"I'll be in the back, so I need that announcement pronto. You got that?"
"Got it." Amy sighed at Dina's drill Sargent persona. "A simple request would have been enough." She mumbled under her breath. But when Dina froze and turned around, Amy felt a chill run up her spine.
"What was that?" Dina demanded.
"Um, nothing. I was just... I-."
"Announcement, Amy. Now!" Dina barked.
Amy marched over to Garret's booth at the Customer Service desk, unable to take it any longer. She picked up the microphone and pushed the button.
"Hey, what do you think you're doing?" He shouted. "No one uses this mic but me!"
"Well, I'm using it now, got it?" Amy snapped. She looked around, horrified when she realized that she'd just broadcast her frustration to everyone in the store. Garret, however, was amused by the situation, judging by the way he was laughing at her.
"Way to go. Now why don't you let the expert handle it?"
"No way! I think I can handle a simple microphone!" She pushed the button and sighed. "Secret meeting of all Cloud Nine employees in the break room in ten minutes!"
"Well it ain't so secret now is it?" Garret chuckled.
She gasped once again, horrified when she realized what she'd done. But it was too late now.
"Don't blame me, blame Dina!" She said. "She's the one who wanted this stupid meeting in the first place."
"Okay, well I guess we'll all head to the break room for this not-so-secret meeting." Garret said. He shot Amy a look before wheeling himself to the double doors.
With a sigh, she turned to see the trail of employees who were making their way to the break room. And after a moment she decided to follow them. When she arrived, she was surprised to find that the break room was nearly filled to capacity. This was not good at all.
"What's this?"
"You called a secret meeting remember?" Mateo reminded her. "Well, here we are!"
Amy rolled her eyes at Mateo, who stood in the middle of the room, his arms outstretched to demonstrate that they were in fact, all in the break room.
"Thank you Mateo." She replied with as much sarcasm as she could get away with. And it was a lot. She'd had a lot of practice since she'd been hired all those years ago at Cloud Nine. "But what I meant was why is the whole store here? Who's watching the registers?"
Adam grinned. "Well, probably no one."
Amy's eyes widened. "What?"
Jonah shrugged. "You said all Cloud Nine employees and not just some."
"Yeah, but I didn't mean-."
Glen gasped and began ushering several of the employees out of the room. "Hurry up!" He shouted. "The store could be in complete chaos by now!"
"Glen, relax!" Jonah said. "The store practically runs itself!"
They all stopped and stared at him as though he was crazy… and everyone knew that he was, but Jonah being Jonah, simply shrugged.
"So…" Amy began. "I think it's about time that we got this meeting started. But actually-."
Dina moved to the front of the break room, placing her hands authoritatively on her hips. "All right, listen up! I have a confession to make!"
The employees began to murmur among themselves until Dina shushed them back to order. "The truth is… Amy didn't call this secret meeting. I did!" To emphasize her point, she used imaginary quotation marks in the air to designate secret meeting. And as Amy expected, the employees began to complain.
"But I had good reason!" She yelled, trying to be heard above the chatter.
"It damn well better be a good reason." Garret said. "Do you realize what you're keeping us from?"
Her eyes narrowed and Amy noticed a look that passed between Dina and Garrett. It was a look that Amy didn't quite understand. But Garrett was smiling and Dina's face, surprisingly, was flushed.
"Yeah, we'll discuss that later." Dina finally said. "But right now I have a very serious matter to discuss."
Amy groaned. "Oh God, Dina is this about the fruit theft again? Come on guys! Will the person who stole the stuff just confess already? No one's perfect. I mean I used to shoplift from stores all the time!"
Glen's eyes widened. "You did?"
"Well yeah. Everyone did!"
He came closer. "You were a shoplifter?"
She sighed in exasperation. "Yes, Glen. I was a shoplifter!"
"Shoplifting… " he repeated. "That's stealing!"
"Yes Glen, I'm aware that shoplifting is stealing. And it was a long time ago. I was seventeen! And now I'm-."
He folded his arms in front of his chest and his eyes narrowed. "Old enough to know better."
She rolled her eyes. "Yes Glen, I'm old enough to know better. Which is why I don't do it anymore!"
She hoped that her boss would simply go away but instead he came closer.
"What did you steal?"
"Come on Glen, it's no big deal. And anyway it was a long time ago."
"I don't know…"
"Glen, Amy's right." Jonah said. "It's not a big deal. Now don't you think that we should all get back to the store?"
"Absolutely! Everyone, get back to work, all right?"
"What about the meeting?" Garrett asked. "Aren't we, you know… supposed to meet?"
"Meeting adjourned." Glen announced.
They all nodded in agreement and began filtering out of the break room in a sea of blue vests.
"Well, that was…"
"Totally unproductive." Amy finished as they walked back into the store. "I still have no idea what the point of the meeting was. And look at this place!" She gasped at the sight of the Cough and Cold Aisle of which the contents were scattered everywhere. "God it's going to take forever to clean all of this up and restock it, not to mention facing the shelves! I have better things to do with my day!"
Jonah appeared by her side. "I'll help you."
She looked at him in amazement. "You will? But aren't you supposed to be in Cleaning Products with Cheyenne?"
"She'll be fine. Please… let me help you."
Without giving her a chance to respond, he walked to the center of the aisle and knelt beside her where she was busy picking up tiny boxes of stomach remedies that were scattered all over the floor and put them neatly in a pile at her feet. When his arm brushed against hers, she shivered and smiled gratefully at him, but looked away the moment they made eye contact. She was doing her best to appear annoyed, although she was well aware that it wasn't working.
Seconds later they were working together, sorting and stacking the hundreds of colorful boxes containing remedies for almost any kind of illness. And although it was hardly work that she enjoyed, she found that she couldn't stop smiling.