On board a starship, a man was asleep on his cot in his private quarters. While he was sleeping, he was having a dream. This dream was the same dream he had for the past nine nights. In the dream, the man was looking through the eyes of someone as the person he's looking through and several other people he did not recognize capture a small outpost that flew the Imperial Remnant flag. He then heard the person he was seeing through say "Good job people, another enemy outpost fallen to the P.M.R." The voice was his, he was there when the Outpost fell, but he doesn't remember ever being there. Just then, another man walked up to him and said, "John, we have a few casualties, no fatalities, but a few wounded men." The man in the cot heard the man he was looking through say, "Alright Ash, break out the med-kits and let's treat the wounded." Just then, a scout trooper pulled out his blaster and pointed it at the man talking to John and he said, "For the… true EMPIRE!" The man saw the trooper and pushed Ash out of the way but took the shot himself. The man then sat up and shouted, "NO!" The man breathed heavily until he heard a knocking on his door. The man then said, "Enter."

When the door slid open, two soldiers walked in and one of the soldiers, a human male said, "Commander Bertrand, are you alright?" the man looked at the soldier that asked him if he was alright and he said, "I'm fine Muckbarn. I just had a bad dream." The other soldier, a female Rodian, then asked Bertrand, "Sir, was it the same dream that you have had for the past nine cycles?" The man looked towards the Rodian and said, "Yes Ztuoll, it was the very same dream." Muckbarn then said, "Commander Bertrand, I really think you should see the doc." The man shook his head and said, "No, I…I'm fine." Ztuoll then said, "John, you can't go on like this."

"Sargent Gree Ztuoll, I will not be ordered to see the Doctor. If I have it again, THEN I will go see the doctor." Replied John. Gree then said, "John, you said that two nights ago, and last night too." John knew that she had a point and said, "Very well, first thing in the morning, I'll go to the Infirmary. Now please leave, I need to go back to sleep."

"Very well Captain, come on Daljac." Said Gree. She and Daljac then left John alone in his quarters so he can go back to sleep." The next morning, John walked into the ship's infirmary. Inside were two Protocol Droids, a human Female, and a male Duros. The Duros turned to see John standing there and said, "Ah, Captain, welcome. What brings you to the Infirmary?" John then said, "Well Doctor Voomoolt, I need your opinion on something." Dr. Voomoolt motioned John to sit on the table, to which he did and Voomoolt asked him, "What seems to be the issue?"

"Well, I've been having this dream for the past ten cycles, I was looking through the eyes of someone who I think it might be me. I was with several other humans and strange creatures, and we just took an outpost from the Imperial Remnant. After the outpost fell, I said 'Good job people, another enemy outpost fallen to the P.M.R.' Then someone who I don't even know approached me and said that we had wounded, and I said to breakout the med-kits. Then I saw a scout trooper pull out his blaster and he was going to shoot the man I was talking to. But before the trooper pulled the trigger, I moved the man out of the way, but the shot hit me. Lilzor, do you know what any of that means?" Lilzor thought about and said, "Unfortunately, I don't, what about you Tae?" the woman looked at Lilzor and John and she said, "Well, in Clan tal of house Vizla, we believed that dreams show us events of who we once were in a lifetime. So maybe the dream you've been having was you in a past life."

Before John could even respond to that, a voice came through the ship's intercom and it said, "Captain Bertrand, please come to the bridge, Captain Bertrand come to the bridge please." John got off the table and said, "We'll continue this later." Lilzor and Tae nodded their heads and John left the infirmary and made his way to the bridge. Meanwhile, on a planet far, far way, a man that was in John's dream was at a table, eating food. Just then, two people walked up to him and sat down on either side of him. One person said, "How are you holding up Ash?" Ash looked at the man and said, "Let's see, it's been a year since John went Missing, the P.M.R. has been betrayed by several people, making Morale reach a new low and Dawn still blames me for it all. So, you tell me how I am holding up Brock." The other person sitting next to Ash then said, "Ash, you need to control your anger." Ash then looked at the other person and said, "Y…you're right, thanks May." Ash then looked back at Brock and said, "I'm sorry Brock, I didn't mean to snap at you."

"It's alright, we'll find a way to boost Morale again." Replied Brock. Ash hoped he was right and they did find a way to raise Morale. Back with John, he just got onto the bridge of the ship. A male Sullustan was at a command console. When he saw John walk in, the Sullustan said, "Captain on Deck." Everyone on board the bridge stood at attention until John said, "As you were. Now, why was I called here?"

The Sullustan then said, "We are receiving a transmission from Coruscant. It's Chancellor Mon Mothma." John told the Sullustan to patch the transmission through. In an instant, a hologram of Mon Mothma appeared in front of John. Mon Mothma then said, "Greetings Captain Bertrand."

"Chancellor Mon Mothma, to what do I owe the call?" Replied John in a tone of dislike, Mon Mothma disregarded the tone and said, "We are receiving a distress beacon coming from a Missing CR90 Corvette called the Resilience." John recognized the name, he knew the captain well. The Resilience was once part of John's strike group called the Red Devils, because John had all his ships painted Red and they fought like devils, on the land, in the sky, and in space. The Red Devils fought hard and suffered minimal casualties while dealing massive damage to the enemy. But during the second Battle of the Maw, the Red Devils were forced to retreat, and the Resilience was cut off from the rest of the group when an Imperial I-class Star Destroyer jumped in between the Resilience and the Nebulon-B2 Frigate Absolute and it fired on both ships. The Resilience made an emergency Hyperspace Jump into unknown Space while the Absolute was destroyed. John then said, "I remember the Resilience, it was part of my strike group, but we lost contact with it in the Maw Disaster."

"Captain, what do you mean by the 'Maw Disaster'?" Mon Mothma asked John. John got angry when she asked that question and he yelled, "The Second Battle for the Maw was a disaster, I lost most of my Strike group and if you don't remember, I'll give you the list of the ships I lost." John then pulled out a holo-pad and read off the list, "Out of the original 6 Quasar Fire-class cruiser-carriers I had under my command, I lost the Templar, the Courageous, and the Patience. Out of the original 11 CR90 Corvettes I had had under my command, I lost the Pathfinder, the Starhammer, the Resolution, the Griffin, the Terrifying Warrior, and the Resilience that was declared MIA. My remaining Marauder Cruisers sustained heavy damage while I lost the Marauder Cruiser Antilles. Then there's the Nebulan-B2 Frigate Absolute and the Nebulan-B2 Frigate Atollon, both destroyed while the Titan and the Resolute were damaged. Fortunately, the Bruiser didn't take damage, but I lost more than HALF my Strike Group and my fighter composition, I'm down to a few squadrons. When will I get replenished?" Mon Mothma said that John's strike group will be reinforced before they made the journey to the Resilience.

"It's about time." Replied John. Mon Mothma then said, "You are to head to Kuat to get your new ships, and your fighters replenished. John nodded his head and told the Sullustan, "Have all of our ships set a course to Kuat." The Sullustan nodded his head and began sending messages to the rest of the Red Devils strike group, until Mon Mothma stopped him and told John, "I said you, not your ships. You must go alone; the Red Devils must continue to patrol the sector." The Sullustan then said, "Don't worry Captain, we'll be fine." John looked at the Sullustan, then back at Mon Mothma and said, "Fine, but I'm taking ONE ship."

"Very well, I'll let them know that you will be arriving shortly. May the force be with you." Replied Mon Mothma.

"And you…" Replied John before he ended the transmission. John then said, "…Nerfherder." John then looked at the Sullustan and said, "I'm taking the Skyroamer." The Sullustan replied, "Alright, be careful John. John smiled and walked off the bridge and the Sullustan contacted the Skyroamer to pull up next to the Bruiser, so John could walk onto the ship.

Later, on the Skyroamer, the captain received word that his commander was coming aboard, and he pulled alongside the Red Devil Strike Group's Flagship to allow his commanding officer to come aboard. When John got on the ship, the captain of the Skyroamer said, "Commander on DECK." All the crew members on the bridge stood at attention until John said, "As you were." Everyone followed their Orders and went back to what they were doing. John then said to the captain, "Captain if you don't mind, I'll be taking over your ship for a bit."

"Not at all sir, please be seated." Replied the Captain. John took his seat and said, "Plot a course to Kuat, we're finally getting fresh ships." The crew followed John's orders and prepared to make the jump to hyperspace. After a few jumps through hyperspace, the Skyroamer exited Hyperspace in front of the Kuat Shipyards. Just then, the manager of the shipyards contacted the Skyroamer and said, "Unidentified CR90 corvette, please send your clearance codes." John pressed the talk button and said, "Kuat shipyards, this is Captain John Bertrand, commander of the Red Devil Strike group, temporarily commanding the Skyroamer. Transmitting clearance codes…now."

"Clearance codes check out, welcome Captain Bertrand, we've been expecting you. Please make your way to port 6 and someone will meet you there to take you to your new ships." Replied the KSY Manager. John acknowledged the KSY Manager and steered the Skyroamer towards port 6. After setting the Skyroamer in position to dock at Port 6, John entered the ship yards where he was greeted by a male Mon Calamari, and he said, "Greetings Commander, I am Cixarx Gotti, chief engineer for building ships, upgrading ships, and distributing ships to all of the New Republic fleets."

"Then you know why I'm here." Replied John. Cixarx nodded his head and said, "Yep, you're here for your new ships, come with me and I'll show them to you." John then followed Cixarx to where his new ships were located. As John walked down the corridor, he saw several ships from the days of the Old Republic, the ones he read about while off duty. John then said, "I see some Hammerhead Corvettes, are they being retro fitted?"

"Ah yes, 5 hammerhead Corvettes, all being fitted with the latest in fire power, the ships names are the Goliath, the Bail Organa, the Star Savior, the Star Fox and my personal favorite the Bertrand." Replied Cixarx. John took note that one of the Hammerhead Corvettes was named after him and he asked Cixarx, "Why is one of the ships named after me?" Cixarx looked at John and he said, "Why not, I mean, along with several other ships, those hammerhead corvettes are going to be under your command." Before John could even object, the stations sirens started to go off. John knew what was going on, Kuat was under attack. John and Cixarx then heard a voice over the Intercom and the voice said, "All pilots to their fighters, an Imperial Remnant fleet has exited Hyperspace and open fired at the shipyards. I repeat, all pilots to their fighters, an Imperial Remnant fleet has exited Hyperspace and open fired at the shipyards." John then said, "I need to get to the Skyroamer, call in the rest of the Red Devil Strike group."

"Wait, what about your new ships?" Cixarx Asked John, to which John told him, "Get them detached from the shipyards and have them help in the defense." John then ran back to the Skyroamer to call the rest of his fleet in. A few minutes later, John arrived on the Skyroamer and contacted the Bruiser, "Red Devil Leader calling the Bruiser, come in Bruiser." A hologram appeared, and it was the Sullustan and he said, "Greetings Captain, are you on your way back with our reinforcements?"

"Quite the Opposite, Kuat Shipyards are under attack by an Imperial Remnant fleet, I need the fleet to jump here NOW." Replied John. The Sullustan then said, "But sir, Mon Mothma's Orders were to remain here." John then said, "Breo, Kuat will fall if the Red Devils aren't here, now get the fleet jump into Hyperspace to attack the Imperial Remnant fleet from behind, that's an order.

"Yes sir, we'll begin the calculations immediately." Replied Breo. Breo then ended the transmission, John then said, "Detach from the shipyards and move us into a defensive position." The captain then said, "But sir, before we do that, you must know that we detected a heavy metal patch on Kuat's moon, when we scanned it, we found that there's an old Venator there." John was surprised to hear that there was a Venator on Kuat's Moon, he then said, "Very well, head for Kuat's moon, let's get that Venator back online." The Captain obeyed John's command and steered the Skyroamer towards Kuat's moon. As the battle went on, the Kuat shipyards defense fleet was holding on but were slowly losing ground until, two fleets of New Republic war ships came out of Hyperspace, one next to the Kuat shipyards defense fleet, and the other, being the Red Devil strike group, came up behind the Imperial Remnant fleet, and both fleets began to open fire on the Imperial ships. A few moments later, Breo then received a transmission coming in on the New Republic frequency, and the transmission said, "This is Captain John Bertrand on board the Venator cruiser Resolute, we are moving to engage the Imperial Remnant Fleet." On the Resolute, John began setting coordinates and told the crew on the bridge, "Get to the Skyroamer NOW!"

"But sir, what about the resolute?" Asked the captain of the Skyroamer. John then said, "I've plotted a course for the resolute to impact that Super Star Destroyer, anyone who's still on-board won't have time to get to the escape pods and they will die." The Captain then said, "But sir, this Venator could be an asset for our strike group."

"Captain Bursta, the Resolute was being deconstructed when we found her, we only managed to get her shields up to full power and the engines on, we don't know how this ship operates, so it would be better just to scuttle her and take down that Super Star Destroyer." Bursta knew that John had a point and they all made their way to the Skyroamer and got away from the resolute. Just as the Skyroamer got out of the Resolute's lower hanger, the Resolute came under fire by several Star Destroyers and the SSD, but the shields held strong and the Resolute got the decommissioning it deserved and plowed right into the Super Star Destroyer's Dorsal surface until it hit the bridge and cause the ship to explode in a flaming ball of Fire, pieces of both ships began hitting other ships and either destroying them or critically damaging them. John smiled as the remaining undamaged Imperial Remnant ships retreated after the SSD was destroyed, Kuat was saved.

A little while later, John finished receiving his new ships, he already knew the Hammerhead Corvettes. He then found out the rest of his ships and their names, two Assault Frigate Mark IIs, the Rebel's soul and the Ahsoka. One Republic light assault cruiser named the Redemption, and two Liberator Cruisers the Kenobi and Windu. John wasn't all to surprise to hear Mon Mothma chew him out for calling his fleet in when she specifically told him that the Red Devils were to remain in the sector they were in. After Mon Mothma was done talking, John said, "You weren't here, you weren't here when the Imperial Remnant fleet jumped in, the defenses here would have been over run, even with the fleet from Coruscant. My fleet and the Venator we found were just enough to turn the tide of the battle in our favor, so unless you want to talk to me about regulations, I suggest you give me the proper respect, ALRIGHT?!" Mon Mothma just sat in her chair, looking at John, before she said, "now that your strike group has been replenished, you may now go and find the Resilience." John smiled and told Breo, "Tell the fleet that we're going on an expedition." Breo nodded his head and sent the message to all the ships in the Red Devils. John then looked back at Mon Mothma and said, "When we find my men, I'll return so you can chew me out more."

"I look forward to that meeting, may the force be with you." Replied Mon Mothma. John then said, "And you." John then ended the transmission and said, "Man, when we find the Resilience and we get back to Coruscant, I'm turning in my resignation." Everyone on the bridge was shocked to hear what John just said. Breo then said, "Sir, you can't resign, who would take your place?"

"Until you're promoted Breo or she sends someone to take my place, that person would be you. Before you give me the whole I don't think I'm fit to take command line, don't and hear me out. You have shown yourself to be an excellent leader. You've given helpful advice, but more importantly, you created the name for our strike group. So, you should be fine." Breo smiled at what John said and he said, "Alright, we better get moving. I'll begin plotting a course towards the Resilience." John smiled and nodded his head and said, "Good, let's hope her crew is still alive."

Back on Coruscant, Mon Mothma rubbed her forehead as a hologram appeared and when she turned to face it, she said, "It's done, John's heading towards the Resilience." The Hologram then asked Mon Mothma, "What is the composition of the fleet accompanying him?"

"It's the entire Red Devil Strike group, his reinforcements and the ships you sent to the Kuat Shipyards." Replied Mon Mothma. The figure smiled and said, "Good, you have proven useful…for a Pawn." Mon Mothma then said, "Are you going to release her as you promised, I held up my end of the bargain now release my daughter." The figure laughed an evil laugh and said, "Your daughter has been dead for 3 months, we just told you she was alive, so you can send John to his doom, bye-bye." The hologram of the figure then disappeared before Mon Mothma could even say a word. Mon Mothma then called in for a New Republic Trooper, when the trooper entered, on Mothma said, "Get me commander Bertrand, immediately."

"But madam, we lost contact with the commander when he jumped his fleet out of communication's range." Mon Mothma was overcome with grief knowing that she sent John and the Red Devils into a trap. Back with John and his fleet, they just jumped into another Imperial Remnant system, there was no going back now. John gave the bridge to Breo, so he could finally get back to the infirmary. When he arrived, Lilzor and Tae were giving a male Bothan an examination.

"Ah Captain, greetings." Said Lilzor. John then said, "Greetings Lilzor, Tae, and Zagt Sirraar, what are you doing here?"

"Hello Commander, got knocked around when the Bruiser took shot direct hits from missiles from a Victory. Have a couple broken ribs, that's all." Replied Zagt. John then said, "Doesn't matter, you're going to be in your bed until you're at full health." Zagt nodded his head and Lilzor said, "Alright Zagt, you're free to go, and follow the commander's instructions." Zagt nodded his head and left to go to his quarters. John then said, "I just wanted to let you both know personally that we're in Imperial Remnant Territory and we probably won't be getting fresh supplies any time soon, so I hoped you got restocked."

"Don't worry Captain, we restocked when we were at Kuat. So, we're ready for this expedition." John smiled and said, "Good thinking Lilzor." Just then, Breo contacted John's communicator and said, "Captain, you're needed on the bridge, we're just a jump away from the Resilience."

"Understood, I'll be right up." Replied John.

When John arrived on the bridge, a crewman said, "Sir, we're about to come out of Hyperspace." John looked at the crew man and said, "Prepare for battle, raise the shields."

"Are you expecting a fight captain?" Breo asked John. John nodded his head and said, "No but I am expecting an Imperial Remnant fleet to jump in and try to ambush us." Breo nodded his head and the Bruiser dropped out of hyperspace in the system where the distress signal was located, followed by the rest of the ships that followed the Bruiser. John then said, "I want to know where the resilience is, H7, get over here." Just then, a red Astromech rolled over to John made beeps and boops.

"Hey H7, I need you to do a system scan for any signs of life." H7 made more beeps and boops as he made his way over to a terminal and plugged in and started scanning for signs of life. After about a half an hour, H7 began beeping and booping again indicating that he found signals of life. John then said, "Alright buddy, bring up any signs of life on the holomap." H7 followed John instructions and brought the holomap and two different spots that had signs of life, one in space, and another on a planet.

"Hm, looks like that planet is inhabited." Said John. Breo agreed with John and said, "So deep in Imperial Remnant territory, anything is possible." John nodded his head and said, "Breo, have the Valkyrie, the Alderaan, the Defender, and the Enterprise follow the Bruiser to the location in space and have the remaining ships hold here." Breo nodded his head and contacted the ships John told him to contact and the Valkyrie, the Alderaan, the Defender, and the Enterprise followed the Bruiser to the location in space that was indicated to have signs of life. Meanwhile on the Liberator Cruiser Windu, the Captain was on his Holo-pad when he received an encrypted message from someone only he knew, the man smiled, pressed a button and said, "All hands, prepare to fire on the Kenobi and the Rebel's soul." Most of the crew members smiled and did as they were told, but there were some crew members who thought that order was crazy and treasonous. It was the same with the Redemption, the Star Fox, and the Goliath. Back on the Bruiser, H7 made more beeps and boops, indicating that he got something on Radar.

"You got something on Rader, bring it up on the Holo-projector." Said John. H7 acknowledged John and brought it up on the Holo-projector. When H7 did, John's face showed a face of shock and relief. H7 found a badly damaged CR90 Corvette. John then said, "All forward exterior lights on." Just then, all the exterior lights facing forward on the Bruiser turned on and John and everyone on the bridge was scanning for that CR90 until Breo got a message from the Defender and he said, "Captain, I just received a message from the Defender, they found the CR90." John then told Breo to contact the Defender, Breo then said, "I already did sir, the captain's is waiting for me to patch it through."

"procced then." Replied John. Breo nodded his head and he patched the transmission through to the Holo-projector. The captain of the Defender was a male Karabak and he was standing, but he had a cane to support him, indicating that he was either old, or recovering from a recent Injury. John then said, "Greetings Captain, how's the leg?"

"The old war wound has been acting up recently, but the leg's doing fine." Replied the Karabak. John smiled and said, "That's good to hear, but onto business, Breo just told me that you found the CR90, is that correct." The Karabak nodded his head and said, "That is correct, and we scanned it for any writing on the hull and signs of life, the results were amazing." Just then, a hand handed the Karabak a holo-pad to him and he continued speaking, "For the writing on the hull, we found the name of the ship, it is the Resilience." John breathed a sigh of relief and said, "What about the signs of life, where is it located?"

"That's what I wanted to tell you as well, we only found one life sign, and it's on the bridge." John's face showed a look of sadness, he was hoping for more than one life sign, but he knew that the Resilience was missing for at least 10 months. John then asked the Karabak, "What is the status of the airlocks, can the Bruiser attach to her?"

"Yes sir, you can attach to her." Replied the Karabak. John smiled and said, "Breo. Plot a course that will bring us alongside the Resilience and prepare a squad to board." Breo nodded and the Bruiser began moving to connect to the Resilience. Just then, H7 made more Beeps and Boops but they sounded more surprised. John then asked, "What do you mean that the life signal on the bridge stopped showing, Defender are you reading the same thing?"

"Yeah, we saw that too, what's going on sir?" replied the Karabak. But before John could answer, the Resilience exploded and a sphere of what looked like an Ion disruption beam came out of the resilience.

"BRACE FOR IMPACT!" Said John. Everyone on the bridge and all over the Bruiser braced as the Ion disruption sphere passed over the Bruiser and the ships around it, killing all electronic and droids on Board. Suddenly, a fleet of Star Destroyers jumped in and began opening fire on the disabled ships, destroying the Valkyrie and began damaging the Bruiser. John then said, "Everyone to the escape pods, NOW!" John and the other crew members on the bridge made their ways to the escape pods. Meanwhile at the rest of the fleet, the captains saw the fleet of Star Destroyers jumped in and moved to engage them, but were halted when the Windu, the Redemption, the Star Fox, and the Goliath opened fire on all them, destroying the Destiny, the Sophaclies, the Skyroamer, the Alderaan, the Good Fortune, and the Titan. The Kenobi and Rebel's soul were in danger of being next to be destroyed but several shots hit the Windu from behind, catching the crew off guard, it was the Hammerhead Corvettes Bail Organa and Star Savior. They escaped the attack from the goliath and moved to help save the Kenobi and Rebel's soul. All four ships were hammering the Windu when the Kenobi saw escape pods launch from the Windu and pulled them into the Hanger Bays. Back on the Bruiser, John, Breo, Lilzor, Tae, and the other crew Members got in the escape pods and those pods were launched, with one Pod getting blasted as soon as it left its tube. John's escape Pod and several Other's from the other ships watched as the Bruiser and their ships blew up. Breo then said, "Captain, the rest of the strike group." John looked at the strike group and saw that several ships were gone, and the rest of the ships were damaged, John then said, "Can we raise any of the ships." Breo said that the pod was having power problems. Breo then said, "We're also caught in the planet's Atmosphere, along with several other pods." John was too busy looking at the Red Devil Strike group as it was torn apart, John then said, "It's the Maw disaster all over again." Breo, Lilzor, and Tae felt sorry for the Commander, for they knew of the Maw Disaster all too well. John began to cry as the escape pod he was in began to enter the planet's atmosphere, the Red Devils Strike group was gone. But what John and everyone in his escape Pod didn't see was that several ships survived and made the jump to hyperspace, surviving the battle and were going to come back with reinforcements.

After an hour of falling, John's escape pod crashed in a meadow near a town, which attracted one of the town's inhabitants. As John stayed in the Pod, Lilzor, Breo, and Tae were out scanning the area for any of the other pods. Breo walked back into the pod and told John, "We've scanned the immediate area for any other escape Pods sir, so far nothing." John didn't say anything, he only got up and walked out of the pod. John looked around and saw the town. John then said, "There's a town over there, I'll go there and gather intelligence, find out where the highest amount of Imperial Remnant troops is so we can stay away from…" John was interrupted when he heard someone say, "John…is that really you." John recognized the voice from his dream, and when he turned around, he saw the man from his dream. John then said, "Is your name Ash?" the man ran up to John and stopped about a foot away from John and he said, "Yes, it's me, Ash Ketchum, your best friend, don't you remember me?"

"I only know your name from a dream I have been having for the past ten cycles, but how do you know me?" replied John. Ash then said, "You're John Bertrand, one of the leaders/founders of the Pokémon Resistance, husband of Dawn Berlitz Bertrand, father to John Junior, scourge of the Empire."

"They're calling themselves the empire, what a load of Bantha crap." Said Breo. Ash then said, "John, come on man, say something the John I know would say."

"I'm sorry that you lost your friend who looks like me, but I can assure you, I do not know you personally. All I know you from is from a dream I have been having for the past ten cycles." Ash then became sad and said, "Well, if you're not the John I know, I welcome you to the planet…and place you under arrest by order the P.M.R., you Imperial Scum."

"Look, we're not with those Bantha turds, we're part of the New Republic, a government that fights the Imperial Remnant, who occupy this planet." Said Breo. Ash was about to blast Breo when John said, "It's true, we're not with the Imperial Remnant, if you take us to your Base, we can discuss things further." Ash thought long and hard on it and he said, "Fine, follow me." Ash then lead John, Breo, Lilzor, and Tae to the underground base.

Meanwhile in a city far away, a man stares out the window while another man was looking at a holo-pad. The man staring out the window then said, "He has returned."

"Are you positive my Lord, it has been almost a year and he was sent to Tatooine." The man at the window raised his hand and the man holding the holo-pad began grasping for air and he dropped his holo-pad. The man at the window turned to the man with the holo-pad and he said, "Do not doubt me, General Barnett, John Bertrand has returned to the planet." General Barnett then said, through gasps for air, "Apologizes, Lord Hester, I will never doubt your word again." Lord Hester then dropped the poor General, so he could breathe again. Lord Hester then said, "Now get out of my sight and come up with a plan to capture him again."

"Yes, my lord." Replied General Barnett and he ran out of the room they were in. Lord Hester then looked back out the window and said, "This time, I will do what I should have done on that day." Back with John and the others, Ash had just led them into the P.M.R. Base. As John walked by, P.M.R. soldiers greeted him as if he was a man long thought dead to come back to life. Breo, Tae, and Lilzor were greeted differently. The three of them were greeted by stares from the soldiers. After getting through the P.M.R. soldiers, Ash led John and his subordinates to what looked like a planning room, there were 5 people at a table in the center, two men and three women.

"You will never guess who I found in the meadow, not far from here." Said Ash. One of the women that was at the table said as she turned around, "Ash please, I am not in the mood to deal with you and your…" the woman stopped talking when she saw John standing next to Ash and raised her hand to her mouth. A look of surprise and Shock was clearly on her face. The woman slowly walked towards Ash and John but stopped just a few inches away from John's face. When the other people turned around and saw John, a look of shock and surprise was also on their faces.

"John…i…is th…that really you?" said the woman a few inches of John's face as her hand slowly rose to touch John's cheek and when she did, John went on a mind journey through memories of him and the woman, where they first meet, where they had their first date, where they got married, and where the woman gave birth to their son, J.J. After that last memory, John fell to his hands and knees as Lilzor ran to help him.

"Are you alright captain?" Lilzor asked John. John looked at Lilzor and said, "I'm fine Lilzor, I just had what I think of memories of me and…" John stopped what he was saying, looked at Dawn and said, "Dawn." Dawn smiled at the sight of John saying her name, and she replied, "Yes John?" John didn't say anything, he just grabbed Dawn and pulled her into a kiss, of which she gladly returned. When they separated from the kiss, John said, "I'm so glad I got my memories of you and me back." Dawn began to cry and pulled John into a hug, so she could cry on his shoulder for John Bertrand, her husband, has returned to her. Ash then said, "What about the rest of them, do you remember them?" John looked at the four-other people standing at the table, he then shook his head and said, "No, not yet, but in time, I think that all of my memories will return." Ash and the others were sad but agreed with John. After hours of explaining to Ash and the others about how he got back there and his strike group, John said, "My ship, the Bruiser, along with several support ships were caught in an Ion Disruption Sphere and all the ships lost power, suddenly a fleet of Imperial Remnant Star Destroyers came out of Hyperspace and attacked us. I lost the Valkyrie in the first barrage, my ship was taking severe damage and we wouldn't last much longer, so I gave the order to abandon ship and we took off in escape pods, along with people from the other ships in the vicinity. We all made it off alive, except for one pod that got blasted when it left the tube. We tried to call for help, but the rest of the Red Devil Strike group were under attack by several ships that we got at the Kuat Shipyards, we were completely over powered, and the red Devil Strike group was destroyed, but we did see several escape pods enter the Planet's atmosphere, so we know there are other survivors."

May then said, "I'll send scout out to find them, and I'll tell them to bring them here, so you can Identify them if they're New Republic or not" John nodded his head and said, "Thank you May, and thank you all for telling me your names. Until I figure out what happened to me to cause me to lose my memories and how to get them back, my experience with you all will be a fresh one." May, Ash, and the other people nodded their heads. John then said, "Alright, Brock, give me the load down of what's happened since my 'death'?"

"Well John, we've lost a lot of ground we had, and Morale was close to a breaking point. We've had to use hit and run tactics, but we could never be able to counter their Planetary Bombardment, the Emp… Imperial Remnant captured almost all the Legendary Pokémon, we saved as many as we could, but spies for the Imperial Remnant always gave the enemy the locations of all the Legendaries we saved. We've had to resort to keeping their locations to the people here, we only use them to help us if the situation calls for them." Replied Brock. John then said, "I see, well, what Legendaries did you managed to save?" Brock replied, "We managed to keep Celebi, Jirachi, Moltres, Entei, Registeel, Azelf, Landorous, and Tapu Koko safe."

"And that's all you've managed to save?" asked John. Brock nodded his head in response, John then said, "Damn it, I don't blame you guys, you must have tried your hardest, but right now we need to rescue the Legendary Pokémon captured by the Imperial Remnant, where are they?" Ash then said, "We don't currently know, it's like they just vanished from the Planet, we've even checked from the sky, but the only thing we see is a giant triangle circling the moon every so often."

"Hold on, a giant Triangle?" John said to Ash in which he responded by nodding his head and saying, "Yeah, but we know the shape of the star destroyers, and this was larger than that." John then looked at Breo and asked him, "Has there been anything bigger than a Super Star Destroyer reported?" Breo shook his head and said, "Never in the history of the New Republic was there ever a sighting of something bigger than a SSD, but there have been rumors about something called a Giga Star destroyer. Supposedly, it's 4½ times the size of a regular Star Destroyer."

"Then it must be the Prototype that you've been seeing, so they must have the Legendary Pokémon they captured on that ship." Said John. Ash then said, "Then that's where we strike first, now that you're back we can finally take the fight to the Imperial Remnant."

"I'm afraid that I'm going to have to disagree with you Ash, we don't have a way to get up there, even if we did, we don't have a way to get them off the ship and back onto the ground." John told Ash. Ash then realized the flaw in his plan and said, "You're right, until we have both of those things that we need, we stick to hit and run tactics." They all came up with ways to incorporate the New Republic forces that they find as the days went on. When it came time to turn in, Ash and Dawn showed John where he and Dawn slept. John looked around and saw certificates and awards lining the wall. John then said, "Are these awards all ours Dawn?" Dawn nodded her head and said, "Yes, these awards were given to us after we won the Great Pokémon War against N.T.R." John looked at the awards until a picture caught his eye, a picture of himself, Dawn, Ash, Misty, Brock, Gary, and May with several other people, but some of the faces were crossed out.

"Why does this picture have people's faces crossed out?" John asked Dawn and Ash, hoping to get an answer from either of them. Dawn just looked to the side and the ground while Ash said, "The people who have their faces crossed out, Max, Tracy, Cilan, Chili, Cress, Iris, Clemont, Serena, Burgundy, Stephan, Tierno, and Miette, they betrayed the P.M.R. and joined the Imperial Remnant." John's face gave a vibe of hatred, Dawn then said, "we've tried to get at them and eliminate them, but they have remained elusive."

"Well, they will pay for betraying the P.M.R." said John. Ash then walked away, and John asked Dawn, "What's wrong with Ash?" Dawn told John, "Serena was Ash's wife, they divorced when Serena betrayed the P.M.R. and gave the location of where we had Groundon." John's Anger grew even more, he then said, "She will definitely feel my wrath."

A few days later, at an Imperial Remnant outpost, there were a compliment of 14 stormtroopers, an AT-ST and a scout trooper sniper was stationed in a tower and she watched over the entire compound when she felt something hit the bottom of one of the sides. When she looked over, she saw a creature that said, "Electrode." Suddenly, the Electrode used explosion and sent the tower crashing down onto two Stormtroopers with the Scout trooper in it. As they struggled to get up, a shot hit the scout trooper's arm and one shot hit one of the troopers in the chest.

"Contact front." Said an Imperial Stormtrooper before he, himself, got it in the head. The commander of the stormtroopers ordered the AT-ST to advance and open fire on where the shots were coming from and as the AT-ST pressed forward, it was hit by a thunderbolt and all the systems were overloaded and the AT-ST's head section exploded. Suddenly, several P.M.R. soldiers stood up and opened fire at the Stormtroopers, killing at least 14, one of which being the commander. The last four and the scout trooper were placed in cuffs as Prisoners of war. John walked over to the prisoners and said, "The five of you will be taken to a P.M.R. prison Camp, where you will serve your time until the New Republic arrives and makes peace with the Imperial Remnant."

"You may look like the John I know, but he died a year ago, the war is lost, give up your stupid grasp of hope." Said the scout trooper. John knelt and removed the scout trooper's helmet to reveal a woman whose face was crossed out on a picture he saw a few days ago. John then said, "you must be either Iris, Serena, Burgundy, or Miette, so who are you exactly." John then placed his hand on the woman's forehead and a swell of memories came flowing back to John, the day he first met this girl, the day where he met the girl again in Kalos, the day she came to Kanto Region High school, and her and Ash's wedding. After all the memories of her and John came back to him, he took his hand off her forehead and said, "Well Serena, I guess it goes to show you that you should have never betrayed the P.M.R." John then told two P.M.R. soldiers, "Get her on a transport to Littleroot Prison."

"Yes General." Replied the two P.M.R. soldiers who grabbed Serena by the arms and as they took her away, Serena said, "You can't stop him pretender, Lord Hester will destroy you all." John made a quick U-turn and told the two P.M.R. soldiers to stop in their tracks. When they did, John walked over to them and Serena and asked her, "Who did you just say?"

"Lord Hester, that's who." Replied Serena. John then walked away when Ash arrived to see his ex-wife. Ash then said, "Hello Serena." Serena replied to Ash by saying, "Hello Ash." Back at the base, John was talking to Breo, Tae, and Lilzor when Brock and Dawn walked up to them and Dawn said, "What's going on here?" John looked at his wife and said, "We're coming up with a plan to kill Hester." When Brock asked what John meant, John said, "I mean that Hester is on a long list of people that are wanted dead by the New Republic." Dawn then said, "I take it that you've fought him before?" John nodded his head and said, "He led the forces at the Maw Disaster, his attack, crippled the Red Devil Strike group for cycles, until Mon Mothma said that we were getting reinforcements, some of which were actually Imperial Remnant Ships pretending to be New Republic ships." Breo then said, "If Lord Hester is commanding the Imperial Remnant forces on this planet, then it must have been him who set that trap with the Star Destroyers."

"That has to be the most logical explanation." Tae added on. John nodded his head and said, "That means If Hester has the legendary Pokémon under his control, we are going to have a problem. Andrew Hester is the most Dangerous Sith the New Republic as ever faced, he trained under Lord Vader himself from what I heard." Lilzor nodded his head and said, "Yes, after the battle of Endor and the death of the emperor and Lord Vader, there was a power Vacuum and several war lords rose to power, Lord Hester joined the Imperial Remnant Faction and terrorized planets that he was given command of."

"Well, we've tried to get him at Hearthome City, even before he had turned the city into a fortress and made it the planet's capital. We don't have the resources to siege the City yet." Said Brock. John was shocked to hear that Hester chose Hearthome City of all places, it had no strategic value. John then said, "By any chance, did I ever wonder why Hester choose Hearthome City to make it a fortress, it has no strategic value." Dawn replied, "Yes, you did wonder that, and we all wondered the same thing, Hearthome city had no strategic Value, besides the Pokémon Gym there."

"Yeah, Hester made no sense when he chose Hearthome City." Said a voice behind Dawn and Brock, a voice John didn't recognize. Dawn and Brock stepped aside to have John look at a Carbon Copy of himself, but his eye's looked like Dawns eyes. Standing next to him was a blonde-haired girl, same height as John's look alike.

"Hi Dad." Said the Carbon Copy of John. John then remembered the memories of him that came back to him when Dawn's hand touched his cheek. John then shed a tear and said, "S…s…son." John Junior smiled and ran and hugged his father, memories then came into John's head of when J.J. first walked, J.J.'s first word, J.J.'s first Pokémon, and J.J. fighting Imperial Remnants forces alongside his father. After all the memories stopped rushing back to him, John said, "J.J., I…I'm…I'm so happy you're alive." J.J. began crying in his father's arms, he was happy John was back. May was smiling when a P.M.R. soldier tapped her shoulder and handed her a piece of paper. When she read it, she shouted John's name and when John answered her, she said, "We just found another escape pod, it's in the Viridian Forest."

After hearing about a found escape pod, John told Breo, Tae, and Lilzor to gather a small group of P.M.R. and New Republic troopers that they found over the past few days and start to create a plan on to rescuing the pod's survivors. An hour later, John and his team arrived at the escape pod, only to find several dead Imperial Remnant stormtroopers and an entire Pod's worth of dead New Republic troopers, John was upset that he didn't get to the New Republic troopers in time. Lilzor knelt to examine one of the New Republic soldiers and he then said, "These Bodies have to be only a few hours old, the blast mark on this one is still warm." John nodded his head and said as he knelt, "Blast marks here, possible thermal Detonator explosion, I count at least three other such explosions." But when John saw Ash looking at something and he went over to see for himself, it was a Pidgeot, breathing very slowly.

"It's my Pidgeot." Said Ash. John then called over Lilzor and asked him, "Can you help this Pokémon?"

"I can certainly try sir, but I will need the help of someone trained in the anatomy of Pokémon."

"Nurse Joy can help you with that, just save my Pidgeot." Replied Ash. Lilzor nodded his head and called for a medical vehicle. When the group got back to the base, three Nurse Joys were ready and waiting for Lilzor and Pidgeot. But when the group arrived, Brock went head over heels in love and tried to romance all the Nurse Joys, but Crogunk used Poison Jab on Brock and dragged him away. John saw all that happened and asked Ash, "Was he always like that?"

"Oh yeah, Brock was always trying to get any hot woman he saw to marry him or date him, Misty grabbed his ear when the four of us traveled around, the traitor Max did the same thing and when Brock caught Crogunk, every time he would flirt with a Nurse Joy, Officer Jenny, or any hot woman, Crogunk would use poison Jab." Replied Ash. John chuckled at the site of Brock's predicament. Just then then, the girl that stood next to John Junior walked up to John and said, "Hey John." John looked at the young woman and said, "Hello…um, what's your name again?" The young woman sweat dropped and said, "My name is Bonnie, give me your hand." Bonnie then reached for John's hand and grabbed it. John's memories of him and Bonnie came flowing back to him, the day they met, the time Bonnie's brother Clemont caught Dedenne for Bonnie, and all the memories after that. When the memories stopped coming back, John said, "Bonnie, I'm sorry, but as you know my memories were taken from me and…" John stopped to think for a moment until he shouted, "I GOT IT!" John then called everyone that he re-met on the day he and the others from the escape Pod came into the map room.

"So, what you're saying, is that you can get your memories of you and a certain Person just by making skin contact." Said Gary. John nodded his head and said, "I don't know why I didn't think of that before with Dawn, with Serena, and J.J., my memories of a certain person and myself are only locked until I make skin contact with the person. For example, Bonnie grabbed my hand and all my memories of her and myself traveling together in Kalos came back to me, and her joining the P.M.R. when she found out Clemont was a part of it…" John stayed quiet for a few minutes until he raised his fist to level in face and said, "He will pay, they will all PAY!" the entire room filled with cheers and laughter until John cleared his throat and said, "Now get Serena in here."

"Why do you want that traitor in here?" Ash asked John. John then said, "If we get Serena in here, we can get information from her that we can use against the Imperial Remnant. Plus, I have several Personal questions to ask her." Ash knew that he would never win in an argument against John, so he sent a carrier Pidgey to Littleroot Prison.

After waiting a few days, a van pulled up to Forward Outpost Ampharos and a guard asked for Identifications and the driver showed the guard their IDs and the guard let the van pass by and into the Rebel base. When the van stopped, John and Ash walked over to the van and opened the back doors. The first to step out of the van was a P.M.R. Prison Security Guard. After him was the requested Prisoner Serena. Finally, another P.M.R. Prison Security Guard and his Pokémon stepped out after Serena. The first P.M.R. Prison Security Guard Saluted John and Ash and said, "Sargent Hubert from P.M.R. Littleroot Prison, here to deliver H.I.P. 00-46-23 S to Commanding Generals Ash Ketchum and John Bertrand. I have her transfer papers here with me, I request that one of you sign them sirs." John and Ash saluted Sargent Hubert back, and Ash took the papers and signed them while John ordered two P.M.R. soldiers to take Serena to an interrogation room to be interrogated. The P.M.R. soldiers did as they were told and escorted Serena to Interrogation Cell 01 and Ash handed the signed Papers back to Sargent Hubert. John then said, "She wasn't happy to be here again." Ash nodded his head and went to make sure Serena didn't try to do anything. John then looked back at Sargent Hubert and said, "Thank you Sargent Hubert, you're dismissed." Sargent Hubert saluted John, who saluted back. Then Sargent Hubert, the other Security Guard and his Pokémon got back in the truck and drove back to Littleroot Prison. John then walked off to Interrogation Cell 01.

After arriving at Interrogation Cell 01, John was about to enter when Ash stopped him and said, "Let me ask her the questions John." John shook his head no and said, "No Ash, I need to do this, I can tell when people are lying to me or not." John then opened the door and sat down in the chair across from Serena. John pulled out a water Bottle and Placed it in front of Serena and said, "If you ever get thirsty, there's water for you." Serena didn't say a word, John then said, "Look Serena, I don't know why you betrayed the P.M.R. but you must know that your actions can not be forgiven, so why don't we start off by you telling me how to get Lord Hester here to meet me, so I can kill him." Serena let out a loud, "Hmph," before she said, "I will never betray my commander, I have fought against you Rebel Scum since the day I joined the Imperial Army." John then said, "That's funny because right before I got stunned, you were with the P.M.R., fighting against the Imperial Remnant." Serena shook her head and said, "Impossible, I have been fighting against you rebels for almost a year now."

"Funny, that's when I went Missing according to Ash." Replied John. Serena then said, "The John I know is dead, killed by Ash and the other people in charge because they wanted power, Lord Hester told me so." John then stood up and slapped Serena, causing her to fall off the chair and onto the ground and she laid there for a couple of moments before coming too. When she back in the chair, she opened her eyes and John saw that they were different, they were like his eyes, not the eyes that he saw before. Serena then said, "J…J…J…John, is that you?" John was confused and said, "Yes we were just talking." Serena then looked around and saw that she was in chains. Serena then asked John, "Why am I in chains?"

"You're in chains because you betrayed the P.M.R., along with Max, Tracy, Cilan, Chili, Cress, Iris, Clemont, Burgundy, Stephan, Tierno, and Miette." Replied John. Serena shook her head and said, "The last thing I remember was being in an Imperial Jail cell with Iris, Burgundy, and Tierno and two Stormtroopers came and took me into what looked like an operating room and they strapped me to a table and forced me to look at a Hypno and it used hypnosis on me I blacked out. Only to wake up on the floor here." John's face had a face of surprise and said, "Ash, get in here." Just then, the door opened, and Ash walked in. John then said, "Get those chains off her." Ash looked at John and said, "You've been gone for almost a year, you might be rusty with that skill, but there is no way Serena is telling the truth."

"Ash…look at her eyes." Said John. When Ash investigated Serena's eyes, he saw that they were different from the time he saw her get hauled off to Littleroot Prison. Ash then said, "They're different then the time we saw her off to Littleroot Prison." John nodded his head in agreement and Ash unshackled Serena and she immediately hugged Ash and cried her eyes out before she said, "I'm sorry Ash, I'm so sorry." Ash looked at John and saw that he nodded his head and gave Serena the first hug she felt from him since the day she was captured. After getting Serena a change of clothes, John and Ash escorted her to the map room where John said, "Guys, I…" John was interrupted when several Blasters were pointed in their direction by Gary, Misty, Dawn, May, J.J., and Bonnie, while Breo, Lilzor and Tae ran to John's side and pointed their blasters at them. John ran to the middle and said, "Everyone stand down, NOW!" Breo, Lilzor and Tae lowered their weapons, but the people at the table still had their blasters up. John turned to his friends and said, "Guys, just hear us out, alright." The others looked at each other until Misty lowered her blaster and said, "Start explaining then, because she is not liked here." Ash then said, "She was hypnotized by the Imperial Remnant using a captured Hypno, if John trusts her word about it, then so do I." Misty and the others at the table looked at each other again until they all put their blasters away. Breo, Lilzor, and Tae put their blasters away too. John then said, "Good, now that we're on calmed down, I can say what I was going to say before you all pointed your blasters at us."

"So, what you're saying, is that the people who betrayed us were hypnotized by the Imperial Remnant using a captured Hypno and we only need to physical Harm to them to snap them out of the Hypnosis." Said Gary. John nodded his head and said, "Yes, that is the only thing I think can get them out of their hypnosis." Misty was the first to say, "Did you ever get hit on the head when you were on the Bruiser?" John looked at Misty with a face that read, 'really' causing misty to say, "Just asking." John then said, "Anyway, all we need to do is find out where the rest of the 'traitors' are, so we can free them from their Hypnosis."

"I know where Max and Clemont are because I hate to say this, but somehow I have the memories of when I was hypnotized, Max is on Cinnabar Island as a Stormtrooper commander and Clemont is on a star destroyer orbiting the planet as an Imperial Engineer, but he's due to come down for some leave where he was supposed to meet me, but I assume that the attack you guys made on the outpost I was stationed at has gotten to Imperial Command and told everyone that was hypnotized." Ash then said, "Well, I guess that means we need a way to get up to the Star Destroyer or get him down here somehow." Then John said, "Well then, let's get started."