(Author's Note - This part is Zelda's point of view)

I got a called from Giles last night, he did the ad for a Beauty Salon, and they gave him free voucher for hairdo. He gonna take Elisa there for a makeover, and he wanted me to be there with her as a girl friends, or advicer.

I said yes without hesitate. I saw her hair yesterday, it's need to be fix! and I still have a lot of idea I can give her! so I woke early, and quickly cooked Brewster's breakfast. I gave him a kiss goodbye, and leaved to take the bus to the adress that Giles gave me, Orphuem theater.

I got down from the bus, and walk to the theater. Elisa, and Giles already waited at the turqiouse van. I sat at the back of the van with Elisa, and Giles drive like last time. The ride was pretty bumpy, but at least we reached there alive.

(Author's Note - Back to Elisa's point of view)

I enter the salon with Zelda, and Giles. I'm surprised why where were no clients here. Is it close today? I thought to myself, but all the hairdresser were still there. Giles walk to the middle age woman who was a hairdresser.

"Excuse me, Miss." the woman looked up after Giles called her, "I'm Gunderson, I've already booked the appointment for my daughter" he said, and pointed at me.

What!? me!? his daughter, and then I realized, the voucher can't be share if I'm not related to him. So I quickly nodded as the hairdresser walked closer to look at me. She let me sat on a chair in front of a mirror, and checked my fried damage hair.

"Any requirement for the hairdo?" the hairdresser asked, "Colors, treatment, or trim?"

"Well, we need to get rid of her bleached." Zelda replied, and pointed at the hair from my shoulder to my waist, "add little c perm, and…" she turned the chair around to look at me, "sided fringe"

"Great!" the hairdresser replied with a confident smiled.

She shampooed my hair, and then gave me hair-cut while it was still wet with Zelda watching. After she got rid of my my bleached she permed my hair with the very big hair rolls. Zelda, and Giles fell asleep as we wait for the perm to set. The hairdresser rinses my hair clean, and blowdried my hair. She set my fringe, and turned my chair to face Zelda, and Giles after it all done.

"Guys!" the hairdresser woke Zelda, and Giles, "What do you think?" she asked them.

They walked to me in surprised, I haven't looked at myself in the mirror yet, but I hope it didn't look bad. They looked at me before they smirked and nod.

"Not bad." Zelda said to the hairdresser.

Zelda, and Giles gave little tip to the hairdresser before we leaved. She did a pretty good job with my hair but the fringe was so annoying. I have to keep pushing the fringe away from my face as we sat at the back of the van. We stopped in front of Zelda's house, and got down from the van.

"Wait here" Zelda said to before she ran back inside her house.

We stood there for awhile until Zelda finally back. She walked to me, and place something on my head, I guess it's headband.

"That's a lot better" she said as she set my hair.

"Thanks" I signed.

"You're welcome" she replied simply, "See you monday" she gave me a hug before she walk back inside her house.

I invite Giles to join my dinner after he drove us back to the Theatre. We enjoyed our dishes until the thunder roared from out side, it's raining. Giles and I walk out to look at the window.

God! when was the last time it's rain this hard? it's probrably gonna flood until tomorrow. I guess we'll have to stay home on sunday, and then go straight to work on Monday. Damn! it's alot more tense than it already was!

It's starts to getting late, Giles went back to his room as the roof starts to leaked. I quickly grab the pots, and bowl to handle the drops. I can't sleep, and I don't know what to do for fun. So I grab a book on the shelf, Den lille havfrue.

It's about a young mermaid who gave up her voice to bcomee human. I'm not so much into these love story, but at some point, I felt like I can relate to the mermaid as if I knew her, or I am...her.

I love music, but I'm muted, and only few people truly cares about me just like that mermaid. But the different was she was a princess, and I'm just...me. But that's doesn't matter, because in the end we both are just the worthless mutes.

I put the book back to the shelf, and was about to walk to the kitchen to find something to eat. And then.. all the lights goes off. Good! no electricity! I lighted the candle, and walked out the door. Giles's light doesn't work too.

"God NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I heard Giles's screamed loudly from behind his door next to mine.

I guess he was working on his piece before the lights goes off, but I hoped it will go back to normal...right?

(Author's Note - This part is Zelda's point of view)

"The precipitation last night was just a hint of what's yet to come. Those who can are encouraged to stay indoors or get an umbrella, because this is gonna be the strongest rain ever!"

I listened to the radio as I cooked dinner for Brewster and myself. The rain still heavy outside as Brewster marked the calendar. I wonder did it rain too in Elisa's house or only mine. But it said rain all over Baltimore so...I believe it rained too. I guess we'll have to stay home today, and then go straight to work tomorrow.

"Tomorrow is your work day, right?" Brewster asked.

"Yes", I replied and place the dishes on the table, "First day of work."

"Well, let's hope the rain would stop tomorrow" He said as we ate or dinner, "So you wouldn't be there late."

1962, Amazon Rainforest

We walked back to the villege with all the fishes we've got, but instead of people running to us in joy, they were all gone / We walked inside and found all the mens were death! / They laid on the floor with bloods everywhere / We've checked the wound, it's from the same weapon that killed Karian 30s years ago /

We stood up, and tried to calm down / Where's mother? and the wemen, and children!? We search deeper into the villege and found mother was captured along with the wemen and children / The man looked at me with his wide cruel eyes as he pointed the weapon on our mother's head /

"Stay there!" He shouted strongly, "Or she die" he said, and gripped our mother's wrist tighter.

We've saw the danger of that weapon before, mother, and we can survive it if we didn't get too many shot, but it will be the most painful wound / Wemen won't be able survive it, they already lost their men, they won't be able to look after their children on their own / But no matter what, we have to protect mother, father, and the gods behind the barrier weren't here, and there's no way they would come in time /

We looked at the bad man and a translucent covered well next to him(Author's note - It's the tank) / he planned to take our mother, and we can't let that happen...there was only one thing we can do /

We knelt before the badman who's outer skin were covered in blood of the men he killed as he still pointed his gun on our mother / We begged him, we begged him to let our mother and the villegers go and take us instead.

It was a soft warming dream. There was water, dark water…tons of it, pressing at me, but I didn't drown. I floated weightlessly like a feather as my eyes are still closed. I breathed inside it better than I does here, in waking life…I enjoyed it until the alarm shaked the bedside table.

I jerks a bit by the sound as the mask still covering my both eyes, but from the chilled I felt on my skin...I know I'm awaked. Can't I have a longer sleep? I wanna spend more time in this wonderful dream than living in this drafty room with cheap food and sputtering electricity. Even I didn't hate it, I'm grateful for it actually, but I just wish...nevermind. I've already forgot about it.

I lift the mask off from my eyes, and turn around to see the world around me. It's exactly the same like everyday that I have to live my life, the freezing temperature of the room, and the sound from the theater beaneath. I reached the clock to stop the alarm, it's time to get to work.

We can feel the water movements surround our body, but we can see nothing above / Everything surround us were so suffocating, and so dark/ How long have it been since the bad man have put us into this container? There were barely enough space to move around / We touch the barrier above us, it was made of glass, but a lot harder than normal glass /

The bad man made it cleared that he saw us as nothing more than animal / He beated us over and over again just to laughed when we cried out / We've never understand why father hated White-Human, but now we think we do / The faces of those White-Humans looking at us gave out nothing more than fear / It's completely different from how the way the villegers looked at us /

We missed home, the thought of the kindness from the villegers, and mother made our heart ached / We remember the faces of the childrens who played with us, and people smiles back in the villege /

It have been so long to the point we were sure it have been days since the bad man took us / We closed our eyes and struggled to breathe inside this stagnant water / and suddenly, some thing have been pulled out from the top of the tank / The light were still blinding to us as they moved the tank, the water around us moved erratically with each motion, almost cause us to vomit / and then...it stopped.

Water waving in green surrounded us with the glass barrier above us / We saw a shadow of a man beyound beyond the glass it's gone / Another shadow come closer as my eye sight slowly come back / It was a pale hand, much smaller than the bad man's, and that was when I finally see a paled human face with a pair of almond shaped brown eyes with shoulder lenght dark hair.

Elisa finally got her hair done! I don't know Sally's hair in the movie was real or wig because it was so perfect, but I saw a blogger got a hairdo like her by cut it short, and permed it. So...just keep it simple:)

It tearing me apart to write Charley being captured, but it's the only way he will meet Elisa in the Occam lol The first shadow that moves above the tank before Elisa was Dimitri, beacause in the movie Dimitri looked at the tank first before Elisa.

Sooooo...we finally get it done! Imagine this book is a real prequel movie that end with the scene of the alarm clock shaked on the bedside table, and Elisa moved to turn it off, but we don't see her face yet until the scene when Charley was dragged into the T-4 through his point of view. What would it feel like when we finally see Sally Hawkins's face before the end!? (If there's really gonna be a prequel movie, I think they should cast younger actress to play young Elisa, and keep Sally for the last scene).

I'm glad I've wrote this fic, it's so hard to write how Elisa went from being an impatient, short-tempered, and aggressive girl to a reliable, patient, caring, responsible, and independent woman.

The hardest part was the fact that even she have to change herself, I still have to keep some of her childhood traits that appeared in the movie like her stubborness, and her courage LOL.

Second Book Soon! "The Shape Of Love!"