

JJS4 and A.K. Hunter

Chapter One

Alexis slipped her new key into the door of her new apartment. She wearily pushed the door open, exhaustion and frustration flowing through her veins. A delicious, savory scent hit her nose as she stepped into her apartment, and her frustration turned into a helpless sort of guilt.

"Hey, babe." Kevin appeared in front of her, and his arms slipped around her frame. "Javi finally let you out of the bullpen?"

"We caught a late lead. Espo's still there, wrapping things up." She looked up into his face, searching for any signs of anger. "I'm so sorry we had to cancel our dinner plans, Kev—"

"Late nights are part of the job. I understand."

"But it's not just some random night. It's our anniversary. We made all these plans and now they're ruined. You aren't even a little bit frustrated?"

He shrugged. "The important part is that I get to spend time with you. Now come eat dinner." He brushed a kiss over her cheek and tugged her to the dinner table.

"You didn't have to cook," she protested as Kevin began removing the covers from the food. Perfect-looking steak and mashed potatoes sat alongside a beautiful strawberry-spinach salad—all her favorites. Alexis' stomach cramped and her mouth watered. She'd forgotten to eat lunch again.

"Why wouldn't I?" He asked as he poured wine into her glass.

Alexis took her time cutting her perfectly seasoned steak into bite-sized pieces. The meal was perfect, as usual, better than anything she'd ever had from a restaurant. She knew she should be happy, grateful, ready to shake off the stress and demands of her job and focus on her boyfriend, but that hot frustration refused to lift from her chest.

They were almost finished with their meal when Kevin reached over and took her hand. "What's the matter?"

"Nothing." She tried to smile. "How about dessert? I think there's still ice cream in the freezer." She stood up and began collecting their plates before walking into the kitchen. She carefully placed the dirty dishes in the sink, frowning at the dishes and pans that had been used to make their delicious meal. Kevin had worked so hard to make this special for her, and all she could do was pout that things hadn't gone as planned. What was wrong with her?

She retraced her steps back to the dining room table, where her boyfriend was watching her with a look she couldn't identify. Her heart sank. Why couldn't she just be grateful? She stopped in front of him. "I'm sorry. I'm acting like a brat. You've worked so hard to make it special."

"Doesn't feel very special, does it?"

Alexis quickly shook her head. "That's my fault. I'm sorry. I just… I'm just being ungrateful."

He squeezed her hand. "You really were looking forward to tonight, weren't you?"

"It was supposed to be our night. Our jobs demand everything. I work late every night and you're gone half the time on undercover jobs. And it's fine. I like my job. I like our life. But I really just wanted one night to put on makeup and take off this stupid pantsuit and go on an actual date, you know? I wanted to feel pretty and normal for just one night. One night when I'm not worried about getting justice for someone's loved one or thinking up worse-case scenarios that involve you getting shot by some drug dealer—" She stopped herself as frustration bled into actual anger. Anger at her job, anger at her luck, and, most of all, anger at herself. "And instead I'm pouting about my perfect boyfriend making a perfect dinner and you know what? I'm realizing I'm the problem here." She sighed. Her eyes avoided Kevin's face. "I'm sorry."

For a moment, he didn't say anything. And then he tugged her into his lap, tilting her chin up so she was forced to look at him.

"Do you feel better now?" Kevin asked.

"A little bit."

"Good." He stroked her cheekbone. "I don't want to hear another apology from those lips tonight. You have nothing to be sorry about."

She leaned into his touch. "Don't take this the wrong way, but your perfection tonight has made me very aware of my many flaws."

"You don't have any flaws."

Alexis snorted, and Kevin's fingers threaded through her hair lightly tugging her tresses. "Looks pretty perfect to me."

She sank into his touch, resting her head on his shoulder. "Sweet talker."

"Just telling the truth."

"Mmm," she said noncommittally.

"But you were right about one thing." A hungry gleam entered his eyes and his voice dropped low. "It has been too long."

Heat crept up her neck. She knew that tone, that look. A year of dating and three months of living with the man in front of her had put her on the receiving end of them more than once. The last time had been a month earlier, just before he'd left on a short undercover op. She had bought takeout from his favorite place, hoping to give him a good send off, but Kevin had other ideas. The kitchen table hadn't buckled under the weight of their furious coupling, but they were now down two wine glasses and a plate. The fingerprint bruises on her hips and teeth marks across her shoulder had kept her company in the nineteen days that he'd been gone.

His fingers returned to her hair, his grip sharper, sending tingles of pleasure-pain across her scalp. His grin was predatory. "And tonight, Princess, you are all mine."

Alexis had approximately one second before his mouth was on hers, hot and demanding. His tongue slid over hers as his hands slid under her ass, giving it a hard squeeze. Alexis moaned into his mouth, tugging at the buttons on his shirt. He caught one wrist, then the other, pinning them at the small of her back with one hand. His other hand gripped the back of her neck holding her in place as he continued his assault on her mouth. His teeth nipped at her bottom lip before his tongue traced a soothing line over the indent his teeth left behind.

"Kevin," she whined, needing so much more than his mouth. He responded by tugging her head back in one swift and controlled moment, kissing her deeply until her head was spinning.

His mouth broke away from hers, and she sucked in oxygen before squealing when the world went sideways as she was unceremoniously tossed over his shoulder.

"Kevin!" She squeaked, and he smacked her ass before gripping it hard.

"Hush, Princess. Don't want the neighbors to worry."

Once inside their bedroom, Alexis was tossed like a ragdoll onto their mattress and Kevin quickly covered her body with his own, his lips leaving a hot trail down her neck. He sucked on her collarbone, his urgent, hungry mouth sure to leave a mark against her alabaster skin.

"Hey," Alexis complained, pushing at his chest. "Kev—no hickeys." She moaned when his teeth nipped at her inflamed skin, her fingers momentarily gripping his shirt and pulling him closer. "Kev… I'm gonna get so much crap from Espo for this."

Her boyfriend immediately stilled, pulling his mouth away from her skin and staring at her with an expression that made her stomach flip-flop. There was lust in his gaze, endless lust. But there was also something foreboding and dark, weaker than anger, stronger than displeasure. He backed off of her. "Strip."

Alexis blinked at the sudden chill in his voice, the distance he'd put between them. She sat up. "Kevin—"

"My princess forgot who she belongs to." He backed off the bed, standing over her as he tugged off his tie. "I think she needs a reminder."

His tone and the dark hunger in his eyes made her thighs clench together. She knew this side of him, too. Her sweet boyfriend had stepped aside, replaced by the ravenous man who loved to make her scream his name.

"Now, Princess."

Alexis wasted no time unbuttoning her blouse and tossing it aside, then reached for the zipper on her slacks. Kevin gripped her thighs and pulled her body to the edge of the bed, roughly yanking her slacks off with her underwear. Her bra soon followed her clothes onto the bedroom floor.

Alexis knelt on the edge of the bed, feeling oddly vulnerable next to her fully clothed boyfriend. His eyes raked up her body, growing impossibly hungrier. A single fingertip skimmed over the bruise on her collarbone. The sensitive skin there felt branded underneath the light touch and Alexis bit back a moan.

"You look so fucking amazing." His fingers trailed up her neck, and his thumb brushed over her bottom lip. "Can you blame me for wanting a taste?" He pulled her up by her shoulders, and her arms slipped around his neck. His arousal pressed against her stomach; her hardened nipples brushed against the fabric of his shirt. He palmed her ass while nuzzling into her neck. "I want another taste here." He pinched her nipple. "And here." His hand delved between her legs to find her wet heat. "And here." He pressed a finger inside her. "I'm ready for dessert."

Alexis moaned at the intrusion, bucking her hips in an attempt to ride his hand. Kevin added another finger, then a third, filling her to the brim as his palm rubbed against her clit. She keened at the fullness, the girth of his digits keeping her stretched on the edge of pain while the friction of his palm kept her doused in pleasure. Her eyes rolled back in her head and her thighs tensed, each buck of her hips pushing her higher, winding her tighter. Kevin knew how difficult it was for her to come in this position. That was why he was so generous, rubbing her clit and working her g-spot until she'd soaked his hand with her arousal, her body shaking both from the exertion of her crazed writhing and the tension of the orgasm that eluded her.

"Kevin," she whined. "Please…"

"More," he said simply, working her into a frenzy with his hand.

Her hips jerked in time with his hand and sensation tightened and coiled across her base. She buried her face in his chest, her fingers clawing at his shoulders in an attempt to release some of the tension that smothered her, slowly transformed to sharp pleasure, her clit swollen and aching, her folds steaming hot from friction. Her head tossed back and forth as her body screamed for release.

Kevin shushed her, running his free hand through her hair, gently tugging her locks so she was forced to look at him. "Do you want to come, Princess?" His thumb made another pass over her clit and a desperate sob tore out of her throat.


"Do you remember now?"

"I…" His thumb circled her clit in one long, agonizing stroke, and her body almost buckled. Remember what? Nothing mattered except the mammoth need raging low in her belly.

"No?" His fingers slipped out of her warmth, and she slumped against him, relief warring with disappointment. "That's alright. I can be patient." He wiped her arousal on her thigh then unhooked her hands from his shoulders, and lifted her into his arms, guiding her back into the mattress and pressing her wrists into the pillow above her head.

"Spread your legs."

There was a single heartbeat of hesitation before her knees splayed open.

Kevin began pulling at his tie. "Wider."

Alexis' heart hammered in her chest as she willfully and wantonly exposed her most private area for him. Cool air hit her heated sex, only increasing the desire pounding through her veins. His eyes darkened, and she watched heat rise in his cheekbones.

"Fuck," he muttered so softly she wasn't sure if she was supposed to hear it.

He stalked forward, quickly looping his tie between the slats on their headboard and wrapping it around her wrists. She gave an experimental tug, her heart fluttering in her chest when she realized she couldn't move.

"Kevin—" she squeaked, caught between desire and trepidation. He'd only tied her up once before, and the memory of it sent a tidal wave of lust crashing into her. Kevin reached into the nightstand on her side of the bed and pulled out her sleeping mask, slipping it over her head.

The world darkened around her, and her skin lit up, almost crackling with sensory input. She felt the weight of his gaze on her, felt his body shifting on the mattress until he was on hands and knees, hovering over her. His lips skimmed down her neck as he breathed her in. "Do you have any idea how incredible you are?"

His mouth teased down her body, lips and tongue gliding over her aching breasts until he stopped between her spread legs. Chills broke out over her skin as his breath washed over her folds. "So fucking wet for me."

His tongue dragged upward across her core, sweeping deep between her walls, and she lifted her hips with a wail. He kissed his way back up her body, nipping at her bottom lip until she opened for him. His tongue slid over hers, leaving an exotic sweet and salty flavor behind. She'd become very familiar with the taste; Kevin loved sampling her body like an expensive wine and nothing got him hotter than watching Alexis taste herself. She licked the remnants of her arousal off his lips, and he moaned like a man possessed.

His rock hard erection pressed against her hip. "You see what you do to me?"

"So put us out of our misery."

He laughed. "Not yet, Princess. I haven't even given you your anniversary gift." Alexis groaned in frustration and he gave her a peck on the mouth turn got off the bed.

Alexis recognized the sound of the closet door opening and listened closely as her boyfriend moved around the bedroom.

"What gift?"

Kevin's bedside drawer opened and closed and a light weight hit the mattress next to her legs. She felt her boyfriend's weight settle onto the bed. "You'll see. Lift your hips for me."

A pillow rested beneath her hips, and his hands ran over her spread thighs. She heard a cap pop and then something cool and slick pressed against her back entrance. She shrieked and scooted her hips back.

Kevin grabbed her hips, pulling her back onto the pillow. "Relax, Princess." His thumb circled her clit, and sensation sparked across her base.

The very tip of something hard penetrated her tight ring of muscles. Alexis gasped, and pleasure danced over her clit again as Kevin pushed the toy a little deeper.

"You are so fucking perfect," she heard him murmur.

Kevin kept up a steady rhythm on her clit as he applied gentle pressure to the toy then pulled it back out incrementally before sliding it deeper. Dark nerve endings flared to life at the taboo act, and a mewling sound escaped her throat.

"That's it. Let yourself enjoy it." He moved the plug at a faster pace, and Alexis found herself raising her hips in time with his movements. The sharp, all-consuming need returned tenfold coiling across her base.

"Kev," she wailed when the widest part of the toy stretched her ass. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end when Kevin pushed the plug home and her tight ring of muscles closed around the slender base. Alexis shuddered, her mind fogged by the pleasurable intrusion. She gasped, her muscles watery in her restraints.

Kevin crawled up her body. "How's that feel?"


"Just you wait, Princess." She felt the ties around her wrists loosen, and Kevin pulled her up. The toy shifted inside her, setting her overstimulated nerve endings alight. She cried out at the sensation, shuddering with each movement that brought her feet to rest on the floor.

"Where are we going?" She asked, still blind as Kevin carefully led her through their apartment. The plug shifted with every step and she could feel her wetness on her thighs. Her clit throbbed insistently, reminding her that she still hasn't found her release.

"You'll see."

She recognized the cold bathroom tile under her feet, and Kevin led her forward until the tops of her thighs hit something cool and smooth. The faux marble bathroom vanity. Kevin pressed between her shoulder blades, bending her over the cool surface of their vanity, running his hand up and down her back and pulling her hips out just s bit.

"If only you could see how beautiful you look." He tapped the end of the plug nestled between her cheeks and Alexis whined. "You ready, Princess?"

"For what?" Alexis managed, her chest pressed against the vanity.

"To remember who you belong to." His hands skimmed up and down her back and he brushed her sweat slicked hair away from her neck, leaning down to place a kiss on her spine.

She heard the sound of his zipper, and relief washed over her. She was finally going to get what she so desperately needed. The sleeping mask was tugged off and she squinted against the bright bathroom light.

"Look at me." Kevin's hand slid under her shoulders and clasped her throat.

Alexis forced her eyes open and lifted her head, focusing on the reflection of the man behind her. The top few buttons on his shirt were undone, and she could feel the hot velvet of his arousal against her ass. The pressed white shirt contrasted with the wild abandon in his dark gaze, his blue irises so clouded by lust they were almost black. He was a gorgeous creation, and he was all hers, all of him. The sweet man who cooked her favorite meals on a bad day, the wild predator who wrung every drop of pleasure from her willing body. For just a moment, something heavier and softer than lust slipped to the forefront of her mind.

"I love you," she said to his reflection.

"I know." She felt him line up with her entrance, slowly entering her hungry folds.

Alexis gasped, her body going rigid as she stretched to accommodate him. She was too full with the plug. He wouldn't fit. She shuddered when he pushed forward another inch. "It's too much. I can't—"

He stilled, running his free hand down her spine. "You're alright, Princess. You can take me."


"You can take me." His hand reached around to find her clit. Within moments she was clawing at the vanity as the overwhelming sensations across her base fought for dominance: teasing caresses on her overstimulated bundle of nerves, Kevin's cock slowly filling her to the brim, the spine tingling pressure of the plug amplifying them all.

"Shit," Kevin moaned when he was finally seated inside her. "You're so tight."

Alexis barely heard him, so overcome by the sensations. She was dangling by a thread, her tortured body begging to break.


Alexis managed a moan, her face pressed against the cool surface, her eyes rolling back into her head.

"How's that feel?" Kevin pulled out just a bit and rocked back inside her, stimulating her g-spot and the toy in her ass.

The world fractured just a bit and Alexis dimly heard herself whimper. The hand around her throat tightened for one brief moment. "Open your eyes, Princess."

Alexis caught her reflection in the mirror. She didn't recognize the pink-faced woman in the mirror, her wild red mane curling over the countertop, her ruby lips parted and blue eyes almost unfocused. Heat bloomed across her cheekbones, down her neck and across her wantonly exposed breasts.

"Eyes on the mirror. I want you to watch yourself come." The hand between her legs circled her clit hungrily, and with a roll of his hips, Kevin shattered her.

Pleasure flooded her synapses, flooding in with each snap of Kevin's hips, his cock hitting her in the part of her body he'd spent so long priming. The plug amplified every thrust, and within seconds Alexis clamped down on him, sheet lightning whiting out her senses.

"Kevin!" she screeched.

"Whose opinion only matters?"


"Who says you're fucking perfect?"

Alexis clawed at the vanity, shaking her head as another earth-shattering orgasm loomed over her. "You do!"

"Who loves you more than anything?" Kevin gritted out.

"You do!" She felt him swell inside her, and she toppled over the precipice once more, screaming her pleasure.

"Fuck, Alexis." He grasped her hips with both hands, tilting her hips up and pounding into her. "Give it to me," he snarled. "I want every fucking ounce."

She couldn't survive a third. The pleasure alone would kill her. Her body tightened and coiled, rigging itself to explode.

"Who do you belong to?!" His thumb moved to the base of the plug, rocking it into her with each unforgiving thrust.

"You!" She shrieked, flying off the handle as Kevin's cock jerked inside her. "I belong to you!" Ecstasy poured outward from her core, sending her into the stratosphere. She slumped onto the countertop, her long awaited release rendering her almost senseless. Kevin's body soon covered hers as they came down from their high, and his finger entwined with hers.

"I belong to you," she repeated in a smaller voice, panting. "I'm yours."

Kevin smiled at her in the mirror, his face flushed from their coupling. He pressed a gentle kiss to her shoulder. "And I'm yours, Princess."

As much as Kevin loved going home and spending time with Alexis, which he did, he also loved the nights when he and Javi would go out and drink.

There were times when he used to go to the bar with Javi and drink so much that Javi would give him a lift back his place to sleep it off, or he'd get drunk, ditch Javi and try to find a girl for the night, but not anymore. He didn't have any of those urges anymore, not when he had Alexis, the woman he was in love with, back at their place waiting for him. Now, it was just about his friendship with his former partner.

Javi seemed to notice how different it was drinking with him as well, because he'd mentioned a few times that he was happy that Kevin no longer felt the need to get blackout drunk. Kevin was happy about that, too.

For the past hour Kevin and Javi had been swapping stories of the different cases they were working. Nothing too serious. A few beers in, Javi announced that he was tired of talking about work and that his brain needed a break. From there it went straight to sports. Javi was the only person he could talk to about sports, so he took the opportunity whenever it was presented.

Kevin decided his fourth beer would be his last. He didn't want to get back into the habit of drinking until he couldn't walk, plus he didn't want to go home drunk to Alexis.

Javi briefly mentioned something about the precinct and Kevin nodded.

"So is your partner being a pain the ass?" Kevin asked with a smirk before taking a drink of his beer.

"A stubborn know it all. It's like you never left," Javi joked.

"Glad you have someone to keep you on your toes. I don't want you missing me so much."

"Miss you? I'm thinking you gave her tips on how to act just like you."

"I didn't give her any tips. No, that's all her." Kevin smiled fondly and Javi rolled his eyes before smiling himself. Kevin knew Alexis could be stubborn. It was one of the reasons why he loved her so much. It wasn't so much that she was stubborn, she was just passionate. "Why are you smiling?"

"Just happy to see you happy, bro, that's all."

"I definitely am." He took another drink before looking at Javi. "What about you though? You dating anyone?"

Javi shrugged and nodded. "I wouldn't say it's super serious, but I've been seeing someone."

"You didn't tell me?"

"She wanted to keep it quiet."

"Quiet? Wait, do I know her?"


It only took a second for Kevin to figure it out, and when he did, his eyes widened. "You and Lanie? For real?"

"Yeah. Do not tell her I told you, okay? She'd make me pay for it, and it wouldn't be the nice punishment, trust me."

Kevin nodded, knowing exactly how scary Lanie could be when she was upset. "Why would she want you to keep it quiet?"

"I don't know, man, something about keeping it a secret turns her on, I guess."

Kevin wanted to laugh, but he knew how it was keeping things a secret. While the secret about him and Alexis stayed hidden, he couldn't say he didn't find it hot. It being hot was one of the reasons why he fucked Alexis on her desk. He shook his head of the memory.

"I'm happy for you guys."

"Thanks, same to you and Alexis. I like working with her when she's happy."

Before he could say anything else, Kevin looked over Javi's shoulder and almost didn't believe who he saw. Kevin's eyes went back to Javi, who was looking down at his phone. Lanie must have just texted him. Kevin looked back over his shoulder and knew he wasn't having a hallucination.

A pair of blue eyes met his own and he swallowed thickly. For some reason his heart was pounding hard. Those eyes held his and then he saw a small figure walking toward them. His eyes widened.

He didn't want Javi to know, so he cleared his throat. "Gonna use the restroom before we go, okay?"

"Alright," Javi replied still looking at his phone. Kevin quickly walked towards those blue eyes he'd know anywhere.

Each step made him feel more and more nervous. They both stopped a foot away from each other. Before words could be spoken, he walked toward the back of the bar by the restrooms. He heard footsteps following him, and when he turned around, there she was.

"Hi, Kevin," Jenny said softly.

His mind raced. Why was she there? Wasn't she married, a mother? Why was in a bar? The most puzzling question was why he felt like he should talk to her at all. "What are you doing here?" he blurted out.

"I was here with someone, but they left, so I stayed. Didn't expect to see you here."

"I came with Javi."

She nodded and Kevin looked around awkwardly.

"I'm glad I saw you, though," she said. He looked up to see her smiling at him. That smile. He hadn't seen it in a long time. "I haven't seen you in so long. You look good, Kev."

He ran a hand through his hair. "Uh, yeah, you too."

"I know that it's been awhile, but I'd really like it if we could get together and talk, you know, catch up on each other's lives?"

Was she actually being serious? She wanted to see him again to catch up? What was there to catch up on? Her perfect life?

"Uh, I don't know about that, Jenny."

"It would just be as friends." He didn't doubt that for one second. If she wanted him in her life as more than a friend, they might have still been together.

He bit his lip and then noticed Javi walking their way. "Uh, I've got to go."


He didn't want Javi getting involved, so he acted quickly. "Call me when you want to meet up. My number is still the same," he said before walking away.

As soon as he met eyes with Javi, Kevin knew his friend had seen his ex.

"Bro, please tell me I didn't see you talking to who I think I saw you talking to."

Kevin sighed. "Yeah, that was her."

"What did she want?"

"To talk."

"That's it?"

Kevin looked away, but nodded. "Yeah, so you ready to go, cause I am." He was lying to Javi again. Hopefully, he wouldn't have to keep doing it.

"You sure she isn't working an angle?"

"What angle would that be?"

"I don't know, but I wouldn't put anything past her."

"It doesn't matter, bro. I'm not planning on seeing her again, so let's just get out of here."

Javi stared at him for a moment before nodded and heading out. Kevin took a deep breath, following him out. He could only hope Javi believed him.

He went home, trying whatever he could to get Jenny out of his head. He showered before crawling into his bed and pulling Alexis to his chest. She didn't wake up, just burrowed her head in the crook of his neck.

Suddenly he didn't feel the need to worry about Jenny. He had Alexis and that was all that he cared about. He kissed the top of her head and told her loved her before falling asleep.

The next day he received a text from Jenny telling him that she really needed to talk to him and that it was important. He stared at the text most of the day, thinking it over before he figured that she might leave him alone if he had just one coffee with her.

It would just be two people having coffee. What could be so bad about that?

Author's Note: Thanks very much for reading! We'll be posting new installments of this story every Friday. Enjoy and please review!