The next morning, Laurel woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs and rolled over to find that instead of her fiance lying next to her, she found a breakfast plate prepared with a note on it that read Bad luck to see the bride before the wedding.

Laurel smiled as she thought about how in a few short hours, she'd finally accomplish her greatest dream since high school and finally be married to Oliver Queen. She couldn't wait.

At 12pm sharp, the long awaited moment had finally arrived as the wedding of Oliver Queen and Laurel Lance finally began.

Oliver was standing at the altar next to the reverend with his best man John standing to his left and Roy, his other groomsman, standing to John's left and Oliver's right stood William, who was serving as the ring bearer, the maid of honor Sara and the bridesmaid Thea as the music started and Oliver lost his breath as he watched his beautiful bride come walking down the aisle in a pure silver wedding dress as she arrived and he took her arm from her father and led her up to the altar.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to bear witness to Oliver Jonas Queen and Dinah Laurel Lance being joined in holy matrimony. These two have a long history between them. As anyone who watched the news back when they were first together would know that, but despite everything they've gone through, good and bad, thick and thin, you can tell from the love between them here today that they are meant to be together. However, if there is anyone here who sees a reason as to why these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace." the minister said and no one said a word.

"Oliver, please recite your vows to Dinah." the minister said and Oliver nodded.

"Laurel, while I wasn't always the best at showing it, I think I've loved you since the day I met you. You already know that I kept a picture of you with me at all times during my five years away, but what you don't know is that you were the only thing that kept me moving at times, you are the reason I survived. Not because I had to come home to right my father's wrongs, despite what I told myself, I survived so I could come home to you. I never stopped loving you. The only reason I didn't pursue you sooner was because I was trying to honor your wishes. And also, I didn't feel like I deserved you. But for some reason, you decided to take me back and I could not be happier for that. You are the love of my life and I will not make the same mistake I did years ago. I promise that I will always love you and treat you like you are the most important thing in the world to me, because that is exactly what you are, my pretty bird. I can't say that I can't live my life without you because I have and I don't ever want to lose you again. You are the only person I love more than my son, and he loves you almost as I do. I promise to always be a loving and committed husband to you." Oliver said and Laurel smiled as she was then instructed to recite her own vows to Oliver.

"Oliver, when it comes to you, I'm pretty sure I've felt every emotion there is. Happiness, sadness, anger, a whole lot of anger, grief, pain. But the one emotion I've always found myself coming back to one emotion in particular. Love. No matter how mad I got you, and trust me, I've been pretty mad at you before, I could never stop loving you. No matter what you did or how many times you did it, I could never stop loving you, no matter how hard I tried, and I tried pretty hard several times. And, I've been waiting for this day ever since we first fell in love and honestly, now that it's finally here, it was well worth the wait. I love you and I promise to always be a loving and committed wife to you." Laurel said.

"Will you please present the rings." the minister said and William presented the rings and both Oliver and Laurel took rings into their hands.

"Do you, Oliver Jonas Queen, take Dinah Laurel Lance to be your lawfully wedded wife for as long as you both shall live?" the minister asked and Oliver nodded.

"I do." Oliver said as he placed the ring on Laurel's finger.

"And do you, Dinah Laurel Lance take Oliver Jonas Queen to be your lawfully wedded husband for as long as you both shall live?" the minister asked and Laurel nodded.

"I do." Laurel said as she then placed the other ring on Oliver's finger.

"Then, by the power vested in me by the city of Star City, I hereby pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." the minister said as Oliver smiled as he moved Laurel's veil out of the way and the two newlyweds kissed each other and everyone cheered.

When the two eventually pulled apart, the minister said "Everyone, it is my pleasure to introduce to you all, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Queen."

Everyone rose up and cheered for the newlywed couple.

So that's the end of return of the true canary. Hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did writing it and for those of you who are curious about it, I have decided that I will not be continuing with Arrow Rebooted, simply because I've lost my passion for that story. Anyways, hope you all enjoyed the story and I will have a new one up as soon as I possibly can. See you soon.
