18. Acknowledgements and Sources

Thank you to my family, for always believing in my writing, and for teaching me much of what I know about hard work, love, and resilience.

Thank you Jennifer Worth, Heidi Thomas, and countless others for all your creative labors (pun pun) to bring Call the Midwife to life.

An extra special thank you to Miranda Hart, for your endearing and inspiring portrayal of Chummy. And for your uplifting humor and tireless commitment to your craft. I have been deeply touched by your honesty, bravery and compassion concerning mental health and body image. For all of this, I cannot say thank you enough. (Well, maybe I could. But I don't think my readers want to scroll through "thank you" written over and over hundreds of times.)

And now for the part where I give the verbal equivalent of run-and-jump hugs to all my reviewers, and "Tumblr Nonnatan" friends.

Mordanyes, my very first reviewer! I get the sense that this story made you go "aww" a lot, and I love that. Because that is exactly what Chummy's scenes in the show do to me.

EleanorKate, my sensei, my predecessor in the sacred ways of Chummy x Peter fangirling! *bows* It's an honor when anyone tells me my characterization is on-track. But it's extra-special whenever you say so, considering the treasure trove of insightful Chummy x Peter fics that you have written.

RogueSnitch: Fellow psychology geek! Yay! Thank you for the reviews, and for your lovely messages.

Titanicpancreas, thank you for your help over at the NaNoWriMo help desk! I'm glad you got to enjoy a story about one of your favorite shows as recompense.

TLWtlw, I realize I kinda messed up your chapter 9 review by changing the title. (This story was previously titled "Presenting Beatrice Noakes.") Sorry. You predicted the main plot of what will now be the sequel. I'm still impressed!

Weshallc, you are an absolute brick. I love your attention to the little things. Your messages were a huge encouragement, too.

Ginchy-amanda: A new reviewer! Such fun! Welcome!

Thanks again to the Tumblr-Nonnatans who helped me "locate" Drakefield Estate: weshallc, poplarpatience, my-little-yellowbird, snoopctm, like-an-officer-and-a-sergeant. We may have decided to go along with something of an historical anomaly, putting tract houses in Poplar. But the Turners will be moving in soon, so it's all tickety-boo and marvelous!

Thank you to bbcshipper, callthemoonbeam, nunonabun, ilovemushystuff, and cooldoyouhaveaflag, for your invaluable support over yonder on the big blue blog. I count you all among my internet-friends now. Sorry, I don't make the rules.

And last but certainly not least, thank you to longstanding friends, both online and "IRL," who watched me get all wrapped up in a new fandom/creative outlet and went, "Alright. Awesome!" Robin, Amy, Patty, Abby, and of course Leslie the Bestie- your friendship means so much to me.

If I'm forgetting anyone, or if more reviewers join in later (always the dream, right?) then nil desperandum! I will update this page in the future.


Primary Sources

Worth, Jennifer. (Terri Coates, ed.) The Midwife: A Memoir of Birth, Joy, and Hard Times. Penguin Books, 2002. Print.

Worth, Jennifer, and Heidi Thomas, creators. Call the Midwife. British Broadcasting Corporation, 2012.

"Onscreen, on-page" characters are portrayed in Call the Midwife by the following actors (in order of first named appearance on-page):

Chummy Noakes - Miranda Hart

Freddie Noakes - Liam Kiff

Peter Noakes - Ben Caplan

Trixie Franklin - Helen George

Sister Julienne - Jenny Agutter

Nurse Patsy Mount - Emerald Fennell

Sister Mary Cynthia (Cynthia Miller) - Bryony Hannah

Sister Winifred - Victoria Yeates

Nurse Delia Busby - Kate Lamb

Nurse Barbara Gilbert - Charlotte Ritchie

Nurse Phyllis Crane - Linda Bassett

Sister Monica Joan - Judy Parfitt

Fred Buckle - Cliff Parisi

Reggie Jackson - Daniel Laurie

Violet Buckle - Annabelle Apsion

Jennifer Lee - Jessica Raine

Yvonne Bridges - Victoria Bewick

Sister Evangelina - Pam Ferris

Dr. Patrick Turner - Stephen McGann

Shelagh Turner - Laura Main

Angela Turner - Alice Brown

Background Research (Websites last accessed between March 27 and May 27, 2018)

"33 Foods That Banish Bloat Once and For All." (27 December 2017.) Redbook Online.

"An Order for the Burial of the Dead (Alternative Services: Series One.) The Church of England Online.

Ati, P. "Top 10 Most Expensive Clothing Brands in the World." (30 October 2017.) StyleCraze.

Bell, R. "Mother & Baby Homes, c. 1960, England." (2013)

Chaplin, S. "BBC Christmas TV 1961." UK Christmas TV. (2018)

"Christmas in the United Kingdom." WhyChristmas?

Cornwell, B. "Top 35 Most Expensive Shoes for Men – Best Luxury Brands." NextLuxury.

Cornwell, B. "1950s Mens Fashion Style Guide – A Trip Back in Time." NextLuxury.

DiProperzio, L. "Understanding Baby Sleep: 4-6 Months." Parents Magazine Online. (2010).

Du'a: Muslim Prayers for Healing Sickness. ThoughtCo. (9 January 2018).

Glass, J. "10 Scotches Under $50 That You Should Be Drinking." Thrillist. (2015).

Hart, Miranda. Is It Just Me? Hodder & Stoughton, Ltd. 2014. Print.

Herincx, G. "Made in Britain: 30 memorable homegrown cars from the 1960s." Read Cars.

"Indian lullabies." BabyCenter.

Kamarah, S.U. "Krio words and phrases." (2004.) Visit Sierra Leone.

Keats, John. "On First Looking Into Chapman's Homer." (2016.) Accessed via Bartleby online.

Kelley, K. "Hysterectomy." (2010.) The Embryo Project Encyclopedia.

Lambert, V. "My hysterectomy: 'This op is tough on women.'" (24 February 2013.) The Telegraph Online.

Marks, D. "Camellia for the UK Gardener." (2010-2018.) GardenFocused UK.

"Overview of Textiles in Africa." International Bicycle Fund.

Pokras, R., & Georges Hufnagel, V. "Hysterectomy in the United States: 1965-1984." American Journal of Public Health, vol. 78, no. 7, 1988, pp. 852-853.

Poole, S. "How to talk posh: A rarely marvlous glossary." (22 March 2014.) The Guardian Online.

"Psalm 130: De Profundis." 1928 Book of Common Prayer, accessed online via Episcopal Net. (1996-2007.)

"Pumping Breast Milk: The Basics." Ameda.

Robinson, O. "Ayahs, memsahibs, and their children: empire migrants." (2017.) Faculty of History: University of Oxford.

"Sierra Leone." Countries and their Cultures.

Smith, K. "India: A Country of Symbolic Colors." Sensational Color.

"So meree raanee (सो मेरी रानी) (Hindi)." BabyCenter.

Stadtler, F., & Visram, R. "A home for the ayahs: from India to Britain and back again." Our Migration Story.

Forums & Discussions

"35+ Moms: Archived Discussion: C-Section with a Vertical Cut." What to Expect.

"Dearest Chums…" Tumblr.

"How Long Does the Swollen Belly Last?" Hyster Sisters: Woman-to-Woman Hysterectomy Support.

"Hysterectomy, 1960's UK – Medical and/or Anecdotal Help?" NaNoWriMo HelpDesk.

"Ice or Heat?" Hyster Sisters: Woman-to-Woman Hysterectomy Support.

"What do police officers on graveyard shifts do?" Quora.

"Quick Checks" and Internet Tools

Behind the Name

Google: Image Search, Maps, Search, and Translate

Historical Currency Converter (Test Version 1.0.)

Popular Baby Names – Social Security

Wikipedia: 100+ different topics fact-checked, including medical conditions, brand and designer names, books, music, TV programs, geographic locations, languages and more