Hey everybody, Azrael Voorhees here, and I just wanted to explain the story itself: I based myself on the Bayonetta one, but will only be featuring DC and Capcom (a bit of everything, but hopefully not to the degree that I make you guys choke down references).

So, unknown mother from I don't know and unknown father (to you guys and girls) from Capcom. Question is who, but I'll come up with something, hehe. So... harem suggestions, toss 'em in, only taking in one per brand (DC, Capcom and DxD), two max (because I've seen some with four lines (in cellphone landscape terms) of women to be Issei's harem, and that's a lot).

ONLY RULE: No ORC, SC (those are used quite often, enough women in DxD to only get the same three dishes from the buffet), no Wonder Woman (I doubt she'd be open for that thing, and it's WW we're talking about), and that's pretty much it (oh, and give me good reasons to include your choice(s)).

If there's an issue with my writing, please let me know in the comments or via message, and without much left to say, let's begin.

Kuoh, Japan, DxD Universe


"Issei, are you okay?" a young man heard, before he rubbed his eyes. Brown hair, matching eyes and dressed in a band shirt and jeans, this teen was known as Issei Hyoudou.

"I'd be lying if I said I were, Pam," he answered, looking at the woman. Red hair, fair skin and dressed in a business attire that consisted on a black business jacket, matching pants and heels, and a green shirt to finish off her attire.

"Come on Issei, I know you'll do well, I know you need this. And by this, I'm referring to a sense of 'normal' in your life."

"Guess it makes sense, with the burdens and baggage we've got..." he drifted off, looking down before Pam decided to put a hand on his chin and slowly turn his head so he could look at her.

"You know she wouldn't want this, not after she and the others died for you. I got myself a job, although it involved us leaving our homes, no one recognizing us here," she said, smiling softly.

"Sorry, it's just... I still miss her. I just don't get how people like Batman don't let these things get to them. I'm not normal: unknown parents, infected by a guy who could give Neo a run for his money in the looks apartment, caught the eye of a cat lady, probably the third or fourth I've come across in my life..." he says, sighing, only to break into tears.

Pam couldn't help but frown, slowly kneeling in front of him. He had every right to cry, for he had suffered so much and gained so little in sixteen short years. To the beings she knew lurked her world, the one Issei was trapped in at the age of 14, and the one they currently resided in, 16 years were nothing compared to the amount of time they had lived. After all, what was 16 years to a god?

"Shh, it's alright. I know the pain you feel, but we must move on. While she left us, we're still here, and as long as we have each other, everything will be alright, I promise," she said, kissing his forehead as he kept on crying. "Listen Issei, I have to get to work, prepare everything for school tomorrow, I'll be back as soon as I can," she says, smiling before getting up and leaving. Alone in his thoughts, Issei went to his room and grabbed the Broken Butterfly, a revolver that he had to use when he was deployed into Spain at the age of 15, a few months after he escaped the world Pam came from. He then proceeded to shooting himself in the stomach with it, chuckling as he saw the wound quickly healing.

"Nope, ain't dying anytime soon," he said, laughing in a way that was all but comforting. Putting the gun away, he changed his clothing, getting into a t-shirt that was one size too big and some pajama pants. However, a portal appeared in his room, and from it appeared a man. No one would really know of said man's appearance due to the darkness that enveloped the room, as he slowly put a vial of blood with a note attached to it on the nightstand, also leaving a guitar resting against the wall before he left.

'I'm sorry Issei...' the figure thought, before leaving.

A short while later, the figure left through the same portal, said portal vanishing behind him. Unbeknownst to him, a woman was watching him from behind the bed, shrouding her presence. This woman was dressed in a black kimono with a red interior and a golden obi, black hair and hazel-gold eyes being her unique features, although the cat ears and two tails she had were much more unique. She sighed as she watched Issei fidget in his sleep, only to run a hand over Issei's face before stripping herself and joining him in bed.

"Shh, it's okay," she says, wrapping her arms around him before she channeled her Senjutsu into him, watching him calm down bit by bit. 'Let's see what had you like that,' she thought, before entering her dreams...

Issei's Dreamscape

Kuroka was walking down a hallway filled with many doors that were opened as she walked down them. Of the many doors she passed by, a few catching her interest. The first one had Issei playing with Kuroka at a young age, with him looking around the age of three and her the age of six.

Another door showed Issei being fed by a woman of black hair, despite the fact that he was apparently five years old. A third door showed him crying in a room, holding a letter that was revealed to be a note. She could not make out the writing, but given the fact that he had the note while he was being comforted by a woman who looked like she was in her thirties.

She then passed by a door that showed him with Kuroka on his lap, her chest against his as they enjoyed the embrace, only to share a kiss. The one after that showed him with the body of a woman in his arms, mourning her loss. However, she was intrigued by a purple door that was locked with golden chains and a matching padlock, although she could hear a faint laugh from behind the door. As she tried to undo the seal, the laughter became louder.

The black-haired Nekoshou eventually broke the seal, although she was quite drained. What surprised her was the the door was opened, and from it appeared a white-skinned man with a big red grin.

"Bad kitty, I'm sure your parents taught you to knock, didn't they?" he asked. The last thing she remembered was being impaled with a knife before everything went black.

And that's just about it for now. I know there's room for improvement, and that is why I'm looking for a beta, or someone willing to read this story before it is improved.