The room was painted a light shade of turquoise and it would've been a nice color had the walls not been cracked and chipping, each piece clinging onto a decades-old foundation. It was like me, always holding onto my desire to please my father, to achieve an alchemic feat so great that he would be ecstatic. But no matter how much I tried, I failed. I plucked a paint chip off the wall and watched it hit the ground. Like a painted wall, I never had a chance to look at the foundation, my father's history, my hidden legacy. Who was my mother? Why did my father keep my past veiled? These questions would never be answered but now I have the time to look for them. My father is trapped in the amber and possibly dead, no matter how much I try to tell myself otherwise. Another paint chip fell and I wondered when the wall would be repainted and restored to its glory. I wondered when I can be repainted and made anew. I wondered if it was even possible for me to achieve redemption.
"Boy, get out here!" a deep voice boomed from behind.
I turned around and moved myself out of the shadows towards the wooden table in the middle of the room.
It was the captain of the guard, with Cassandra by his side. She stepped in front of him and approached me, signaling for them to leave us alone. When we sat, her hands held mine and it was hard for me to hold back my tears.
"Varian, I am sorry. I tried to change his mind, but he wouldn't budge."
"No, you took care of me when I was hurt. You were there for me when I needed it and now I am glad to see you once more," I looked into her mournful grey eyes.
"For all it's worth Varian, I want you to know I care about you. I want to thank you for sharing your history with me. It will be difficult for you, but you can handle it.
"I know," I said. In truth, I was unsure, my vision clouded by my feelings for Cassandra and the guilt of my crimes.
As if on instinct, I felt her gentle hands cradle my face as she placed a bittersweet kiss on my cheek. "Goodbye Varian."
"Goodbye Cassandra"
She lingered a moment before stepping foot out the room.
It wasn't long before the captain entered again. "Look here kid" the captain snapped, his harsh tone cutting deep into me.
I didn't know how to respond. Frankly, I didn't even want to make eye contact with him.
"You may have won the favor of the princess and my daughter but not mine and not the kings. You don't want to make this any harder than it has to be. Now, are you ready? It's time."
I tried to look at him but his scowl burned into my soul and I just couldn't muster up the courage.
BAM he slammed the table with such force that it shook my chair.
"Answer me dammit. Why, after all you did and all that has happened, are you so quiet?"
He was right. During the trial, I couldn't testify. The case was presented and the court knew what I had done and what had been done to me in prison. Surely I had something to say in defense of myself, but I didn't. In fact, I deserved all I got. I deserved to die in prison for the pain I wrought.
The events of the trial were still crystal clear in my head, haunting me.
I remember the cold cuffs around my hands as I was marched into the courtroom adorned with all manners of columns and Coronan banners. In the middle of the room on the highest throne was the King, beside him Princess Rapunzel. His stern demeanor contrasted starkly with her reluctant countenance.
"Varian of Old Corona, you are brought before his royal majesty with charges of treason and conspiracy against the crown. King Frederic will be presiding over this case."
There was chatter amongst the royal court and I couldn't help but notice the glares I received from all the members of the jury and audience, seeing me as the monster I was, the monster I am.
After a banging of the gavel, there was silence. Then, the announcer's voice rang loud "Varian, after your brief sentence in prison for treason, and your time spent in recuperation from your injuries, do you have any words in defense of yourself?"
I opened my mouth, but what was I going to say? I kidnapped the queen, threatened to kill her and the daughter of the captain of the guard, and endangered and killed dozens of Coronans. I wanted to say that Rapunzel deserved it, that they all did. But now that I am no longer blinded by rage, I can't put the blame on the princess. My crimes were on me and I knew that I would deserve whatever I get. My lips quivered and I hardly managed a squeak. "I-I- can't." I took a deep breath. "I won't defend my heinous actions. I will not pretend that I was justified in doing what I did. I place my fate in the hands of the law your majesty."
There was murmuring in the jury as my eyes locked with Rapunzel's which were filled with tears as she cringed as every single mockery was thrown my way by the rowdy audience and jury. After what seemed like an eternity, the gavel hushed them up.
"Given that the defendant cannot make a defense for himself, we will end this case and let the jury and king decide his fate"
After a while of deliberations the announcer spoke again. I felt my heart palpitate and for once, I knew what the meaning of fear was. My future, a fate unknown to me was out of my control.
"The verdict has been decided by your majesty and Varian of Old Corona will be sentenced to…"
I held my breath.
"Death by hanging, for treason and conspiracy against the royal family and the kingdom of Corona"
Then, it all came crashing down. I saw Rapunzel sobbing and I realized that a veil of dread fell over me. I felt as if my sanity had fallen and I was a whole new person, filled with such intense emotion like the vengefulness I felt when I saw my father encased in the rocks, or the anger I felt when I held the lives of Cassandra and the queen in my hands. But this time it was sadness, of regret for all that I have done. Yet there was a sliver of relief, as if I am finally paying my dues, finally having a chance to join my father and maybe my long lost mother in heaven. At least then I won't need to endure anymore lies or death. Corona was where I was born and perhaps it will be where I die.
"I OBJECT" yelled out Rapunzel, who held the gavel in her hand, standing up. "Father, you promised you'd keep him safe!" she snarled through her tear-filled eyes, a ferocity I had never seen in anybody. "He's just a boy."
"A murderer!" the king rebuke harshly back. A wave of confusion flushed across the audience and the jury at the unorthodox events unfolding.
"It was my fault for not responding to the event sooner. I could've prevented this, saved Quirin and none of this would've happened."
"This is my court Rapunzel, not yours!"
"As the princess of Corona I have the power to lessen the severity of the punishment by royal order."
There was silence among the two royals, whose faces were filled with steadfast determination. But soon, the king's demeanor fell and he sat down, followed by the princess, who still seemed shaken by all that had taken place.
My legs were numb and I my heart skipped beats.
"Very well Varian. I hereby change the sentence. Though you are no longer sentenced to death. You are banished here on out from the kingdom of Corona. If you are ever to set foot on this kingdom again, you will be executed. You will be escorted by the captain of the guard with a day to pack your bags."
"But my father!" I interjected.
"This case is now closed."
Then, it all ended with a smack of the gavel. BUM. And finally, I felt my foundation crumble.