Danny Phantom: Solus

By: Hordak's Pupil

Chapter I: Omens

Princess Adora

"Finally," I said opening the door to my quarters and fell onto the soft bed. My head throbbed and even opening my eyes for a moment is excruciating. This had been the first time I was able to rest as Hordak had been attacking small villages for the past two weeks. "They don't have any value for him." I shift my weight to get comfortable and grab the calendar on the night stand. "October 8th already," I said as I tried to sit up. I had promised Adam that would come home to help decorate the palace for Duncan's birthday. "He's going to be disa..." a knock on the door made my headache worse.

"Princess," one of the queen's guards knocked on the wall before entering. I sat up and asked him what is wrong. "I am sorry to disturb you but Hordak is attacking the village of Khamael." That's near the south why would we go there as it offers nothing to him. I told the guard I would go see what was going on. "Thank you princess," he says leaving the room. I slowly pull myself out of bed and take a small pill the queen's healer gave me for pain. I pick up my sword and carefully sneak out of the room to find a secluded space to transform.


"The idea that the Devil's 'angelic' name is Lucifer comes from the...," Lancer drones on as I try to stay awake. Vlad had been running me ragged sending out his cronies to labs and other factories. I could feel my eyes close as I heard the teacher mention something about the Bible. "Mr. Fenton," he asks slamming a heavy book on the floor. "Do you want to explain how a corruption of a Canaanite god gave us the name Beelzebub?" I flipped through the notes as everyone laughed at me. "Danny, why don't you go get a drink of water," he says as I thank him and leave the room.

Once I am further down the hall, I reach into my pocket and take out a bottle of energy shot. I place it on my lips and cringe as its sour taste hits my tongue. "How can anyone...," a shiver races up spine. "Great just what I need- ghosts." I rush into a nearby closet to transform. I close my eyes and try to focus on where the disturbance was coming from.

"The computer wing," I said as I raced to deal with whatever surprise Plasmius had in store for me.


"We haven't found any sign of the relic," a trooper said walking into the room and saluted me. Damn these useless machines. If only Hordak would give me a proper army I would be able to get things done. I order him to continue looking as I walk into the documents wing. "There has to be something in here!" I say breaking the glass from the case and rifle through the parchments.

A trooper brings in the curator to this wretched museum. He drops him on the floor and leaves to continue searching. "You thugs won't get away with this," he said as I lifted him by the neck. I demanded him to tell me where the map is. "The item you are looking for doesn't..." he stops as I take out one of my knives and eye him up. "You... don't...," he begins say as I hear the sound of my troopers being destroyed.

I head out to the foyer and see She-Ra standing at the door. "Didn't you read the sign, It says 'no pets'" she taunts as I draw my sword and glare at her. "Why didn't you say you wanted to play," she draws her sword as I charge at her. Before I could strike she leaps out of the way and I crash into the wall. "You should be more careful," she says as I get my bearings together. I tell her that I will disembowel her as we clash again. "That's no...," I manage to kick her in the stomach sending her flying. I take out my knife but before I could get near her something snatches the weapon from my hand.

"You should know better than to treat a woman like that," the voice of the archer said as he came into the room with his bow aimed at me. I sense She-Ra sneaking up on me. I take the chain from my belt and snare her pulling her towards me.

"I would think very carefully about that aim," I said wrapping my arm around her neck. Bow looked at her intently and stepped back. "That is bet...," she kicks me in the gut forcing me to release her. She gets up and breaks the chain. I look around for troops but there are none around. "Another time scum," I said activating a portal to the Fright Zone to lick my wounds.


"Who says that schools are lacking funds," Technus gloated as I watched him from the window on the door. He was opening up the computers and taking circuit boards from them. "Hello my pretty you are looking fine,"he said looking at a list in his hand. While he is busy I slowly phased into the room. "Let's see now I need...," he looked from behind his glasses and spotted me. "You dare interfere ghost child," he said firing an ectobeam at me. I try to dodge it but am too slow and hits my hand. "You are loosing your edge child," he said as I got up and fired back at him but missed. Technus looks around and sees some Ethernet cable and ensnares my ankle.

I try to phase out but something is blocking my powers. He starts to spin me around the room laughing as my back hits the wall. "You're going...," I begin to say but am too dizzy to stand up. The ghost laughs saying that I am getting too old for this. "I'll show you old," I form a ball of ectoplasm in my hand but before I could throw it Technus takes the cable and wraps it around my feet causing me to fall. "It will take...," I try to phase out but something is blocking my powers. The snare coils around my legs and waist as I struggle to get up. "Have to...Damn!" it wraps around my chest making it hard to breathe.

"Struggle all you want," Technus says as he comes over and seals my nose and mouth with ectoplasm. "Sleep child," he says as I feel the cord wrap around my neck as everything goes black.


"You ruined my fun," I teased Bow as we cleaned up the room. He laughed saying that I was lucky he was around or else I would have been finished. "You should know me better than that," I said placing the documents back in the case.

"Thank you for your help," the curator says straightening his collar. I ask him what Grizzlor was looking for. "A map said to lead an artifact of great power. It's a legend through, there is no proof that such a map exists." I think back to Hordak's attacks on museums and libraries it all makes sense now.

"Bow, I think you need to alert Queen Angella about this," I tell him as we head outside. He asks about me, "I am needed somewhere else. I will catch up later." I mount Swift Wind take to the skies as he takes off on land to Brightmoon.

This didn't sit right with me. The fact that Hordak wants it tells me it's not a myth. I tell Swifty to head to Skydancer Mountain I have an old friend I need to talk to. He neighs and takes off for the east. I just hope I can find answer to this mystery.


"Now watch as the hydrofluoric acid eats through the glass," our chemistry teacher Mr. Palmer said pouring the chemical into beaker. The class oohed and awe over the reaction and a thousand hands shot up. "Before you ask no it doesn't eat through flesh instantly,"he warned them. I looked out the door and saw Tucker racing down the hall.

I raise my hand, "Yes Ms. Manson," Mr. Palmer says dryly. I ask him if I can use the rest room. "Is this an emergency?" I nod and he tells me to be quick.

"What's going on?" I race up to my friend. Tucker explains that Danny never came back to class after being excused. He thought it was just a ghost attack but he is usually quick taking care of ghost on school property. He takes out his smart phone and starts the new Fenton Finder App. It picks up a signal coming from the computer room upstairs.

I start running towards the stairs, "Can we take a break first," Tucker says but I grab him by the shirt and make our way upstairs. I just hope we are not too late.