Wasn't gone long! While The Unmatched Records is on temporary hiatus until the end of the current seasons, I have plenty more SuperArrow stuff to write, starting with this one - and you guys can already tell who I am not gonna be kind to in this story, just by the title.

This is an original story under Arrow and Supergirl because it's SuperArrow (duh), but it will also include the Flash and Legends of Tomorrow. It goes AU in Supergirl 2x17 "Distant Sun" and after Arrow 5x21 "Honor Thy Fathers," the Flash 3x17 "Duet," and Legends of Tomorrow 2x14 "Moonshot." Yeah, the episodes line up a bit wonky, but hey, that's the timeline.

So, I hope you guys enjoy the beginning!

Then - December 2016


He had survived.

Everything from his planet was gone, and he was the only survivor. He had crashed on a planet called Earth, and who had been his savior?

A Kryptonian. Of course it was a Kryptonian. His planet and race just had the worst luck ever, didn't it? And to make matters worse, it wasn't just any Kryptonian. It was a daughter of Krypton.

The Last Daughter of Krypton.

Mon-El paced his quarters at the D.E.O., taking a few deep breaths. A month or so ago, he would be figuring out how to make sure the woman didn't kill him, but over time, he had discovered the Kryptonian hero called Supergirl, known as Kara Zor-El – or Kara Danvers – was not a killer. That had relaxed him somewhat. Still, there was the rivalry between Krypton and Daxam he had to keep in mind. She had hated him, and Mon-El had wondered when she would try to kill him.

But she didn't know. She truly didn't. She hated him because he was a Daxamite, nothing more. She didn't know who he was, and she didn't know why he was so wary of her. And her cousin appeared to be as in the dark as she was.

Everything was so perfect . . . then Kara returned from wherever she had been.

"Kara Danvers, I am going to KILL YOU!"

"Alex, I'm fine! Really, I'm fine – great, actually!"

"Where the hell were you?"

"Barry's Earth. He asked me to help with an alien invasion of their own."

"Whoa, whoa, wait. Barry? As in Barry Allen? The speedster from another universe who accidentally ran to this one?"

"Yeah, that Barry!"

Mon-El's mind had gone into panic mode at Winn's words. It wasn't the name that had him worried . . . it was who he was. Barry Allen? A speedster?

The Son of Speed.

Mon-El swallowed and closed his eyes, reciting the words his mother had told him that were permanently burned into his mind. The words that tore Krypton and Daxam apart and made them hate each other with everything they had. The words only the highest of the elite on Krypton knew. The words every Daxamite knew.

The reign of Daxam shall end at the hands of the last daughter of Krypton and the last survivor of hell with the aid of the son of speed and the woman twice dead.

Kara was the last daughter of Krypton. This Barry Allen had to be the son of speed, because Mon-El had heard nothing of speedsters on this Earth. That was two of the four already. If Kara found the other two, it didn't matter if Kara didn't know who he was. He was dead either way.

He jerked upright when there was a knock on the door. "Hey, you OK?" Winn poked his head in. "Kara wants to talk to you about something."

Mon-El plastered a smile on his face and turned around. "Yeah," he nodded. "I'll be right there."

Winn nodded and left, and Mon-El took a deep breath. OK, so Kara had found another member of the prophecy. He just had to stop her from finding the other two. That either meant he had to distract her enough so she never discovered the prophecy, or he would have to kill her. Mon-El steeled himself as he headed out, going to see what Kara wanted.

No matter what happened, he couldn't let Kara find the other members of the Daxam Four.

A/N: Yeah, it's one of those "be mean to Mon-El" stories. I came up with this idea around the time the episode "Wake Up" aired, and, well . . . I was pissed at Mon-El for a while. It might show here. And also, who doesn't love seeing Daxamites get what they deserve?

First chapter time skips to "Distant Sun," and, well . . . Kara's not gonna have it easy.