Hi friends! Sorry for not updating sooner. Was suffering a huuuge writer's block with this story. Thanks to Katie237 for reminding me that I've to complete this fic. A special thanks to a guest reviewer who was mailing me for an update but I couldn't respond to her. I hope you're still with me and enjoy this last chapter. Thank you so much for reading this story and leaving reviews. Thanks to those who have favourited and followed this fic. On with the next and last chapter. Sorry for mistakes.
Enjoy :-)))
A numbness had fallen over Oliver when he couldn't find Barry's pluse. This was not happening. Barry was not dead. The billionaire quickly tiltled Barry's head back and blew two quick breaths "Please breath" he again blew two breaths and yelled at the unconscious hero "Breathe kid! Don't do this to me
Time passed agonisingly slow and Oliver's eyes watered. Barry was showing no response and he thought a part of him was dying too. He was going to loose his friend...his brother. No! Oliver was not ready to give up yet. He blew once again and relief flooded his body when he saw Barry take a huge gasp. The young man coughed and took shallow breaths. Tears of happiness rolled down Oliver's eyes and he held his friend by his shoulders and spoke softly "Easy...take slow breaths. Calm down...You're good"
Barry wheezed out and turned towards the soothing voice. Who was this guy? Where was he? Why was he feeling so much pain "Wh..Who are you?"
Oliver first frowned but then remembered Barry had a concussion "I'm your friend Oliv..Ollie. Remember we talked before?"
Barry's face was screwed in confusion "Why am.. I hurt? What is...this ?" his eyes started to droop close and Oliver nearly slapped him "No! Stay awake kid. No more sleeping" he quickly pulled the wireless microphone "I found him! Send help immediately and I need a...pole cutter"
"Pole cutter? Why do you need a pole cutter Mr Queen? asked the chief. Oliver whispered the next words "Barry is trapped with a pole to his side and it's end is stuck to a huge rock. I've to cut the pole to free him"
"Oh my God. I'm sending an expert?"
"Yeah that will be good. Just hurry"
"Is he..?"
"Barry is alive"
The chief had a broad and relief smile on his face "Oliver found him!" he yelled at team flash who jumped with happiness and hugged each other in joy "Is he alright?" asked Joe
"We don't know for sure. Mr Queen has asked for a pole cutter. Let's hope for best. I'm lowering a rope and a board. We'll pull Barry when Oliver straps him to it" Chief explained
"Caitlin get ready with your medical supplies. Barry is gonna need some serious help" Joe said and walked with the chief near the hole where they were going to lower a board
"Hurts..." Barry rasped out "I wanna...sleep" Oliver shook Barry's shoulders earning a loud moan from the hero "Sorry but no sleep. C'mon Barr...how about we play that game of ours huh...answer me kid..name a city starts with A"
Barry hung his head down "I can't...remember...you say" Oliver nodded "Okay it's okay kid...A for America. Now can you say with B?"
Oliver's heart clenched painfully. He hoped the rescue worker would arrive soon "Hang on Barry. Few minutes more" he perked up on hearing rustling sounds. Someone was coming down. He sighed in relief and soon saw a man climb down a rope "Over here!" yelled the billionaire
The man unhooked himself and stumbled towards the pair "Sir! You requested for a cutter" he pulled out the weapon and Oliver swallowed thickly. Here came the most difficult part. This was not going to be easy "Let me talk to him first so he won't panic"
Oliver gently tapped on Barry's face "Barry? Help is here. We're going to get you out. You hear me?" Barry made no sign that he heard Oliver "You're stuck kid. This is gonna hurt okay but hang on" again no response
"Let's do this. You make the cut and I'll hold him down" Oliver said and positioned himself next to Barry and held him by his shoulders "Please make it quick" he whispered to the worker
The worker nodded and placed the cutter between the thin pole. Even this slightest movement caused Barry to jerk and yelp in pain. Oliver held tightly "Do it now!" the cutter was pinched shut and Barry let out a gut wrenching scream. He thrashed to get free but Oliver pulled him to his chest "It's okay...You're doing good. Stay still kid"
Barry gasped unable to get the air in his lungs "No! Let.. me go!" tears fell shamelessly from his eyes "Let...me die...too much pain"
"I'm sorry. I need second try. The pole is only half cut" the worker said apologetically and Oliver cursed mentally. He gave a small nod and tightened his hold on Barry. The worker snapped his tool shut and Barry yelled again in pain. This time though the pain was so unbearable that the hero passed out in Oliver's arms "Barry? Oh God...we need to hurry"
"I'll get the board down. Can you bring him near the hole?" the worker asked and got a nod from Oliver. The vigilante then pulled his shirt off and covered Barry's side to avoid excess bleeding. He then hauled him up right and kept a tight hold on his waist and dragged him towards the hole where the worker was waiting with a board. Oliver and the worker quickly strapped the hero and soon he was pulled up.
"I see him! Barry's coming up" yelled the chief and everybody around waited with baited breath. When Barry was finally up the team flash couldn't help but gasp at the sight of their hero
Barry's face was bloodied and bruised. His clothes torn to shreds baring covering his upper body. What horrified them most was the thin pole that was still inside his side. Caitlin knew if she didn't get the pole out soon then Barry would start healing with the pole still stuck in him "We need to hurry! Cisco get the table ready and Joe bring Barry to our van now!"
Joe nodded and quickly instructed the men towards their waiting van. Caitlin called Cisco in and closed shut the door. Oliver and the worker were then pulled up who came running at Joe "How is he?"
"Caitlin's working on him. It looks bad" said Joe looking at the van. Oliver could only fix his gaze on the van and pray to all the angels above to save his friend's life.
Barry let out a small groan and slowly blinked his eyes open. He small laugh escaped his mouth when he saw the romm surrounded by his team members as well as arrow members "I'm not dead right?"
"Barry!" Joe noticed his son wake and crossed the distance "How are you feeling son?"
"I'm..good" Barry croaked out "Wha...happen?"
Caitlin started checking his vitals "You scared the hell out of us Barry. We almost lost you" Barry scrunched his face in confusion "Lost me?" he looked at others and that's when he saw Oliver standing far away in the corner of the room. Suddenly it came to him like tons of bricks. How he got kidnapped...tied with chains... bomb...it hurt to breathe. Barry's vitals started to raise so Caitlin placed her hand on his arm "Calm down Barry. You're safe now"
Barry tried to control his breathing "What happened... after the explosion? I can't...remember" One by one all started to explain what happened in last twenty four hours and lastly how Caitlin had to perform a surgery inorder to get the pole out" Barry saw Oliver leave the room and he knew his friend was probably blaming himself "Did you catch Jeremiah?"
"Sorry Barry. That man seemed to vanish into thin air" said Joe and Barry sighed "Thank you..all of you" Felicity came and gave a hug to Barry "We're so glad to see you okay"
"Can you call Oliver? I need...to talk to him"
Felicity nodded "Sure. I'll go call him" she went out of the room "Can you all give us a minute?" Barry looked at the people in the room and saw them leaving after wishing him a speedy recovery. After few minutes Barry saw Oliver enter the room "Hey...ah can you help me up?"
Oliver came forward without a word and helped Barry up. He was about to leave when Barry caught his arm "Thank you"
"For letting you get kidnap or for letting you get hurt?"
"For saving my life"
"Jeremiah kidnapped you because he wanted to take revenge on me"
"We'll get him...together. You are a hero. I was almost gone Ollie. You brought me back...you kept me alive. I owe you my life"
Oliver sighed "You owe me nothing kid. I'm glad you're alright"
"Me too" Barry smiled "So I'm literally starving. Do you get burgers in Starling City?" Oliver glared half heartedly "We do Barry, infact our burgers are best than your Big Belly Burger place can serve"
"I don't know Oliver...why not you order a dozen and let me decide where to rank your burger"
"A dozen?"
"Oh where are my manners? Just ask what the others will have coz I'll need all the dozen burgers" Barry smiled sheepishly
"You're unbelievable"
"Burgers please" Barry laid back down "C'mon...Run Oliver Run!"
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