"And that's our current ratings." Rias concluded. "We should focusing more on contracts as a way to tell our clients that we're still there for them. Can't lose them to the Student Council."

Issei tried paying attention, but the shaking in his body wasn't stopping ever since he met Vali. Ddraig was being vague and it wasn't helping him.

"So Issei as you currently have the lowest rating of 0 contracts I thought we'd prep one for you." Rias said.

"Really? I got to have my hand being held during this new contract." Rias nodded.

"Issei being a devil is more than physical power. Devils can be more. Charming, deceitful, helpful, heathens. These qualities of devil hood make up the foundation of our living and you are just staring at my breasts aren't you."

"No!" Issei tried defending as Akeno laughed.

She slid over and held Issei close. "Rias you shouldn't call him out on this. Our underclassman is just trying to get through."

"I was lecturing him on how there are other things to being a...will you stop hogging him!" Akeno smirked as Issei was trying his best to enjoy her holding him close.

"I'm sorry Rias, but sometimes he's too adorable for his own good. I can't help it." Akeno whispered the last part and made Issei blush. Rias looked on jealousy as the others seemed to be amused by all this.


"Ma'am!" He stood up and broke Akeno's grasp on him. She cooed in disappointment as Rias stepped forward.

"Have Asia follow you on your next few contracts. If you two complete the project then I'll grant you a little gift." She said the last part seductively. Akeno raised an eyebrow while Asia felt the jealousy.

Koneko and Kiba shared a common look as Rias patted Issei on the head. "Besides perhaps learning from the field is more your style than talking to me."

"No, no! I love hearing you talk!" Issei tried to say before Rias shushed him.

"You're already in hot water. Now be a good boy and get a contract." Asia and Issei leave as Kiba and the others are enjoying the show.

Rias sighed. "Sometimes he can be unbelievable."

Her mind flashes back to the fight with Riser. Her pulse spikes up when she puts that sentence to how bravely he took on the royal. Her lips curve upward now. Akeno noticed and tapped her on the shoulder.

"He can be, but that's one of the charms he has." She nudged Rias on the shoulder. She nudged back as the two shared a laugh.


"He was...interesting." Asia said. "At least we got two contracts."

'You...you got two contracts Asia. Of course it's easy for you as most people would be taken back to see a cute blonde as devil. Not to mention that recently you've been shaping up. Hehehe.' Issei thought perversely.

They heard ringing bells and saw two hooded figures near a bucket. "The Lord has sent his children on the precedence of mercy and love. Will you share those with people in need? Any donation will help!"

"Issei, we should donate." Asia said before putting the contracts away.

"Are you sure? Won't the recognize us as devils?" The church was something that Issei never really paid too much attention to ever since a childhood friend moved away.

Asia shook her head. "I didn't recognize you as a Devil when I was nun. It's probably the same with them. Besides donating to help others is something we can do regardless of our religion or side."

"Alright you got me there. We should donate fast though. The next client just used his paper." They looked up and found one of the hooded figures left. Asia walked up to the bucket and dropped a bit of money in there.

"Thank you." The voice was feminine, but with a deeper overtone in the words. "May the Lord be with you."

"And with you." Issei could see the girl's face and saw the blue hair with green stripe. Her face seemed appreciative before it narrowed down to suspicion. "Is something the matter?"

"Did you...used to be with the church?" The woman asked. Before Asia could reply, Issei ran up to her and put a hand over her shoulder.

"Ah that was so nice of you. Let me donate something to." Issei nudged Asia aside to reach for his wallet. He put some money on there before he left with Asia in hand. The lady looked at him with similar suspicion as they left. "Geez that was close."

"Did she know me when I was a nun?" Asia asked.

Issei saw a level of discomfort on her face and pulled her in for a side hug. She fell softly into it as Issei rubbed it slowly. "I'm sure you just look familiar to someone else."

'Though to be fair what kind of blonde looks exactly like Asia. I'd like to think of her as a rare gem.' He started thinking perversely again when Asia tapped on his shoulder.

"Do you know the house we're heading to?" Issei looked at his papers and seemed confused. The third house wasn't there. He scratched his head confusingly.

"Maybe...I remember! It's down here." They walked to the house and approached the door. They knocked on the door, only to find it creak open upon knocking it. Issei felt hairs on the back of his neck come up. He put one hand before Asia and she summoned her Twilight Gear.

The two walked in carefully and saw knocked over furniture. Not only that, but blood splattered all over the floors. Issei's expression went serious as he and Asia walked around. There was a loud clang and the two jumped. They turned to the source of the noise.

Loud footsteps approached them and they saw a priest standing there with a chicken leg popped in his mouth. The priest was sloppy, but what really put them off was the blood on his sword and coat.

"...oh my. DEVILS!" He shouted excitingly. Asia froze upon seeing the priest as Issei stepped up.

"Who are you?" Issei asked.

The priest stood up and licked his blade. He turned and saw Asia behind him. "Little Argento!"

"Father Freed?!" Asia squeaked in fear. Issei put his arm in front of her. Freed laughed maniacally to himself. "What're you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same. I mean the last time we met you left in such hurry when I killed a devil worshipper. Didn't have the stomach to watch a man die from having his intestines pulled out. And here you are later latching behind a devil!" Issei went into his battle stance to which Freed chuckled. "Oh the little devil wants to fight? Well I'd be happy to oblige!"

He jumped up and Issei dodged the first swipe. Freed kept swinging wildly, but Issei remembered the training with Kiba. He was much slower than Kiba and it was easy to read each move he was going to make.

"Hold still you little bitch!"

Issei stepped over a book before kicking it up. It hit Freed in the face before Issei charged in and socked him in the stomach hard. Freed went flying across the house before crashing outside.

Asia watched Issei hop out of the house and approach the fallen priest. "You killed that man. Why?"

"Honestly…" Freed started. "I'm just killing time until I get my next true target. I thought I'd help myself to some vulnerable devil worshippers! Hehehe." Issei stepped on his leg and Freed groaned. "Oh Asia! You're not going to let a mean devil like him beat up a poor man like me."

"Poor man? You had me set up barriers while you did the bloodiest exorcisms."

"And weren't they lovely. It got me in the mood several times, but you wouldn't let me have any!" Issei's aura flared out and Freed looked in crazy awe. "Well that's new. I don't recall dragons doing that."

He was lifted off the ground and Issei pulled him in close. Before anything could be done, a black blur came out and tripped Issei. He fell onto his back and saw Freed being held up by a masked woman.

"Hey what the hell?!" He looked up and calmed down. "Oh, thank you lady."

The lady didn't respond and looked at Issei. She held out her hand and bright light emerged. Issei covered his eyes before seeing a lightspear. His eyes widened when the lady unveiled her black wings.

"A Fallen Angel? You look like...are you Raynare?!" Issei asked. Asia felt her heart stop at the mention of that name.

"Raynare? You mean that bitch tease of a Fallen Angel that died a while back! No way, I would know if this was Raynare and this isn't! This bitch is completely silent." The lady turned to him and Freed stopped talking.

Issei sighed in relief for a second before focusing back on the Fallen Angel. She threw the spear and Issei saw it was aimed at him. It was aimed at Asia! He turned around to save her, but the spear was too close.

"ASIA!" He screamed and Asia covered her face. There was a loud clang and they opened their eyes to see Kiba and Rias there. "Guys."

"I thought something was wrong. The contract to this house expired before you guys got here. I suppose that means the client is dead." Rias stepped up and faced the woman. "Who are you? Speak and perhaps I'll let you off with a warning scar for attacking my servants."

The lady tilted her head before dropping Freed. She turned to priest and gestured a blade.

"Oh that! You must be one after my heart. The old man didn't want me to use it, but the man wouldn't let me!" He cried out before reaching into his pocket. He pulled along blade out and Kiba almost froze with anger. "Behold scum buckets! This is the Excalibur Rapidly and I'll cut circles around you."

"Don't you mean run-" Issei started before Freed cut his arm. Rias and Asia almost shouted before the King fired several balls of destruction at him. Freed dodged each one with the road becoming littered with holes.

"Kiba stop him and get that sword!"

"Never before has an order felt so satisfying." Kiba said before leaping in. His natural speed helped him chase after Freed. The priest and knight were bouncing all around them with only the sparks of their blades being their one indicator.

Issei was healed up by Asia and looked at Rias. "Rias, what's going on? Freed was never this fast when we fought."

"That's because Freed is wielding one of the sacred blades of Excalibur. This one is Excalibur Rapidly and it allows the user to gain tremendous speed." Rias said. "But don't worry. We got Kiba on duty against him. Asia get behind Issei and I. We're going to take down this woman."

The lady let out a small sigh before raising her hand. Light spears formed around her and Rias clenched her fist. She waved her hand and an equal amount of magic circles appeared them. The two woman fired and littered the sky with lights.

The lady covered her face with her arms before seeing Issei pop out from the explosions. She raised her right arm and blocked his strike. His aura burst open and the two began exchanging blows. Issei pushed forward until the lady was kicked from her podium. He dove in and their fists crashed against the other. They caved in the road.

"Wow. I'm pretty tough, but that's just crazy." Issei said to himself. The mysterious woman didn't say anything but pointed a hand to the back. She fired a light spear that blocked Rias's attack.

"Damn it." Rias said. They all heard a loud clang and saw Kiba fall to the ground. He was bleeding in his kneecap. Freed landed and laughed maniacally while waving his gun around.

"Holy bullets fuck boy! Never leave home without them especially because they burn devils like you slowly."

"Kiba!" Asia said before putting her hand over his knee. She began healing tem when Freed aimed his gun at her.

"I don't think so sweet Asia! Now I gotta blow your pretty little brains out!" His finger was one the trigger when Freed felt a massive pain in his cheek. Before he went flying off, Freed could see Issei's fist come in direct contact with his cheek.

And his expression was mad. The priest crashed back inside the house. The inside of the house exploded and Rias looked surprise.

"Issei, what did you do?" She asked.

He took in a deep breath. "I think I hit him into something explosive. Maybe the client left his stove on."

"Yeah not bad at all!" The two turned around and saw Freed standing behind them. "Though to be fair you just threw an explosive mail box. Behold Excalibur Nightmare!"

"He has two Excaliburs?!" Kiba wondered before he grinned. "Good."

Issei got in front of Rias as Freed laughed. "I got to admit if it wasn't for these swords I'd already be dead. However it gets to be you little devil fucks!"

He dashed around and Issei pushed Rias out of the way. He put up a defensive front when Freed began cutting Issei. Little cuts began appearing all over his body and Issei grew increasingly frustrated. Each one stung and Rias could only watch helplessly. She couldn't find an opening.

"Issei, power up! Knock him off his block!" Kiba said.

The teen nodded slowly before a green layer of power appeared. "OVERBOOST!"

His double layered aura appeared and caused massive gusts of wind. Freed was stopped in his tracks and Kiba jumped in. Before he could make it, the lady from before flew in with a light spear in hand.

She thrusted down when a red shield appeared. Rias had her hand up high before clenching her fists. The shield exploded and sent the Fallen Angel back. Kiba continued and landed a deep cut to Freed's side.

Issei appeared behind the priest and punched him from the back. He went spinning in the air, falling until hitting the ground with a loud thud. Issei landed on the ground first before seeing Rias and the Fallen Angel rumble.

"Issei, get to Rias. I'll finish here." He nodded at Kiba, who landed next to Freed and lifted his sword. "End of the line you bastard."

A blade went through flesh and Kiba was surprised to see it appear out from his shoulder. Freed's laughter echoed in his ear as Kiba grunted.

"Yes, end of the line you bastard. I got to admit I was lucky to cast an illusion before good ol' red and green hit me in the back." Freed said while clutching his side. Kiba almost smirked before Freed twisted the blade.

"Kiba!" Asia said when Freed turned to her.

"Not today little girly! That boyfriend of yours won't save you this ti-" He was interrupted when the Fallen Angel crashed right into Freed. Kiba felt the blade leave his shoulder seeing Rias standing there with her hands out and Issei holding her up.

"Yeah keep trying to threaten Asia you son of a bitch!" Issei shouted as they landed next to Kiba. Kiba had his eyes trained on the crater when the Fallen Angel got up first. Her mask was cracked, but not broken. Though now they could see her eyes. They were pink and violet. Issei flinched at the sight when she stands.

Her armor was busted on the side to reveal a hideous scar. She clutched it angrily with a low growl escaping her lips.

"Issei, eliminate. Kiba, heal." Rias ordered. Issei nodded and charged forward. The Fallen Angel caught his fists and a shockwave erupted. The two leapt apart and got into a battle stance.

Kiba, however, felt differently. Asia ran up to his side, but before she could get the chance to Kiba dashed forward. Issei was starting to fight seriously when Kiba shoved him out of the way.

"What Kiba?" Issei asked exasperated as Kiba kicked the Fallen Angel to the ground. Freed got up and saw Kiba running towards him. He reacted quickly and fired several holy bullets. Kiba dodged the first two, but the last one hit his other knee. He fell to the ground and Freed raised his sword.

"So rash to death...I love it!" Freed screeched as he brought it down. Kiba couldn't dodge, but saw Issei get in front of him. The blade pierced his hand and Issei tried holding back his scream. Freed took the opportunity to move the blade like a saw. "Goody two shoes devil deserves this!"

He was about to push more when a red and black tendril broke through the ground and impaled his arms. He grasped in surprised before seeing Rias looking mighty pissed.

"Enough." She clenched her fists and raised him higher.

Freed didn't seem deterred. "Ooh. I love some good old pain. It makes the experience more memorable!"

Rias was about to continue, the Fallen Angel was back up and kicked Rias. She went flying back before Asia catched her. The two devil hit the concrete walls. Issei was on his knees while Kiba couldn't move his other leg.

Freed fell to the ground and couldn't pick up his swords. There were holes in his arms from Rias. He got up and hobbled over to the Fallen Angel.

"Shall we finish them?" The Fallen Angel looked at him and shook her head. "Why not?! We got them on the ropes!"

She pointed at the crater and Freed saw Issei standing up. Steam erupted from his wound and healed all. His aura wasn't there, but Freed could see his iris began taking up another hue.

The Fallen Angel's fingers twitched when she saw it then clenched them into a fist.

"Ok the kid's got a new eye color and I'm starting to see why you want to go." Red formed an outline over Issei.

"Hey is it suppose to be this hot?" Issei's face went stoic when he let his presence be felt. Rias got up first and felt the heat.


His eyes snapped back to normal and his expression returned to normal. Freed and the Fallen Angel back up until a magic circle formed around them. They disappeared, but Issei caught the hateful glare of the Fallen Angel.

A moment passed before Issei fell to his knees. "I woke up from my nap this morning for a simple contract. I honestly didn't expect it."

Rias got up and brought Asia back. The two girls helped the boy up when Asia healed Kiba up. Issei was having his turn when a slap was heard.

"You disrespected my orders and almost got yourself and Issei killed. Why did you disobey?"

Kiba didn't answer and Rias took in a deep breath. "Kiba, look at me when I'm talking to you."

"Kiba?" Issei asked. Kiba didn't move.

"I'm sorry, Rias. I let my emotions fool me. I thought I could handle the priest while Issei fought the Fallen Angel."

"You were wounded and by nothing less than an Excalibur. I know of your past with them, but there are others to consider now in your life."

"Those swords need to be destroyed! My past, all my friends from before are gone because of them! I will apologize for getting the others killed, but I will not apologize for my actions against those with Excalibur."

Rias didn't looked fazed by this. "Are you going to do this? I thought I taught you how to move on."

"Not from this. If there is a man wielding Excaliburs then that means there's more. And I will not let you or anyone else stop me." He stepped up to Rias with a challenging glare. Asia and Issei flinched at Rias who began to glow.

"You were rash, hot tempered, and dangerous during this battle. Go home." Those words was all she said. Kiba's glare wavered before he darted and walked past her. "Kiba, this discussion is far from over."

He huffed angrily and continued to walk away. Rias sighed tiredly before looking at Issei and Asia. She raised her hand and a barrier formed. "We should leave too. I'll begin a mind wipe in the morning."

"Yes President." The two answered.


An old man was standing outside of his new garden and dug up some new flowers. He moved his left hand and watch it shake when he grabbed the shovel. It fell from his hand and the man cursed before he picked it up with his right hand.

"Well, well if it isn't the former Red Emperor." The old man stopped digging and turned around.

"Good evening Orphis. What brings you to my place?"

"It was too noisy in the Underworld. Sounded like Tanin, but when I checked it out it was Ddraig. Which is weird because I thought you were the only one with the Boosted Gear." The old man smirked before holding out his left hand. The gauntlet appeared and Orphis's disappointed reflection shone through the dull light.

"Interesting is it not? I sacrificed my connection to Ddraig to live and years later he returns."

Orphis tilted her head. "Dragon Spirit then, huh? I guess that explains all the noise. His current user is a loudmouth using his power. It's because of him that I'm here."

"...whatever your business is with him will have to wait. I need to reclaim my dragon." The old man responded. He grunted before the boosted gear broke apart. The metal disappeared and his left hand fell to his side.

She giggled at his condition before floating over towards him. "My business can help you cover that. If you will help me in my cause."

The old man saw her wave a hand over him. Color returned to his face and strength poured back into every cell of his body. "Orphis. You would go as far as give me power to help out your cause. Interesting."

"Silence is what I desire and in this current age with loudmouths I tolerate few. I can help regain Ddraig if you help me with this."

The old man flexed his left arm and summoned the Boosted Gear. The metal looked shiny and the jewel sparkled in the night. However the symbol on it was different. It had the symbol of the Infinite Dragon.

"I already put a plan at the ready to deal with the new Red Emperor, but as thanks I will put your power behind this plan. You can trust me, I am a man of my word." He said. Orphis giggled before flying over to the next room.

She floated above the bed and took note of the long hair poking outside the sheets. "I see. You're guest will play a role in this?"

"Of course and…" He waved his hand summoned ancient rune. The symbols were carved into the air. "A little spell of manipulation to go along for the journey. Though enhanced with your power I wonder."

He put his right hand on the symbols and pumped in magic. The orange symbols turned purple and sparkles brighter. The old man smiled as Orphis yawned.

"Well then let me not bother you and let you go."

She disappeared and left the old man alone. He picked up the runes and looked out the window. "It'll be easier to hide your power now until the reveal. Freed's doing his job and as such the Fallen Angels will be pleased. My first victim is still Valper Galilei. Rise my servant once more and prepare to continue our plan with the Fallen Angels."

The sheets fell off as his new servant bowed respectfully. She stood up proud despite the nasty scar on her abdomen given to her by the new Red Dragon Emperor from the old church.