It was a sunny day in the city of Liore.

"Why!? Why!? Cornello was the only man who gave us hope! Who gave you the right to take it away from us!"

Rose Thomas, a poor girl from the desert city of Liore, accusingly shouted at Edward for intruding into the lives of the inhabitants of the city. and broke out into tears.

"You're a young girl. All your future is ahead of you. You've got a pair of healthy legs, so go and find your own path instead of listening to stupid false prophets."

Then Edward and his robot pal left into the sunset, leaving Rose all alone. Psychologically torn apart after the recent events, where it turned out that her boyfriend Cain could not be revived, she cried , lying at the debris of the broken statue of the fake god Leto.

She spent all night on the street, mentally tearing herself apart... It was so hard to accept that Cornello was lying... and Edward... he was right... but! he was wrong! then Rose remembered... , Edward and Cornello were talking about some stone, a Philosopher stone, that it had the power to revive people... She couldn't fall asleep even when the sun rised and so another morning came.

Suddenly an idea captivated Rose's mind completely. She stood up, managing to hold back her tears. After breathing out one last time, she walked out of the city without looking back. She had no idea where the hell she was going, but she would never return. She learned one lesson in her life - as long as you have hope, you have life. So she was dead set on finding the Philosopher stone. She knew literally nothing about alchemy. But, that wasn't going to stop her. She felt like she could do literally anything at this moment.

She just had to revive Cain and now she knew it was actually possible, she just had to believe in that...

Rose left Liore. She walked into the direction of the rising sun, just like the fake prophecies of Leto told.

Rose Thomas was going to become an alchemist, no matter what.