An akuma. It's always an akuma. Adrien was actually having a decent time with his friends, and he thought it was sweet that Marinette was able to host the four of them at the bakery for lunch. Felix was finally socializing…. well, that was debatable… Cé la vie, I guess it's time to transform. At least Felix can cover for me.

"WHERE IS FELIX AGRESTE?!" The akuma shouted from outside the classroom, "I demand that he respects my superior intellect! I'll show him what true professionalism looks like!"

Adrien internally facepalmed. Of course… Felix would cause an akuma on his first day of school. Now I have an even better excuse to help him "hide."

"Alright everyone, you know the drill. Towards the basement now." Madame Bustier calmly directed.

Adrien lit up, and he dragged Felix from his seat. "Right away Madame Bustier! This way Felix."

Felix just rolled his eyes in response to the gleam in Adrien's eyes. Adrien and Felix to hid in the utility closet once they had gotten far enough away from the rest of the class.

"Felix, you know what to do. I'll be right back."

"Sure Adrien, just don't get hurt." Felix stated. "Seriously."

Adrien merely shrugged. "Have some faith Felix. Plagg, Claws out!"


As Bridgette filed out with the rest of the class towards the basement, she reflected on the rest of the notes she had taken during class. She realized Marinette had mentioned there would be frequent akuma attacks. Cool! I'm in school for my first akuma attack! Sure, it is strange that she should be excited that she's in danger, but the most important part was that she had her cousin with…. Wait a second.

"Madame Bustier? Where is Marinette?"

"I'm sorry Bridgette, I'm not sure. There's a perfect chance that she's hidden in the restroom, as usual. I wouldn't worry though, Marinette knows this school…. Bridgette?"

Before Madame Bustier could continue, Bridgette ran from the basement and was searching the school to confirm that Marinette was safe. The stairs were longer than Bridgette thought. As she looked at her surroundings, she only saw rubble in the school courtyard.

"Marinette! Marinette, where are you?!" No, I can't lose Marinette too… She started digging through the rubble, when she was grabbed by the arm.

"What the- AAH!" Bridgette yelled as she realized she almost got hit by the akuma's rays.

"Bridgette, no time for this, come on!" Felix shouted as he pulled her into the utility closet.


As Ladybug zipped onto the scene outside the school, she saw victims in dream-like hazes. They were all following Starbursts orders. Equipped with cotton candy guns, and dressed like models, Starburst's minions were tearing the classrooms apart to find-

"Find Felix Agreste! He couldn't have gone far." Starburst shouted. Starburst stood on the roof of the school. Pink-streaked ponytail, black blazer, and high-top army boots completed her look. Ladybug would have actually admired the quality of the outfit if not for the fact that this akuma was obviously on a rampage.

"This stops now!" Ladybug ordered. "Just give up the akuma."

"Oh, I don't think so. Felix Agreste crushed my dreams, so he and others like him will pay for not giving us a chance." Starburst smirked. "Enough chit-chat. Apparently, you have something that belongs to Hawkmoth, so I'll be needing those Miraculouses!" Starburst swiped a pink ray from her portfolio towards Ladybug. As Ladybug backflipped to the outside of the school, she realized the roof behind her turned into putty.

Another pair of feet landed beside her. "Needing some help My Lady?"

"Just in time Chat."

"Akuma in the portfolio?" Chat Noir asked.

"How did you know?"

"Uh…. Lucky guess? I think your luck is rubbing off on me My Lady."

Ladybug just palm-faced as she just suggested, "I go high, you distract?"

"For su- wait, what's that in the middle of the schoolyard?"

Ladybug glanced over to where he was pointing and saw a 50-foot cotton candy blob in the middle of the yard.

"Chat Noir and Ladybug! Starburst exclaimed. "You have 1 minute to either hand over Felix Agreste and your miraculouses, or I will blow up this school." She held her portfolio and aimed it at the cotton candy blob.

"Whoa whoa." Chat Noir said as he slowly approached Starburst. "Let's do something a little less drastic, and with less people?"

Starburst almost looked as if she would consider his offer until she said, "Wait a minute. Where's Ladybug?"

Chat Noir shrugged. "I don't know, My Lady is definitely full of surprises."

Ladybug had snuck behind Starburst and almost snagged the portfolio when suddenly Starburst's minions grabbed Ladybug.

Starburst pointed her portfolio at the blob and swiped forward. "You asked for it!"

The courtyard splattered and exploded with cotton candy, and the building collapsed in on itself.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!" Ladybug and Chat Noir screamed.

Breaking herself free of Starburst's minions' grasps, Ladybug called for her lucky charm while Chat Noir called for his cataclysm. Armed with her mirror lucky charm, Chat Noir and Ladybug exchanged subtle glances.

Ladybug glared at Starburst as Chat Noir landed beside her. "This ends now."


Felix covered a curled up Bridgette as the debris landed on top of them.

"Bridgette, are you doing alright?"

"I'm fine Felix, are you holding up?"

Felix winced under the pressure of the ceiling tiles. "As long as nothing else explodes, I think it will be okay."

"Good." Bridgette shifted uneasily. "I'm sure Ladybug and Chat Noir will fix everything. I just hope Marinette is okay….."

"Bridgette, I promise it will be fine." He grimaced as more debris shifted on top of what he was already holding. "They've never failed before."

Bridgette held her head in her hands. She couldn't help but think back about her parents. It won't be the same with Marinette. It just can't be. "Felix, I hope you're right." Suddenly, a massive swarm of ladybugs came in, and the cuts from the debris were gone from her hands, and the ceiling in the utility closet was fixed. Felix realized his hands and arms were no longer hurting from the weight of the debris.

"Does that mean…." Bridgette audibly wondered.

Felix observed the closet. "Only one way to find out." Before he could open the closet, the door opened.


Adrien encased Felix in a bear hug and Bridgette would have adored the moment if she was not still concerned about Marinette.

"Bridgette!" a voice squeaked.


The two cousins were inseparable the rest of the day.


Adaline sat on the stairs in silence. Not only had her idol rejected her, but she had also been akumatized to the point of blowing up the school. I can't be a professional model. Great. I'm professionally incompetent and emotionally unstable. Staring down at her portfolio, she threw in the waste bin and started to leave.

"Hey, you shouldn't throw this away."

Adaline turned around to find herself face to face with Felix holding her pink portfolio.

Felix continued. "While you were unprofessional in how you approached me- ow!" Felix glared at Adrien.

"Let me rephrase. I gave you criticism and was hypocritical in my own actions. While I do see your aspirations as a rising model, there are different ways to approach people for those connections." Felix placed the folder back in Adaline's hand, and raised his right hand out. "My name is Felix Agreste."

Adaline stood there and moved her hair behind her ear. At Adrien's beckoning, she continued.

Adaline raised her hand in response. "My name is Adaline Chevrolet, and it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."


Marinette rolled around in bed. Regardless of how many times Bridgette asked tonight (and how many times Marinette answered), it did not seem as if Bridgette would stop bothering Marinette about where she really was during the akuma attack. If Bridgette could smell anything, it was the most insignificant of lies.

AN: It's slow going, but I'm willing to listen for suggestions! :) Let me know what you think in the comments. (And sorry if the formatting came up weird in the first one, it didn't all copy and paste correctly.)