A Half Chance
The stars above offered little solace, as they had so many times before. The elf stared at the familiar pictorials the stars presented her, seeking the answer.
Her lovemate had recognized. It was the Way. Of course, she would step aside, if it were asked of her. It was the Way. There would be a cub, a new chief. It was the Way. But only if the one who caused her lovemate's grief would accept it. Acceptance was the Way; and this stranger was going against it.
The bond-wolf nuzzled her arm for attention, and she absently pet her friend's head, scratching behind the great wolf's ears.
Her nose wandered towards the familiar smell, ears to the near-silent footfalls, and she stared at the leather leggings that appeared out of the dark. She didn't want to look further at the torment, but forced herself to take in the chieftain's ragged appearance, from the emaciation to the more painful, angry-hurt-sad sunken eyes.
She couldn't interfere, for it would be against the Way. Every second she doubted the validity of that, and every second it restated itself as real as the scorched land surrounding them.
He sat down beside her, her lovemate, her chief, and smiled a faded remnant of what she remembered.
'Tam,' she sought him out, and he didn't retreat. All of him was there, but she wouldn't press for anything – just him nearby. Her wolf snorted, seeking the attention she suddenly him left out of; but she ignored him.
Cutter only stared. None of the wolfriders would reject recognition, but the object of his torment acted as though he didn't exist. His uncertainty in the matter served to make things worse, and this was one of the few familiar things in the small oasis and the desert surrounding it that brought any little comfort.
"Skywise…" he leaned into her, and pulled her closer, 'Fahr, what am I supposed to do?'
He asked, and her heart was set free. She could advise, at the least, and assist, if he would allow.
'Talk to her,' Skywise advised, 'What harm could it do?'
After all, no one could refuse recognition.
It was the Way.
The End
Working Title: A Half Chance
Inspiration: A dream, where Female!Skywise was scampering the rocks of Sorrow's End. ... No, I'm not sure what it meant, but the plotbunny did some two years of stalking before I finally gave in and wrote it down.
Noteworthy: The thought entertained me. And, for whatever reason, I'm one to enjoy seeing things different and the same all at once. In addition, if you've never read Wingthing's Alternaverse, I suggest you give it a try.
Disambiguation: Since the 'site killed asterisks, sending... is now the bit more subtle '. I'm not sure how the mechanics of ElfQuest work. Sometimes the rules seem less than solid, and I figure I may as well do what seems most natural. I hadn't read Troll Games and Soulnames before I wrote this, but since I have since, there are explanations that'll appear in Quest for the Ages.
Series: Heartfall; A Half Chance; Wolf Days and Desert Seasons; Quest for the Ages
Derivative work of material © WARP Graphics, Wendy and Richard Pini. Reformatted to abide by 'site standards. None of the original text has been modified, 'cept in case of typo.