Hi there! Thanks for all my lubbly reviews.

After a VERY long break, I'm happy to say I'm coming back to this story. So I'll definitely be updating more. I know this is a very short chapter but I thought this was a good place to end it. And it makes starting the next chapter easier as well. (God laziness!)

I now know exactly what's gong to happen in the rest of this story. So hopefully I should update again by next week. It would be sooner but I have to do coursework and crappy revision (Don't ya just love GCSEs!) After that I'll probably update even more often.

Hope you enjoy. BYE!

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter blah blah etc...

"Harry, eat something, please." Hermione asked pleadingly, staring across the table with a look of intense concern on her face.

"No thanks, I'm not very hungry." The boy opposite replied without even looking at her. His mind was obviously not on the meal in front of him. He stared blankly at the table as though completely lost in his own thoughts.

Sev rolled his eyes discreetly so that none of the others at the Gryffindor table noticed. He really didn't know why any of them bothered. So far, during the week that he had been attending Hogwarts in this time, Potter had done nothing but be icy, moody, distant and secretive with any student who tried to talk to him. This was usually only Ron and Hermione, Sev had noticed, everyone else seemed to be slightly scared of the boy or else simply passed him over as a silent, unapproachable part of the furniture; completely withdrawn from everyone and everything.

Sev was rather inclined to use his first rule of practice here. "Gryffindors deserve everything that's coming to them." And his second was useful too. "Especially Black and Potter." But even he was slightly shocked by the behaviour of the raven-haired Gryffindor. He didn't like it at all.

A lump suddenly appeared in his throat as he recalled events that had occurred days before his unlucky trip to future. This was another reason he had been finding Harrys actions unsettling; it reminded him too much of his best friends behaviour during the last few weeks.

Danny Wilkes had always been Sevs best friend since the day they arrived at Hogwarts and had sat next to each other on the train. They had both been feeling nervous (and in Dannys case a little bit ill) so they had naturally stayed together and they had felt better for it. Danny had never been that outgoing or confident, but when it had been just him and Sev he could talk for hours on any subject you liked.

It had been brought on so suddenly, Danny had gone away for a weekend to visit his parents. He had said his mother ill and he needed to see her. He was only gone for a few days, but when he came back everything changed. Sevs best friend had changed. When most people tried to talk to him he was either withdrawn or snappy. He always looked tried and worried and Sev had, on more than one occasion caught him sneaking out of their dormitory in the dead of night. When he asked where he was going Danny just got all panicky and told Sev to mind his own business.

Sev was pulled abruptly out of his thoughts by a chair scraping back along the floor and someone standing up.

"Where are you off to?" Ron asked his best friend nervously.

"I've got to get to my lesson." Harry replied slowly.

"We'll see you later then Harry." Hermione said with a weak attempt at a friendly smile.

"Yeah." Harry answered dully and trudged off across the Great Hall and out of the doors.

"Such a little ray of sunshine." Sev sneered after him, chewing slowly on a large piece of steak and kidney pie.

Hermione looked shocked. "Harrys been through a lot." She reprimanded, "he needs time to recover properly."

"So just leave it out all right." Ron snarled, looking angry.

"Sorry." Sev replied with a pretty convincing impression of sincerity. Ron however still looked annoyed so Sev thought this might be the time to leave and stood up.

"I'm going to the library, got to finish that essay from Binns. I'll see you."

He walked into the entrance hall feeling fed up and bored. To be honest he wasn't enjoying the future as much as he had hoped and hadn't had a chance to talk to Dumbledore about doing home. Whenever Sev approached him in the corridors the old wizard suddenly became very involved in reading a book he was carrying or talking with another professor and told Sev he would have time to speak later.

Dumbledore was probably keeping him here out of spite, Sev mused, the old man had never liked him much. He wasn't enough like his precious Griffindor golden boys, Potter and Black. He actually had thoughts and ideas of his own for one thing.

Feeling annoyed with the world in general Sev stomped up one of the staircases, hoping it didn't suddenly decide to direct him to Filchs office instead of the 2nd floor corridor he actually wanted to get to. (Usually, when the staircases attempted something like this Sev, not being the most graceful person to ever, fell flat on his face, leaving him lost and humiliated.)

Luckily, the stairs stayed still until Sev reached the top and stepped onto the solid ground again. He wasn't really sure what to do with himself now. He really didn't want to go to the Gryffindor common room as there would more than likely be Gryffindors there. He actually considered going the library as he walked along, he really did need to finish that essay.

He paused mid-step, he'd heard something. A pained, groaning something coming from behind a door to his right. Very quietly, he stepped up to the door and slid it open inch by inch until there was a space for him to see into the room beyond.

"NOOO!" That was the pained voice again. Now Sev could see who it belonged to. Harry Potter stood in the centre of the classroom howling, his eyes were closed and he was clutching his forehead hard.

Then Sev saw something that almost made him gasp out loud. Lupin was pointing his wand at Harry from the other side of the classroom, his face was gaunt and his eyes looked so intense it was almost frightening.

Then Harry screamed.

"No, please don't, no. Sirius!" The look of hurt of anger on his face was enough to make Sev gasp again, out loud this time. It might have bee this that made Lupin turn to face the door. He looked shocked and quickly lowered his wand. Harry dropped to the floor, panting.

Please Review. Thanks!