Here is my new story it called new life in the states. It's about Harry and Hermione going to live in the states with Hermione's Cousin who works for N.C.I.S

I do not own anything but the plot. I hope you guys like this one like you did my other stories.

Harry POV.

It's been two months since the end of the war Hermione and I were leaving for the states soon. Ron was going to come with us until his family told him if he did they would disown him. Mrs. Weasly couldn't stop Hermione and me. Although she had begged and pleaded and tried her hardest. We loved Mrs. Weasly, all the Weasly's they were family to Hermione and I. We needed to go though. We needed to leave Britain for our sanity. We told Ron to stay with his family. Hermione and I did not have any ties left in Britain. Hermione said that she has a cousin that we could stay with till we find a place to live.

So, it was the first of August when Hermione got an owl from her cousin and her name was Abby and she knew about witches and wizards because she was there the day when Hermione got her letter She was also there when the headmaster came to see her about school. Hermione told me that we had plane tickets for the next morning for 5:00 a.m. We needed to pack up our things, so we could leave. We took clothes and all our personal things leaving behind the furniture and bedding. We didn't have much to begin with. Being on the run from a madman does that to you. I thought I could finally have a normal life once Voldemort was gone. I never imagined it would be almost worse.


After the war the three of us got mail from everyone. Not just letters though we couldn't go anywhere or do anything without making the front page. People followed us and talked about us, to us. We got sick and tired of the letters and attention, so we started to think maybe we could leave this behind and start a new life in the states. This idea became reality when Hermione told me and Ron that she had someone that we could stay with and they could help us get a job in the muggle world if we wanted to.

After she told us that we got a letter asking us if we want to work for the MI6. Me and Hermione wanted to work there but Ron said he would have to ask his family first before he says anything. After he said that he went home to talk to his family about the letter and to tell them about us going to states. When he was gone I looked to Hermione and told her I didn't think that Ron will be coming with us. I just knew Mrs. Weasly wouldn't allow it. Ron could go against her wishes but after losing so much in the war he wouldn't. I knew the Weasly family wouldn't let him go even Charlie had moved home from Romania after the war.

We agreed that even if he didn't come we would join MI6. We also agreed that we will leaving for the states soon as we get word we can go over. We both sent our acceptances. Hermione said she was sending it to her cousin and she works of the Government over there. I told her cool I could not wait to meet her. Soon we got a message from Ron and I told Hermione that I was right Ron will not be coming with us and he did not want to work for the muggles. If he went over to the states his family will never talk to him ever again.


After I was ready to leave for the states the Ministry helped us transfer our OWLS and NEWTS over to muggle grades. M16 gave us more training then Hogwarts ever did and that they did not care about who we are just as long we worked hard and did what they wanted us to do. They knew about her cousin and pulled some strings to get us working with over where her Cousin worked. When Hermione asked where she worked her cousin said we will have to wait till we get over there.

Currently we were living in a flat in muggle London where no one in the wizarding world not even the Weasly family knew were we were. That night after we got the letter we started to pack up our things and send a letter to MI6 and tell them we will be leaving the next day and when do they think we will start working with their person over there. Then we got the letter from them telling us that it won't be for 2 weeks after we get there so they could get everything ready over there for us to work. They also needed to get our new boss in the loop, so he will know what is going on. He needed time so could get ready for us. Also, they wanted us to have time to get settled in and get to know the states. After I showed Hermione what the letter said she said okay.

That all for now please tell me what you think and review please!