Hyuuga sighed aloud. "Holding hands like that, you both looked like idiots."

"I believe you refer to Kagami-kun, Senpai."

Kagami glared at her with the whole of his heart. "Don't phrase it like I normally am."

"I do mean it that way, though."

"How come you never side with me?! I bought you that milkshake, you know!"

Kuroko didn't even budge an inch, leisurely sipping her milkshake as if Kagami weren't trying to seek justice out of her. "You need more than that to bribe me."

Kagami smacked her on the head. He was about to walk away when she jabbed him hard on the ribs, taking her full-force revenge. "Oi! That hurts!"

"You started it."

Hyuuga pinched the bridge between his eyes, trying to refrain himself from yelling at the duo whose relationship was pretty much ambiguous. He stared at the photo Izuki had handed to him earlier and had started making assumptions when Kiyoshi decided to pop in out of nowhere.

"Wah, that photo! Izuki sure is a stalker, then!"

"GAH! Don't startle me, Kiyoshi!"

"I didn't startle you, Hyuuga. You're the one who was startled."

Hyuuga almost blew up. Thankfully that didn't happen for Riko called for him from across the court. Seeing that Kiyoshi looked like he wanted to take a look at the photo as well, Hyuuga shoved the phone at his direction, saying, "It's Izuki's." and jogged away.

It was a photo not so carefully taken. The edge was blurred but it framed the sight just fine: Kagami and Kuroko sitting across a table at Maji Burger. Kagami had burgers piling up his tray and Kuroko a cup of something (most likely vanilla milkshake).

It was a supernormal sight if not for Kagami's hand atop hers. Wohoo. Kiyoshi didn't know Kagami could be so bold.

"You all misunderstood everything!" he heard Kagami shout from somewhere around the court. Izuki had managed to get on his nerve, apparently. "I wasn't trying to seduce Kuroko—"

"Kuroko, just say the word. Did Kagami force you into doing something you don't want to?"

"I did not!"

"Don't hesitate, Kuroko. We're here to protect you."

"I saw the uneasiness in your face when Kagami held your hand like that."

"Kagami, I don't know you're such a prick."


... How Izuki had managed to catch the moment was beyond everyone. Did that guy happen to walk past Maji and accidentally see them hanging out after practice, then snapped a picture or two from where he stood as evidences? Evidences of what, exactly? The bond between the Light and the Shadow? Even that sounded absurd for Kiyoshi.

But somehow, he wondered what kind of thing Hyuuga deemed stupid. Kagami and Kuroko look quite good together. They complemented one another: Kagami with his vocal, loud, brash behavior and Kuroko her calm, reserved demeanor. Whenever Kagami was past his limit, she would step in and stop him from pushing beyond the line. Whenever Kuroko needed someone to spill out her thoughts to, Kagami was there, dribbling a basketball, asking whether she could tell him over a one-on-one. As long as it didn't escalate to something troublesome, Kiyoshi wouldn't mind them having more than platonic relationship.

(Kiyoshi wouldn't say it aloud, but he lowkey shipped them together.)