As the car pulled to a halt in front of the Royal Ruby Inn, once again I stayed glued to my seat. After all, being a field agent wasn't my forte. Instead, I watched as Morgan, Hotch, and William filed out, running for the building.
I grasped the radio tightly in my hand, listening to my colleagues as the ran up the stairs and stopped in front of a door. "FBI!" I heard Hotch shout through the static. Nothing. There was a loud crashing sound and I knew someone, most likely Morgan, had broken down the door.
The static rose and I couldn't hear anything except single syllables for twenty or so seconds as fear and welled up inside of me, until Hotch's voice came across crisp and clear, "We need an EMT tech right away."
The panic was back as I pulled myself out of the car, rushing over to the already present ambulance. "They need an EMT as soon as it's clear," I practically shouted.
On of the men nodded, he'd already assumed he'd be needed, but he got out the gurney from the back. I turned away and went back to listening to every crackle of the radio. "Sarah, we don't want to hurt you," Hotch was saying.
"Men," a feminine voice I didn't know replied, distastefully.
"Sarah, my name's William Lamontagne Jr." The New Orleans detective said. "You knew my Daddy?"
"Yeah, yeah," the feminine voice, our unsub Sarah Danlin, replied.
"You trusted him, so trust me," William continued.
"Where is he?" Sarah's voice was full of anger, and I couldn't help the sudden desire to run in there and help, but I knew William had it covered. Even if he wasn't trained for this. Then again, neither was I.
"The storm took him," his voice full of sorrow. "C'mon, it over. It's over," he whispered to the unsub, which was followed by the sound of sniffling, and I knew that William Lamontagne had done, he'd successfully talked her down.
The next thing I knew, Hotch was telling me to send up the EMTs and I was watching as William led a sobbing girl with black hair down the steps of the motel and to the squad car, closely followed by the victim who was strapped onto the gurney.
I slowly made my way over to the EMT I'd talked to earlier. "Will he be alright?"
The EMT nodded and smiled in an assuring manner. "This man has more to worry about from his wife than those cuts."
I muttered a thank you, noticing William was leaning against his car, clearly lost in thought. I slowly made my way over to him, leaning against the car next to him, "hey."
He looked over at me, "hey there."
"The medic says that her victim is going to be okay," I informed him, he just nodded. "I heard what you did in there. Your Dad would be really proud."
After a moment, he spoke, "it's weird. I spent all this time focused on closing this case for him and now it's over."
"Yeah," I didn't know what else to say. I couldn't really relate, I don't think anyone really could.
"I thought I'd be happy, but I just feel lost," he sighed.
"Because you've gotta move on," I finished, I knew that feeling well.
"And now you're leaving?" I was taken a bit by surprise. After all, I didn't even know him all that well it'd been what, two days? "How will I survive with a girl like you going so far away?"
I looked down at my feet, my mind going back and forth on what I should do. I didn't really date, ever. Mainly because the BAU was such a demanding job. But here was this guy who like me anyway, and being a cop would understand better then anyone. Not to mention the fact that he was fairly good looking. So, before I could change my mind I turned to face him. "Well, despite what you may have heard, phones can be very good for your health." I dug a business card, one of the ones with my personal cell number on the back, and handed it to him before I could change my mind. "See ya."
I turned and walked away, replaying what I'd just done him my head. He wasn't going to call, it was just playful banter for him. I was an idiot for falling into the trap that his smooth charm created.
I climbed into one of the rented SUVs, next to Prentiss who nodded hello. Hotch climbed into the drivers seat and Morgan into the passenger. We drove back to the hotel, grabbed our go-bags and started towards the airport, stopping for dinner on the way. When we reached the jet, Gideon and Reed were already on board I said hello before taking my usual seat b Spence who looked a lot worse then usual.
The plane was barely in the air when I was overcome by sleep, nodding off into my seat. When I awoke, the plane had touched down and Spencer was gathering his books while the others stretched.
I got up, grabbed my go-bag from the floor, swinging it over my shoulder as I exited the plane into the early hours of the morning. The ride back to the office was silent, all of us fighting sleep. Upon arrival, we took the elevator up, all too sleep deprived to go for the stairs.
Garcia, like usual, was standing there when the elevator doors opened, bouncing up and down like a child. "Oh your all safe! Another psycho behind bars and not a scratch for any of you!" we all contained our smiles at Penelope's antics, always fretting over our well being.
She gave each of us a hug as we made our way into the bullpen, each of us b-lining for our desks. I opened the top drawer of my desk and pulled out my car and house keys while Hotch informed us that the paperwork could wait until Monday when we were all well rested.
So, as quickly as we'd entered, we left; all of in a dinner parade down to the parking garage. Climbing into my car, I started the fifteen minute drive back to my apartment. The drive was a blur and so was my journey upstairs to my bed.
I awoke the next morning, feeling as if I could still sleep for a further few hours. Ass I groggily lay there, I couldn't quite pinpoint what had awoken me. Brrr-Brrr. My phone vibrated noisily on my bedside table. My movements were sluggish as reached out and grasped it.
"Hello," I said into the receiver, praying that it wasn't Hotch on the other end.
"Jennifer?" A voice with a southern drawl questioned, and after a second it clicked, the detective from our last case.
"Oh hey," I yawned sitting up. I glanced at my alarm clock with a start, it was three in the afternoon. A second later I realized that William had chosen to call me. Maybe he had actually liked me.
"Did I wake you up? I'm so sorry," William said, hearing the sleep in my voice. "I can call you back."
"No it's fine," I said quickly, maybe a little too quickly. "I should be getting up anyway."
"When did you get in?" He asked, sounding genuinely interested.
"About four?" I speculated, standing up, realizing that I'd collapsed in my work clothes when I got home last night.
"Sorry for waking you, I should've realized you'd be asleep when you didn't answer my texts." Texts, I noted, my lips splitting into smile I hoped couldn't be heard in my voice.
"Again, it's fine," I wedged my phone between my ear and my shoulder and pulled off my slacks and exchanged them for a pair of more comfortable sweats, much better.
"So, do you have any plans now that your case is over?" William asked, traffic sounds echoing in the background.
"Nope," I replied.
"Then what are you doing, Jennifer?"
"It's JJ, please," I corrected. I'd always disliked Jennifer, and the only person who I allowed to call me that was my mother. "And I should probably clean my apartment and go shopping," I said when I reached the kitchen, examining the almost bare cupboards in my quest for food. Finding a miraculously unopened bag of Cheetos, I opened it and sat down at my kitchen table.
"Sounds boring," William observed.
I sighed, "it does. But as much as I would like, I can't survive off of Cheetos."
He laughed, a rich full sound, I liked his laugh. "So you like Cheetos, huh?"
"Who doesn't?" I reported.
"My partner on the force, Charlie. He'd rather go sweet than savory," William explained.
"So sad," I sighed transferring him to speaker so I could check my texts. "What are you doing today?"
He said something about going to a bar with some friends, but I only half heard, I was too busy reading what he'd texted me last night:
Hey Jennifer Jareau of the BAU, it's William Lamontagne Jr
It was time stamped 12:36 AM, roughly an hour and a half after I'd given him my phone number, a sign he really did like me.
Hope you got in alright
That one was from 1:16 PM.
"Well, I'll let you get to your shopping. Sorry again for waking you," William said, bringing me back from my thoughts.
"Honestly it's nothing, at least you didn't wake me up like Morgan or Prentiss do when we have a break in a case. Now that's irritating," I sighed.
"Well, I'll talk to you later, JJ," William said.
"Yeah, bye William," I said.
"Please, it's Billy," He said.
"I'm nor calling you that, it makes you sound like a ten year old. How about… Will."
"Better than William," he said indifferently.
"Well, goodbye Will," I told him, a smile spreading across my lips.
"Bye JJ," He said before I heard a click and the line went dead.
I entered his phone number under my contacts as Will before scrolling through the three other texts I'd received. One was from my Mom, asking if I was back in town yet, two from Prentiss saying she was still worried about Spence.
I sent a quick message to my mom before getting up and going to the bathroom to make myself look presentable. I decided I'd text Emily back after I talked to Spence, making a mental note to stop by his place on the way home from the store.
I grabbed my phone and a purse on my way out the front door, all the while thinking about Will.