Hi friends! I'm back with new fic! This idea had been in my mind for quite long time and so had to write on it. I hope you guys like the first chapter. Sorry for mistakes.
Enjoy :-)))
Barry felt fire behind his eyes as he slowly came back to consciousness. Where was he? What had happened? Why couldn't he remember anything? Why was his head pounding? He let out a painful groan and forced his eyes open. Barry tried to remember how did he end up here, hurt and all alone. His mind flashed back to the small celebration in Starling City with team Arrow.
Felicity had arranged a small get together in a restaurant in honour of their success in catching a high profile dangerous criminal. The big reason being Barry as Oliver had called for his help (Flash's help) Felicity insisted Barry to have dinner with them before leaving back to Central City. They were enjoying their delcious food while chatting when all of a sudden someone took a shot at Oliver. Barry being the one to react quickly dived from his chair and pushed his friend out of the way.
Now the thing was Oliver was a limelight of Starling City. The media people never left any chance to publish any juicy news on the billionaire. Today also when Barry dived and saved Oliver's life, four reporters came rushing forward and started clicking pictures. They said this was going to be on the front page news 'Starling City's new hero Barry Allen saves billionaire Oliver's life' Despite Oliver's protests the reporters kept clicking pictures until the manager ushered them out.
After few minutes the chaos died down and the manager requested to finish their dinner. Oliver thanked Barry for saving his life. The hero asked him to be careful and find out who was trying to kill him. When the dinner was over Barry bid goodbyes to team arrow and walked out of the restaurant. He had reached down the steps when a man came towards him "Excuse me. Can you tell me where this place is?"
Barry looked at the paper "I'm sorry...I don't live here. Maybe you could..." before he could finish his sentence Barry felt a sharp stink on his neck. He frowned, his hand going to touch his neck where he found a small needle. Suddenly black spots danced infront of his eyes and Barry swayed "Wh...What's going...Who?" he saw the man grin at him "Let the game begin"
A van screeched infront of Barry. He saw with blurry eyes two men got out of the van and grabbed him by his arms. Barry was then roughly thrown inside the van before he could utter a word of help. His head banged on the floor of the van and Barry groaned at the impact. Whatever was in that needle, it was making his bones like jelly. He felt drained of his energy. Next his arms were pulled behind his back and zip tied along with his legs. A black cloth was wrapped around his mouth. He tried to yell but all came out was a gurgle sound. Another sharp pinch in the neck and Barry gave into the darkness
The room Barry was in was filled with chunks of rocks bricks and cement slabs. He blinked his eyes to clear his vision and found himself in kneeling position. He tried to get up but he couldn't. His legs were tightly secured with a thick metal chain that ended at the wall behind him. Barry found his arms were bound behind him at the elbows and chained to a ring where his feet were also attached. The hero pulled at his bindings and let out a frustrared grunt. He sniffed as his mouth was still gagged with black cloth, silencing him perfectly
Barry took a deep breath to calm his rising panic. Okay time to use his powers. He had to phase out of these chains and get the hell out of here. Barry closed his eyes and tried to bring his phasing power when a powerful shock surged through his body. He yelled behind the gag as the shock waves attacked his nerves
"I woudn't do that if I were you Mr Allen or should I say... flash?" a man spoke and Barry turned his head to look a man who wore ski mask. The voice wasn't familiar and the man was easily above six feet tall with dark hair. The fact that the man knew he was the flash scared him even more. Who was this guy? The man walked towards Barry and pulled out the cloth. The hero panted "Who are... you? What do...you want?"
"What's the hurry flash? We're just getting started" the man held Barry by his chin and added pressure, digging his blunt nails "You are precious to someone I know and that someone will pay for destroying my life. You see he took something from me so it's only fair I take something from him too" he took a pause before an evil smile formed on his face "A life for a life"
Barry tried to hide the building fear "I don't...what are you talking about? Who destroyed your life?"
"Oliver Queen"
"Did you get any call from Barry? He should've reached central city by now" Oliver changed into comfortable clothes and laid beside Felicity who snuggled closer to her vigilante "I thought he called you"
"No. I told him to call as soon as he reached home" Oliver said in a worried tone. He felt Felicity run her hands on his arm "He must've forgotten. I'm sure he made it back safely"
"Why doesn't that kid ever listen to me" grumbled Oliver and pulled his cell out. Felicity caught his hand "Hey stop worrying so much babe. There is no need to act like a over protective brother"
"Felicity after what happened today...I'm just worried about him. He literally came into spotlight because of me and I don't have to remind you how many people are ready to take advantage of our friendship. He's gonna be all over news by tomorrow morning"
"He saved your life Oliver. We should be grateful to him" Felicity straightened herself to face Oliver "And besides he is the flash. He can take care of himself"
"Let me just confirm he reached back home. Please Felicity. I..I just have a bad feeling...something doesn't feel right"
Felicity smiled at Oliver "Okay...if it gives you peace at mind. Call him" The vigilante kissed the woman and took his cell again. Just when his fingers were about to press on Barry's number, he got a new message with a attached picture. Oliver's heart dropped to his stomach when he saw the picture. Barry was chained to a wall looking awfully pale. He quickly read the message which heightened his worry to new level
"Barry Allen saved your life today. Can you save his?"
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