Chapter idea from Mr. What If

The premise of this chapter is involving the future events after Jaune's death. Some events involving the breach, the downfall, and the end of Volume 5.

Jaune's death shook teams RWBY and NPR.

With the way things went, Pyrrha was made the new leader of her team.

Though the position felt... dirty... She didn't feel proper being the leader of the remainder of Team JNPR, she wasn't as tactical or strategic as Jaune was, so it was difficult to be the new leader.

Not to mention the knawing feeling she felt...

She tried her best as leader, and even tried to ask Ruby for tips.

Speaking of the reaper...

She shutdown for nearly two weeks after Jaune died. Her first friend, sister team leader, which essentially made him her second bestie, first came Weiss, until the incident, and neighbouring dork.

She blamed herself for not doing enough to help the knight. She also blamed her teammates, mostly Weiss and Yang as Blake didn't really do much against Jaune.

She would stay in her room, on her bed for several hours a day and cry.

Yang, being the older sister, tried to comfort the girl, be she pushed her away, in anger of how their actions pushed Jaune.

She refused to look at Weiss in the eyes, she was angry, angry at her. She was the final push that caused Jaune to die...

The only time she came out of her room was for food, and for Jaune's funeral.

Poor girl...

Right after his funeral she went back to her room and broke down after seeing Jaune again.

Of course, such hatred led to more problems.

Because the leader wouldn't focus much, she couldn't properly lead, she couldn't fight, she could only feel anger and sadness.

One day that to their near demise.

They were tasked by Ozpin to scout the Emerald Forest for a Deathstalker that was causing problems.

When they found it, things went downhill.

Ruby couldn't lead, so the others fought wildly, without a plan. Ruby couldn't fight as she was a bit hindered from the time she spent grieving.

She was hit and had her Aura shattered once she slammed against a tree as she failed to project her Aura in a way to be effectively used.

Blake was grabbed by one of the pincers and was slowly being crushed.

Yang was being flung around as she hung on the Deathstalker's stinger.

Weiss was trying to use her glyphs to not get her teammates killed.

Eventually, Yang managed to rip off the stinger and plunged it into the Deathstalker, effectively killing it.

When the team reported to Ozpin he was disappointed. An excellent team is now unguided and torn.

He told Ruby she had to move on. Yes it is right to mourn for Jaune, but she still has people who look to her for answers, to tell them what to do.

She apologized to her team, and she promised to properly lead them.

Months passed and things were going steady... for the most part...

Team NPR was still in dismay. The team was still not fully functioning, so they could not participate in missions as of yet.

Team RWBY got most of their team dynamic back, but were as strong as ever.

They got their first mission, going to Mt. Glenn

Of course things went downhill.

Ruby found Roman Torchwick as well as several White Fang members hideout, hidden under the main city where they were loading a train.

They put their plan in motion forcing team RWBY to take action. Not knowing who to call for backup, Ruby immediately went for the train.

After a long drawn out fight, the train breached the wall at the end, causing large amounts of Grimm to enter Vale. It took long for team NPR to arrive and assist team RWBY, by the time they arrived team RWBY was battered down.

Eventually the situation was handled, all the Grimm were defeated and Roman was arrested.

It was at this time Pyrrha decided to try her all to be the leader of her team. Unfortunately, things didn't last.

The Vytal Tournament took place months later, and things took a turn for the worst. Cinder Fall began her attack on Vale, Grimm flooded the streets, Beacon was surrounded with Grimm.

Hell was let loose.

Pyrrha was offered the opportunity to become the wielder of half of the Fall Maiden's powers, and she took the it. She wanted to be able to protect others, just as she wished she did to Jaune...

The time came to take the Maiden's powers, and she brought her team with her.

However, Cinder prevented her from taking Amber's powers, and taking it for herself.

Unfortunately Pyrrha and Ozpin were defeated by Cinder.

Ozpin was never found, but Pyrrha was turned to ash by Cinder.

Ruby awakened her Silver Eye ability after witnessing Pyrrha's death.

Months pass again as Ruby ventured to Haven, luckily Ren and Nora agreed to go with her, determined to avenge their second leader.

It was a tough journey, and they cut it close with a man named Tyrian.

He attempted to kill Ruby but luckily her Uncle Qrow showed up to stop him.

They cut it close as Qrow was stung by Tyrians poison.

They carried him towards Kuroyuri, Ren's home town.

Ruby was distressed. She wanted to talk to the others, but she wasn't as close to them, so she kept to herself.

Things went south when a Nuckelavee found them.

Ren had to use his semblance to hide himself and Qrow from the Grimm as he carried him away.

The fight was brutal, and Ren, the calm and collective one, lost his cool when fighting against the Grimm.

It was a fierce battle, they were all injured and had their Auras broken, but they managed to just barely come out on top.

An airship took them to Haven Academy where they rested and had Qrow healed.

Weeks passed since their arrival and Qrow found a boy named Oscar, who inherited Ozpin's soul.

He reveals to them the dangers that are approaching, and the steps needed to counter them. Soon enough, Weiss and Yang regrouped with them, though they were still saddened by the missing Pyrrha. They knew it must have taken a toll on the three to not only lose their leader, twice, but also their close friends, twice.

There were now only 5 of them, 6 if Blake were to ever return.

As time passed, so did the need to bring up arms as the White Fang attacked Haven academy, with Cinder, Emerald, Mercury, Raven, Vernal and Hazel at the centre.

They fought hard and strong, but they barely managed to repel them.

Weiss was badly injured, but was just barely making it. Blake managed to arrive with the Faunus from Menagerie, defeating the White Fang and Adam Taurus. And Yang has taken the relic of knowledge from the Spring Maiden's vault.

Team RWBY is now whole again, but Team JNPR is never to be completed. the Nora and Ren remained with the others, and they formed a new team, with the full title being "The Ruby of Juniper" in memory of who they have lost.

They eventually met the Nikos family, who they informed of Pyrrhas death. They were heart broken, but they knew that she was watching over them. And they all prayed she was not alone.

And so brings the end of my version of this story. After the whole track from Volume 2 to Volume 5 but without Jaune. I know Jaune saved Weiss in Volume 5, but she was mostly attacked by Cinder because Jaune fought against her.That is all for this story!