Episode 1: Welcome to Planet Vegeta
Narrator: The Sayians. One of the most ruthless beings in existence. When they existed, they brought many a civilization to ruin. However, they themselves were brought to an end by the tyrant of the universe, Frieza. However, one Sayian made a heroic last stand against the tyrant to save the planet before he & his race were wiped out. His name…was Bardock.
OP: "Dragon Ball Heroes Theme" by Takayoshi Tanimoto
Mark (narrating): It's been two months since the hunt for the Dragon Balls came to an end. I've been getting used to life here in the Cul-de-Sac. It's been…interesting, at worst. Rolf sure was happy to get Wilfred back, Eddy's brother has been brought to justice, & Eddy's parents have managed to get in touch with this Tammy & her baby. Meanwhile, I've been helping the Eds in learning about Ki & how to use it. They've been getting better & better at using it, to the point that I wonder if they have some sort of connection with Ki. Of course, it's not just all training; I'm enjoying my new role as a mentor & big brother to these kids. Of course, the four of us are all thinking the same thing: What is our next adventure going to be? Well, Double D has an idea…
(Mark & Double D are working in Double D's garage. They appear to be building & domed capsule with six rounded legs & a big thruster. It's all made out of cardboard.)
Mark: Double D, are you sure that this thing will get off the ground, let alone get out of the atmosphere?
Double D: Well, six months ago, I wouldn't have thought so. But now, it's amazing what Ki can do.
Mark: (Still not sure Ki is supposed to work like that, but of course this is Double D…) so, the engine is powered by Ki?
Double D: Precisely! With a power source like this, the ship should be able to achieve the speed & velocity necessary to escape orbit. I don't expect to get to the moon, much less an alien planet, but this will be a good starting point to work off of.
Eddy: Hey Sockhead!
(Double D & Mark turn to see Ed & Eddy walking towards them. Ed is reading a comic book titled Sayian Warrior.)
Eddy: What's up? Why'd you call us here?
Double D: Almost done…There! Our ship is complete!
(Ed looks up from his comic.)
Ed: Ship? We're going fishing?
Double D: Not quite Ed. You see, since we now know that aliens are not only a possibility, but a reality, I decided that we should try to discover where they came from.
Eddy: Hey, that's a great idea! If we were the first people to meet alien, we'd be rich!
Double D: Not only rich Eddy; we could very well go down in history as the ones who brought about a new age of exploration for humanity!
Mark: Or we'd be remembered as the guys who led a bunch of invaders from another planet to our doorstep. (The Eds are silent for a moment.) …I'm joking, it's a cool idea.
Double D: Yes, well…anyway, Mark & I constructed this prototype spaceship in order to have a stepping-stone to work off. So, I wanted to see if you two wanted to join us in the test flight.
Eddy: Of course! Why wouldn't we?
Double D: Splendid! Now then gentlemen, let's board our vessel & prepare for launch!
(The boys enter the ship. The interior has seats for four people & various lights on the walls. Below them, a floor with a hole in the middle shows a ball of Ki glowing.)
Eddy: Hey, what's with the orb?
Double D: It's a ball of Ki, Eddy. This is what powers the ship.
(The four put on their seatbelts. Double D pushes some buttons on the side of his seat.)
Double D: Alright, we're going to have some shaking now, so prepare for that. Mark, start the countdown.
Mark: Right. 10…9…8…7…6…5…
(The thruster activates, shaking the ship. Just then, Ed loses grip on his comic, which falls through the hole in the floor.)
Ed: NO! My comic!
(The comic lands in the Ki orb. Suddenly, the orb starts to pulse.)
Eddy: Uh…Sockhead? Is it supposed to do that?
Double D (worried): No…Oh dear.
(Then, the countdown ends & the ignition turns on. The Ki orb expands outward, enveloping the ship in a white light.)
Mark: What the heck?!
(The light then fades, but the ship is gone. In a strange vortex-like tunnel, the ship is tumbling into an unknown end. Only the seatbelts stop the boys from crashing around the ship's interior.)
Eddy: You've really done it this time, Sockhead! If we get out of this alive, I'm gonna kill you!
Double D: Don't look at me Eddy! I quadruple-checked the Ki Core uplink to all of the systems; it didn't give off any sign that it could do something like this!
Mark: It's true Eddy, I was with him the whole time.
Eddy: Well, what's going on?!
(Just then, the sensation of falling stops.)
Mark: Hey, I think it stopped.
Double D: Thank goodness! I'm relieved that's over!
Eddy: Uh…guys?
(Eddy points up…to the red sky.)
Ed: Uh oh.
Mark: Looks like we went a bit farther than we planned, Double D.
Double D: Oh my.
(The boys exit their ship & find themselves in a desert-like area with rocks of all sizes dotting the landscape. In the distance, a city is visible.)
Mark: Guys…I don't think were in Kansas anymore.
Double D: Good Lord! How are we going to get home?!
Mark: Everyone, calm down. Let's take a few minutes to get our bearings &-
Voice: HALT!
(The group is surrounded by a group of humanoids with monkey tails & strange armor.)
Monkey Alien: Surrender your ship or die!
Ed: (Wait…monkey tails…armor…) Guys! I know where we are!
Eddy: Lumpy, what are you talking about now?
Ed: We're in my comic book: Sayian Warrior. Which means these monkey aliens are Sayians…& we're on the planet of the Sayians: Planet Vegeta!