fall away, Yosuke crumples, his body hitting the snow in a small heap.

He doesn't move.

And Akio turns and runs.

Kanji starts to run after them. "Get out of here, you little puke-brain idiots!" Then he stops, bites his lip, and turns to Yosuke. Naoto is already on her knees beside him, one hand gingerly reaching out to touch his shoulder before she jerks it back, hand flying to her pocket to pull out her phone. The small device shakes in her hands as she punches in the three numbers.

For a moment, there is only the sound of Yosuke's coughing, wheezing breaths. His entire body is trembling, shivering. Kanji slips out of his coat and drapes it around Yosuke's shoulders.

"Come on, Sempai, wake up," Kanji says, his voice soft, gentle. He gently slaps the side of Yosuke's face, calling out his name. The other hand remains pressed against Yosuke's shoulder.

Yosuke lets out a small whimper, his hands moving towards his stomach.

Naoto pulls the phone away from her ear, her hand tightening around the small device. "The line cut off. The snow must be doing things to the reception, but at least I was able to explain the situation and where we were. I'm going to text Teddie and tell him to alert the rest of the team, as well as Yosuke's parents."

"Dumb… b… bear… wouldn't… come… with me… too lazy…" Yosuke rasps, barely even a whisper, eye flicking open, just a fraction. Then his back suddenly arches, dragging his knees up to his chest as his body racks with coughs. Kanji places another hand on Yosuke's other shoulder, helping hold him steady.

"Yosuke, I—I know you love talking," Kanji says, his face twisting into a small, forced smile. "But seriously, take it easy, you're just hurting your—"

"K-Kanji…" It's almost like a child crying out in the night for a parent to come rescue them. "My… stomach…" Yosuke moans. Then his body jerks, retching and coughing, spitting out acid between gasping breaths. The gaps between each sharp inhale are filled with dead silence.

"Hey, hey, calm down now," Kanji says, but his own voice is coming out too fast, fear tinging the edge of his words, his hand squeezing tighter around Youske's shoulder.


Naoto's voice, low, even. Just like always.

Yosuke's eyes snap wide open, wild, desperate. "I..." He blinks, eyes glistening. "I… can't breathe…"

Naoto slides out a hand to cup his cheek, her thumb lightly stroking back and forth over his cheekbone, careful not to touch the dark, angry bruise. "Just look at me. Just look at me and breathe." She takes a deep breath in, then lets it out. "Like this. Four seconds in, four seconds out. Breathe. Can you do that for me?"

Yosuke gives a small nod, just a slight movement of his head, before drawing in a long, shuddering breath. Beside him, Kanji lets out a breath of his own, his eyes softening into a small smile as they meet with Naoto's for just a second.

"You're going to be alright," Naoto says. "No one's going to hurt you anymore."

"Still hurt him pretty bad," Kanji mutters. His eyes flick over Yosuke's face, his own twisting into a grimace. There are so many bruises. Yosuke's face is covered in them, some partially concealed by the blood oozing from a cut just above his blackened eye.

Kanji's hand disappears into his pocket before drawing out a handkerchief. He scoops up some snow with it. "Here, hold this against your eye. It'll probably help a bit."

Yosuke lifts his hand, his fingers straightening, then immediately drops it with a hiss, grabbing it with his other hand.

"Forgot… they broke…" Yosuke stops, squeezing his eyes shut. A shiver runs down his body, then another, his knuckles turning white as he grasps his hand.

"They're gone, Sempai. Don't worry; if they try and hurt you again, I'll thrash 'em," Kanji says, throwing a glare down the alleyway.

Yosuke just mumbles something like "Gee, thanks Kanji." He raises his head a fraction off the ground, pushing himself towards Naoto, who's still kneeling in the snow. Naoto lets out a small sigh, but otherwise doesn't protest when he lays his head on her lap, curling up on himself. Kanji hands her the handkerchief, and she gently presses it against Yosuke's bruised eye.

"Everything hurts…"

"I can imagine," Naoto says. "I can only imagine." She reaches out her other hand, trailing her fingers softly over his hair as she hums quietly.

Ever so slowly, Yosuke's breathing quiets, the muscles in his body relaxing, sinking down into the snow.

For a long moment, there is silence.


"Why were they hurting you?" Naoto asks.

"They were… picking on some little kid," Yosuke rasps, blinking one eye open to look at her. "I was running out to grab something from Junes… saw them… I… told 'em to stop, and they turned on me. I mean… doesn't help that my dad's the manager… of Junes…"

"That was a rather foolish move," Naoto says. "They nearly killed you for it."

Yosuke's lips quirk up into a half smile. "I… knew you guys'd… come and rescue me."

At this, Naoto gives a light roll of her eyes, but Kanji lets out a small chuckle.

"Course Sempai," he says. "Anytime."

A/N: Sappy ending is sappy. XD

Also, did I mention that Kanji/Naoto is my absolute OTP and I love it with all my heart and I just want them to have a cute and super fluffy relationship together?

Also, thank you to my beta reader Cosette141 for giving me some suggestions on how to up the comfort in the second half, ahaha.

If you liked the story, please leave a review! They really do make my day, and I always LOVE reading them.