"You remember what day it is, right Louie?"


Louie was sitting in the booth of a diner of some sorts. He looked around. It wasn't anything too fancy, but it was better than the average fast-food joint. He looked down at his plate and saw one half-eaten burger.

He looked at the person who sat next to him. Webby.

"Do you remember what day it is?" she asked again. What day was it?

Louie didn't have an answer for her. He was bad at remembering important dates.

"U-Um…" Louie stuttered. Obviously, today was important. He just couldn't remember why. "I…forgot… sorry."

He felt bad when he saw Webby sigh in response, but he legitimately forgot! He still doesn't remember, too.

"It's okay," Webby says regaining her smile. "Granny told me these are how some people usually are."

"So…what is today?" Louie asked, unsure. Webby gently put her hand on his, not making eye contact.

"It's been a year since we've started dating, you know?"


Right. Of course. He doesn't know why he's surprised. He's been dating Webby for the past year, obviously. He's not really sure how that happened, but it doesn't matter, he supposes.

He's not really sure how he forgot that as well.

"Oh, yeah," Louie said, his focus landing on their hands. His face grew hot, but he doesn't know why. This was normal, right?

"You know, I never really expected us to…you know, be…like this…" she chuckled, nervously blushing. She inched closer. Louie could only nod in response. His focus was fading from the conversation a little as he wasn't sure of what to do.

What does he do? Does he inch closer? Back away? WHAT DOES HE DO?! SOMEONE TELL HIM.

"My whole life I've been cooped up in the mansion alone," Webby rambled on. She leaned closer again. "I'm…really glad I met you, Louie."

This time, Louie leaned in as well. Something in his mind was screaming at him to stop. That this was wrong somehow. But how was it wrong? Another part of Louie pushed him forward and was cheering him on.

The two ducks were really close now.

"I-I'm glad I met you too, Webby…"

Their beaks touched.


Louie shot up awake with a shout. He sat up in his bed, noticing that his heart was beating way too fast. He breathed heavily, trying to calm himself down as he thought about what he just witnessed.

What was that? A nightmare? No, couldn't be. It wasn't like a nightmare…just a dream.

In that dream…he and Webby were dating? How? He already knew that dreams didn't make sense a lot of the time, but he also knew that his mind is what creates them. What the heck, mind? Why would you make him dream THAT?

And then afterward, he and Webby…kissed?

Nope, nope, nope, nope, that's enough. Webby is his FRIEND. He can't be dreaming about his friend like that! That's just super weird! And besides, kisses were…gross. Ew…

Louie lightly slapped his cheeks and shook his head to get any thoughts of the dream out of his head. He looked to the side and saw two more empty beds, one with a neat red sheet and one with a messy blue sheet. Looks like Huey and Dewey were already out of bed.

Louie reached for his phone and turned it on. It was 8:14 am. The others would be eating breakfast right now.

Yeah, that sounds good. Some food will probably help him forget about this weird dream.

The green triplet hopped out of bed, changed into his hoodie and headed towards the dining room. By the time he reached the dining room, he had already calmed down. Pushing open the doors, he walked in, his expression tired.

"Well, look who's awake!"

Louie looked ahead and saw Huey, Dewey and…Webby, sitting at the long table, eating breakfast. They were eating pancakes. Ooh!

Louie eagerly went to the table and sat down next to Huey, grabbing a plate of pancakes.

"Morning, Louie!" Webby said, cheerily.

"Morning, sleepy head," the oldest brother greeted. "You were out cold last night."

"Oh?" Louie said, his mouth already full of food. Dewey snickered.

"Yep. You kept mumbling in your sleep, though."

Louie swallowed.

"A-about what?"

He tried to keep his face as relaxed as it could look, but he cursed the stutter in his voice. He didn't say anything about the dream, did he?

Geez, it was embarrassing.

"Ehh, I couldn't really tell. I could only make out, like, one or two words," Dewey shrugged, eating another pancake. Louie glared at him. He was keeping quiet on purpose, but he knew that Dewey knew something.

"What words?" Webby asked, curiously. Louie blushed and looked down at his plate, avoiding eye contact with everyone. If Dewey said anything too embarrassing, Louie was ready to dash out of the room.

"He said things like-"

"Nothing important," Huey's voice cut through. Louie looked up and saw that Huey was using his hands to clamp Dewey's beak shut. "Just some random nonsense."

The blue triplet gave Huey a look of confusion, before pushing his hand away. "Right."

"Like Huey said, it's not a big deal. It was just my dream," Louie said as nonchalantly as he could. He could still feel his cheeks heating up. Dangit.

Apparently, he wasn't the only one who noticed.

"You okay?" Webby asked with a confused and concerned tone.

"Yup!" Louie's voice was an octave higher than it was supposed to be. He could sense his brothers' eyes on him. He could feel Huey's concern and Dewey's teasing look burning into his skull.

"Are you sure? Your cheeks are really red!"

"Webby, you were telling us something earlier, weren't you?" Huey interjected, saving Louie the trouble. Webby perked up, dropping the subject quickly.

"Oh yeah! I was thinking maybe later we could go to the diner that's close to Funso's…"

She started rambling on about the plans she had for today, but Louie was once again reminded of his dream. He and Webby were at that diner, weren't they? On a date, he presumes.

He mentally shuddered.

It's not that he thought Webby wasn't great or anything. It's just that it's weird to think of her, his friend, like that. And that dream…something was off. Both of them weren't completely in character. Louie was a lot more nervous and awkward and Webby was a lot less…her? He had to remind himself that Dream Webby and Real Webby weren't the same.

She was still rambling excitedly, allowing Louie to take the chance to steal a glance at her. No, she definitely wasn't like Dream Webby, he concluded. She was Webby. And no, he's not dating her. He's not even crushing on her. The dream wasn't at all real.

So if it's not real, then why is it still affecting him?

Webby's eyes briefly met his as she chattered, causing Louie to automatically avert his gaze.

See? What the heck?

He stole another glance at the chatty girl. She was happily talking about something, but he was too distracted to pay attention.

"…Well, I gotta get my stuff ready if we're going soon," Webby says, gleefully. "See ya guys later!"

She hopped off her chair and dashed out of the room, leaving the triplets in the dining room. Louie's eyes followed her until she was out the doors. There was a moment of silence afterward, broken by Dewey clearing his throat.

"So, had a good sleep, Lou?" he teased, making Louie blush and plant his face on the table.

"Dewey," Huey scolded, warningly. He then changed his tone to a more careful but curious one. "You…were mumbling a lot in your sleep though, Louie. Mind telling us what that's about?"

"You heard me, didn't you?" Louie's muffled voice said, grumpily.

"We heard "Mumble, mumble…date…mumble, mumble…Webby"." Dewey recalled. He paused and then continues with "And then "Mumble, mumble, marry me"."

Louie's head shot up from the table in alarm as Huey smacked Dewey's shoulder.


"He's kidding," Huey deadpanned. "But you DID mention Webby, plus you looked pretty flustered before. Care to explain?"

Louie groaned. They were making this a bigger deal than he was. "Do I have to?"

"Yep!" Dewey said, resting his head in his palms, looking very interested. "If you don't then we'll make assumptions."

"No," Louie said, grumpily. He wasn't in the mood for this. "It doesn't matter. It's JUST a dream."

"Yeah, but what we just witnessed wasn't a dream. We know you, Louie, and we know what you're like when you get flustered," Huey chips in, eating a pancake. "Besides, we're brothers. It's in our nature to be nosy."

The green triplet grumbled. "I had a dream about Webby, okay? Are we done now?"

"Mhm, we knew that," the red replied, patiently. Dewey merely did a wolf whistle, earning a glare from Louie.

"It wasn't THAT kind of dream!"

"Then what kind of dream was it?"

Louie paused. "I dunno…just…a dream…."

Both Huey and Dewey gave him a look. The youngest triplet tried not making eye contact but sighed when he realized that they wouldn't back down.

"I had a dream that we were dating, alright?!"

"See, that's not so bad," Huey says, giving him a smile. Louie continued.

"And then we kissed."

"Ha! Gross," Dewey exclaimed. Huey stared at Louie, speechless. The green boy didn't feel comfortable under their gazes, so he pulled his hoodie over his head.

"Like I said, it's not real. It's not a big deal."

"Welllll, whatever it is you're going through, try not to make it too obvious when we go to the diner later," Huey told him, half-teasing, half-comforting. They were going to the diner? Oh yeah. Webby did mention that before he zoned out…

"And when's that?" Louie groaned, honestly not looking forward to revisiting the familiar setting. Dewey hummed in thought.

"In an hour, I think."


For that whole hour, Louie tried to go about his day normally…just avoiding a certain someone was the exception. Every time Webby would walk into a room, Louie would walk right out. It didn't happen too often, considering they only had an hour of free time, but he hoped nobody noticed his behavior.

And then…time was up.

"GUYS, COME ON!" Webby's voice bellowed from the foyer. Louie, who was on his bed and listening to music, sighed. He doesn't know why he's turning this into a big deal. He should just stop thinking about it too hard. He's just going out with his brothers and a friend. Something he does every day.

Louie hopped off his bed and headed to the foyer, hands in his pockets. When he reached said foyer, he saw Huey, Dewey, and Webby standing in front of the front doors, apparently waiting for him. Webby had her usual backpack equipped and she looked cheerful.

"Finally," Dewey said when Louie approached. "What took you so long?"

Louie shrugged carelessly. "Took my time."

"Well, now that we're all here, are you guys ready?"


And so they left for the diner. During the whole walk, Webby was chatting animatedly just like before. Dewey and Huey talked as well, but Louie could notice them glancing at him every so often.

Even so, as they were walking, Louie felt normal. It was weird. It's like the after-effects of the dream were finally going away. He wasn't thinking about his dream. He wasn't feeling anything weird. He felt normal again.

Well…he still couldn't meet her eyes, but give him a little more time.

"Dewey, will you tell him that he's wrong?" Webby said to the blue triplet, indicating the red one. Louie had only just tuned in, but he's pretty sure it's the usual argument.

"I'm not though! I'm telling you, Webby, Were-Merducks are. Not. Real." Huey retorted.

"You said the same thing about Terra-Firmians!"

"Yes, well, until I see one for myself, I don't believe it," Huey says. "It's not in the Junior Woodchuck Guidebook."

"It's not in the Junior Woodchuck Guidebook!" Webby mocked, jokingly, earning a laugh from Dewey.

"Didn't we see merpeople on our way to Atlantis?" he asked.

"Those were different creatures. Not Were-Merducks," Huey said, not amused by Webby's impression.

"Hmph. What do you think, Louie?" Webby asked, turning to the green triplet. Louie, who had been silent the whole time, hummed in thought.

"Ehh, after everything we've seen, I wouldn't doubt it," he answered, looking at Webby. Or…just over her shoulders.

"Ha!" Webby exclaimed in victory as Huey rolled his eyes. Louie chuckled, ignoring nagging feeling in the back of his mind.

And then they were there in front of the diner. Webby eagerly rushed in with the triplets following behind. The person at the counter saw the four walk in and playfully rolled her eyes.

"Webby, back again? Should've known," she chuckled. "The usual, I presume?"

"You know it!" Webby cheerfully said, dropping money on the counter then speeding off to their usual table. The boys waddled after her, trying to keep up.

As they sat down at the booth, Louie looked around the setting. He was sitting in the exact spot he was in the dream and so was Webby. The only difference was that Huey and Dewey were here this time, which he was thankful for. Just give him a day. He'll get over the dream eventually.

"Here you go. Four hamburgers," the employee from the counter said, bringing a tray of burgers to their table. Webby clapped happily and wasted no time in munching on her burger.

"Thanks!" she said with a full mouth.

The triplets burst into light laughter at their friend's antics. Louie chuckled as he was once again reminded that Dream Webby and Real Webby were definitely not the same, so he doesn't know why he was worrying earlier. Besides, he likes Real Webby better anyway.

Wait. No, not like that-

"I gotta use the bathroom," Dewey said, giving Louie a certain look. "I'll be back in a bit."

He left the booth and then shot Huey a look. Louie suspiciously glanced between the two, trying to figure out their silent conversation. Huey nodded, and then the blue one left…but not before shooting Louie two thumbs up.

What was that about?

"Uh, yeah…I've gotta…do…something else somewhere else too…" Huey lamely lied, inching his way out of the booth. "Back in a bit!"

He ran off, leaving Louie and Webby alone. All of a sudden, Louie felt…awkward. He felt as awkward as he did in the dream, which he did NOT like.

"What was that about?" Webby asked, confused. Louie pushed those nervous thoughts down as he replied.

"Who knows?" he nonchalantly replied, shrugging.

Louie knows. He's realized what Dewey and Huey were doing and he wanted to strangle whoever planned it. It was probably Dewey. He'll strangle Dewey later.

"So…" Webby started off awkwardly.

"So…" Louie tried.

They were at loss on what to say. An awkward silence fell between them, which was much worse than his dream scenario, to be honest. Louie knew why he felt awkward, but what about Webby?

He looked around the diner, trying to find something to distract himself with or trying to find something to talk about. Nothing.


As he looked around, in a faraway booth he saw Dewey and Huey, watching Louie and Webby from afar. So his theory was right.

"Talk to her!" Dewey silently mouthed. Louie merely shot him a glare.

"So…how have you been?" Webby asked, not making eye contact. Louie looked at her, wondering where that came from.

"Eh, I've been good I guess," he replied lazily smiling. Sure, he's been messed up ever since the dream…but other than that he's been fiiiiine.

"…Are you sure..?"

What startled Louie most was the nervous uncertainty in Webby's voice, as if she were worried about something. What did she mean?

"Uh…yes..? Why wouldn't I be?"

Webby stared down at her half-eaten burger, giving a nervous shrug. "I-I dunno…"

"Webby, just tell me."

For the first time today, Louie made eye contact with her as she turned to look at him. He forced himself not to look away until she told him what's up.

"I-I don't know…it's just that you've been acting kinda strange today..? Or maybe it's just me…" Webby rambled, uncertainty still clear in her voice.

Louie quickly broke eye contact and averted his gaze. A long pause happened before Louie responded.

"…You noticed."

"Yeahhh…" Webby says, playing with the ends of her hair, nervously. "I just wanted to make sure you were feeling alright. Because you know, at breakfast you were acting weird, then later you would leave every time I walked into the room and then you wouldn't look me in the eye- I was just wondering if I did anything wrong or…"

"No, no! You didn't do anything wrong," Louie said, more panicked than he intended. He regained his composure. "I was just…being stupid. Really, it's nothing to worry about."

"Are you sure?"

"Webbs, if you did anything to offend me, I would say it to your face," Louie consoled in his weird way, putting his hand on her shoulder. Still, this made her feel more at ease. At least she knew that he wasn't mad at her or anything.

"So, what IS wrong, then?" Webby asked. "And don't you dare try to say it's nothing."

Well…now's a better time than never, he supposes. He can't just hide it forever. Well…he could, but he shouldn't. It's probably better to rip the band-aid off quicker. Besides, as long as he doesn't make it a big deal, then she won't think it's a big deal.

He braced himself and then spoke as nonchalantly as he could.

"Ahh, you knooow…I just had a…dreamwhereweweredatingit'sstupidreally," he rushed the last part and looked down at his burger. He fell silent so that he could hear her response…but when all Louie was met with was more silence, he looked up.

Webby stared back at him with wide eyes. She seemed stunned.


"Ahaha yeah, dumb, right?" He tried to laugh it off, but her lack of words was making him anxious. "Don't worry, it's not a big deal. I'll probably forget about it by tomorrow. Besides, it was just a dream..!"

"So…you were avoiding me because…?"

"I wasn't avoiding you...well, I-I guess that I was. But you know…the dream kinda made me feel weird so…" Louie hated the way he was stammering. What was with him? "But it's okay now. I've gotten over it, I don't feel weird, everything's normal now."

"Absolutely sure you're okay, then?"

"Webbs, don't worry about it. At the end of the day, we both know that would never happen," Louie says, trying to give a comforting smile. Webby chuckled.

"Haha, yeah."

She laughed, but Louie felt the atmosphere grow uncomfortable again. He recognized Webby's laugh. It was a fake one. What did he say..?

Before he could say anything else, he heard a voice coming towards the two.

"Heyyyyyy, guys!" Dewey said, a grin plastered on his face. He clearly didn't notice the atmosphere. Huey appeared next to him as well. "What did we miss?"

"Not much," Webby replied, giving him a smile. Still, Louie felt like he had said something wrong, but he doesn't know what! Webby's demeanor had become much less…cheerful.

Huey could obviously sense something was off too because he shot Louie a subtle, but questioning look. Louie gave a subtle shrug back.

"Anyway, you guys wanna head back?" Webby asked, sliding out of the booth.

"Yep! Let's go!" Dewey said enthusiastically, taking the three other uneaten burgers in his arms before running towards the exit. Webby laughed and followed after him. Huey and Louie tried to keep up with the two.

As they walked back home, Huey whispered to Louie, "So…what happened?"

"What do you mean what happened?" Louie whispered back. Webby couldn't hear, as she was in front of them, chatting with Dewey.

"You know what I mean."

"I-I dunno…! I just…told Webby about my dream, that's all."

"And then?"

"That's all!"

Huey rolled his eyes and glanced at Webby before looking back at his brother. "You're lying again."


Huey sighed. "Just tell me what you guys said."

"Fine. She asked me if I was alright, I said yeah, she said that she noticed me acting weird all day, I told her it was nothing, she didn't believe me…" Louie rambled, tired of thinking about this.

"Then I had to tell her about the dream, she said "oh", I told her that I only avoided her because I was feeling weird, she asked me if I really was alright, then I said "yeah, besides, we both know it would never happen" and then—"


Huey interrupted Louie's rambling. Louie paused, confused.

"You said that you both know that that would never happen."


"You said that it wouldn't EVER happen."


"So you basically said that you two would never date."

"I…well, yeah?"

Huey brought a hand to his forehead, looking very exasperated. "Louie, no."

Louie, on the other hand, was confused. "What's wrong?"

"You told her…that you would never date her. Think about it like this, Louie. What if she had a crush on you? Imagine how she would feel."

Louie was silent as he stared at Huey. He eventually found his voice again.

"But she doesn't."

"You don't know that!"

"Dude, she's Webby! She doesn't care about that sort of thing..!" Louie protested, whisper-shouting.

"Oh, I'm sorry, are YOU Webby?" Huey sassed.


"Then how would you know?!"


"No." Louie denied, refusing to listen.

"No?" Huey repeated, confused. Louie shook his head.

"There's no way-"

"But it's possible..!" Huey argued, still whispering. Louie cautiously glanced at Webby again to make sure she couldn't hear them.

"No, it's not. Dude, there's no way that she would like me of all people. There are way better options-!"

"Louie..! Crushes aren't exactly rational! You should know this!"

"I know but…I just...someone like her wouldn't like someone like me..!" Louie seethed back. There's just no way.

"Would someone like you like someone like her, though?"

Louie blanched. "What do you mean?"

Huey sighed. "Okay, I'm gonna ask you something and I want the truth. Do you have a crush on Webby?"


"Stop lying to yourself!"

"I don't know, okay?!" Louie said, a bit too loud. Dewey and Webby looked back at the two with startled looks.

"Are you okay?" Webby asked, concerned. Louie could feel himself panic a little bit right there.


Before he knew it, they'd already reached the gate to McDuck Manor. Webby looked at Louie in concern a little longer before she pressed the button on the intercom. "Granny, it's us!"

The gates swung open loudly. Dewey could sense the tension in the air.

"Race you guys inside!" he shouted, running towards the manor. Webby ran after him, trying to ignore what had just happened.

Louie made to follow them, but Huey gripped his shoulder before he could dash.

"We'll talk about this later."

And then he was off, leaving Louie at the gates. The green triplet sighed. He really didn't want the whole dream thing to escalate. He was doing such a good job at ignoring it before, but now he's just messed up even more.

He thought about Huey's words. Did Webby have a crush on him?

…No. Definitely not.

Did he have a crush on Webby?

…No…right? He didn't have a crush on Webby. Today was just a very off day for him.

Ugh…this was all so emotionally exhausting. He really needs to lie down. Louie shook the thoughts out of his head and headed towards the manor alone.

Once he was inside, he headed straight for his bedroom. Hopefully, Huey and Dewey weren't there as well.

When he opened the door, he was glad to see that the room was empty. Louie plopped himself down on his bed and groaned. Today was extremely exhausting. He just wanted to sleep. Eh, it was still pretty early in the day, but one nap can't hurt.

Louie flung his arm over his eyes and tried to rest. Maybe by the time he wakes up, this will have all blown over…

Hey, so, this was a pretty old fanfic that I wrote...last year? I didn't share it for some reason, but I noticed the lack of Loubby fics and so I wanted to contribute SOMETHING. I don't know if I'm gonna add more yet, but if you want me to, let me know! For now, this is it!
