Chat's fingers drummed across his thigh. Ba dum, ba dum, ba dum. He couldn't help but feel nervous, terrified even. This was going to be one of, if not the most important moments of his life. Of both their lives.

Rain poured down from the sky, gray clouds covering the sun and darkening the sun's rays. Low rumbles of thunder echoed every now and then. Eiffel was dripping, making the beams slippery, harder for Chat to climb. Luckily, oh, the irony, his suit was water proof, and he didn't feel as soaked to the bone as he should. Though, his blonde, usually-wild, hair was flattened against his head, drops of water running down each strand. Chat couldn't think of a better time to do it; it was absolutely perfect.

His costume had changed over the years, considering he had grown quite a bit from the thirteen year old he used to be. The accent lines had moved positions, giving more flare across the outfit. His collar still had a bell, but it was open a slight bit at the top, giving a more rugged look. His ankles had lost their cuffs, along with the gloves. But the outfit stayed true to the Chat Noir look. But when you age nine years, there's bound to be a difference in taste.

Chat held the base of the umbrella using his tail. The belt wrapped around it, holding the object behind him as he scaled the tower. The sound of metal being stepped on rung out as the hero climbed higher. Chat landed with a loud clang, finally at his destination. Turning, he looked out over the city. Paris was breath taking, even in the rain. The city he worked so hard to protect was flourishing. People passed by below, umbrellas of all colors and sizes raised to block the citizens from the droplets.

"Sorry I'm late, Chaton. My meeting ran a bit late."

Chat jumped, instantly turning around to face a girl in red, wringing water from her long ponytail. He forced his tail back, hiding the umbrella behind him so that she couldn't see it.

"M-M'lady. It's good to see you." Chat dug his toes into the steel below him, a nervous habit he had started a while back.

"What's the matter, Kitty? Everything okay?" His girlfriend crept closer, placing a hand on his cheek, running her thumb up and down."You seem stressed. Anything you want to get off your chest?"

"I'm fine, Princess. Nothing you need to worry about." He kissed her cheek, lingering not only to stall time, but because he wanted to. God, he loved this woman.

She took a step back to look up at him. "So much rain," she gestured to the city below, a look halfway between peacefulness and humor. "Remind you of anything?" She turned to look back to Chat, an eyebrow coily raised beneath the mask.

"A little..." Chat looked at the ground before bringing an arm foreward, opening the umbrella, and holding it out to her.

Ladybug's eyes widened, mouth slightly agape. "Chat, I-"

A rumble of thunder interrupted her and she jumped, moving closer to Chat. When she turned back to him, she was smiling. Adrien was sure he mirrored her expression.

"I see I wasn't the only one reminded of that day..." She whispered.

"How could I ever forget?" He was grinning. "It was raining the day we first met as civilians. Remember? You didn't bring an umbrella."

"Yeah," she said, looking out over the city. I was still mad at you over the chewing gum incident. But, you ended up being a true gentlemen." She turned back to Chat, looking at the umbrella thoughtfully. "Wait... IsIsn't this-"

"The same umbrella? Yeah. I found it when looking through some old stuff of ours. I still can't believe yu kept it for so long."

Ladybug crossed her arms over her chest. "Can you blame me? It was the first present you gave me."

Chat chuckled. "No, I can't. Considering I kept the lucky charm you gave me."

"And you liked it so much you couldn't bring yourself to bring it back, so you made me another one..." She giggled, the sound like music in both pairs of Chat's ears.

Remembering why he asked her to come here in the first place, he said, "Hold this." Ladybug extended an arm to grasp the umbrella. "I've got something for you."

"Aww, Adrien, you didn't have to..." He could tell by the sound of her voice that she was touched.

"I know, I know, but I think you're gonna like this one." Chat unzipped his pocket before pulling out a small silver ring. It had a single emerald tinted blue. The gem was cut to shape a water drop, surrounded by white sapphires. It had been Adrien's mother's. When he held it up to her, he could see tears glistening at the corners of her eyes.


"Shh..." He placed a finger to her lips, leaning in closer under the umbrella. "I've wanted to do this for a lng time, so let me do it right. Marinette? You are my Princess and My Lady. My partner in fighting crime. I've been in love with you for close to ten years. We've been with each other through thick and thin, hardships and bad times. You are the only person I could ever want to spend the rest of my life with. So, will you do me the huge honor... of becoming my wife?"

Tears ran down her cheeks and she nodded, over and over again, letting th umbrella drop on the beam as she threw her arms around his neck. "I will! God, yes, I will!"

Their lips pressed together, tender and gentle. New, yet old. Bold and brave. Everything they wanted was in the kiss, their hopes and dreams packaged into one, perfect, kiss.

When their lips broke apart, he grinned. "I know I didn't get down on one knee, but I've always thought it to be lame. Plus, you'd accept either way."

"Of course I would, you silly cat." Ladybug flicked his leather ear. "How could I ever say no?"

"You couldn't." Chat said with a smirk. "Oh, and you do realize we are very much visible to the people down below."

"What?" Ladybug tore her gaze away, looking down to see several people with cameras. "Ugh..." She burried her head in Chat's shoulder. "They had to be watching now?"

"You know paparazzi. I don't doubt hastage Ladynoir engaged will be trending on twitter within twenty minutes."

"Ten." Ladybug corrected.

"Five. Whoever's right doesn't have to do dishes tonight."

"I can deal with that. Especially since I'm going to win." Ladybug kissed him on the cheek. "Race you home!" She turned to leave when Chat stopped her.

"Aren't you forgetting something, M'lady?"

"What am I missing?" She asked with a hint od curiosity.

"Well, not only did you forget to grab our umbrella, but you left this cat holding a thousand dollar ring in the rain."

Her eyes widened, immediately rushing to grab the umbrella. She looked at her hands before moving her promise ring to the other ring finger. "There. Would you like to do the honors, Sir Chaton?"

"Why, of course, Bugaboo." He kissed the top of her hand before pushing on the ring. Just like the first once, green sparkles erupted, changing the ring into a black cat ring, much like his own, just with more green emerald accents along the rim.

He stepped back, admiring his work. "Now, the princess can leave the ball." He bowed, gesturing for her to continue he journey home.

"Oh, I will." She raised her lips to his human ear. "Last one home has to serve the other for a week." And she was off.

This partcuparticular deal was one Chat could live with. Serving his lady for a week was honestly a prize.

Staring off at her form, running across the rooftopss, he made another promise. "I love you, Marinette. You can have me, all of me. You can take my love, affection, heart and soul. These are the things I pledge to you."