Disclaimer: I own nothing of CSI


"Morning" Jackie told Nick as she walked down the stairs and found him at the kitchen table reading the paper.

"Morning, I just made coffee, it'll be ready in a few minutes." He replied.

"Ok, great, thanks. I'm glad you are home before the kids get up, I need to talk to you."

"Ok, about what?" He asked.

"Well, I think before we start trying for another baby I should have my tubal ligation reversed. I know I got pregnant with Nora but there is a much higher risk of an ectopic pregnancy when you get pregnant and your tubes are tied and getting the procedure reversed would lessen that risk. What do you think?"

"I think that is entirely up to you but if it would lessen the chance of complications I'm all for it." He told her.

"Alright, I'll schedule the reversal and then we'll start trying."

"Ok, sounds like a plan."

Jackie smiled at him as she got up to pour both of them a cup of coffee.

"How was work last night?" Jackie asked him as she sat down with two cups of coffee, one for her, and one for him.

"Good." He replied before he took a drink of coffee.

"How was your day yesterday? Any funny Davis stories?" He asked her, Davis was probably the most entertaining student she'd ever had.

"Nope, Davis was gone yesterday and he'll be gone on Monday too, he told me on Thursday that he'll be gone on Friday and Monday because he and his family were going to Mars for a family meeting. I of course was so curious about where they were going that I asked his mom when she came to pick him up from school and she said that they are going to Mobile Alabama for a family reunion."

Nick laughed.

"I don't know, I think Mars sounds more interesting, Davis might have been on to something there."

"Maybe." She agreed with a laugh.

Nick got up and got both of them a bagel and cream cheese and then carried them over to the table.

The couple enjoyed their quiet breakfast!

The End!