This is my version of Yu Yu Hakusho abridged! Quite a few parts are shortened and some parts were so good that I kept them the same as the anime and skip over them. I know that's technically coping out but I just love this series so much!

I'm going back and revising some of this as it was my first story and the pacing is way too fast in some parts and don't have enough description in others. I'm also better at editing on this site now so this should be easier to read. If you were here before the edits, I'm sorry!

The area suddenly went white. Everyone involved (Yusuke, Botan, Keiko, Shizuru, Kuwabara, Kurama, Yukina, and Hiei) stood around and looked at each other in awe as the brightness blinded them.

Yusuke blinked and asked, "What the hell just happened?"

Botan pulled a book out of her pocket and flipped through it frantically. She stopped on a specific page and said, "If I'm reading this correctly, we went back in time."

Yusuke replied, "You've got to be kidding me."

"To when?" Kuwabara asked.

A scene started to play out below them as they seemlingly were floating through the air. It was a busy city street, with cars and people going by, when a ball bounced to the middle of the road. The scene froze in place.

Botan explained, looking through her book some more, "I see now, we went back to when Yusuke was hit by a car, or where this all began!"

Yusuke demanded, "What?"

"When was that?" Kurama asked.

Yusuke shouted, "When this whole stupid thing began, dammit. How do we get back to our time?"

Botan continued to look through her little book before she replied, "We can't, we have to live through it all again."

"How did this happen?" Hiei demanded.

She explained, "Yusuke wished he could start over so that's exactly what we're doing."

She closed her book suddenly and put it back in her pocket.

Shizuru replied nonchalantly, "No we're not, we're stuck in the sky."

Botan explained, "Once Yusuke agrees to go through this whole ordeal again we'll go back to where it all began, only this time we'll have our memories. It's all so complicated." She looked at everyone who was clearly upset.

"We'll have to go through everything all over again?" Kuwabara asked.

Yusuke shouted, "What the hell! Well at least this time I'm an S class demon. That should make all of those fights easier."

"Wrong Yusuke," Botan continued, "Everyone goes back to the same strength and skill level. All of us here, Yusuke, Kuwabara, Kurama, Hiei, me, Shizuru, Yukina, and Keiko will be the only ones who will be going through it a second time. Anyone else we meet will think it's the first time."

Hiei said, "You said the same strength."

She replied, "Correct, which means you'll be a D-class once Yusuke agrees to go through it again." Hiei growled and glared at her.

Kuwabara pleaded, "I'll have to remaster my spirit sword again!"

"This could be trouble," Kurama said nervously, "What will happen if Yusuke doesn't agree to relive his life over?"

Botan replied, "You don't want that, we'll be stuck here for eternity if he doesn't agree to do it all again."

"This is going to suck," Yusuke exclaimed, looking at the scene below.

Kuwabara turned to Yukina and grabbed her by the hands and said, "Hang in there Yukina."

She replied nervously, "Being imprisoned will be easier this time knowing you're coming to rescue me, Kazuma." Hiei looked at her sadly from the distance.

Keiko asked, "Let me get this straight we have to go through everything again knowing the outcome?"

"Yes," Botan answered, "that's the kicker. We'll remember everything that happened before so it should much be easier this time around."

Yusuke said, "It should be easier, knowing who's going to win."

"Actually if you don't fight everyone exactly the same way the outcome could change the whole future," she said, "Just remember that."

Yusuke looked at everyone, gave them a thumbs up and said, "Alright, see everyone on the flip side. Let's relive our lives!"

The scene turned into the car accident scene. Yusuke was on the sidewalk and ran after the boy who was trying to get the ball. Once he died he looked down from above. He shouted, "Well I'm dead and now I know it. Get out here, Botan!"

Botan appeared on her ore in the pink kimono and said, "You have to remincse on your day at school so we meet Keiko and Kuwabara before I show up, remember?"

Yusuke replied hastily, "We already know them, just say bingo already!"

"Well one of us is crabby," Botan retorted, "bingo!"

Yusuke demanded, "Now, take me to Spirit World. Wait a minute, does Koenma know we're doing this again?"

"He wasn't in the group so no, he doesn't," she explained, "which means you have to act surprised to be dead and what his appearance is when you meet him."

Yusuke crossed his arms and replied, "Like that'll be hard."

"Come on," Botan said as she grabbed him and started to fly away on her ore.

After walking through the giant throat of a hallway and seeing all of the ogres first hand, Botan took Yusuke to see Koenma in his office.

Botan bowed and said, "Koenma sir I have Yusuke Urameshi here."

Yusuke asked, "That baby is the ruler of Spirit World!?" He started to laugh.

Koenma replied, not amused, "I'm not a baby I'm over 50 times your age so I deserve some respect."

"You mean it takes hundreds of years to get past the diaper stage?" he said without stopping between laughs.

Botan hit him and said, "That's a little extreme don't you think?"

Yusuke held his head and replied, "What, it's what I said the first time!"

Koenma asked, "What are you two talking about?"

"He's just surprised at your appearance, Koenma sir," Botan replied nervously, "That's all."

Koenma walked back over to his desk and said, "I'm here to give you your life ordeal in order to come back to life, Yusuke."

Yusuke laughed again and said, "That's a chicken egg, not an ordeal."

Koenma shouted, "Would you shut up and let me talk!"

Yusuke tried to hold back his laughs and said, "Keep going."

Koenma glared at him and continued, "A beast is inside the egg, Yusuke. Once it hatches it'll either befriend you or swallow you whole. Take it."

Yusuke, now back in the human world as a ghost, tossed the egg around and said, "Alright, I got my stupid egg now Keiko has to rescue me from that stupid fire."

"Hold on," Botan replied, "there were other things that happened between that, remember?" She looked at him tossing the egg around disapprovingly.

Yusuke asked, "Is this an abridged series or not?"

Botan looked up nervously and replied, "Well."

"This is no one's favorite saga anyway," Yusuke explained, "Let's just skip to the juicy stuff."

Botan replied, "Well, okay," she opened her book again and starting reading throuhg it, "You only have to win or lose all of your same fights it says here, since that's what's integral to the plot. So we can skip right to the point."

Yusuke shouted, "Alright time to come back to life!"

They flew over to Yusuke's house to wait for the fire to begin. Botan explained, "Remember Yusuke, once the fire gets going you have to act like it's surprising your house is burning. Then you have to try and make a decision on whether or not you'll save Keiko."

He replied, "Of course I remember all of that." Someone started the fire and walked away just like before. "Yep, house is burning. Keiko better get her ass here quick."

Botan said, "She will, look."

Once the fire started to get going and a crowd formed Keiko finally made it over.

She stood at the entrance of the burning house and said, "Yusuke! Well, at least this time I know we'll make it out okay." She ran into the house after dumping water on herself.

Yusuke shouted, "Hurry up already! I'm almost on fire!"

Keiko grabbed his body and began to walk. She said, "Maybe I should have worked out before doing this. He's heavier than I remember." She struggled with him to the door.

Botan said, "Yusuke now, the fire's going to consume her!"

Yusuke shouted, "Don't let me down Puu!" As he threw the egg into the flames. It dispersed just in time to save Keiko and lead her out of the burning house.

Now outside of the house...

Yusuke looked down at Keiko, Kuwabara, and his mom taking care of his body and said, "I know this is just an abridged series but what happened to that little girl that was supposed to be watching me?"

Botan replied, "She wasn't deemed nessessary as she's only in this episode after all."

Kuwabara looked at Yusuke's dead body and said, "I know Urameshi's going to come back to life and everything but it's still creepy that you have his body here."

Atsuko remarked, "I still can't believe it!"

Keiko whispered to Kuwabara, "Remember, she doesn't know we've done this before."

"Right," he replied, "Wow, I can't believe Urameshi's going to come back! That better?"

Koenma appeared above all of them and proclaimed, "Yusuke!"

"What now?" he replied, annoyed.

Koenma explained, "Since you sacrificed your egg I'm giving you a new one. You have to be kissed by midnight tomorrow or else you'll be a ghost for another 52 years."

Yusuke shouted, "Screw that! Keiko you better remember to kiss me!" He looked at her below, dotting on his dead body.

Koenma looked at him, confused, and asked, "Huh?"

Botan said nervously, "Just ignore him, he's excited to be coming back to life!" She glared at Yusuke but he didn't see.

As Keiko was walking down the street the next morning she asked herself, "Do I have to kiss him just before midnight this time without any seconds to spare or can I do it early?"

Yusuke shouted her, "Do it early! No need to make this over dramatic!"

"Even though we're redoing your life she still can't hear you," Botan reminded him.

He asked, "She doesn't have to wait until the last possible second this time does she?"

Botan replied nervously, "No, but we don't have a way to tell her that."

"Can't I possess Kuwabara?" he asked.

She replied, "Do you really want to chance it? She'll make it in time, remember?"

Yusuke said, "Alright fine."

Keiko continued to talk to herself, "Botan said everything did have to be exactly the same, so let's go with that option. No running across town this time."

As the clock nearly striked twelved, Keiko kissed Yusuke just in time. He came back to life instantly. He proclaimed, "Hell yeah I'm alive again!"