Everybody, please welcome me back from my extensive hiatus! This story idea came to me in the middle of the night and I couldn't sleep until I had it down somewhere… Props to warriorcatgirl375 for her input!
And now for a disclaimer. One of the two Corrins will appear in this story. In order to differentiate between male and female Corrins, I shall refer to Male!Corrin by his Japanese name, Kamui. This is because M!Corrin is most often depicted as siding with Hoshido, and Female!Corrin often returns to Nohr.
Now that's out of the way, please enjoy this story! In the words of Xander 'The Announcer' Mobus, "THIS IS GOING TO SUCK!"
Requires Improvement
Chapter One: The Inspector Call
High in the sky, the midday sun blessed the sprawling town below with a familiar, homely warmth. A symphony of chatter was scored by the many residents, who seemed glad to be outside without freezing to death. It seemed like an eternity since the skies were this clear and pleasant. Gone were the snowstorms, thin ice and barren streets of the past few months. Now, children played in the parks. Shopaholics flocked the high street. Below ground, subway trains were fully operational.
Smashville was alive again.
For a certain collective of people, this change in the weather was more than welcome. Many a match in the Smash Bros. Tourney had to be postponed due to the atrocious weather conditions. The Smashers, anxious to get back into the fight, instead had to focus on training as they were denied the chance to show what they were made of. It was a relief, then, that the forecast for the next week was blue skies and not a snowflake in sight. In fact, a small group of Smashers were seen crowded around the TV on the cafeteria wall, screaming with delight at the forecast. For them, it meant only one thing: back to business as usual.
What a shame, then, that the first day of sunshine brought with it a new challenge for the Mansion.
"You asked for us, Master Hand?"
Pikachu gingerly stepped into the office, Palutena and Shulk in tow. Their boss, floating before them, radiated authority and superiority. Meanwhile, his assistant, Crazy Hand, was lying on the hard floor, palm-first, fingers splayed.
"Is Crazy Hand alright?" asked Shulk, still not used his ways.
"He's asleep," said Palutena, who had seen this behaviour before and, frankly, never ceased to be amazed by it. "Whatever we're being called in for, he wants nothing to do with it."
Suddenly, Master Hand tapped his desk and began to speak.
"It has come to my attention that the number of complaints from residents about poor Smasher behaviour has spiked in the past few weeks. While they appreciate the tournament and what it stands for, they're becoming a lot less tolerant of the madness surrounding it."
"You sound as if you saw this coming," said Palutena. "To be honest, it's about time we deal with it."
"I can't say I'm surprised," replied Master Hand. "Last weekend alone, Toon Link and the other kids invaded one of the subway stations, Charizard stole Kamui's Yato Blade in order to prank a local restaurant and Squirtle broke a Sandman. You know the road congestion the supplier causes when that happens..."
Pikachu glanced down sheepishly. "Well aware, Master Hand. Jigglypuff and I gave him quite the talking to..."
"Regardless, if this sudden increase in complaints is anything to go by, the residents of Smashville have finally had enough of the hijinks around here. They don't believe that this is the right environment for a combat tournament. In response, I've discussed my options with the town council, and we've come to an agreement."
A pause. Then Master Hand turned to to a presentation that began to materialize on the whiteboard.
"Starting tomorrow, the Smash Mansion will undergo an inspection every month. You and the entire Smasher body are required to be on your best behaviour."
Pikachu's ears pricked with a jolt. Their best behavior, huh? Easier said than done when you have to deal with raucous children and aggravating extroverts on a daily basis. At this rate…
His train of thought was interrupted when Master Hand continued: "The other Smashers will be notified via a note that the caretakers will leave in their rooms. Any questions?"
"No, Master Hand," said Shulk, shaking his head. "We'll make every effort to ensure the inspectors leave with a good impression of the Mansion, I assure you."
"I hope you understand the stakes. Fail this inspection and the tournament, let alone your residencies here, will be in jeopardy."
That was it. Any semblance of colour had fled from poor Pikachu's face. He let out a pitiful whine and went to join Crazy Hand on the floor.
"Thank you, Master Hand." Shulk and Palutena, having heard enough, slowly backed away, shutting the door firmly behind them. They silently agreed that tomorrow was going to be an absolute nightmare.
Just like how it's been a nightmare getting this chapter posted! I super hate Google Docs. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this first chapter. Please bear with me; I haven't written fic in ages. Thanks for reading.