Chapter 1 : We Screwed Up

Hiccup and Toothless where just flying, threw the clouds up somewhere. They eventually started heading back for Berk, because it was getting late and theirs supposed to be a storm coming

"So bud, how fast do you think we could get home?" Hiccup asks curiously and Toothless shrugs, somewhere between two and five minutes

"Hahah, i know, lets just get him before this storm bears down on us" Hiccup jokes and they continue flying, they even talk a bit and play in the sky, but they didn't notice they where flying RIGHT into a lightning bolt, which just so happens to be a weird lightning bolt

Suddenly, the lightning bolt hits them, and WHAM! They're thrown into a endless stream of colors and shapes and things, but only Toothless falls out of the steam, Hiccup just ends up on Berk, buts somethings wrong with the both of them, somethings really wrong


Hiccup groans lightly, that's probably that worst landing he's ever had with Toothless, and that's saying something after *shudder* the Dooms Beach landing, where they both got covered in honey and sand, the worst landing, EVER

Hiccup then notices that something, feels off. Not like that, oh i have a cold shiver off, but more like the 'my whole body feels weird' off. Hiccup then moves his claw...wait...claw?

Hiccup's eyes snap open and he try's to stand up only to end up with his face in the sand, go figure. He manages to get stand and that's when he notices his arms, or more specificly, his forelegs

Hiccup then takes one, good long look at him, and nearly freaks out. He's not only in a dragon's body, but oh, he's stuck in Toothless' body. He shifts his torso and feels the saddle, and then feels the prosthetic at the end of his tail. This is not good,!

Hiccup then realizes what it feels like to be a Night Fury, he shifts his wings and tail, he then also realizes again, that he's in TOOTHLESS' body, which means, if he gets himself hurt, that means he's getting Toothless hurt. Hiccup suddenly started checking the beach for any sign of danger, to find nothing

"Oh no, this is...wha? What is going on! First, we get hit with a lightning bolt, nothing big. And then, oh then! I wake up in Toothless' body, and Toothless isn't in here with me, at least i don't think" Hiccup thinks and then use's his paw to tap his head, or, Toothless' head if you like

"Hello? Big scaly best friend? I know you enjoy your naps, but now REAL is not the time for one bud, if your in their, talk. to. me" Hiccup thinks and suddenly makes a crooning noise, he completely forgot about the fact that he was now in charge of Toothless' body, and could 'say' whatever he wanted

Hiccup then sighs and decides he's gonna have to figure something out, otherwise, he's stuck in Toothless' body, with Toothless' mind being WHO KNOWS WHERE? And then Hiccup had a thought, if he's in Toothless' body, is Toothless in...his body?

"Toothless, if your SOMEHOW in my body and can hear me, DONT WALK OF A CLIFF OR TRY TO FLY OF A CLIFF" Hiccup thinks angrily, he sighs and decides to start searching for Toothless, maybe he is actually in his own body but somehow that lightning bolt turned his body into a EXACT replica of Toothless', down to the scales! Hehhh, probably not

Hiccup suddenly hears a low rumble, he turns 360 degrees, trying to find the source to no avail. He trys to charge a plasma blast only to breath out. Hiccup takes a good long moment to release he may have Toothless' 'things (Plasma Fire, Claws, Wings, Teeth) that can wipe anything he's mad at off the face of Earth' at his disposal, but he doesnt know how to use them, except for the claws because their just that, claws

Hiccup thinks for a moment, what to do, what TO DO!? Ok, what would Toothless do in this situation? After all, if he knew what Toothless would do in his own body, then Hiccup can do it in Toothless' body. And Hiccup draws a blank, he try's thinking but the only thing he comes up with is 'find Hiccup'

Then, Hiccup comes up with idea, replace the word Hiccup with best friend and he has a plan, folks! He try's to smile only to get it like Toothless did on HIS first attempt, Hiccup manages to start walking, it does take him some time to figure out HOW but he does!

He search's the beach, the cave, the forest, and the small hills. He then recognizes this island to be Shatterscatter Island, of course, Dagur named it after his Gronckle' best move

Hiccup eventually finds no Toothless in Hiccup's body, just a bunch of trees, grass, oh and a cave too

"AHHA! Where is he! He cant be far, right?" Hiccup thinks to himself and then here's the faint rumbling again, except it sounds very close and sorta muffled, Hiccup then starts searching to find nothing AGAIN

"Where does that rumble keep coming from?" Hiccup asks himself and then hears a faint rumble and growl, and now he feels a slight pain in his torso, his mid torso, Hiccup then looks at his torso and finally figures out that the sound is coming from his stomach, he's hungry. He forgot to go fishing with Toothless the day they left

"Oh, shut up stomach, I'm trying to find my best friend here!" Hiccup thinks to himself and starts searching again, he search's the whole island three times over, over the course of a day that is, and finds NOTHING. Not a trace or speck of Hiccup's body or Toothless' mind anywhere on the island

Hiccup sits down while panting, running around for a day straight can do that to you, he lays his head down on his paws and makes a whimpering noise, against his will

"N-no i didn't mean to do that! Do Night Fury's make noises based on emotion, or based on thought, maybe both?" Hiccup thinks and suddenly feels a very sharp pain in his stomach, he's starving and Toothless' body hasn't eaten in about 2 to 3 days, which can start to ruin a dragons health, and cause them great pain. Toothless rarely ate when in his body, so does that mean he was in pain most of the time? No, he ate once a day, or two days at most

Hiccup starts searching for a food source, his stomach grumbling and growling and moaning so loud its starting to annoy Hiccup, he the wonders how Toothless puts up with his own stomach?

"Ok, ok. What to eat. I probably shouldn't eat red meat, Toothless has gotten sick from it before, and theirs no live stock on this island so white meats out of the question, so...wait, Fish! Fish counts as white meat doesnt it?" Hiccup thinks and then finally stumbles upon the pond in the middle of the island, its way bigger then Toothless' body but Hiccup doesnt want to die and he doesnt want harm to come to his best friend's body

Hiccup try's to shoot a plasma blast into the pond only to end up shooting out some very warm breath. Hiccup sighs and takes in a deep breath before letting it out, he suddenly feels something and uses it, causing a small plasma blast to hit the ground in front of him

Hiccup smiles and turns to the pond, before firing a large plasma blast into it, causing a few dead fish to rise, Hiccup jumps into the water and manages to bring some of the fish to the beach lining the pond. He tilts his head at the 5 fish he's collected

"Ok so, how do i eat it, do i just swallow with chewing or do i chew or..." Hiccup thinks to himself but suddenly feels a little bit of instinct kick in, he looks at the fish and manages to work it into his mouth, he swallows and feels the fish slide down his throat, Hiccup nearly coughs at the sudden action and takes a second

"Ok, that wasn't that bad, in fact, it felt pretty good. Guess i should eat the rest of these fish" Hiccup thinks to himself and his stomach somewhat agrees with him, he manages to swallow the 4 other fish, feeling pretty good, even though its only a half of what Toothless would eat as a snack, which in itself is half of a meal. So he's stomach's not so full and he still feels pretty hungry, but at least he held of Toothless' body's health going down

Hiccup goes over to the cave and takes in a deep breath before letting it out slowly, burning a fire ring. He lays down in it and feels more warm then normal, its then that Hiccup realize's that dragons are WARM blooded reptiles, which sounds impossible, but here's the proof. Hiccup then realize's WHY Toothless always burns a fire ring before sleeping, its to keep him warm on a stone cold slab called a bed, Hiccup feels a pang of guilt shoot threw him like a arrow while he rests his head on his paws

"Good night Toothless, where ever you are" Hiccup thinks and eventually drifts off into a nice, deep sleep. But in the back of his mind, he feels that they screwed up majorly