Author's note:
Hey guys... it has been a while hasn't it? Anyways, I'm extremely sorry to say that I won't be continuing this fic. If you wish, hear me out on the reasons.
1) As I went into this fic, I had no clear goal in mind. The only story I had somewhat planned was how Kukui trains Ash. So, all it would have become would be a training montage.
2) I realized that there is no shortage of fics out there in which authors use the outline of the game plot and write about how Ash or an OC goes on a journey, catches pokemon, battles gyms and wins the league. My fic would have gone down the same route for Max. As for Ash, I was planning on using anime as reference, but I have no ideas how to make things more interesting. I might be an all-or-none person for it, but I lost motivation due to these reasons.
If anyone wants to continue this story, please PM me. Thanks.