Hi this KamenriderSentaiYuGiOh or KSYGO for short anyway this is going to be my FIRST STORY EVER on anyway i want to say thank you the writers like ThatTallGuy,HaretaSora,Pain17ification,Juubi no Shinju,hussbek, and so many other writers because they the reason why I made my Fanfiction also I in this Fanfic Rally will be female, also i'm might use real life rules for the stander duel or the anime rules but turbo duels will stay the same DISCLAIMER:i don't own Naruto or YuGiOh, also any other anime character show up. Naruto going replace Greiger
"hey!""watch where your going!brat!""My Cabbages!"
"My bad!, sorry about that!" a 12 year old boy yelled out to the crowed of people & cabbages seller that accidentally knocked over cart as he ran through.
the boy in question had dark Blond spiky hair, his had light skin as he had brown eyes he also had a average body built with an round face with 3 whisker marks on each side of his face and was 5'0 foot tall, he was wearing a black jacket over a red and black shirt with dragon design on it and was wearing a pair of black pants,with a red book-bag with his duel disk on the side of it, his name is Naruto Yuki.
"OK,I need to kick myself into gear if i don't want be late for fortune-cup " Naruto said as he race toward new domino fortune-cup.
[15 Minutes of running later]
Naruto got to the fortune-cup , breathing hard as if a vacuum cleaner stole his air away from him, as soon he got his second wind he went to the office to get sign in to show he was here
[5 Minutes later]
the 12 year old boy was walking toward where he was told to meet the Duelist as he walking the he sees a Group of 5 people he so decide to greet them
"uh Hi there i'm Naruto Yuki,nice meet all" Naruto Greeted them as he scratch the back and grinned
"hi there, I'm Yusei Fudo your Naruto right?" Naruto hear a male voice to his right, so he turn to see a young Man with tan skin, an average looking physique, black hair with gold highlights, and royal blue eyes. The upper layer of his hair juts upward while the lower layer arches down. wearing a long-sleeved blue jacket with a high collar and amber gems, over a sleeveless black shirt with a red symbol, and wears gloves below his elbows with an amber gem on them. His lower body consists of black jeans with amber knee pads, a belt with two Deck holsters hidden under his jacket (one for his standard Deck and one for his Turbo Duel Deck), and calf-high motorcycle boots.
"yeah, nice to meet you " Naruto said as he stick his hand toward Yusei and Yusei shook it "So any of you in the tournament ?" Naruto ask the older male as
"I'm and so is luna " Yusei said as he think back to the crimson Dragon with his duel against with jack
"Hey! Amnesia man! come on!" Boyish but tying to sound like a girl voice was heard Naruto and Yusei turn their heads toward the voice that they heard, Naruto & yusei sees a "girl" around his age if not a year younger
"she" was wear consisting of a light pink short-sleeved jacket over a long-sleeved red shirt with golden markings. "She" also wears light purple shorts with a red belt and sneakers with black and pink markings and high socks,"she" also had green hair that is done up in two high ponytails on either side of her head with two shoulder-length bangs on both sides of her face. wearing too much make up
Naruto just stare at "her" then turn to and says " do you know this cross-dresser, Yusei" as his eye brow raise bit, as Yusei chuckle a bit at as The"cross-dresser" was Sputtering embarrassment, As a kid that has brown hair and eyes, also wearing glasses as he wears a white collared shirt with a red bow tie and suspenders, navy blue shorts, white knee socks, and brown dress shoes. trying hold back his laughter as girl was giggling as she a big hat with rain jacket as if she in hiding
Weren't the only ones laughing either the older men laughing
" hang on I an't any cross-dresser I'm just taking my sister place for the tournament since she doesn't want to do it and the name's Leo not cross-dresser "cross-i-mean Leo said before he realize he messed up
Luna sigh and frowned then said"Away go Leo" thinking that she'll be force to duel now
Naruto saw this and smile at her then " Don't worry, this can be our little secret" Luna smile back with slight blush on her on face then said " Thanks"
Naruto wave it and said " Don't worry about plus your cuter when smiling" this cause her blush to grow bigger
" well time for us to gets our game on" Naruto said with a grin then turn to Leo " You might want to wash that makeup from face"
"alright, but only if Mr. Amnesia man tells me his name first"Leo said to Yusei as he didn't hear Yusei introduced himself to Naruto
" Don't worry going to hear it once we are on the stage" Yusei said as he heads toward the stage
Naruto grinned as he walk to the stage with Leo following behind as both of them are excited to battle against strong duelists
The contestants all appear in the middle of the Stadium as they are introduced by the Announcer, The audience spots Yusei's criminal mark and begin to mutter amongst themselves.
Naruto Got annoyed by this and walk over to the MC and takes his microphone and points to Yusei and said " OK Before we start let me tell you all he is undoubtedly a Duelist, selected under the same conditions as all contestants. Having cards, marker or not, they are all the same, no one here should be ashamed of anything, what really matter is the spirit of a duelist" he walks back where he standing not before giving back the microphone to he Announcer
The crowd remains silent until Rex Goodwin applauds Naruto, after which everyone follows. Goodwin thanks Naruto and reminds everyone of the equality of the players.
The MC announces who will be in the first round as the screens pairs up the players. Leo is put in the first Duel against Naruto.
Finally finish this chapter, yes, i hope enjoy, ciao
Next chapter 2 the duels begins