"Alright listen up." Was Aizawa's greeting to the class. Everyone dove for their seats attention solely on their teacher.

The sleep deprived man observed his class waving at the door, both All Might and Present Mic walked through. "Today we're doing rescue training at the USJ." He paused to let that sink in.

The lively atmosphere of the class immediately dimmed into aprehension and a slight but of fear at the announcement. It would be their first time back there since Shigaraki and the league attacked them.

"Now that being said." Aizawa continued, "If you would like to sit out you are more than welcome to, No marks will be lost since you will instead be required to do a report on a chosen topic."

Present Mic stepped forward. "If you listeners are worried we have No.13 waiting at the USJ as well as the three of us to help supervise."

The black haired man nodded his head in thanks, "Show of hands who wants to go?"

Kirishima's hand shot up. "I'll go."

Uraraka was next, "Me too."

One by one hands rose, some quicker than others until there were only two people left. "Jiro, Koda you two will be joining Cementoss's class for the day, The rest of you go change into your costumes."


"Man it sucks that those two won't be with us." Lamented Kamari sliding down his seat.

"Ya." Agreed Kirishima "But its super manly to know and understand your limits."

Those listening nodded in agreement.


"Alright class, Today we'll be doing rescue simulations in the shipwreck zone." No.13 told the students. "How this is going to work is there are 4 rings scattered on the bottom. You have to collect as many as you can in the alloted time."

It sounded simple enough.

Beside Todoroki, Izuku was a mess of nerves. Fangs pulling slightly at her bottom lip as her hands twisted together. "You okay?" The dual haired teen asked.

Jumping Izuku faced her friend nodding "Y-ya it's just kind of nerve wracking to be back here."

Todoroki couldn't help but agree even after everything that happened since the USJ attack, Being back had his nerves on edge.

"Ochako your up first, Bakugou your after her." the space hero informed. Nodding her head Ochako stepped up to the platform once the buzzer went off she dove in. 90 seconds was the time they had to complete the trial, The gravity user completed it in 50.

The class cheered for their classmate, congratulating her on her speedy time. The timer rest and Bakugou shot off once it sounded coming back up a mere 67 seconds later. Giving the four rings to the teacher who threw them back in and called up the next group.

Tysu by passed Uraraka's time completing the trail in a shocking 32 seconds. Whoops and hollers congratulating her echoed in the large area.

Tokoyami and sero were after. Followed by Todoroki and shouji. At the end of the group was Midoriya and Iida.

Izuku walked towards the starting point heart hammering in her chest as she stood on the dock. 'It's just training nothing's going to happen.'

The buzzer sounding was like a shot gun fireing and Izuku dove. Shadows in the water sent her mind into overdrive.

Her repeating Mantra of 'its fine' was not helping. Something from the corner of her eye had the vampire choking on water as flashes of the villain from the attack assaulted her. Which way was up what was down? Something grabbing her arm had a scream bubbling in her throat.

Full cowl activated Izuku turned to face the villain only to see Froppy, Black eyes filled with worry she signed "Are you okay?"

Izuku didn't know how to answer. She knew it was all in her head that the shadows were just a figment of her imagination but knowing that's all it was didn't help calm her anxiety or her panic.

Tsuyu held out her hand motioning up. Grateful for her classmate Izuku took the offered hand and closed her eyes letting Tsuyu led her back up.

The moment they reached the surface the frog like girl told them "She's okay ribbit." the class let out a sigh of relief, Todoroki moved to help Tsuyu with the exhausted teen.

"T-thank you Tsyu" Stuttered the vampire as she leaned into Shoutos arms feeling the warmth of his quirk.

The frog like teen just shrugged "It's no problem. We were both in the shipwreck zone so it's understandable ribbit."

"Midoriya." Aizawa walked over to the three crouching down he asked. "Are you alright?"

Izuku nodded "I'll be okay."

Grey eyes seemed to scanned her before her teacher nodded. "Your sitting out for the rest of this class."

Izuku couldn't help the slight bout of disappointment even though she knew it was reasonable. "Okay."

"Kaminari your up." Instructed No.13, the blonde bolted to the platform.

"Hell ya!"

As the time trials continued Uraraka went to sit next to her girlfriend and friends.

"Doing okay?" The gravity user asked.

Izuku smiled, almost nodding off in Todoroki's arms. "Ya."

Uraraka smiled back sliding her warm hand in her girlfriends cool one. "Remember what kirishima said on the bus?" the confusion was practically written over Izukus face. "Its manly to know your limits."

"I know, thank you guys."