Authors note: This could be a oneshot or this could be the first chapter of something. I haven't made up my mind about it yet. This just came to me when I was supposed to write another chapter on another story of mine. (Witches, man) But this happened instead.. And I decided to post it. Do you want another chapter or is it enough as a oneshot?

Disclaimer: I don't own Teen Wolf or it's characters. I only enjoy writing my own stories about them..

Oh, and Stiles and Derek isn't together yet in this chapter. But maybe there's something there...? Let me know what you think! And thank you for reading :)


The Tunnels

Sprinting through the dark tunnels, Stiles tried to breathe quietly as he ran through them. Like, how did even quiet breathing work out when you're literally running for your life? Or your packmates life, in this case? Either way, he tried taking big gulps of air and quietly release it through his nose. He needed to keep himself from being caught. Because he was the one who had ended up being the one who actually managed to go under the freaking kidnapper's radar, believe it or not.

Scott, Erica, Boyd and Jackson had all been discovered when they tried to break in and were now currently fighting quite viciously against the hunters from the last Stiles had seen of them before he managed to sneak past them.

Allison was still out there in the shadows, as was Isaac, Danny and Lydia. Stiles knew that four humans and one werewolf held a small chance to get Derek out of there, but if the rest of them could fight their way through the hunter-front, then Isaac and the humans could damn well get one werewolf out.

Stiles screeched to a halt. "It's here." He looked both left and right, relieved when the tunnel was empty except for him. With shaking hands he pulled open the door and looked inside.

Stiles was lost for words. The way his stomach turned from the sight made him swallow hard before stepping into the room.

Inside the damp and darkened room, Derek was strung up with rope on both hands and feet, hanging like a Jesus-figure in the middle of the room.

"Derek- Oh my god. Derek, hey man. Can you hear me?" He got closer and noticed how Derek's head was hanging down, like he was unconscious. Or worse.

"Please, just be unconscious or tired. Don't be dead, man- I can't-" He stepped closer and ran a hand over his own face. "Jesus Christ, what have they done to you?" he whispered as he lifted his arm, letting his hand hover over Derek's bloody shoulder. Stiles didn't know if he could touch him or not, his whole torso was sliced up and dried blood and gore painted his skin.

The man's chest moved, so he was still alive. But barely from the looks of it. Hell- he had actual slashes across his chest, shoulders and stomach. Wolvesbane, Stiles thought grimly to himself. It made the healing-process slow.

Derek was strung up by the ropes, making an x with how he was arranged. Stiles didn't even need to look at his back to know he'd been whipped. The blood on the floor underneath Derek and the smell of dirt and blood itself told him more than enough about what Derek had been through.

Stiles let his hand down on the werewolf's shoulder, gently.

Derek twitched, as to get away, but gave no other indication that he was conscious.

"Derek," Stiles whispered. "We're getting you out of here." He looked around, to see if there was anything he could use to cut the man down from the ropes.

He found a bloody knife, refusing to think about whose blood it was, as he started sawing the rope on Derek's right hand.

A low whimper of pain made him stop. "Derek?" He stopped the movement, looking intently on Derek's face, that was now inches away from him. Blue eyes looked blearily at him.

"You're not really here. I'm not- I can't- This isn't real."

Stiles swallowed hard. "Derek, I'm here. I'm here, I promise. We're getting you out of here."

The blue in Derek's eyes changed into his human eye-color and he heaved for breath. "I can't- Just don't-" The broken whispers of words made Stiles want to punch something, preferably someone. More like the someone who had done this to Derek. As if the werewolf hadn't been through enough.

"Come on, man. I have to get you down from these ropes. I have to saw them. I know it hurts like a bitch, but I swear; we're getting you out of here."

Derek just shook his head slowly, letting himself slump down. As much down as he could fall together while being strung up in ropes like he was.

With hurried movements, Stiles cut through the ropes that held Derek's legs, trying to do it as fast and painless as he could.

"Two down, two to go." Stiles stepped closer, breathing heavily and hoped he wouldn't get his head bitten off by doing this. He knew scent was important to wolves. At least born wolves like Derek. So he let himself get close enough so his chest bumped Derek's for each intake of breath he made.

When Derek didn't react, Stiles let his hand carefully rest on Derek's shoulder, hoping it wouldn't hurt him.

When Derek still didn't react, Stiles started talking low while he molded himself close to the wolf, as close as he managed without jostling the ropes, hoping to avoid inflicting any pain. "It's me. We're here. Scott and the rest are right behind me. We're actually here, Derek."

He let his chin touch Derek's bloodied jaw, hoping the touch and the scent of pack would make Derek come out of his delirium or whatever it was that he felt.

Stiles prayed to higher deities that his throat would remain intact as he carefully maneuvered Derek's head to rest on his shoulder, with the wolf's face tucked into the crook of his neck. They had never been this close before, but Stiles didn't have time to think about that right now.

"Man, you're cold. And I know that is a bad sign because I know how you guys run hot with all of the wolf-mojo you've got going for you. I'm not trying to cuddle you or anything, because I know you're not into cuddling and all, but dude, we're friends and you're pack. And now- now you have to come back to the land of the living. Like right now." He kept murmuring nonsense while he stood there trying to get Derek to react, hoping the others would take care of the hunters. "-and while I have no problem sharing space, I would love for you to actually come to your senses, so I could go back to getting you out of these ropes, man."

A small nudge of a cold nose against his jugular made him stop his rambling.

"Dude, are you back with me?"

"You're really here."

The words came out hoarse, almost like a sob and Stiles' heart broke for the guy.

"I am. We're here. All of us." He paused briefly, as Derek shuddered.

"And I need to get you out of here." Stiles leaned back to try to look at the other man, but he stopped when he heard a low whine.

"Alright, alright. I'm not going anywhere."

Stiles heard someone coming running down the tunnels outside the room and he hoped it wasn't the hunters.



Scott, Isaac and Danny came in to the room and Stiles tried to turn around to look at them but was stopped when Derek growled low in his throat.

"Okay. Okay, I'll just stay like this," he breathed into Derek's hair. They were chest to chest and Stiles knew the touch had to hurt for the other man, but apparently Stiles represented pack and safety at the moment, so he stayed where he was.

"Scott," Stiles said and the Alpha showed up in his line of sight, looking shocked and angry on Derek's behalf. "Scott, you need to cut the ropes of."

"Why haven-"

"Because he's so out of it so he protests when I try moving away. Dude, a little help here?" Stiles bit out, trying not to shout in Derek's ear.

Isaac took the knife Stiles was holding out, and looked at Stiles, holding the knife up to the rope.

Stiles put his hand in the back of Derek's head, where he hoped the man was uninjured. "Hey, Derek. Isaac is going to cut the ropes."

A low groan was heard from Derek and Stiles closed his eyes briefly as a cold nose burrowed even closer to Stiles' neck. Stiles gave a short nod to Isaac, who only then started his work.

More footsteps were heard, and Stiles knew it had to be the others since Scott barely reacted when they came into the room.

Different sets of gasps and quiet exclamations were heard, but other than that they all kept quiet.

Isaac stopped to get a better angle on the rope and Derek went limp, resting his body against Stiles'.

Stiles held onto Derek's neck, making soothing circles with his thumb. "Almost done," he murmured, but knew they all could hear him. "I won't leave you."

Isaac lifted the knife again, sawing slowly and painfully according to the sounds coming from Derek, through the rope.

As the rope snatched, Isaac caught Derek's arm and slowly moved it so it hung down before he went to the other side, all the while Derek were still resting his head on Stiles' shoulder. "Alright, one rope to go. Ready?"

A slow nod against his neck was all he got as an answer, and while Isaac sawed through the last rope, Derek's free hand gripped Stiles' shirt, right on the middle of his back and clenched the fabric of the hoodie in his fist.

"Hang on, buddy. I've got you," Stiles mumbled as the other beta successfully sliced the last rope and Derek fell down with a 'omph' from Stiles, who naturally landed under him.

"God, you're heavy as a deadweight. But I am also happy you're not actually deadweight." He lifted his hand to clap Derek's shoulder, but thought better of it when he caught a glimpse of his back. "Jesus Christ."

Painfully slow, Derek got himself to sit up on the floor while hissing through his teeth.

"Is there any water here?" Erica asked. "I guess they had wolvesbane in everything they-" she gestured with her arm, not wanting to use the word 'torture', "-used," she said quietly.

Derek lifted his head, but ended up groaning in pain as the movement jostled his bleeding wounds.

"We better get you out of here," Scott said, they had to get out.

Stiles dried his now sweaty face with the sleeve of his hoodie. "Here we go," he said, slipping his arm around Derek's back and got Derek to lean against him. "I know it hurts like shit, but we'll get you cleaned up and healed in no time when we get out of here."

Boyd came to the other side and while Isaac tried to take Stiles place, Derek growled.

Isaac seemed to get it, whatever it was, and looked at Stiles. "You better help Boyd get him to Deaton."

Stiles slid back into place under Derek's arm, letting him lean on him as they slowly made their way out to the car.

"I'll drive," Boyd said as they got Derek to lay down in the backseat.

"But it's my car," Stiles protested but stopped when a hand shot out to grip his arm. He looked at Derek, who seemed to be unconscious apart from the hand gripping his arm pretty tight. "Alright then," Stiles soothed, and sat down awkwardly beside Derek's feet.

Boyd just lifted a brow, having a knowing glint in his eye.


"Nothing. I'm driving you to Deaton."

Stiles grit his teeth. "You do that."
