It's been a month since the whole king of dragons chapter which is closed for the time being and once arriving back to Berk, the riders returned to their usual routine before they left for the Edge in the first place, however, with the new romantic changes like Hiccup and Astrid becoming a thing and Snotlout and Fishlegs' battle over Ruffnut, the gang often spent more time together. Double dates became group adventures as we've got Hiccup and Astrid as our first couple and Ruffnut with both Fishlegs and Snotlout as the second couple, (or threesome? XD), plus Tuffnut, he tags along because where Ruff goes, Tuff goes, where Tuff goes, Ruff goes.
Today the gang were just doing random practise rounds in the academy, "Alright gang, that's enough for today, I don't think any new villains will be popping up after Johann!" Hiccup stated as he was about to mount Toothless. "Uhm, where do you think you're going?" Snotlout said as he walked up to Hiccup. "Now, we've all discussed this, except you and Astrid, of course, and now need your opinion. Fishlegs?" Snotlout invited Fishlegs to take over. "We've all decided to go camping!" Fishlegs squealed.
"Camping? To where?" Hiccup asked confused. "To Dragon's Edge!" the twins shouted. "The Edge? Seriously, you know that place is probably flooded with lava now that we aren't there to control the volcano." Astrid said a matter-of-factly. "Then it'll be even better!" Tuff exclaimed while crashing helmets with Ruffnut. Hiccup rolled his eyes at the twins' statement, "Look guys, I'll ask my dad since it's only been a month since we got back so he may still need us around since we haven't been for like one and a half years!" he replied while jumping on Toothless and leaving. One by one the others also left with their dragons.
That night, the father and son sat quietly at the table eating their yak steaks while Toothless was wolfing down his fish. "Alright son, spill." Stoick sighed, noticing Hiccup constantly looking up down from Stoick to his food. "Well, the gang wanted to go back to the Edge-" "What!?" Stoick suddenly cut in. "For a one-night camping trip! Jeez Dad, at least let me finish!" Hiccup finished. "Oh well, okay then, go ahead, just tell me when you're leaving." Stoick replied, calmly resuming to dinner, Hiccup however, with wide eyes said, "Really? I thought you would still need us here, after all, it's only been a month since our arrival."
"Son, it's been ONLY a month, go on and have fun, besides, it's only a matter of time before you take over chiefing, that's when your fun ends and-" "Yeah okay thanks Dad!" Hiccup interrupted and rushed to bed, with Toothless following behind, before he had to hear his Dad's lecture again on becoming Chief. Hiccup lay in bed thinking about the camp to the Edge. Toothless warbled and licked Hiccup's face, "Yeah, I know bud, I'm excited too." Hiccup replied, scratching Toothless just where he liked it.
Hiccup woke up early to meet the gang and discuss their departure now that they have permission. He stepped into the academy to find only Astrid practising her axe throwing and Stormfly munching on chicken. Seemed like the others hadn't got here yet so Hiccup smirked to himself, deciding to take advantage of it. Astrid was too busy to notice Hiccup walk in and got a complete shock when he came and snaked his arms around her waist and rested his head on her shoulder, hugging her from behind.
Just as she was about to launch another axe, Astrid jumped a little but instantly calmed down when she smelt the familiar scent of Hiccup. "Hiccup, what are you doing?" she questioned him as he buried his face in her shoulder. "Taking advantage of the moment, we never get any time together because of the others repeatedly asking who's better for Ruffnut," he mumbled through her shoulder. Astrid laughed a little at the last comment, "That's true, I don't understand how they keep finding us though!" Astrid dropped the axe and turned around still in Hiccup's arm, smiling, the two of them started to lean for a good morning kiss, but were interrupted by an obnoxious voice and their smiles soon dropped when they heard Snotlout stomp in.
"Ugh! You guys! Get a room!" Snotlout said snobbishly as he entered the arena. Hiccup didn't even let go suddenly out of embarrassment, heck, they didn't even blush for that manner, they've been interrupted one too many times for those old habits. Hands still around Astrid's waist, Hiccup turned his head towards Snotlout and said, "Oh my gods, Snotlout! Can you ever leave us alone for once?" he said, clearly irritated.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever, but first tell us whether your Dad agreed to the camping trip!" Snotlout said as the rest of the gang started to pour in through the entry. Hiccup let go of Astrid and started, "Well he sounded a bit shocked when I mentioned the Edge but agreed when I said it was just a one-night camping trip. Then he started going on about how I should have as much fun as I can before I become chief, but I ran straight to bed at the words 'become chief'," he finished.
"So, when are we leaving!?" Tuff shouted, excitement buzzing through him. "I dunno, you guys can decide that, just let me know so I can tell my dad." Hiccup replied. "Why not tonight!?" Fishlegs squeaked, hopping from one leg to the other. "Well gang! Let's get packing!" Hiccup said while the others nodded in agreement.
Hiccup went and told his Dad that they were leaving tonight. Soon enough, once they were packed, with all their equipment, they were soaring through the dusk sky with their dragons, thrilled for the upcoming adventures they could fall into at the Edge.
990 words for the first chapter! Is that good or bad for a beginner? Well, just to get the story going, I'm uploading the first 3 chapters so that I won't leave my readers (if I even get any! XD) hanging on this boring chapter. Because by the time they finish reading 3 chapters I'll probably have the next 2-3 chapters up already, and so on. Anyway, remember, I'm new to this, so please review on what you think of this story. Btw you can just call me HH, short for 'hiccstridhumour'! See ya in the next chapter!