Hey, everyone! After having not updated this fanfic since January this year (Sorry about that, by the way!), I've finally gotten around to uploading a new chapter! I'm super happy about that.
If you're wondering whether or not there will be regular updates...I don't know yet. I'd like to upload a new chapter once a week, but I'm not promising anyways. My schedule is so insane that I refuse to promise anything like that. If this changes, I promise to let you know!
Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing that's from WWE.
Anyways, please read & enjoy!
"The following is a singles match, set for one fall! Introducing first— Olivia!"
As the crowd cheered and music blared loudly, Olivia strolled onto the ramp with Dolph trailing shortly behind her. She was all smiles while Dolph had a cocky smirk plastered on his face. Once the pair made it to the ring, they exchanged steely-eyed stares.
"Are you ready for this match?" Dolph asked.
Olivia nodded. "I sure am. I still can't believe I'm main eventing NXT!"
Dolph's smirk turned into a smile that appeared to break kayfabe. "You've earned it, Liv. Trust me."
"Thank you…Nic."
The pair nodded at one another, with Olivia breaking out a small smile of her own. But when Dolph's theme ended, her smile faded into a stone-cold facial expression. She furrowed her eyebrows and placed her hands on her hips when Kelly Kelly's theme music began.
"And her opponent— Naomi!"
Both Kelly and Naomi were all smiles as they exited the curtain and strolled down the ramp. They each hi-fived fans as they practically pranced to the ring. Olivia happened to catch Kelly's eye, and the blonde-haired Diva's smile faltered for a split second.
She hates me, Olivia noted while her opponent prepared for the impending match.
Both Pros stood on the apron just outside the ropes as the bell went off to finally start the match. Olivia and Naomi circled each other for a couple of minutes before locking up. Because Naomi was taller and stronger, she had no trouble backing Olivia up into a turnbuckle. The referee yelled at the former Rookie to back off, which she did. Before she could make her next move though, Olivia delivered a sharp kick to her gut. Naomi stumbled and created just enough distance for Olivia to get up on the second turnbuckle and deliver a missile dropkick. Once Naomi hit the canvas, Olivia went for the pin. But Naomi was able to kick out just before the two count.
"Come on, Naomi!" Kelly shouted.
"You got this, Olivia!" Dolph yelled. "Beat her!"
Olivia brought Naomi to her feet before bouncing off the ropes and executing a wheelbarrow bulldog. Naomi hit the canvas hard once again, but Olivia didn't go for the pin just yet. She rolled to the outside of the ropes and stood precariously on the ring apron. She then bounced off the top rope and executed a spinning corkscrew, hitting Naomi in the stomach. That led to Olivia finally going to the pin again, but she didn't get a three count like she'd hoped.
"Come on, Naomi!" Kelly echoed.
"Keep at it, Liv!" Dolph countered.
Despite the brutal combo she'd just endured, Naomi slowly made it to a sitting position. But Olivia didn't give her the chance to stand back up. That's because she delivered a brutal kick to her opponent's back, and then another to her chest. As Naomi groaned and tried to recover, Olivia bounced off the ropes further from Naomi, jumped off one shoulder, bounced off the other set of ropes, and then delivered a front dropkick. That laid Naomi out flat on her back, so Olivia jumped at the chance to pin her opponent. But Naomi kicked out again, much to the smaller Rookie's annoyance.
"Get up, Naomi!" Kelly cried.
"C'mon, Liv!" Dolph shouted. His hands gripped a turnbuckle so hard that his knuckles turned white.
Naomi made it to her feet, albeit with Olivia's assistance. But Naomi didn't give her opponent a chance to attack this time around. She elbowed her square in the nose, causing Olivia to stumble backwards. Naomi threw her to the ropes, where Olivia bounced off and received a dropkick. Before she could try and get up, Naomi jumped as high as she could and delivered a powerful leg drop. She went for the pin for the first time during the match, but Olivia kicked out at two.
"You can do it, Naomi!" Kelly shouted.
"C'mon, Liv! You got this!" Dolph exclaimed.
Naomi brought Olivia to her feet before Irish whipping her into a turnbuckle. The momentum was so strong that Olivia actually bounced off and landed in a crumpled mess on the canvas. She managed to stand back up before Naomi delivered a flashy stunner. Despite now being in a dazed, Olivia remained on her feet until Naomi Irish whipped her into the ropes. Olivia was met with what Naomi had named the Rear View- a powerful jumping hip attack. Olivia landed on the canvas hard, so Naomi went for the pin again. Again, Olivia managed to kick out at the two count.
"Yes!" Dolph shouted. "C'mon, Olivia!"
"Shut up, Dolph!" Kelly sneered.
Dolph frowned. Kelly was known to be competitive, but tonight was different. Her bright blue eyes were narrow and— up until she had delivered that insult— had remained fixated on the match. But she appeared more focused on Olivia than her own Rookie, which wasn't like her at all.
Despite any growing concerns, Dolph focused back on the match in time to see the two Rookies trading tired-looking punches. Olivia managed to deliver a punch hard enough to create some distance between them. She bounced off the ropes and pulled off a devastating tilt-a-whirl DDT. The crowd gasped at the powerful move that left both Rookies flat out on the canvas. The referee spent a few minutes checking on the both of them while the crowd buzzed with excitement.
"Cover her, Liv!" Dolph exclaimed. He was practically jumping up and down on the apron.
"Oh, shut up, Dolph!" Kelly repeated. She raised her eyebrows and shook her head with a nasty scowl.
Dolph ignored the Diva's behaviour to see if his Rookie was actually okay. Seeing Olivia drag herself towards a barely moving Naomi calmed him down significantly. He hoped that this would be the trick for her to snag the win. But Naomi was able to kick out at two-and-a-half, much to everyone's surprise.
"You can beat her!" Kelly yelled. "Come on, Naomi!"
It took a couple of minutes, but both Rookies eventually made it back to their feet. Olivia tried to deliver a punch, but Naomi blocked it and delivered a punch of her own. Olivia staggered backwards and grabbed the ropes to help gather her thoughts again. Naomi tried to throw her to the opposite ropes, but Olivia was able to hang on tight and stay in place. She kicked Naomi hard enough in the stomach to have her stumble backwards. Olivia got behind the ropes and tried to pull off a slingshot crossbody. But Naomi caught her before delivering a painful backbreaker. She got Olivia's shoulders down and tried yet again to pick up the win. But Olivia kicked out at two-and-a-half. The crowd cheered at her kicking out, causing a half-hearted grin to show up on her face.
"You're almost there, Liv!" Dolph shouted. "Beat her!"
"Come on, Naomi! You got this!" Kelly chimed in.
Olivia was able to make it to her feet while Naomi remained laid out on the canvas. Thinking fast, Olivia hopped on the top of the first turnbuckle she saw and executed a flawless Olivia-Sault. It hit Naomi just right, allowing Olivia to finally get the three count and the win. The crowd erupted with cheers before the bell rung.
"Here's your winner— Olivia!"
Dolph entered the ring and helped his Rookie up. She clung to his arms tight until she made it to her feet. They exchanged hi-fives, which is when Olivia noticed that her Pro was smiling a genuine smile.
"You killed it," he said just loud enough for her to hear.
Olivia returned a genuine smile of her own. "Thanks! It's cause I have a great Pro."
Dolph scoffed at this notion. "Sure…let's go with that."
Olivia rolled her eyes and shook her head. She then looked over at Naomi, who had now managed to make it to her feet.
"Good job!" Olivia remarked. "You were born to wrestle, believe me!"
Naomi's eyes went wide, but she smiled a moment later. "Thanks, Olivia. You rock."
The pair shared a brief hug before returning to their respective Pros.
Olivia and Nic headed into the back together, with the former leaning onto her Pro for support. She panted a bit as she walked, but still managed to maintain a smile on her face throughout.
"Are you okay? Do you need to see medical?" Nic asked.
"No thanks, I'm fine," Olivia answered. "But thanks for asking. I really wanna sit down, that's all."
Nic found a small side room, so he ushered her inside without a second thought. A small couch and a couple chairs were situated inside, which was exactly what Olivia was looking for. She made it to the couch as quickly as her body would allow her. Despite this, Nic sat down first, but left her plenty of room to sit beside him. The door remained ajar, though only a little bit.
"You fucking killed it, Liv," he said with a laugh. "Sorry, I know I shouldn't laugh…I'm just stunned, that's all. I'm so blown away by how talented you are!"
"Thank you, Nic…really," Olivia replied. "Like I said out there, it's 'cause I have a great Pro."
Nic scoffed the same way he'd done so in the ring, causing Olivia to frown.
"It's just…I appreciate your kind words, Liv. Believe me, I do. But you're a great wrestler before I became your Pro. Remember when we hung out outside of work for the first time, and I said that I wasn't sure there was anything I could teach you skills-wise?"
Olivia nodded.
"Well, it's true! I'm sorry if that makes me a bad Pro, but I can't really teach you anything," Nic added. "You're already great— I'm just here to act like I'm teaching you shit when I'm really not doing a thing."
Olivia's smile faded, causing her to bite her lower lip. "I'm sorry if I made you feel bad. That was never my intention."
"No, you're not—"
Before Nic could even think about finishing that spot, someone banged on the door to the room the two were in. The force of the knocking caused it to open, where Barbie and the twins stood.
"I knew it!" Barbie exclaimed. "I knew that Olivia was trying to get into his pants."
Olivia jumped as far away from Nic as possible. "Oh my God, that's so not true!" she exclaimed. "I swear to God, we were just talking about my match."
Nic laughed. He couldn't believe that baseless accusation he'd just heard. "You can't be serious, Barbie. We're friends."
The twins exchanged unclear looks, but it was Nikki who spoke up. "Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure! I thought you said you trust me?" Nic argued.
Nikki suddenly back-pedalled. "Well…I mean…"
By now, Olivia had had enough. "I don't want to deal with this right now. The last thing I'm gonna say about it now is that Nic is my Pro, and I am his Rookie. I don't date co-workers at all, and I certainly wouldn't date or sleep with anyone who's in the position he's in. Now, if you could please excuse me, I'd like to freshen up now."
She got up and stormed out without bothering to look back by Nic, Barbie, or either of the twins. Her hands were still shaking as he entered the Divas' locker room. Fortunately, only April was there, whose smile faded upon seeing her close friend.
"What's wrong? I thought you'd be happy about winning."
"I was," Olivia said, "until Barbie barged in on Nic and I talking privately, and then accused me of— and I quote— 'trying to get into his pants.'"
"Shut the fuck up!"
"I wish I was kidding, believe me."
"That's totally ridiculous," April said. "Why the hell would anyone think such a thing?"
Olivia shrugged. "I have no fucking clue. Oh, and guess what? She brought Nikki and Brie with her, too. I denied Barbie's bullshit accusation, and so did Nic. But Nikki was like, 'Are you sure?', which seemed to upset Nic. They must be boyfriend and girlfriend because he even said, 'I thought you said you trust me?' But I have no way of knowing for sure right now."
April shook her head with furrowed eyebrows. "Like I said, it's ridiculous. I know I teased you two about a romantic storyline, but still— that's not even the same thing!"
"I know," Olivia replied. "I didn't wanna hear it anymore, so I just told Barbie and the twins that I don't date co-workers, and I would never date and/or sleep with Nic because of our Rookie and Pro relationship. I left without waiting for a response."
"I don't blame you one bit," April said. "I'm so sorry."
"Don't be. It's not your fault."
"Still…look— I was gonna hang out with Celeste and watch bad movies with her. Why don't you join us? You really need a distraction, from the sounds of it."
Olivia grinned. "I'd like that a lot right now. Thanks, April."
"Anytime! Go get showered and whatever— and please take your time. I'll text Celeste and let her know the change of plans. I know she won't mind."
"Thanks again, April. I owe you one."
April snorted. "You owe me nothing, I swear."
Later that night, April, Celeste and Olivia were in a hotel room watching some lame movie and gossiping. All they could talk about was the elimination of that night's episode of NXT.
"I feel bad for Karlee going home," Olivia remarked.
"Me too," Celeste said. "She was getting better, in my opinion."
"Yeah, but her being gone means that we're all closer to winning!" April commented.
Olivia frowned. "True."
Just then, her phone went off. She grabbed it to see that Nic was calling. April noticed and nodded.
"Take it," she insisted. "It's not like you're mad at him, right?"
"I guess," Olivia said. "Please excuse me. And April, please feel free to fill Celeste in on what she missed."
As that began to get underway, Olivia stepped out into the hotel's hall with the room's door ajar ever so slightly. She answered the call just before it could go to voicemail.
"Liv? Are you okay?" Nic asked. He sounded like he was in a hurry.
"Yeah, I'm hanging out with April and Celeste. Why? Is something wrong?" Olivia asked.
"No, but I've been worried about you. I'm sorry I wasn't able to ask you earlier."
"It's fine, Nic. It's no big deal. I guess you and I need to keep our distance."
Nic sighed. "That's silly. Look…I talked to Nikki, and she believes that you and I are friends. So does Brie— she was there when I spoke to her sister."
"That's good, I guess," Olivia remarked. I'm just upset that this stupid accusation even happened in the first place. Did I say or do something to start it? If I did—"
"No, you didn't," Nic insisted. "Barbie refused to tell me where this bullshit came from in the first place, but I wanna find out. I'm just…I'm sorry that this even happened."
"Don't apologize— it wasn't your fault. How about we get together tomorrow morning and discuss this further? Unless you already have plans…"
"Let's do lunch at noon instead. Does that work for you?"
"Sounds good to me. I'll meet you in the lobby tomorrow for noon," Olivia said.
"Great! I like the sounds of that," Nic replied.
Olivia suddenly smiled. "So do I."
There you go! I hope you enjoyed it.
Please review, and don't forget to stay tuned for chapter 20!
- Elizabeth