How did it come to this?
Chapter 1 Beginning of the End
My feet pounded against the stone while my chest heaved from the lack of oxygen, but no matter how much I want to rest I can't, they're still too close. My scarf flew behind me as I continued to run through the deserted city streets and the longer I kept moving the more my body protested. Every muscle ached with each new stride and I knew I was losing ground when the footsteps behind me became steadily louder. I had to take a chance. Flying around a corner I skidded to a grinding halt as two men entered the other side of the alley. I backed away a few steps and turned around only to find the other two from before blocking my escape –I was surrounded.
Without a plan I bolted straight towards them. A part of me hoped that I could force my way past them, but whatever hope I had died when I felt a sharp pain pierce my chest. I went numb. I could vaguely hear the sclick of a knife when it was pulled out but besides that nothing else registered. I couldn't even comprehend my words as they escaped my lips and I fell backwards onto the cold stone. It seemed as if one moment I was standing and the next I was sprawled on my back with my lifeblood flowing out. Why? That was the one question that pervaded my thoughts. Seconds ticked by and the blood began to pool underneath me. It wasn't long before blood loss began to affect my thinking and everything blurred. Yet somehow whether it was willpower or some other force, I was able to recall the last few days to the forefront of the haze. And I wondered how things had become so dire.
I mean how did my life become so twisted that it would end like this? I was just a normal girl- I'm four foot seven with a face that could be easily lost in a crowd and a socially awkward personality. It doesn't get any more generic than that and yet I still found myself bleeding out in a country I didn't even consider home. Seconds turned to minutes and my thoughts were becoming even more muddled, but one thing managed to climb to the surface of my consciousness. It was him. The single image jogged my memory and I smiled in remembrance as the last few months flashed before my eyes.
The sound of sneakers squeaking against the court echoed throughout the stadium. Both competitors were panting but they refused to relinquish any ground to the other. They batted the ball back and forth with precision and the crowd watched in pure awe of the spectacle before them. The battle of wills lasted a full five minutes until one was able to knock the ball out of the others reach. A cheer rose from the crowd and several spectators screamed their approval. The celebration died down quickly, however, and the competitors took to their starting positions to begin once again.
Each point was a battle in their long and grueling war and each victory could quickly become another loss. Their rackets were their tools of choice and they themselves were the soldiers in a long fought skirmish. Each truly personified the term one man army. Yet their battle was drawing to a close. One of the combatants began to lose the pace and the other quickly took advantage of it to secure the victory.
A proud smirk lighted the victors face and I felt a smile worm its way to my mouth in return. I found it bizarre that someone of his caliber would be attending my high school but I tried my best not to dwell on it. The athletes shook hands with each other, and both seemed genuinely happy with the work they had put in. Even the loser seemed not to begrudge the win and the two exchanged a brief conversation. It was at this time that I noticed people were starting to filter out of the stands and I rose to follow. It was already later than I was would have liked so I decided it would be best to head straight home- I did have school tomorrow after all.
I almost didn't get up the next morning. I knew that the match would cause me to miss a few hours of sleep, but I didn't expect to be this exhausted. Slamming the button on my alarm I begrudgingly got ready for school. When I entered the school building I couldn't help but yawn. My eyes felt like bricks and I was worried that if I closed them they would never open again. Every time I blinked it was a struggle for consciousness but I slowly trudged towards my first class of the day. It was inevitable that I would blank out for a moment; I just didn't know how much of an impact it would have on my life. My eyes stayed closed a moment to long and when we collided everything I was carrying scattered across the floor. Immediately my eyes flew open and I shook myself awake.
"You alright?"
A deep masculine voice filled my ears while my eyes struggled to catch up. When everything had taken shape once again it took my brain a second to comprehend exactly who it was standing before me.
He pulled his hat down tighter over his head but made no move to help me up. I didn't move from my seat on the floor and he waited until I had control of my mouth. Even with his short stature he was taller than me as I sat, though I wasn't exactly tall either.
"I-I'm okay."
I quickly got up and brushed off my skirt. I was making a fool of myself. To disguise my awkwardness and I began to retrieve my books and papers from the floor. He looked at me skeptically and removed the candy cigarette from his mouth.
"You sure?" I nodded and gathered the rest of my belongings. Once everything was back where it belonged I bowed to him.
"Sorry for bumping into you!" I said it a little too loudly and several students turned to look in my direction. I blanched and scurried off to my classroom.
The rest of the day I avoided him just in case he recognized me. After school my thoughts took a turn for the worse as I thought about how I had completely blown my chance to impress my idol. Instead of presenting myself as calm and composed I looked like an idiot with their head in the clouds.
Sighing I opened the gate to the practice court. No one would be here until around five thirty so that gave me plenty of time to release my pent up frustration. I left my bag by an available bench and went to grab my gear from my locker. I didn't actually have anyone to practice with so usually I would just hit the ball back and forth against the wall until I missed. Occasionally I would practice serves but I was so bad I didn't really feel like it today. Removing one of the tennis balls from the container I faced the wall and raised my racket. I swung through and all my stress melted away in the blink of an eye.
It was cathartic and methodical work that occupied my hands but left room for my thoughts. I meditated on my day and let the muscle memory guide me through the motions. Practicing always helped me to view things with a clear conscious and I came here almost every day for that reason alone. I lost track of how long I kept the ball in play but at last I finally missed the return. Loosening my grip on the racket I eased my stance and sighed in satisfaction.
"What are you doing here?" I dropped my racket in surprise and it landed perfectly on my foot. I clutched it in pain and jumped up and down to keep my balance. When the pain ceased and I could walk again I picked up the offending object started again. At the very least it made it impossible for him to read my expression, and consequently my thoughts.
"I'm practicing."
"I can see that, but why?" I missed the ball again and sighed in annoyance before getting another.
"It helps me think."
"Hmmm." He didn't say anything for a while as I continued. Ball hitting racket was the only sound besides my sneakers and I found it soothing for my newfound nerves. I did my best to ignore his presence and continue uninhibited but his gaze on my back made it impossible and I missed the ball far sooner than I had last time.
"Your zone defense is pretty good." The comment took me by surprise and I froze in my spot and looked away.
"Oh uh T-thanks." I went to retrieve an already used ball but kept dropping it the more I tried to pick it up. Several more attempts later and I just decided to bounce it into the air with my racket and catch it. I assumed he had left during this but when I turned he was still there leaning against the fence face unreadable. His compliment kept ringing in my mind and my stress was starting to return because of it. Gathering the rest of the tennis balls I prepared to leave.
"You ever consider joining the tennis club?" I stopped packing my gear and looked to see if he was serious, apparently he was.
"No it didn't occur to me, besides I'll probably get bored after a while and pick up something else." I said that last part more to myself -It was the truth after all. I was more of a jack of all trades kind of person, good in most master of none. Plus I would get bored being tied down to one sport and my lack of interest usually translated to poor performance. Once I finished packing up I zipped my bag and slung it over one shoulder.
"Ryoma Hoshi."
"Huh?" I hadn't even started walking and he had stopped me in my tracks.
"I never told you my name its Ryoma Hoshi." I was pretty sure there wasn't a person in school who didn't know his name but I decided it would be best to keep that to myself. I met his eyes carefully.
"Saiyuri Sato."
We had a silent exchange for a minute while both of us let the scene play out to determine the other. Neither of us ended up breaking the silence and I finally left the court not quite sure what to think of Ryoma Hoshi the Ultimate tennis pro.
So how was it? Feedback of any kind is very welcome, criticism or no. Anyway for those of you who have finished the game (If you haven't what the heck are you doing on ) I know this doesn't line up with the canonical ending of the game. Please keep in mind that I started this before finishing the game and darn it I'm finishing it! Lastly in regards to the character of Ryoma I feel like pre-killing game he would still be stoic just less jaded than his portrayal in DRV3. Anyway that's all so adieu.