AN: This follows 4.15 Girls (and Boys) on Film. This is a Puckleberry heavy chapter, but Kurtbastian will get the spotlight again soon I promise. Please review and let me know what you think!
Chapter 6
It had been several weeks since the wedding and things seemed to have settled down with Kurt, Sebastian, Rachel and Puck. Rachel and Puck continued to talk almost constantly, but the tone of their conversations changed. Puck was no longer exploring options for his future but for theirs. Rachel would be forever grateful that Noah Puckerman wasn't afraid to look into the future and make plans and commitments for his life. It had been the downfall of her relationship with Finn and she was glad that history was not repeating itself.
For their part Kurt and Sebastian were still deeply entrenched in their new relationship. Kurt had spent his week preparing the loft for a visit from Sebastian. It was time to course registration and freshman orientation at Columbia, so Sebastian would be coming to stay and look for his own apartment. As much as the idea of living together appealed to the two, they had not lived in the same city while dating and new being confined to such a small space so quickly would only hurt their relationship.
Unfortunately any preparation Kurt had made to clean the apartment went to waste as late one night Santana had shown up on the loft door step and announced she would be staying with them on their couch. Santana did not look to fit herself within the routine of Rachel or Kurt's lives and seemed to relish in the chaos she was creating.
Her first night in the loft she had made a point of announcing to to Kurt, with Sebastian on skype, that she had no interest in listening to the "Golden Girls" have video sex and to keep it quiet. Kurt had told Sebastian that he was hoping she would be gone when he came for his visit but it seemed like that wasn't going to be leaving anytime soon.
Santana had been at the loft for about two days when she decided to start snooping. She was sure that there would be things she could hold over Rachel and Kurt to buy her more time couch surfing. However, she hadn't planned on finding a used pregnancy test. "Puckerman must have super sperm," she mumbled as she pulled it out of the trash.
That afternoon Santana was waiting on the couch when Rachel came home from class. She patted the cushion next to her and motioned for Rachel to sit. "Do you have anything you would like to share with the class Berry," she asked. Rachel looked at her for a few moments but said nothing genuinely unsure what Santana was talking about. "Cut the crap Rachel. I found it," Santana continued, "don't bother trying to deny it." With a sinking feeling Rachel looked at her and tried to deny it, "I have no idea what you're talking about Santana." Santana held up the pregnancy test and looked at Rachel, "then someone should call the Bond villain Kurt calls boyfriend and inform him Lady Hummel is not only actually a lady but has a bun in the oven," Santana continued.
Santana wasn't sure what she was expecting but it wasn't for Berry to fall apart in sobs. She reached out on instinct and comforted the girl. For as much as she portrayed the ice cold bitch, Santana did care about Rachel and Kurt and was going to let the former cry alone. Even Santana Lopez wasn't that heartless. "Shhhh," she cooed, "it's gonna be okay. Everything will be okay."
Meanwhile, Kurt was at the airport waiting for Sebastian's plane to land. He was practically bouncing with excitement to see his boyfriend. As he saw Sebastian come in from baggage claim he knew that Latina on his couch or not, nothing was going to spoil this visit.
At the loft, after having calmed the crying girl enough the speak Santana tried a different approach. "How far along are you?" Santana asked. "I don't know," Rachel sniffled, "the second line on the test is barely pink so I made a doctors appointment to find out for sure." "Have you talked to Puck at all?" Santana continued, not even for a second entertaining the idea that the baby could belong to anyone else. "No I haven't. Noah and I aren't even together, I don't want to ruin it with pressure, not unless I'm sure," Rachel answered. "Look, I'm not one to do the whole feelings thing, but I think you should tell him. Together or not he would want to know and be there for you through this. With everything that happened with Quinn sophomore year he's not going to be sitting this out," Santana said. After a few moments of silence, "I'll think about it," was the only response Rachel could come up with.
That night, after dinner with Kurt, Sebastian and a surprisingly kind Santana, Rachel went to her room for some privacy. She shared a look with Santana who suddenly needed the boys to walk with her down the street to get dessert, leaving Rachel in the loft alone. With shaking fingers she dialed Puck's number and waited for the answer.
"Go for Puckerman," Puck answered on the third ring. Rachel tried to say something but was too nervous and was afraid her words wouldn't be right. "Rach, you there?" Puck tried again. "Noah," Rachel tested, trying to get just one word out and hoping the rest would be easier. "Babe," Puck said, sounding worried, "what's wrong, did Santana do something?" "Noah, I need to tell you something," Rachel replied. Puck waited for her to continue, deciding to let her go at her own pace. "A few weeks ago," Rachel started, "I missed my period. I didn't even notice it at the time, but then I started feeling sick, and more tired." She took a deep breath hoping Puck had picked up on where she was going with all of this. "I took a pregnancy test, but it wasn't really clear," she continued, "I have an appointment tomorrow to find out for sure and I thought it best that I tell you about this as soon as possible."
Rachel waited for Puck to respond, hoping this wouldn't ruin what they had barely even started. "What time is the appointment Rach?" Puck finally answered. "10:00 tomorrow morning," Rachel responded. "Okay then," he replied, "I should be able to leave my house in about an hour, be at your place in time, it's only 8:00 now." "Noah," Rachel started, "it's an almost 11 hour drive you don't have to..." but she was unable to finish as Puck cut her off, "Yeah I do babe. It's my kid and I'm not missing anything. I'm gonna go pack some shit, go get some sleep okay, and text me your apartment address." "Okay Noah," Rachel answered.
Rachel was dressed in her pajamas waiting on the couch when Santana and the boys returned. "So?" Santana asked. "Noah will be here in the morning, I'm going to head to bed," Rachel answered. Kurt and Sebastian were both very confused, but Santana gave them a look that said she wasn't going to share.
Puck had left his house almost immediately after ending the call with Rachel. He had driven all through the night at dangerously fast speeds getting to the loft at an impressive 7:30 am. He ran up the stairs and banged on the door, and was greeted by an irritable Kurt who had no idea how Santa was still asleep on the couch, having heard the banging all the way in his room. "What do you want Puckerman." Kurt answered as he slid open the door. Puck didn't answer only walked straight back into Rachel's room.
Puck knelt down next to Rachel's bed and looked at her sleeping. "Rach," he whispered. Rachel stirred and then jumped awake realizing Puck was in her room and that she wasn't just dreaming. "Noah," she started, "how could you possibly have gotten here so fast?" "Had to be here babe, wasn't gonna let this happen without me again," he answered. "You should probably start to get ready, don't want to be late for the doctor." "Thank you for being here Noah," Rachel answered. She hadn't known how much she needed him until he was standing in front of her. "I'm always gonna be here Rach, sex shark like me needs his hot little Jewish American princess. I wanted to ask before we go if you'd be my girl?" Puck looked down at her. "I already am Noah," Rachel answered.
Puck and Rachel came back from the doctor holding hands. Santana was in the kitchen and gave Rachel a questioning glance, which Rachel answered by shaking her head no. She wasn't pregnant, and while she had a fleeting moment of disappointment she knew she had plenty of time for babies in the future. Puck had felt the same way. He wanted to be established the next time he had a baby on the way, not panicking to make ends meet. He and Rachel had decided that while they were exclusive neither one particularly care what others thought about it and didn't want to make a big announcement. Instead they let their body language send the message they needed it to.
Kurt and Sebastian were sitting in the couch. Sebastian had found an apartment that morning and would be moving in after graduation in June. They were enjoying their weekend together. Kurt looked up at Puck and asked "are you going to tell me why you tried to break down my door this morning?" Puck and Rachel shared a glance before Puck responded, "Nope." Both walked back to Rachel's room, and Sebastian chuckled from his place on the couch and said, "They're perfect for each other."