A Serperior appeared on the screen in the middle of a stage which appears to be abandoned. He wore a tux which surprisingly fits his slender form along with a black bow tie.

"Greetings viewers across the world from the internet and the land of Fiction. I am Angelo Rivera, your host for this evening, some of you may know me from roles in Shameless with Adam "Kojo" Kingston, Nightingale with Chelsea McBride, or even in my latest role in The Heart of the Royal." He said in a calm and polite manner.

"Anyways. I've been requested by Rayquaza to announce those who have been chosen to compete in the competition Total Pokémon Insane Re-Action. We would like to thank those who have submitted their applicant's we truly can't show our gratitude enough." Angelo then turned his head behind him as a large flat screen monitor is being lowered behind the grass type starter. Numerous pictures of the contestants from the previous season as well as newer faces appeared as well.

"The returning cast members are…" Angelo stated when the pictures on the top have of the screen stopped at a Scrafty, Lucario, Froslass, Tepig, Glaceon, Raichu, and a Solrok.

"In this order we have…







and Artemis." Angelo announced in that order the pictures revealed themselves in. A round of applause was heard through a recording hidden somewhere on stage causing the Serperior to mentally sweatdrop. "They really couldn't bother getting a real audience?" he thought to himself before regaining his composure.

"Anywho, those will be our returning veterans. As for the newcomers….' As if on que, numerous pictures lined up on the bottom half of the screen as it spun around like a roulette. As it slowed down, it finally revealed the last seven contestants underneath. It now revealed a Shiftry, a Pawniard, an Electirire, an Umbreon, a Brionne, a Gardevoir, and a Gorebyss.

"Here we are, our newcomers they are….







and Gloria."

The "crowd" cheered loudly again as he let whoever is controlling it doing their job. "Now, that is all for tonight, I hope you all like the reveal as it's the best that we could offer you at this time. The real competition with Rayquaza will stat soon." Angelo before he slithered off the stage.


There you have it, those are the contestants revealed for Total Pokémon Insane Re-Action. I really can't help but thank you all for putting in the submissions in and I do hope that I can make you all something that you would like to continue reading because let's face it. Insane Island was trash….anyways, hope to see you all then. Buh bai!