Hello, I know it's been a very long time, but I'm sorry I gotcaught up in the whirlwind of insanity called Dental College. I'm now going to be in final year, so I doubt if I'm going to have too much time in my hands to write, but I will update when I have time.
Chapter 11
Ginny sat down. Her knees refused to hold her up any longer. She averted her face from Ron who was towering over her in a rage.
'Yes.' That one, short, simple word left her mouth before she had time to consider what the impact would be on her life. It did not take a great deal of guts to admit it when she had already done so to herself. Now it was just a matter of saying it aloud.
Ron was white with anger. He was using every ounce of his will power to not strike her across her face. His own sister had been in the arms of a Malfoy, one who's father had tried to kill her five years ago. The past came flashing back, all the moments of taunting that his father had had to endure from Lucius, the taunts that he and all his brothers had endured from Draco. The worst off had been Hermione, who had been called mudblood several times over, a word that not just insulted her but her whole family tree. In his eyes no matter what Malfoy did, he could never redeem himself .
'You and I no longer have a relationship Ginevra.'
Those words hit her like a million painful needles, each biting her with a veracity and ferocity she had not known existed.
She jumped up and ran towards Ron. 'Don't say that Ron, you're my brother.' She cradled his head in her arms tears streaming down her cheeks. 'Ron' she sobbed painfully, 'speak to me.'
But Ron could not bring himself to even look at her. Her words sounded foreign to him, her touch alien. He looked unblinkingly at the wall behind her.
'Ron, don't say that' she blurted between painful gasps, 'I'll do whatever you want. Ron I'm sorry, but I could'nt help it. He's changed Ron, can't you see that?'
But the only thing that Ron could see was that she had changed. The Ginny he knew would never have betrayed his trust in such a fashion. And he knew he was to blame. She was his younger sister and being the only male member of his family who was with her in Hogwarts it was his unfailing duty to watch over her, one which he had clearly neglected. And for that he could never forgive himself.
Images flashed in his mind, sordid one's, of Ginny lying in Malfoy's bed his arms wrapped around her, of Malfoy raking her over with smouldering gazes, of her crying out Malfoy's name in the ecstasy of desire. Willing himself to stop, he returned his mind to it's original blank state, aware that Ginny was sobbing with her arms around his neck, her head buried into his chest. Unfeelingly he removed her arms and detached himself from her. His face devoid of any emotion, he simply turned and walked out of the portrait hole never to look back.
Ginny slumped down to the ground, painfull and racking sobs covering her every breath. Her mind was numb and all pain had been wiped from her heart leaving behind a dull ache. It seemed like an eternity before the portrait opened and Harry and Hermione entered, when in reality it would have only been a few minutes. At the sight of Ginny slumped in the seemingly vegetative state, they both rushed over.
'Ginny' said Hermione comfortingly. 'What happened? Don't worry about Ron, you know how overprotective he is of you.' As she crouched next to Ginny she put an arm around the younger girl, who was clearly on the threshold of a nervous breakdown. Harry sat down next to her as he held her hand.
'He-he said' she hiccoughed 'that we do not share any relation anymore.'
Hermione exchanged significant looks with Harry. Choosing her words carefully she said in an even tone 'Who exactly do you mean?'
Fresh tears started running down Ginny's cheeks even before the earlier one's had dried. 'R-R-Ron' she said in a painfully tremulous voice. 'How can he say that? I'm his sister.' She was having difficulty getting out the words to form a coherent sentence.
'He did'nt mean it Ginny, calm down, you know how uncontrollable his temper is' reasoned Harry in a calm voice.
She turned a bewildered face towards Harry and asked in a voice breaking in sorrow 'Is it a crime to fall in love Harry?'
Compassion overcame him as he saw her fall apart into a million pieces. 'No' he said as he reached for her and wrapped his arms around her, stroking her back comfortingly. 'No Ginny it's not a crime to love.' She sobbed all though now there were no more tears for her to cry, they had all dried up.
Hermione looked at Harry admiringly, she had never thought that he had it in him to rationalize the situation and act like a mature adult which was more than Ron could ever be capable of. She sighed and motioned to Harry that she was going to try and locate Ron so that she could some how patch this up, but deep down she was not so sure.
'He's changed Harry' she said in between sobs. 'He's not the same, I wish Ron would give him a chance.'
Harry reserved his opinion on Malfoy for a better time, and instead concentratedon soothing her. 'SShh' he said while stroking her hair. He knew Malfoy better than most people and could not accept that Malfoy had undergone a radical metamorphasis, and had burst through the cocoon as a gleaming butterfly as opposed to his earlier catterpillar form, but he did concede that Malfoy was making an effort to be decent if not down right friendly.
Ginny's sobs ceased and she pulled away from him, a vacant expression on her face. She got up shakily.
'Ginny where are you going?' asked Harry alarmed. She was in no fit position to be going anywhere.
She gave a hollow laugh. 'I will be alright. I need some time to gather my thoughts. I'm not so sure what is mine and what is'nt. I have to get my bearings together.'
Harry understood. She needed to know if he was her's. 'Well I'm right here if you need me' he said giving her a friendly pat.
Ginny mutely left the portrait hole, and walked with no aim or destination in particular. All around her people whispered. It was now well known that Ron had pounded Draco senseless as he had found out about their affair, but the highlight was that Draco had said that he had not consummated his relationship. Some sniggered, others had a good laugh and felt that it was all an attention seeking gimmick and refused to believe that she was still a virgin while he was so virile.
She ignored them all, and found that all though her mind had shut down blankly, her legs had taken her to him. She was outside the Prefect's common room, but even before she said the password, the portrait hole opened and Draco gazed at her stoically, his appearance not reminiscent of him having partaken of a recent brawl.
She broke the silence first. 'He disowned me.' Her flat tone did not trick Draco into believing that she was calm and composed. It only served to amplify his fear of a deluge waiting to break through the barricades. Taking her arm, he led her in.
'What did he say?' he questioned softly.
Ginny stared vacantly at the painting of three monks behind him. Draco did not press her and instead stroked her cheek comfortingly, sure that she would answer in her own time.
Her voice hoarse from crying, and with a sudden painful lump in her throat she stated 'He said that we do not have a relationship anymore.'
Draco's only response was a sharp intake of breath. Trust Weasely to deal with every crisis in his usual fool hardy way. Only this time he had gone too far. Lifting her chin up with his thumb and fore finger he looked in to her eyes, which mirrored the desolate agony which shrouded her. 'Well, you're mine and I'm never letting go' he said firmly as he wrapped his arms around her. ' I love you too much.'
The words whispered in her ear seemed distant, as though they were coming from a place so far off that she was unable to hear him clearly anymore. She tried to strain herself, but the lights kept flickering until atlast every one of them was extinguished and she gave in to the blissful darkness surrounding her.
That's it for this chapter, I'm not so sure how this turned out but I felt that I had to show that Ron did play a huge role in Ginny's life and that despite their arguments and quarrels, his acceptance of Malfoy was important to her. Thanks to all those who reviewed, please continue to do the same. If you leave behind your email id I shall let you know when I update.