Serendipity - (n.) finding something good without looking for it

She eyed the luggage above her wearily and slightly warily. It was a long day, most of which had been spent with Renée. She had cleverly sent Phil on various errands that lasted most of the day. Or so Bella thought. Unbeknownst to her, they had both conspired to make today a rather special occasion. Her mother had driven them to the mall in hopes of buying Bella some last minute items for the new school year. A school year that would be spent with Charlie. Renée's meaning of 'last minute' meant something completely different than Bella's definition.

It was hardly considered 'last minute' if there were still 3 weeks until the new semester. Nevertheless, she agreed to her mother's request acquiescently. This was mostly due to the fact that she wouldn't be seeing her dear and sweet (if slightly silly at times) mother.

And so, they ended up buying relatively little at all, if anything. Although they did decide to splurge on their favorite (and only) ice creamery that sold gelato. She stole a big spoonful of her mother's yellow pineapple delicacy. Bella herself preferred the darker, and what many considered to be, 'tart' flavor of mixed berries. She didn't think it tart at all, and instead thought it had just the right amount of sweetness.

She foolishly thought it would be enough to distract her mom from asking if they were going to continue shopping. Bella gave the perfectly valid reason that she had enough clothes at Charlie's and that she wouldn't want to add more weight to her baggage. She sure as heck didn't want to pay the extra fee. In fact, her mother had absentmindedly glanced at the time on her phone's screen before hesitantly agreeing that it was time to go. It was all Bella could do not to whoop and holler when her mother wasn't looking. In all honesty, shopping was fine. Mostly.

Just not today at least.

It was neither her first time on a plane, nor would it be the last. Still, the duffel bag's pocket across from her minisculely grew bigger as a pair of sneakers attempted to escape their confines. Bella had only noticed it, when at first, she could not identify the origin of the noise. It was the zipper. It would open a little more with every movement that was made when others put their luggage in the overhead compartment. She silently prayed that it wouldn't fall on her head when it would be time to pass through that particular section of seats.

Deciding to ignore the impending accident waiting to happen, she slowly got out a pair of earbuds from her pocket, a piece of gum falling out as she did so. Darn things always got tangled, she frowned. Placing the pink edible back in her pocket, she focused her attention back on the task at hand. Luckily for her, she always enjoyed a good challenge. Her nimble fingers soon came back victorious from the now, formerly tangled grey cords.

This was her second flight. It was considerably shorter than the first (only an hour long), but being cooped up made Bella feel antsy. Especially when there was an abundance of people in the nearby vicinity. Luckily for her, she had managed to be seated next to the window. The major downside to this was that she would have to bother the occupants in the adjacent seats to reach the restroom. She would just have to turn down the beverage offered this flight. Fortunately, she had gone to the restroom while waiting for the layover airplane. She had even managed to find a book that a friend had recommended in the airport's ridiculously expensive shops. Its orange lettering style and font probably would have caught her attention, had she not recognized the title, she admitted to herself.

Her right hand reached into the pocket of her faded green hoodie to briefly rub against the familiar material. It was one of her favorite articles of clothing that she owned, and while Renée offered again and again to buy a new one, Bella always declined. She liked this one, along with another equally-as-faded blue zippered hoodie, which she had obviously packed into her luggage. Although its warm but thin fleece lining was long gone, it kept her very toasty.

Kinda like those houses or specially made buildings that were warm in winter but cool in the summer. An odd and random comparison, but it seemed true enough.

With a quick glance to her peaceful neighbor, Bella finally inserted the tiny objects into her ears. She expertly connected its cable to the phone and, upon opening the phone's music selection, hit shuffle. Why she preferred shuffle as of recently was an elusive mystery to her as she would just skip along the songs to find one she wanted. Nevertheless, she relented to her wants. Her fingers edged along the top of the pages until they skimmed the harder surface of her origami bookmark. Opening the book, she was soon lost to the futuristic and dystopian genre of the novel.

The only reason she ended up looking up (nearly an hour later) was solely due to the muffled voice on the speakers. Left hand reaching up, the voice suddenly became clearer as her earbud came out.

Ah, yes... the inflight announcements. She listened to them inattentively as either the captain or a flight attendant listed off the local time and weather. She had opted to continue reading through the landing. She had her seatbelt on and it's not like she had the little tray pulled out to serve as a potential hazard should the airplane somehow crash in the 1000 feet or so from the runway.

She's been here enough times to expect the fresh atmosphere she would encounter once she exited of the airport. That having been said, she pulled her hoodie closer against her. She pulled down her pushed up sleeves. She'd probably push them up again but oh well. As much as she loved it here, she silently cursed her disposition towards Arizona weather. She would be escaping 105 plus weather and exchanging it for the heavenly averages of 70s in July. The dramatic change in temperature almost always threw her off every year.

At the most, she'd have a headache and feel like crap in the morning and the following day. At the very least she'd be mildly chilly.

She would also be exchanging thin t-shirts for thicker long-sleeved shirts. That for sure was a welcome change.

As the announcements were wrapping up, closed her book and she reached down to grab her black and teal knapsack. Its impressive patterns were of Mexican descent and she cherished this new gift. Its paradoxically soft and rough medium made Bella fleetingly knead the mound beneath her palms. Repeatedly. Canvas material, she decided upon. Or maybe not; it was softer than her worn out Converse.

She stretched the opening of the bag and gently placed her book inside, moving the other items to accommodate for the new arrival. Popping the other bud out and pulling the cord from its input, Bella considered placing it in the small pocket of her knapsack. She decided against it and instead positioned the now wrapped cable into the pocket of her jeans. She shimmied down her jeans slightly to make room in her tiny ass women pockets. Her jeans with the good pockets were in her luggage, dang it. God, she looked forward to lazing about in her designated pjs - tee shirts and joggers with giant pockets. Arizona weather made for tiny ass shorts and maybe a tank top.

She pulled on the drawstrings and secured the button before attempting to slip her arms through the thin straps. Carefully pushing the rucksack to the side (she had to be mindful of her neighbor after all), she placed it on her back and felt its firm and flat weight on her back muscles.

She patiently waited for the other passengers to gather their belongings from above. As patiently as she could anyways. Seeing no point in standing, she had remained sitting, facing the interior path of the plane. Would it be called a hallway, she pondered in her seemingly eternal boredom. Her leg bounced in crazy beats, completely unlike her slowly drumming fingers hidden within the confines of her hoodie pocket.

She smirked as she watched unknown passenger number one reaching a hand towards the duffel bag. In the seconds that followed, she disguised a snort as a cough as best as she could. One brightly colored Nike sneaker had indeed fallen, just as she had predicted. However, it had fallen straight to the carpeted floor, narrowly missing landing on the owner's head. The owner bent over to pick them up and hurriedly place it back with its twin, making sure to zip up the zippers all the way, before walking the rest of the walkway.

A few more rows now.

Bella eyed the people ahead of her row. The small trio seemed to know each other and were not paying particular attention to the line, shuffling forward absentmindedly. She rolled her eyes at this blatant dallying around. People had places to go and people to see, damnit! With just her rucksack to worry about, she saw the opportunity and joyfully took it. Finders keepers, losers weepers. Though Bella certainly wasn't under 5 feet tall (she was 5'5" thank you very much), she managed to squirm with a cat-like grace in the small space provided without feeling like she touched or bumped into anything. She supposed her lanky frame was to thank for that.

Moving on, both with her thoughts and feet, she walked down the mostly empty walkway. She felt the brisk air from the doorway on what little exposed skin it could find. Shuffling faster, she made her way down the ramp and into the airport.


Maybe if she kept going straight (haha…). Okay, she needed to get to this gate but she was apparently here on the , as a seasoned traveler (ha!), she shouldn't be having such a hard time. She blamed lack of caffeine. She had coffee in the morning before she was out with Renée, but sadly, that was hours ago. It effect was long gone by now. A warm tea would do wonders right now though, she thought wistfully.

Did she want her sleep to suffer in the middle of the night due to the possible caffeine content or not?

Or she could just get decaf tea like a non-melodramatic person...

With that in mind, she slid one strap off to better reach the small pocket where her wallet was located. She placed it in her back pocket and readjusted her pack in its original position. With that particular goal in mind, and money in her pocket for quick and easy access, she set off in search of a place that sold warm beverages. Preferably a Peet's Coffee, or Starbucks, but she wasn't overly picky. Walking forward, with her rubber soles thudding softly against the linoleum floor, she set off in her grand quest!

Why she had been designated to pick up the little pixie, she didn't know.

Okay, fine, she did, but that didn't mean she wasn't going to pretend she didn't. As far as anyone was concerned, and whatever they thought, they were wrong. She most certainly didn't come here willingly. Esme had asked. And she wasn't about to say no to her dearest mother. Either way, she had driven her carmine red BMW all the way to the airport.

She was due to pick up Alice on her return flight from France. And Jasper was set to return about two weeks later from South America. Only once before (maybe twice, she had to admit) had she bothered to, rather redundantly, ask why they took those occasional trips apart, why they didn't spend them together (when they obviously missed each other during said trips). She suspected the answer but still wanted to have her musings confirmed. Alice had replied from the safe distance of a few feet away the rather clichéd answer of 'distance makes the heart grow fonder, Rosalie.'

Rosalie had thrown a pillow in her general direction. Even without any special skills, she had predicted that she wouldn't hit her intended target. In all honesty, it had been one of her weaker and slower throws.

Surprisingly, or rather unsurprisingly, she had received a similar answer from Jasper. Her 'twin' responded that even if he travelled alone, he would get this happy feeling whenever he thought about coming home to her. She truly was a climate he enjoyed the most, and the same was said by Alice.

Rather quiet and composed by nature, this was one hell of a declaration from him. She supposed it was nice to know that their feelings for each other would never change due their respective gifts. Shift and change over the years to suit them maybe, but never disappear.

In many ways, they were just like everyone else. Jasper the introvert met Alice the extrovert in a sweet little dinner in Philadelphia. 'She was just sittin' there with two chocolate milkshakes and some fries, waiting. Told me I took long enough.' He'd chuckle at the memory, fond amusement at the beginning of his new forever.

Shaking the thoughts that had very recently (and once again) begun to plague her mind away, she took out her phone and started going through her contacts. Once the desired contact name appeared underneath her thumb [Little Demon], she dialed up the number.

There was hardly any time for the first ring to ring before -


- that happened.

"Hello, Alice. How was your flight?" Rosalie inquired politely, already working her way towards the building from the dimly lit parking lot with a slow but easy stride.

"Booo-ring! How else would a 20 hour flight be?" the little midget replied in rapid French, as though attempting to thoroughly convey her exasperation.

Before she could even reply, Alice's French filled her ears again: "Coffee or tea?"

Rosalie blinked, unsure about whether to be surprised or cautious. How odd that Alice had even bothered to ask. She usually decided to forgo such simple and cumbersome details. However, she knew that Rosalie liked it better when she didn't do her psychic (almost-mind-reading) skill. Normally Alice surprised her with simple things like food and drinks. Movies too, for their family nights.

Ah, there were probably people nearby. She entered the elevator and pushed the button as she contemplated her response. After some thought she replied, "Am I going to regret not asking?"


"Alright. Something sweet. Fruity maybe," she proposed impishly, in lieu of an actual response to the spoken question. She heard the phone's silence as a sign that Alice has hung up on her. No matter, Alice knew the preferred flavors of her palate anyways. She was out of the elevator by now and spotted some signs above her. With barely a pause in her step, her eyes quickly took in the large, clean cut font. That way to the luggage area it seemed. Not that she didn't know her way around, but it was rather beneficial to act the part. Get into the swing of things one might say.

Walking on what she thought to be a slightly tacky carpet (there were airplanes in the swirls), she made her way toward the baggage claim area. She stood some distance away from the oval monstrosity of the belt, away from what was soon to be a crowd. Already there was more than a handful of people, presumably waiting for other people still aboard the aircraft. She noted the reflective finish of the lustrous conveyor belts. Her gaze briefly caught metallic shades between periwinkle blue and amethyst glinting in the metal, mirroring her own iridescent irises, before she looked away, the colors disappearing from the metal as she did so.

Her line of vision focused upon some point in space before being drawn to movement from her right. Clear royal eyes settled on a familiar build of a girl. It took Rosalie but a moment to place her. It was Angela, who had just finished putting her phone back in her pocket.

Rosalie furrowed her eyebrows slightly before they evened out, wondering what the other girl was doing here. Usually her insistent twin brothers kept her busy. Or she'd be at the library reading and studying away.

In a small town like this, it was quite easy to keep unmindful tabs on the residents. That, and Rosalie would disappear to the library often enough. She liked its calming atmosphere and soothing scent. The books were definitely a bonus. Emmett would come too sometimes, more often than not. He preferred to keep her company, sitting across from her in their appointed table and moving around her stacks of books.

A few feet away from both Angela and the conveyor belt, Rosalie waited. She was vigilant about approaching or being approached by the other adolescent. Angela was certainly more than kind enough to entertain some small talk. But as it was, she just wanted Alice's luggage to roll through. Rosalie stood her ground, careful not to make any movements whatsoever that would attraction attention. Her position granted her an easy view of the escalators where Alice was bound to coming bouncing through.

Letting her gaze roam left and right, she continued to remain at a standstill.

Was her carry-on bag too big?

Alice knew it was just the right size according to the sign before she boarded the plane but still. Any bigger and it could've surpassed the limits. Of course, she would've seen this future if she had chosen to take a bigger bag. Her point being that she was a woman of small stature. Carrying what would probably seem like a big, heavy bag. For a carry on anyways.

She was already out of the plane and ambling along the colorful storefronts when she pondered upon how she might look to others.

Then again, her actual luggage was bigger. She'd make Rosalie carry that one then. To keep up appearances of course. Better the taller of the two, she nodded almost imperceptibly. Now for some drinks...

Continuing her lively and confident walk, she headed towards a generic looking storefront that appeared to sell wam drinks a distance away.

With a small smile forming, and her steps continuing, she decided to entertain herself with her particular and unique skill set. Let's see…

The young 20 year old to her far left was going to visit her parents up in Canada. She still had this last flight to go, and was walking towards the designated gate. As she looked at her, she could see a transparent, future version besides her present self scrolling through a phone to call them.

Alice saw the tiny and delicate strands as people made their decisions. However, upon her mastery of her gift, she willed the most likely outcomes to materialize. Otherwise, she usually saw various and multiple shades doing various actions until the person in question decided on an action. She didn't control them, no, but she allowed herself to really see what could happen. What was most likely to happen.

This meant that they were to come true unless sudden actions interrupted the natural course of events. The future was not always set in stone. This part of her gift was only if she could see her subject in front of her. Any other visions came as they usually did, as visions.

She could've interrupted the young woman she passed to ask for directions. In doing so, she would've left her to google whatever Alice hypothetically said once she left. This in turn would've delayed her call to her parents. Even more so if the distraction was enough to cause her to forget to call.

But Alice strove to not affect others' lives too much. She moved her eyes and thoughts onto other subjects.

Further ahead among the rows of seats, sat an older looking man. Alice concentrated ahead to see his subsequent actions. He was due to board his plane in about half an hour to come home to his boyfriend in Nevada. Ah, so this was a business trip of some sort. She deduced this from his briefcase by his feet and his sleek laptop in his lap, fingers furiously typing. Staring for a moment longer, she could see his translucent self packing up his laptop and getting ready to board the plane.

She liked to guess at each person's appearance and reason before confirming it in a vision. It kept her observation skills in tip top shape. Occasionally, she liked to not rely on her visions. Although it wasn't really not-relying if she still checked that she was right.

Okay, last one. Alice's eyes slowly roved through the building before settling on a girl ahead of her, who was currently walking in the same direction as Alice. This teenager appeared to be around the same age as the rest of the Cullens, excluding Esme and Carlisle. What they looked to be anyways. Although with Alice's youthful face, she could probably pass for the same age for a longer amount of time.



Alice's eyes narrowed slightly in confusion as she contemplated this minor complexity. At first, the future shade of the girl wouldn't appear. She narrowed her eyes and put some more focus into willing it to appear. Then it did, slowly but surely. It flickered in and out of existence before finally settling on a more or less solid appearance.

She would have to discuss this with Carlisle and the rest of the coven. This was a most curious development indeed.

Alice could only catch snippets of a conversation that the incorporeal form was intending to have:



"… vanilla."

So this teenager was heading to that appealing little cafe. Interesting. Having never seen this newcomer before, Alice was keen to discover what she was doing here. She had not seen any visions during her time in Paris. Though that was probably due to the fact that she had not actively looked for anything at the time. And the long distance most likely. And the shopping. Might as well throw the blame on the food too, she hummed quietly in amusement at her musings.

Bella saw rows upon rows of the comfortable looking blue seats of the seating areas. She had sat in these many a time in semi-complete boredom whenever she travelled. She counted a few as she leisurely walked by. And now, coming closer to the cafe, the wafting smells pleasantly greeted her nose. She inhaled deeply and let out a profoundly contented sigh.

The scent of spiced coffee and teas were a godsend to her. One deep breath revealed the sweet but thick aroma of caramelled and dolled up coffee. Another divulged the secrets that were hidden inside the deceptively simple cups of tea. She felt her unruly senses reign in at the calming atmosphere, the boredom of the airplane starting to melt away.

Thankfully there were not a lot of patrons to stand behind in a long line. Just three. And for this Bella silently thanked whoever was out there listening. She took her phone out of her snug pocket and speed dialed a number.

"Hey!" She called out once the call was picked up.

"Hello Bella." She could hear some amusement in Angela's tone at her excited greeting. They called and texted often enough but there was a certain novelty in knowing that Bella was finishing up school here. "Did your plane land already?"

"Yep. Thanks for doing this," Bella expressed her gratitude once again as she watched a customer get his heavily drizzled drink. Caramel, she had guessed properly but she missed the chocolatey rivulets making their way down the whipped cream. God, how could she miss the delicious smell of chocolate? Two more.

Unbeknownst to Bella, a much shorter customer just walked through the cafe's open doors. Said figure slowed her stride until she was waiting but a few steps behind the last client after Bella.

"It's no problem, I've been meaning to drive up to Port Angeles for a while now."

Bella wondered what Angela got. Books? Movies? Then she remembered what month it was. It was just the beginning of July, and the twins' birthdays were at the end of the month! Man, she hadn't seen those little monkeys in forever. She smirked before voicing her thoughts.

"Did you go to find presents for your brothers?" At Angela's positive affirmation, she hummed in thought before replying with a cheeky, "So I was making my way down to luggage when this little cafe called my attention. Would you like something to drink? Some freezing ice cold coffee maybe?"

The response was instantaneous.

"Bella no! Don't you dare!" Angela all but yelled into the phone, loud enough that she had to briefly hold it away from her ear. Bella's eyes diminished into slits and crinkled at the corners as a hearty laugh escaped her mouth at the sound of Angela's horrified voice.

Alice's brown irises relocated from the food occupied shelves and onto the girl in front of her at the sudden noise. She looked on curiously at the familiar tone with which the girl chatted with her recipient. Port Angeles was a big city. Despite this, Alice felt in her dusty old bones that this particular individual was going to be important. How, she didn't know, but she was going to find out one way or another.

Presently, she turned her attention back to the conversation at hand. What else was she supposed to do when she had all the time in the world?

"Alright, alright babe. I'll get you your usual, boring vanilla," Bella replied. Her emphasis on vanilla and babe were entirely deliberate. Because gosh, it was easy to fluster Angela if she wasn't expecting it. And she gave back as good as she got most times. With her anyways.

"Thank you. I'm waiting down in the luggage area so hurry up!"

And with that the call ended, and the person in front of Bella stepped aside with their own drink in hand. She stepped forward, and although she briefly rehearsed what to say before the call, she hesitated now. For but a moment anyways...

"Uh, could I get a mocha cappuccino and a cinnamon frappe? Medium, please."

Although she had teased Angela about her at-times-predictable tastes, Bella preferred the mild spice of smooth cinnamon with just hints of barely there vanilla gliding over her tongue. It was warm and sweet, and it was just something that Bella felt she was unable to describe accurately.

Of course, her drink was cold so maybe warm isn't quite the best word to use. Normally she would've gotten tea but she thought about the two new boxes of tea that she bought with a twinge of something akin to guilt. She really should finish those boxes but she knows that she'll probably buy another box when its flavor catches her attention.

She wonders about whether or not she left some with Charlie the last time she was here when the barista asks for a name. Bella, she replies, before her thoughts switch to those of the mischievous kind. Perhaps she'll present her cold drink to Angela in greeting.

Behind her, a small satisfied smile appears on an equally small person at hearing the given name. Now she knows who to ask about. Knows which name she's gotta keep her ears open. Her gut feelings are almost never wrong. Thoughts of which drinks to get are settled quickly as she sees this Bella person wait off to the side.

Business is quick and she's gone with two drinks in her hand just as Alice walked up to the counter.

She makes a show of heaving her carry on closer to her. As expected, the guy is decent enough to place her drinks in a cardboard cup carrier without her asking.

She was still standing in the exact same spot when Alice texted her that she'd be down soon. Her phone again vibrated in her hand just as she was putting it back in her jacket pocket. The second message gave an exact time.

And so Rosalie waited some more, occasionally shifting her weight from one foot to the other. She could probably keep her same position longer but her human mannerisms seemed to be getting the best of her. She tapped her thumb on the fingers of her left hand to maintain some sort of movement. To keep the impending boredom at bay.

Sure, she could get lost in her thoughts but she would often find herself focusing on the chaotic conversations breaking through the white noise. No, she did not particularly care about how Karen's lasagna tasted or Luis' flan, which was handed down from generation to generation, came out.

And yet, she found herself listening in half heartedly. Similar to how one would watch TV but still be on the phone. Or channel surfing while attempting to listen to a phone call. And when the first few people started walking through the gate, she focused her attention.

And quite soon Rosalie spotted Alice and her short stature.

Watching her walk out among the throes of haggard people really seemed to put her height and fashion sense into perspective. But mostly her height. She snickered quietly under her breath. This obviously did not go unnoticed by Alice, who, upon reaching her destination, impishly held out her carry on bag for Rosalie to take. A raised blonde eyebrow was what she got in response, but she conceded and took the proffered item anyways.

Now that she had a free hand, Alice took her drink from the holder and took a long sip of it, delaying any pleasantries.

A single eyebrow twitched.

"Did you stick to your one bag challenge?" She wondered how many suitcases she would have to carry. Just two if Alice really did stick to Emmett's dare. However, she did not recall the size of that one suitcase.

"Of course I did, Rosalie! What, did you not expect me to?" Came Alice's snarky remark. She'd never bet against Alice but boy was it fun to tease and joke about it.

Rosalie reached for the remaining drink instead of answering. Alice knew what she thought to that question already. "Well, let's go then. Let's not keep Esme waiting."

With drinks in hand, and Alice's carry on in the other, they made their way towards the giant conveyor belt that would soon spit out the luggage from the plane.

While the two siblings caught up, another passenger exacted a cheerful greeting to an unsuspecting, innocent bystander.

"Angela! Baby, my sweet thang, the love of my life, honey! I missed youuuu!"

This was a greeting that Angela did not expect. She had no precedent for it, really. Although she and Bella had known each other since they were tiny toddlers, they had not made much of an effort to be more than friends until a few years back. As in, best friends. She greatly appreciated her friendship with this often-times hyperactive and sleepy human being. She had expected Bella to text her that she was coming down this way or something.

"Hey! Ooh, is that for moi?" she asked with a smile on her face. Once Bella had mentioned the drinks, it was all she could think of in the quiet, humming boredom of waiting in airports. "Dang, look at the love of my life." She motioned to the drinks in Bella's hand. She wasn't entirely sure which one was which. The names weren't facing her direction. Actually, now that she looked closer, she had a slight inkling on which one was hers due to cup design.

Bella gasped loudly and exaggeratedly exclaimed,"I thought I was the love of your life?! Damn Ang, thanks. You're getting this one." She moved her left hand forward, the one that was holding her order. Angela's was in her right.

"No, Bella, that one's cold!" She made a move to reach for the other one, and sighed in relief when Bella didn't move away. They sipped their drinks in unison and sighed at the sweet taste. They looked up. Bella stared at Angela, and Angela stared at Bella. Their faces broke into warm smiles before they stepped forward for a hug.

They talked about what they've done over the summer before walking closer towards the conveyor belt. Bella just wanted to flop on her bed, in all honesty. Bella stopped slightly behind Angela and angled her body towards her to continue their conversation. This way she could keep an eye on the luggage passing though as she they chatted. Somewhere between some milkshake incident and baking mishap by Ang's brothers, she felt this urge, an itch almost, to look up and around.

She looked past Ang's shoulders and to her right. She awkwardly shifted her eyes away as soon as they made contact with someone else's, trying to pass off the unexpected eye contact as just her gaze roaming about. She connected with a few different eyes. A pair of dark browns, hazel greens and this really pretty shade of dark prussian blue. That odd feeling mostly went away and she went back to focusing on their conversation before she spotted her suitcase.

"Ooh! There!" It was big and brown and presumably heavy just from looking at it. However, she simply offered her drink to Angela. Then Bella simply stepped forward (mindful of the other people), and firmly gripped the handle with both hands. With ease, she lifted it and deposited at her feet, a few inches away from her converse.

"Well, that doesn't look heavy at all…" Angela commented dryly with deadpan voice.

"Of course, it's not Ang. Look at these guns," Bella replied cheekily as she struck a pose with her one free arm. There was not much to look at with her oversized hoodie. Nevertheless, Angela walked up to an awaiting Bella and linked their free arms together, balancing the drinks in between her arm and chest.. She made a show of feeling Bella's arm up as she feigned cluelessness: "Oh, this gun? Bella, this is a handgun." Bella pouted at this before smiling but made a gesture with her hand. Pew-pew. She returned the other drink to her hand before it dropped and spilled its delicious contents like some sort of java ichor.

"Oh, hey, want a taste?" Angela wrinkled her nose at the offending drink in her hand but proceeded to take a sip anyways. She liked its flavor but the temperature was wrong.

"Are you going to call Charlie? To let him know?"

"Oh, shoot. You right."

With Angela's arm still linked with her arm, she began to lead Bella away. Bella struggled slightly to get her phone out of her pocket but she managed to free it from its cloth prison.

Angela lead the distracted girl around to the elevator as she talked to her dad, where they would attempt to find Angela's small car amidst the other small white cars. She loved her car, she really did, but it had been difficult to find it when she first got it. She could spot it anywhere now but sadly, Bella could not. She would occasionally position Bella's straw closer to her mouth so that she could drink some as they were walking and talking. Hers was a tad hot and she would have to tilt her head back. Waiting till she got to her car would be the best choice.

She could see Bella's hand moving to get her attention. Now that she had it, she mouthed,"Is it that one?" while pointing to a white car.

"No Bella."

Her call with Charlie ended with a 'see you soon Dad!' and again, she whispered, "What about that one?"

"No, Bells." She grinned at her antics. They continued this for about a minute more until Bella ran out of cars to point at within the vicinity. As they got closer to her car, she finally replied 'yes Bella' to her unspoken question. She received an animated response in return.

She unlinked their arms and placed the drinks on the top of her car. She pulled out her car keys from her pocket with ease. With a beep-beep, she opened the door and sat down, waiting for Bella to store away her luggage. She heard one door close and another open before Bella slid into the driver's passenger seat. She was about to insert the key when -

"-do you want me to drive?"

"No, Bells."

"Are you sure though?" she continued. She was sure Angela had to have been behind the wheel for a while now.

"Yeah. You literally just got off an airplane. Go to sleep or something."

"Wow, I'm so glad you appreciate my company and commentary so much. Maybe I will go to sleep." A slight pause as she contemplated her next sentence. "Actually, this is coffee so who knows…"

With a chuckle, Angela backed the car and finally made her way out of the parking lot. It was getting kind of late now. The trees made the backdrop of nature's sky seem darker and the sliver of the crescent moon was not nearly as bright as other nights. Especially not with its current shape. It was still quite something to look at. To Bella probably. She was the one that lived here longer.

Meanwhile, Bella sipped greedily at the drink in her hands. She eased off only slightly when she felt that there was the small probability of getting a brain freeze. Those really hurt. She sighed a long and full, heavy sigh when she finally finished her drink. She snuggled into her hoodie and turned to look out her window, head leaning against her seatbelt in a mostly comfortable position.

After stretch of silence, Angela looked to her companion and found her fast asleep. She knew it. She gripped the steering wheel and continued her smooth drive home.

A/N - Read and review, constructive criticism welcome, tell me what y'all think of this. Took me a very long time to even write. Felt like I should contribute to this unlikely ship that I very much enjoy. I very vaguely have a plot sketched out, but send me prompts or ideas to incorporate or something. I apologize in advance for untimely chapter updates, but rest assured that I'll continue this. To those wondering, yes, the Cullens are vampires. I'm diverging from canon. This is an AU so...