On the planet Mandalore Bo katan leader of clan Kryze looks inside a ship that was set to enter hyperspace She carries a baby that has bluish-black hair with electric blue eyes the baby was only a two month old" don't worry ezra you'll be safe soon" Bo katan said to her baby as she placed the baby in side a mandalorian transport with a full set of clan kryzearmor vambrace and a jetpack

She exits the transport she send coordinates to hyper space from her vambrace to the ships NAV computer and set the ship on auto pilot

Bo katan looks to she the transport leave the planet a figure walks up to her and places there hand on her shoulder " it's going to be okay Bo" the figure said to her she looks at the figure and the looks back to that the transport has left " I hope were doing the right thing" Bo katan said to the figure " were doing this for his own good Bo not just for us but also for the clan if the sith lord found out about ezra we would all be dead " the figure said to her as it turned around and walked away

" we ever you may end up may you have a better life a way from the empire and never forget at heritage. Be safe my son" Bo katan said as she began to walk towards the clan stronghold

In hyperspace the mandalorian transport head towards through the unknown regions it's destination is a planet that has never be heard or told of to the rest of the galaxy the planets name is earth.

Outside of Oak Ridge Tennessee the Robinson's ( the wife's name is Rachel and the husbands name is Jacob)( the husband is an Army ranger)A new married couple sit outside of there house on the porch in joying a nice summer evening when the notice something land in the field the couple go to investigate when they arrive they see a ship of some kind in the middle of the field then they began to hear a hissing noise and see a ramp lowering down from the ship the couple slowly made there way inside the ship as they made there way inside the ship the notice something sitting in a chair the husband approach the chair and tuned it around slowly to reveal a two month old with bluish-black hair the baby opens it eyes to reveal the there blue soon the baby starts to cry.

Rachel approaches the baby and takes him into her arms " it's okay" racheld cued to the baby "your safe know" rachel said.

Jacob heard something beeping he looks down to see some kind of disc he carefully touched then a women with ins some kind of armor appeared

"hello I'm Bo Katan if you have found this message then you have found my son and must know we had no choice"

eighteen years later

Ezra has grown up to be a young and respectable man his dad had a few more years in the service and his mother was a nurse

It was October ezra and some of his friends were in there football jersey They played for Oak Ridge high school wildcats

Him and some of his friends were in a pizza joint kickin' it after practice tomorrow was a home game for them but the day after was Halloween " so what are ya'll going to dress as for saturday" one of the friends asked as he took a bite from his pizza " man I don't know hopefully something cool" " yeah david don't go as the easter bunny like last Year" ezra said causing his friends to laugh.

After a while ezra and his friends went there ways and ezra made it back to his house and went to bed dreaming of winning the football game tomorrow.


( Okay I know that this story won't make sense to some people but i just got the idea that was cooking inside my head so please tell me what you really think.

And I would like to thank Masso 2010 for allowing me to use his Idea and you have to look at his story Star wars rebels: A New Origin it in the top 10 of my favorite rebels fanficitions . But please tell me what you really think of this)