Chapter 1: Paradise Untouched by Man

The firelight flickered off Rey's face. Its warmth did little to counter the howling of the wind and rain just outside the crude hut, instead merely reflecting her despondency.

"I thought I'd find answers here. I was wrong," she spoke aloud. "I've never felt so alone."

Across from her - there and yet not there all at once - was the last person she should be expressing her feelings to, and yet at the same time, he was the only person in the entire galaxy who could possibly understand.

"You're not alone," Kylo Ren - born Ben Solo - insisted.

Rey's gaze flickered up to meet his. "Neither are you." And cautiously, but still with a flicker of hope, she held out her hand to him. Rey peered at him, almost shyly, willing him to accept the peace offering she was extending to him. "It isn't too late."

Slowly, Ben pulled off the black glove, so that his bare hand could reach back. His fingertips brushed hers, and the moment of contact sent jolts of electricity up Rey's nerves, so that she was forced to intake a sudden breath.

Then, with oh so much trepidation, Ben's hand reached up to caress Rey's face, cradle her cheek. Rey's eyes fluttered shut at his touch, her face now slack with contentment and peace, and she dared to turn her head ever so slightly so as to plant her lips into Ben's palm.

Jedi wannabe and Sith pretender froze in that moment, Rey's motion unusually intimate. Did they dare?

They did, as Ben oh so tentatively leaned forward. Rey could feel his terror - terror at being rejected, terror at not knowing love, asking for her love and wondering...

Even though his mind was in turmoil, when his lips sealed over hers, they were sure and strong, from top to bottom.

Rey's eyes slid shut in bliss and she kissed him back with just as much firm passion, even as she herself was trying to be brave. She wanted him desperately to know that she would not abandon him.

The kiss quickly escalated. Ben's hands now cocooned Rey's face, his digits thrumming down her jawline and neck, brushing her pulse point. Rey's fingers fisted themselves in Ben's mane of midnight black locks - something she had always wanted to do, his hair had always seemed so luscious to her, just begging to have fingers run through each and every strand.

Ben's hands splayed down Rey's back, wandering lower and lower and he pulled her closer, taking her fully in his arms. Throwing her arms about his neck, Rey dared to moan - a scandalous sound, even to her own ears, and she didn't care. She didn't care because she never wanted to leave this safest of embraces ever, ever again...

Winding their limbs tighter still about each other, both Rey and Ben quickly lost their balance and fell off the stone bench. Clasping each other close, they rolled about in each other's embrace; Rey was not sure how they managed to avoid the flames of the fire, so engrossed were they in their kissing. Finally, the movement halted so that Rey was flat on her back on the stone and Ben was straddling her waist. She had lost the threadbare blanket that had been covering her waifish frame before Ben kissed her, and now she was only clad in her scavenger clothes, still damp from when she had dived into the pool beneath the island.

And now, she shocked herself when she realized she wanted Ben to remove every stitch of clothing she still had on. Which he now began to do.

Ben's fingers trembled down Rey's thighs, petting her through her simple pants, while he simultaneously mouthed along her neck. Rey gasped in amazement at the heat she felt, and she spread her legs without even thinking about it. She had no clue, no clue what she was doing, or how it should be done, yet her body seemed to know, as if she had been engaging in this most sacred, this most intimate act, her entire life. A dampness of a very different kind seemed to plummet down from deep in her stomach, down to her very core. Rey should have cursed herself for making herself so damp all over again, but once again, there was something about the way Ben was physically worshipping her that made her throw all her characteristic caution to the wind.

She could feel Ben undo the flimsy straps of her pants, feel him push them down her legs, all the way down to her ankles. Rey had to lift her thighs, raise them off the cool stone, to help him get them all the way down. A rush of cool air, blown in from the storm outside, tickled her exposed folds... which Rey was stunned to find were sopping, dripping wet.

And then, suddenly, before she was even really ready, even though she was aching for something she could not yet place a name to - ohhhh...

His mouth, his lips were on her... her... oh Force... The sensation was so deliriously wonderful, tears sprung to her eyes and Rey had to choke back a sob.

She covered it well, but not enough for Ben not to hear it and pick up on it. His mouth, suckling on the nub of her pussy, paused and he raised his head from between her legs. Rey whined, moaned forlornly, at the sudden lack of contact.

"Do you not want this?" Ben asked, and she could feel his concern, his gentlemanly chivalry, radiating through the Force. "I'll stop..."

"No... no... it's not that..." Rey did not even try to hide the sob in her voice this time, her body keening into his face, desperate to have his mouth on her again.

Ben seemed to sense why she was suddenly emotional, and it made his heart break just a little. "You've never been loved this way, have you?"

Rey bit her lip, her eyes stinging with tears, as she shook her head. How was it that this man could give voice to her thoughts even better than she herself could? Know her deepest pains? "Love me... please..." she whimpered.

Ben did as she commanded, swallowing her nub whole and nursing on it for a few moments more, before he then shifted so that he now straddled Rey once more, nestling his body in between her legs. With the tenderest of care, he pushed, inch by inch, into her undefiled womanhood. Let her know what it was to feel love in the most physical, carnal sense.

Rey yelped airily, upon his penis unifying with her vagina, and to his eternal credit, Ben paused instantly. He kissed her deeply, in the hopes that it might help her through the initial pain, if only a little bit. Then, Ben slid out. Then pushed back in, even more softly than the first time.

Rey matched him, thrust for thrust, doing her best to synchronize her motions with his even if she still had very little idea what she was doing. Was she even doing it right? She agonized to think that she was not pleasing him the same way that he was pleasing her. Her hips snapped against his pelvis, sharper and sharper with each iteration and gradually, pain was replaced by a deep, all-encompassing pleasure that tickled Rey down to the tips of her toes.

"Uh... Uh... OHHHH! OHHH! Oh my goodness..." Her moans were pathetic and wanting and desperate but Ben did not seem to mind. On the contrary, from the flushed look on his face, he must have thought Rey's cries were the sexiest sound he had ever heard.

At last, with a grunt, Rey felt Ben collapse against her, a sticky liquid trickle into her pussy. Still the pleasure and pressure built and built and a moment later, Rey could not hold it at bay anymore, and with a whimper, her juices exploded out of her, soaking Ben's dick from where it was still sunken hilt-deep inside of her.

Cupping his face in her hands, Rey beamed, her face rosy pink, her lips rouged and flushed and plump. She kissed him deeply, ravenously. Clasping him close, she rolled them both over so that she was now scandalously mounting him. Daintily, she groped for the discarded blanket, and finding it, she draped it over both of their naked bodies. All other clothing had been discarded during the frantic, carnal love-making after Ben had entered her. Rey wriggled against Ben, teasingly swiveling her hips against his pelvis. Ben answered by splaying his giant hands across her bare shoulder blades, pulling her closer. The couple lovingly kissed once again.

Just then, the peace was shattered as Luke Skywalker entered the tent, alarmed to find his apprentice wrapped in the arms of his nephew. "STOP!"