"Gimme your arm," Will Solace said.

"Why?" Nico di Angelo asked in response.

"I need to check on your werewolf scratches."


It was Nico's second day in the infirmary with Will Solace. Will didn't allow any visitors for the first day in the infirmary so he was able to escape Percy for a day, but now he could come barging in at any time.

"Are you okay? You look tense," Will asked concernedly. He was cute when he was worried.

Wait, what? Had he just called Will cute?

"Yeah, I'm fine! Just go on doing your doctor stuff."

And he did. Nico didn't tense up at Will's touch the way he did with most people. He had, after all, introduced him to manga, the awesomest thing in the world. That was the only reason whatsoever.

"Are you worried about visitors?"


"Does this have anything to do with Percy?"



"You're lying."

"I am not."

"You don't have to tell me, you know. I understand. We barely know each other."

Was that hurt in Will's voice?

"Okay, yes it does have to do with Percy. How did you know?"

"You were talking to him up on the hill before coming into the infirmary. I just guessed."

He went on with his check up, luckily not asking anymore questions. The infirmary was a nice place, except for the faint scent of death of course. It was just a room in the big house with cots with curtains around them for the patients. In the corners there were rooms with cots for the patient with serious injuries or sicknesses who needed to be hooked up to one of those machines like a ventilator or were contagious. Near the door there's a check-in counter where you can go to make appointments or check in. Alicia, one of the Athena kids, works there. There are doors in the walls leading to different rooms that the doctors constantly go in and out of. There were a lot doctors but Will was always hovering over Nico when he didn't have other patients so Nico never got to meet them, which was fine for him. Jason and maybe Percy and Annabeth were too many acquaintances already, then there's Will.

Were he and Will friends?

Anyways, he never got to meet many of the doctors but he knew of Austin and Kayla, who were Will's siblings, like almost all the other doctors. Austin was more of a musician and Kayla was an archer, but they were talented in all the things in Apollo's domain like archery, music, healing, poetry, etc. Will, on the other hand, was only talented in healing, but he was the best healer in the entire camp.

"Well, you seem to be healing nicely. I'm gonna go check on the other patients and be back," Will said with a smile to rival Helios. Then someone rang the bell outside the curtain. It was like the doorbell since there were no doors. Kayla came in.

"Nico, someone's here to see you."

Oh gods no. Please don't be Percy. Please please please...

"Well, I'll leave you to it. Bye, Death Boy," Will said, exiting the room.

"Bye, and don't call me that!" He yelled after him as Kayla let, thank the gods, Jason into the room.

"So, how're you doing?" Jason asked, leaning against the wall.

"Better." Nico said.

"So...you told Percy."

"How'd you know?"

"It's all he talks about. Only to Annabeth and I though, so don't worry about him leaking out that information to the entire camp. He's kinda...goofy...but he wouldn't do that."

"So how'd he react?" He asked uncertainly.

"He was glad that you came out to him, but he's also not happy about not being your type. It's all he talks about! 'How can I not be his type? I'm everyone's type!'"

He gave him a small smile and Jason seemed a little surprised by it. To be honest, he was too. When was the last time he smiled? Now that he thought about it, he smiled last when he was talking to Will yesterday about his favorite manga "Erased". And another time when Will first introduced him to manga. And the day Nico first got to the infirmary, yesterday...

That boy made him smile almost too much for his liking.

"Well that's a relief. I was scared he'd be homophobic or something." Nico said.

"So enough about Percy. What's going on with Will Solace?" Jason asked, his eyes excited.

"What?" Nico asked.

Jason rolled his eyes. "You're letting him touch you, Nico. He's making you smile! There's obviously something going on!"

"There is nothing going on, and I don't feel comfortable with having this conversation."

"But—". Jason was cut off when Will opened the curtain saying "Your time's up, Jason. Nico, you've got another visitor."

Nico was glad to be saved from Jason's questions about his love life but not so glad when he saw who the visitor was. Percy.

Oh dear gods.

"So, Neeks," Percy closed the curtain, "we need to talk."

"Don't call me that." He said instinctively.

"Sorry. So, uh, about what you said to me on the hill..."

"There's not much to talk about in my opinion."

"Well, in my opinion there is. Thank you for coming out to me. That was really brave. But I do have a problem with what you said."


"How am I not your type?"

"Oh my gods, Percy!"

"But I'm everyone's type!"

"Percy! You have a girlfriend!"

"Exactly! She thinks I'm her type. Why not you?"

"Because!" He said, exasperated

"Well, who is your type, then?"

"I am not telling you."

"Fine," Percy said, pouting. "But really, thanks for coming out to me. That was brave. And believe me, I know brave." He opened the curtain to find a blushing Will Solace outside the curtain. Percy looked at me, then Will, gave Will a thumbs up, then left.

"How much of that did you hear?" Nico asked Will.



"I really didn't hear anything!" He said. "I'm just here to...uh...check on you."

Will would never admit that he was standing outside of that curtain the whole time.

Hi, guys! This is my first ever fanfiction and I hope you like it! The next chapter will have more Solangelo in it, this is more of a pilot chapter thing.