Hi this is a new story, still in progress. I hope you enjoy it.
Disclaimer: characters belong to TMI
Clary gently took the proffered pipe and brought it to her lips. She glanced over at the man beside her, who hadn't smoked any, but had bought the rock just for her. Clary's eyes slid over his ordinary face and she found that she couldn't recall his name. His gaze held desire but also something softer, something warmer. Sometimes, clients became attached.
Her eyes flickered back to the rock sitting ever so delicately in the pipe. She took in a shuddering breath as every other thought fled from her mind. Clary's hands were trembling as she struck the lighter. Her last high had worn off and she was craving this. She needed this hit like she needed breath. When she inhaled, long and slow, the smoke filled her lungs. She held it for a second, relishing in the burn. As she slowly exhaled, the smoke clouded around her head before diffusing into the hair. She dropped her chin to her chest as a tingling feeling ran up all of her limbs and butterflies form in her stomach. It was as if her body was preparing for the euphoria that would come with the next hit. And come it did. Her body buzzed with a sense of pleasure that she couldn't put to words. Soon she finished the rock and it was time to get to work.
The man next to her wasn't handsome, but average. He turned to her expectantly. Clary grinned widely at him, literally feeling on top of the world and spun to her feet. She slowly pulled her dress over her head, revealing that she was completely naked underneath. She realized then that there was music playing and started swaying to the beat, her hands stretched over her head and that manic grin still stretching her lips.
She dropped her head back and let it hang, the rest of her body still moving with the music. The ceiling was a dark red with intricate gold patterns that matched the walls. It wasn't a very nice hotel, but average.
She was jolted out of her thoughts by the man's hands roughly grasping her waist. She had forgotten for a second that he was here. His hands moved from her waist to her breasts, and then between her legs. He brought his lips to hers, kissing her aggressively and pressing his tongue into her mouth. She reached down and took him into her hand, stoking him over his pants. She slowly dropped to her knees, pulling his pants down with her. She took him easily into her mouth, like he would have wanted. His dick was large, but average. He pulled her head back before she finished and brought her to the bed where she splayed out. He was quick to follow. The man flipped her onto her stomach and dragged her towards him. He pushed himself completely inside of her and starting thrusting. Occasionally he would slap her ass, pulling a harsh grunt from her. But the only real sounds in the room were the slap of their bodies coming together, his heavy breathing, and the faint music that was still playing.
Soon he finished and collapsed beside her on the bed, slick with sweat. Clary rolled away and dropped her feet to the floor. She rubbed her eyes and her head, pulling her unruly hair back into a ponytail. She stumbled away from the bed, the man not noticing in his sex-induced haze; already half asleep. Clary went to her bag and pulled out a little vial with white powder drifting on the bottom. She used her little snuff spoon to dispense a bump and snorted it up a nostril. She quickly took another and sniffed it up her other nostril. She rubbed her nose roughly and glanced at herself in the mirror.
She looked insane. Her eyes were glazed with dark bags underneath them. Her pupils were so dilated that you could only see a small ring of green. And her hair, although in a ponytail, was a complete mess. Clary rubbed her pale face and turned away.
She hopped into the shower and scrubbed off the night's activities from her skin. The music in the room started to play The Killers, and Clary couldn't help but dance. She screamed the words soundlessly, lip-syncing, into the complimentary shampoo bottle; as to not wake up the man in the other room. Her feet were jumping up and down to the beat, making small splashes every time they landed on the floor. She felt good, really good. All she wanted to do was scream the words of the chorus as the hot water fell over her body.
Soon, the desire to dance and sing wore off and Clary was left standing silently under the torrent of water, looking blankly at the wall.
She quietly dressed herself, took a couple more bumps of coke before sneaking out the door. Clary called Simon to pick her up. While she waited for him she twirled through the lobby and out the door, breathing in the cool night air of the city. It wasn't long before Simon pulled up in a fancy red car. She skipped up to the passenger seat and opened the door.
Simon greeted her with a smile and a wad of cash, "your cut, pretty lady."
That made Clary extra happy as she sat in the black leather seat and took the money from him. "Oh, how I love the smell of money in the morning," Clary marveled, even thumbing her finger through the green bills and holding them to her nose. "Smells fresh, Simon Darling."
Simon laughed heartily, turning his head to look at her before settling for a soft smile, "you're quite a character red."
"And you love me," Clary answered with a large grin. Simon just shook his head, the smile still on his face as he lightly patted her head.
They drove in silence for a couple of minutes; a comfortable silence that allowed Clary to turn up the music and sing along to the Radiohead song that was playing. She was bopping her head and dancing as best as she could in the car seat
Soon Simon reached out and lowered the volume, "so, did you have fun?"
Clary gave him a sideways kind of look, at first in disbelief. Then, she thought about it for a second before grinning again. It seemed that she was always smiling. "Well, it was all pretty average," she finally replied.
"I see," he said lowly. When he turned to look at her his eyes were sparkling a bit, "well, that's better than usual."
"You're right!" Clary pumped her fist into the air in excitement, "that's a success if I've ever seen one."
Simon laughed again and just shook his head, muttering about her being high as a kite.